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@Pandya Oh ok.. btw when I read commentaries and Yoga Sutras then I feel my concenteration power is increasing greatly....
I just go on practicing what Sutras and commentaries say...
@Pandya Oh ok... we will discuss latter then on this topic...
@Tezz Btw, regarding to Dhyana, Upanishads/Vedanta briefly preach to Dhyana on Atman and Brahman. It doesn't explain how to deeply.
@Tezz Whereas if one want to learn Dhyana then I think Yoga is what it is about right?
@Pandya yes you are right .... however Svetasvatara Upanishad gives somehow information like position of body etc... while performing Dhyana...
@Pandya Yes, Yogic Dhyana helps to give more clear perception to understand Vedantic Brahman...
@Tezz now, the question is Can one go through Upanishads only for approaching to Brahman or he should refer to Yoga for learning Dhyana? (As we know Upanishads are purly spiritual and represents Atman/Brahman, it doesn't provide much information on Dhyana, rathet they do describe Param Satya directly)
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; वर्णप्रसादः स्वरसौष्ठवं च ।<br>
गन्धः शुभो मूत्रपुरीषमल्पं<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; योगप्रवृत्तिं प्रथमां वदन्ति ॥ १३॥<br>
The precursors of perfection in yoga, they say, are lightness and healthiness of the body, absence of desire, clear complexion, pleasantness of voice, sweet odour and slight excretions. <br>
As gold covered by earth shines bright after it has been purified, so also the yogi, realising the truth of Atman, becomes one with the non−dual Atman, attains the goal and is free from grief.<br>
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@Pandya Yoga helps to expand our consciousness with help of body but Vedanta does it with Knowledge but second one is very slow.
@Pandya Everything procedure we do for mingling (for union) with Brahman is Yoga. Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga. it's not mandatory to always to sit in Padmasana in yoga.
@Pandya what I think is Yogic Dhyana is needed to perceive Atman/Brahman clearly... although we know "This universe is illusion." But still we do not perceive universe as illusion..so Knowing should actually be experiencing (not just knowing) which is possible through Regular practice concenteration and yoga...
@Tezz one such method is Jnana Yoga through Upanishads. It is also yoga.
@Tezz to be honest I want to clear Upanishadic and Yogic Dhyana for the approach to Param Satya.
@Pandya Swami Sivanananda site may help you.
@TheDestroyer I know it's not mandatory to sit in Padmasana in Yoga.
@Pandya Svet upan. 2.9 also says:
The yogi of well regulated endeavours should control the pranas; when they are quieted he should breathe out through the nostrils. Then let him undistractedly restrain his mind, as a charioteer restrains his vicious horses.
@Pandya Best way is utilizing Physical Yoga and Vedanta (Jnana). Quick and best as per my opinion, with Karma Yoga.
@TheDestroyer yes ... Jnana yoga..
@TheDestroyer I'm not looking for resources this time, instead I need fruitful discussion with knowledge person that's why I've said earlier "let me discuss with Tezz" ; don't mind.
@Pandya ohh ok. Site has basic intro.
@Pandya we can do Pranayamas and Dharanas by yogic method so that we can have clear perceptions and intellect.. and in the same time we can also go with Vedantic teachings... like meditations on Mahavakyas and Brahmavidyas... In this way I think one reaches to Parama Satyam...
@Pandya Gita also says "Mind is the cause of bondage and liberation..." So, any method which helps to control mind are useful...
@Tezz Yes. Btw, whay do you think Adi Shankaracharya should had followed Yoga path or not?
@Tezz Yes, thanks for your valuable suggestion.
@Tezz @Pandya BTW, best translation of Patanjali Yoga Sutras with Vyasa Bhasya is by Pandit Usharbudh Arya.
@Pandya "Adi Shankaracharya should had followed"... ? (I don't understand clearly)...
@Tezz nice points shared by you (i m in agreement with many of them)
@TheDestroyer Oh... ok..
@Tezz but I have only Samadhi Pada.
@RakeshJoshi Thank you!...
@Tezz I mean आदि शंकरचार्य ने योग-ध्यान से परम सत्य को जाना होगा या सिर्फ उपनिषद्-ध्यान से या combination of both?
@TheDestroyer do you have Swami Vivekanandas commentary on it ?..
@Tezz Ganghadar Jha also made a translation but Pandit Usharbudh Arya is best as he explains each sutra very clearly.
@TheDestroyer Do you have it?
@Tezz Yeah. I have it. I think that is included in complete works.
@Pandya I think he knew through combination of both... actually Yoga and Vedanta are intertwined...so one can't say that I do only one...
@Pandya Yes. but i was able to get only Volume 1. I searched a lot for volume 2.
@TheDestroyer Oh ok...
but i want to add that dhyana is integral part of every system. wheter indian or western

further Adi shankaras approach did have yogic and tantrirc methods

there will be certainly activation of chakras / kundalini as it happens during the progress in spiritual path.

even if a moslem or christian , if they advance in the spiritual path, there will be kundalini come into play . though he may or may not be aware of concept of kundalini
@RakeshJoshi Yoga is Indian or Hindu Science. Don't say western. Shiva is Adi Yogi.
@RakeshJoshi are you initiated in Kashmiri Shaivism.. ?..
i m saying whoever progresses in spiritual path will surely have these experences
@Tezz ok. I'm decided to go with Yoga-Dhyana with Upanishada Preaching. (Combination). Btw, Upanishads are our favourite, we can't forget it's preaching for just a moment!
i m initiated into yoga (with some tantric injunctions )
@Pandya I think some Vedantins reject Yoga because of Philosophical differences but Practically Yoga is best.
@RakeshJoshi Oh... I think you know about Shaktipaata ... do you?...
@RakeshJoshi who initiated you?
again shaktipaata is also ESSENTIAL part of GENUINE INITIATION irrespective of religion or cult
@RakeshJoshi did you receive Shaktipaata initiation?..
my guru was not famous in public . he used to live in Kerela . His name Sri Yogi Mohan. 2015 august he left his physical body\
yes if there is no shaktipaat then there is no actual initiation itself.
@RakeshJoshi There are many charlatans in India who say they do Shaktipata but nothing happens. fraudsters are increasing.
@RakeshJoshi ok.
@TheDestroyer Yes, @KeshavSrinivasan has raised that Yoga Darshana is rejected in Brahma Sutra. That's why I was little confused but I think we can use Yoga in the approach of Parama Satya with basing Upanishadic Preaching - Clear /cc @Tezz
@Pandya @TheDestroyer Yoga says Dhyana ia necessary.. Vedanta says knowledge of Brahman is necessary.. now If I do Dhyana on Vedantic teachings (like Mahavakyas and soon)... then we do both: Yoga and Vedanta...
@RakeshJoshi What is your experience of Shaktipaata?
@Tezz Absolutely Right!
@RakeshJoshi Isn't Shaktipaata instant enlightenment... ?..
at present if you want to try then best is mahayoga (siddhayoga) of maharastra

they do distant initiation also (i havent taken but heard its genuine)

Kaka maharaj was of that lineage and quite famous he was for this but he left body recenrly
there is nothing called as "instant enlightenment" if shaktipaat is enough then what is the need of sadhana? this word will hold no meaning then.
@Tezz What made Vedantins to reject Yoga? I only know philosophy of Kundalini Yoga. They also feel world as real and more Shiva oriented. What's exact philosphical difference?
Star this; it's Tezananda's Preaching!
@RakeshJoshi can one feel movement of energy on chakras like Muladhara etc.. during Shaktipata ?...
Yes I also hold the view that world is REAL and not ILLUSION. as opposed to vedanta

moreover vedas do not call world as unreal.
Haha lol.. @Pandya
@RakeshJoshi See Kala Suktha of Atharva VEda.
@Tezz yes there is some sensations of energy which can be felt in physical body also
@RakeshJoshi well it depends on intrepretations of Vedas which make one think whether World is real or illusion...
@RakeshJoshi So you believe in Kashmiri Shaivism? I'm curious, given that you're a Tamil person how did you come to believe in Kashmiri Shaivism rather than Shaiva Siddhanta?
@Tezz yes but as such no word as jagat mithya etc in the main veda as far as i know
@RakeshJoshi Not all Vedanta philosophies call the world an illusion. I believe in Visistadvaita, which says that the world is real.
@Tezz Kundalini raising should be very gradual for stable results. Unfortunately, it became business.
@Tezz actually I would have similar conclusion before starting discussion but by discussion with you, it get more clear and दृढ! Thanks
@RakeshJoshi yes but there are statements like "There is in it no diversity"... "This all is this self"... "World kept in time is seen as many"..
@RakeshJoshi did you personally experienced energy in Chakras during Shaktipata initiation... ?..
i do believe in kashmir shaivism but that is not the ONLY ideology i believe. i m born and raised in chennai i m naively from gujarat

but regions dont matter to me .. as i belive vasudhaiva kutumbakam
@KeshavSrinivasan He is of Gujarathi origin settled in Tamilnadu.
@RakeshJoshi who is your Ista Deva?
@TheDestroyer yes it has become business... if you see in Youtube we can find tons of nonsense videos related to chakras...
yes i did feel but i can share only up to a certain extent.

Yes Vedas do say "self alone exist" "there is only one reality"

but jagat is not unreal because jagat , me , you all are same part of creation . ( its willing manifestation )
Ok. Continue your discussion and Best of Luck to @RakeshJoshi I think you'll surely get some more information/knowledge here.
@TheDestroyer "Isochronic tones for chakra activation" full 3 hrs. 8hrs. etc... Lol...😀😀
@Pandya Thank you also... I got opportunity to discuss with you...
@Tezz Kali Demon is happy. 😀😁
@RakeshJoshi Oh, what other ideologies do you believe?
@RakeshJoshi well I agree with you.. because Jagat is also real for some level...
yoga , tantra, some eastern thinkers i do follow like lao tzu
in some matters i do have agreement with osho also ..
also i am inspired by kabeer
also veda (not aadi or anta but veda as it is)
@RakeshJoshi haha. I think you have bad opinion on Vedanta.
yes i do
@RakeshJoshi What Upanishads did you read?
I think Vedanta means conclusion of Vedas not end of Vedas .... @RakeshJoshi
if vedanta is conclusion then what is beginning ?
@RakeshJoshi Oh, I have quite a bit of familiarity with Lao Tzu and Taoism, having read the works of Raymond Smullyan. In any case, what issues do you disagree with Visistadvaita on?
Let me quote one thing before leaving:
अध्यात्मविद्या विद्यानां - BG 10.32
@KeshavSrinivasan wait! He first disagrees with Vedanta. We can ask him Visista Advaita later. :P
@RakeshJoshi the beginnings maybe Arthavaadas present in Vedas...
i m reasonably new to lao tzu.. have started recently
Haha.. lol @TheDestroyer
Ramanujas talks were far more logical than Sankaras .
@RakeshJoshi There was originally a 20-chapter Mimamsa Shastra consisting of the 12 chapters of the Purva Mimamsa Sutras, analyzing the Karma Kanda of the Vedas, the 4 chapters of the Devata Kanda Sutras, analyzing the Devata Kanda of the Vedas, and the 4 chapters of the Brahma Sutras, analyzing the Jnana Kanda of the Vedas. The Devata Kanda Sutras are lost now though.
@RakeshJoshi Is "World an illusion", illogical for you and main point you disagree with Shankara?
there is nothing like jnana kanda or karma kanda

it might be a classification as per meemamsakas

for them it will be alright
there are many points i disagree .. if i startt saying then the whole night will not be sufficient :D
@RakeshJoshi So there's a progression, first a student studies the Purva Mimamsa Sutras, then he studies the Devata Kanda Sutras, and finally he studies the Brahm sutras. See my post here for details: medium.com/@lugita15/…
@RakeshJoshi haha.. lol..
@RakeshJoshi Yes, I agree that Ramanuja is more logical. In any case, what do you disagree with in Ramanuja's views?
not many fellacy in logic of ramanuja
but anyhow there is a need of taking vedas as a whole

there has been only "fighting" and "word wars" in the name of vedanta so far
@RakeshJoshi Then you shouldn't blame Vedanta. You should blame Vedantists.
technically you can also start a new school of vedanta if you have logic and well versed in sanskrit
@RakeshJoshi haha.. true!..
not joking really ...
u have to just comment on some upanishad, geeta and BS
@RakeshJoshi But Guru Parampara is also important, though nowadays 21st century people are not considering it.
@RakeshJoshi yes, I am also saying it's true... people can come up with new Darshans like Ardha Advaita... Ardha Vishistadvaita... etc.. etc...
@TheDestroyer to start new school one can get initiations even in dreams.. 😀😀 so Guruparampara is also fulfilled...
some xyz name you say ... whats big deal in claiming guru parampara ?
say some acharya (gaudapada) was born in dwapara yuga and was alive until now and youmet him in himalayas he initiated you and went back to samadhi
when someone can claim that his guru from previous yuga came and initiated him then everything is possible in VEDANTA :)
@RakeshJoshi do you worship anyone or only give importance to Yoga?
i m deovtee of shakti
@RakeshJoshi ok. Me too. Shiva Shakti combined.
@KeshavSrinivasan if you think ramanuja was more logical then what point of justifying sankara?
yo vedAdau svaraH prokto vedAnte cha pratiShThitaH |
tasya prakRRiti-lInasya yaH parassa maheshvaraH ||

means what is there is the vedas is also established in vedanta. . there is no diffrences or classifications .
@RakeshJoshi Keshava doesn't justifies Shankara... he is a Sri Vaishnava (follower of Ramanujacharya)...
@RakeshJoshi I don't justify Adi Shankara. I completely disagree with him. I'm a follower of Ramanuja, i.e. a Sri Vaishnava,.
@Tezz Haha, we said it at the same time.
some places i saw you are saying about interpolations against sankara
@KeshavSrinivasan haha...
in that sri vaishnava allo there is controversy ... Y shape tilak and U shaped :P
@RakeshJoshi Yes, I think the Garuda Purana's description of Adi Shankaracharya as a rebirth of Manimat is an interpolation. But I still completely disagree with him.
@RakeshJoshi I think that verse means "He who transcends the Vedas and established in Vedanta and he who takes Prakirti in the end time is Maheswara"...
padma puran says that a brahmin will be born in the era of kali with name sankara and will pollute entire sanatana dharma
@@RakeshJoshi but obviously we will have different intrepretations...
@RakeshJoshi Is Yoga free of controversy and war of words? (Just asking as i don't have much knowledge about Yoga School of thought).
transcend vedas ?means beyond jnana ?
@RakeshJoshi Yes, that is the difference between Thenkalais and Vadakalais, which I discuss here:
A: What is the difference between Thenkalai and Vadakalai sects of Sri Vaishnavism?

Keshav SrinivasanFirst of all, these aren't the two main sub-sects of Vaishnavism, they are the two main sub-sects of Sri Vaishnavism. There are other Vaishnava Sampradayas, like the Gaudiya Vaishnava sect that ISKCON adheres to. What distinguishes Sri Vaishnavas from other kinds of Vaishnavas are mainly two th...

@RakeshJoshi That chapter is interpolation. It's in Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana. Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana is of Spurious authencity. But SHankara is Shiva as said by other Puranas such as Kurma Purana.
@RakeshJoshi here is how is it translated by Swami Vimalananda:
XII-17: He is the Supreme Lord who transcends the syllable Om which
is uttered at the commencement of the recital of the Vedas, which is
well established in the Upanishads and which is dissolved in the primal
cause during contemplation.
@RakeshJoshi another translation can be
"Lord Maheswara is the one who is spoken by Vedas and who is established in Vedantas. He is the one who dissolves the Prakirti unto him finally."
@RakeshJoshi We can even interpret Shankara from vedas. In Rudra Namakam and Chamakam, "Vyuptakesha" can be interpreted as Shankara.
@Tezz what scripture is this?
yes this is what i m saying

Om is the beginning of Veda and Om is the vedanta .. so do not mix with some philosophies and keep it simple
@TheDestroyer it is Taittariya Aranyaka...
2 puranas say he is demon
2-3 say he is god

but all the later people after him said he is crypto buddhist ( which i agree)
@RakeshJoshi what do you think of Buddhist philosophy / Buddhism ?...
@RakeshJoshi Why do you think Vedantins don't read other part of Vedas? You need to know history to understand why two puranas said him as Demon.
buddhist theory you can read in mandukya karika and brahma sutra bhashya (sugar coated version) :)
its not that they dont read

but they say this is upasana kandam this is jnana kandam

they just follow 1 specific section
why all this ?
I am not much learned about U and Y shape but i like U shape more .. vedanta desikan
@RakeshJoshi Buddhism = No self, No Brahman ....
Advaita = Everything is self, Everything is Brahman... 😀😀
@RakeshJoshi Even Yoga follows only 1 specific section. Even Mimaskas. Everyone does that not only Vedantins.
yoga dont denounce vedas
neither vedantins.
@RakeshJoshi Yes, I also agree that Adi Shankara's Advaita is crypto-Buddhism. That is very evident from the Mandukya Karika, which uses a lot of Buddhist terminology.
then what more discussion you people want ?
it will be better for those who like adi sankara vedanta to get converted into buddhist monk and officially study it
@RakeshJoshi Also consider historical situations at time of Shankara. Where else can he find logic to defeat 72 different non vedic faiths and unite all vedic faiths?
@Tezz but when sankara says everything = creation = doest exist in reality he indirectly says everythig = nothing
@KeshavSrinivasan What is crypto Buddhist?
@RakeshJoshi He doesn't say that actually.
@RakeshJoshi Om is everything is already told in Mandukya Upanishad "1. All this is the letter Om. A vivid explanation of this (is begun). All
that is past, present, and future is but Om. Whatever transcends the
three periods of time, too, is Om." But still in the Vyavaharika level these differentiations arise...
@RakeshJoshi You should understand with context. Don't say without context.
what is mean by brahma satya , jagat mithya?
@RakeshJoshi The difference between U shape and Y shape is that Vadakalais use a U because they think it represents Vishnu's right foot, whereas Thenkalais use a Y because they think it represent both of Vishnu's feet sitting on a footstool.
@RakeshJoshi Only at Absolute level (which is true offcourse).
these so called levels are sankaras creatuons

does any veda or upanishad mention

vyavaharika satta
paramarthika sattha etc?
@RakeshJoshi Do all statements of Vedas can be understood logically at one level?
these levels have been created to delude people
@RakeshJoshi Brahman Satyam Jagan Mithya means "The phenomenal world is illusion and it is Brahman which is inside the world which is true"... one should understand "Sarva Khalvidam Brahman" before one says it.. apparently they seem contradictory...
@RakeshJoshi At one point, Vedas say Narayana is Supreme and at one point they say Rudra is Supreme and at one point they say Indra is Supreme.
How do you explain them?
@TheDestroyer Cryptobuddhism means "secret Buddhism", i.e. a philosophy which on the surface seems to be one thing but in reality is a disguised form of Buddhism.
@RakeshJoshi Vedas Upanishads directly do not mention it .. but we can find concepts indirectly in the Vedas...
if sankara is talking of phenomenonal world .

then all the acharyas after him were dumb they did not understand it ?
@TheDestroyer ekam sat vipraah bahudhaa vadanti
@RakeshJoshi Shankara cites numerous scriprures to prove his point... saying that previous sages before him also told the same.... for eg. He cites statement of Krishna from Vishnu purana as:
अविद्यामोहितात्मानः पुरुषा भिन्नदर्शिन ।।
@RakeshJoshi Shakara even says the same. Everything is one (but at absolute level or in reality).
@Tezz good statement.
"He who sees difference is the Purusha deluded by Avidya".. @RakeshJoshi
then we are also quoting scriptuires ... everyone after him who refuted him also has quoted scriptiures
explain me about the birth of gaudapada and how come he is linked with this parampara
@RakeshJoshi they are quoting which are from Vyavahara level.. and it's also avaliable in scripture...
@RakeshJoshi See logic too.
@RakeshJoshi Yes. How can we apply Vyavahara level to Paramarthika level?
@RakeshJoshi very less information is avaliable about Gaudapada.. so we can't say anything with certanity...
how is it possible that his guru was living since the previous yuga ?
what logic can you give?
how many thousand or lakh years he did ?
what was his role ?
@RakeshJoshi which Guru..? are you saying about Suka?..
why no scripture has talked of him? if he was a pupil of Gauda
@RakeshJoshi Do you believe changing things as real? Seasons come and go. Our body changes and perishes. Do you consider all these changing entities as real?
everything is real .. change is not making you unreal
i m talking of gaudapada and shuka both
@RakeshJoshi if they are real, why aren't they eternal?
@RakeshJoshi why should scripture talk if one is pupil of Gaudapada..?
when 3 puranas talk sankara as god
not even 1 scripture talk of shuka devas student ?
@RakeshJoshi first of all it is possible that one can live 1000s of years.. eg Jamvabanta... also Sukas father Vyasa is also living... however Shuka had already attained Moksha long ago in the Mahabharata...
@RakeshJoshi Not three as per Kanchi Kamakoti. Kurma Purana, Markandeya Purana, Aditya Purana, Shiva Purana and Linga Purana.
so gaudapada lived from dwapara till 1000 AD ?
All of them Say, Shankara is Shiva.
@RakeshJoshi So, I can't reconcile meeting of Shuka and Gaudapada as Suka had already attained moksha...
then how you claim guru parampara from shuka if gauda never had met shuka?
@RakeshJoshi I don't know whether Gaudapada lived in Dwapara or not..
see if shuka was the guru of gauda then they should have met right ?\
@RakeshJoshi one way is Adi Shankara is Sakshat Shiva... and Shiva himself is Adi Guru...
vedantin say that shuka met gauda in during dwapara
more than us . the acharyas who came after him have researched his works
and criticized and abused him heavily
@KeshavSrinivasan and others please see gosai.com/writings/…
@RakeshJoshi Are you Mandana Mishra reincarnation? :P
@RakeshJoshi Yes, I agree with that link.
@RakeshJoshi Madhaviya Shankara Digvijaya talks of Meeting with Gaudapada as:
A: Was Gaudapada a guru or grand-guru of Adi Shankarachrya?

TezzAdi Shankara told Nirvana Shatakam on being questioned by Govindapada. Here is what Madhaviya Shankara Digvijaya tells: Meeting with Govindapada and accepting Sanyasa (89-96) Travelling a long distance, that young Sannyasin; with staff in hand and wearing new Kashaya dress, arrived at the...

oh keshaw .. instant agreement :P

some positively is still remainign in you
gauda was grand guru .. but they claim him as disciple of shuka that is my question
@RakeshJoshi Haha
@RakeshJoshi By the way, tell me this: do you believe that the supreme being is both the efficient cause and the material cause of the Universe?
@RakeshJoshi He follows Visista Advaita. Obviously he disagrees with Shankara and agrees with anything that critizes Advaita.
@RakeshJoshi personally I'm skeptical that Gaudapada met Suka as Suka had already attained moksha... however I see two possibilities 1) Suka manifested to teach Gaudapada as he had entered the whole creation and became self of all...
2) That Suka is actually Chhaya Suka of Vyasa which always remains around Vyasa (although I'm not sure whether Chhaya Suka can speak or is just illusion)...
then this is the only problem i have with vedanta... how can they claim false lineage?
had shuka initiated gaudapada then somewhere it would be mentiooned at least one line
@TheDestroyer Haha, I don't agree with everything that criticizes Adi Shankaracharya. Like I think the Manimat thing is utterly ridiculous.
like this i can also claim that shuka manifested and initiated me ..
everything which criticize sankara is truth
@RakeshJoshi No doubt. you are Mandana Mishra reincarnation :P :P
its all false stories .. not worth believing
@RakeshJoshi if that line was mentioned then it would be considered interpolation... so Vyasa might not have bothered to write it... 😀😀
? i ddint understand how interpolation ?
@KeshavSrinivasan Adviata not Shankara.
there is aq lot of mention of shuka in many puranas why cant vyasa write about his son
@RakeshJoshi Devi Bhagavatam has info about his son. What exactly do you want?
@RakeshJoshi "everything which criticize sankara is truth" haha lol... maybe you can call it Neti Neti...
But Devibhagavatam belongs to different kalpa not Sweta Varaha Kalpa.
@RakeshJoshi anyway.. you are pronouncing the name "Shankara" to criticize him... and also meditating upon the Mahavakya "everything which criticize sankara is truth" and you are earning merit... (just as Ajamila earned merit by pronouncing 'Narayana' which was his son's name).....
ha ha yes merit
i think masny memers left
masny memers ? @RakeshJoshi
many *
in this room
Oh yes..
what els
@RakeshJoshi Can you answer the question I asked above: Do you believe that the supreme being is both the efficient cause and the material cause of the Universe?
what is different between both
@RakeshJoshi The efficient cause of an event is what causes an event to occur. The material cause of an object is the material the object is made of.
@RakeshJoshi So for instance, the efficient cause of a clay pot is the potter who shapes it, and the material cause of the clay pot is the clay it's made of.
@RakeshJoshi So the question is, do you believe that the supreme being is just the one who runs the Universe, or do you think that the supreme being is also the substance that makes up the Universe?
everything ... both
hello @SwiftPushkar
@RakeshJoshi OK, both is what I also believe.
@RakeshJoshi Now can you answer me this: do you believe that the supreme being dwells within your soul, or do you believe that the supreme being is your soul, or do you think that the supreme being and your soul are completely separate?
soul is supreme being
where r u swift
@RakeshJoshi OK, so you and I disagree on that. I think the supreme being is the Antaryami or inner self of your soul, I don't think they're the same.
means soul has one more substance inside it ?
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 19:00

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