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@KeshavSrinivasan Oh yes... you had previously told me.... I forgot that it belongs to Aranyaka...
@KeshavSrinivasan Ok then... I'll try asking questions...
5 hours later…
@Keshav I do sandhyavandanam according to a book I have. Almost same procedure.
While doing the gayatri japa, mornig and noon, we should stand and in the evening, we should sit.
1 hour later…
@TheDestroyer but Indra doesn't attack by Vajra in that event... isn't it.. ?..
@Tezz yes. He doesn't. I will check Linga and Skanda Purana versions.
@TheDestroyer Ok... he should be Neelakantha by that event...
I think Sanskrit interpretation related question:
Q: Why do Vedas not called Drushya rather than Shruti>

ArunVedas are called shruti. But they are seen by Rishis, called DrushTAras. Since the Rishis saw the Vedas in some form, then Vedas should be called Drushya instead of shruti. Or the Rishis have to be called ShrOtRu. Why is not that usage in vogue?

@Pandya it's simple vedas are heard not seen.
@TheDestroyer I know but questioner is arguing why Rishis are called Drashta, instead they should be termed as Srotru.
@Pandya He assumes Rishis have seen them.
@RakeshJoshi Welcome to Hinduism SE!
Btw, just added Veda.Wikidot at hinduism.stackexchange.com/a/10600/277; check out.
@ pandya
what is the talk about Agama as authority ?
@RakeshJoshi first of all don't put space after @
@RakeshJoshi Which talk are you referring to?
nothing leave it .
ok. btw, reading faq may help you to get familiar with chat.
yesterday, by Tezz
@Pandya considering Aagama as authoritative as Vedas will create huge problems...
yesterday, by The Destroyer
@Tezz Yes. We are already facing many problems in interpreting Vedas correctly.
yesterday, by The Destroyer
This will further complicate the problem.
@RakeshJoshi what is your view on Aagams...? ...
this discussion.
which i posted above
@RakeshJoshi You may ping @Tezz for explanation.
oh! I think @Tezz is already came to help!
agama is as good as vedas
we should not try to justify vedas with agama or agama with vedas
both have individual authorities
@RakeshJoshi Small suggestion, you can quote few verses with exact location in your answers.
Btw, related question:
Q: What are the Agama scriptures? Are they related to Shruti/Vedas?

PandyaI know that Hindu scriptures classified as Shruti and Smriti but don't know much about Aagama. I would like to know about Agama Scripture: What are the Agama Scriptures? Are they related to Vedas? How did they originate or come into existence? And are they classified as Shruti or Smriti?

refer this question for online sources
Q: What are some online sources to get unabridged Hindu Scriptures or to learn Hinduism?

The DestroyerWhat are some good websites to find unabridged versions of Hindu Scriptures and to learn Hinduism (with proper interpretations)? Also, see: Where can I find/get basic information about Hinduism on the web? Where can I find the Hindu scriptures in Sanskrit with Hindi rendition/translation? Com...

@RakeshJoshi hmm.. I certainly do not disregard Aagams... but what do you think Aagams has equal authority as Vedas.. (if they conflict)... ?...
I havent made any post on agamas yet

i had made some post against sankara which were deleted :)
@RakeshJoshi vaishnavas claim Pancharatra Agamas trace their origin to Ekayana Sakha of Vedas.
Which post..? ..
When text like Geeta can become as good as vedas then why not agamas ?

bbut the thing thing is vedics will not accept agama as higest authority and tantrics wont accept vedas as supreme
@RakeshJoshi I recommend you (as a beginner) to visit How do I write a good answer?
yes i m writing a few answers off late ... lets see how it goes ..
@RakeshJoshi But few Agama followers claim that Vedas are source of Agamas . What is your opinion on this?
they might mean that the knowledge (vedas) of the rishis is the origin of agama .
@TheDestroyer I do not believe that PanchaRatra aagama originate from Vedic Shakha... if that was case Adi Shankara wouldn't reject Pancharatra at all.. as rejecting it would be considered Veda Ninda...
@Tezz Exactly. Adishankara would never do that.
if they really belonged to Vedas.
why everything should be judged on adishankaras ideologies ?
@TheDestroyer and more importantly Adi Shankara himself tells that Pancharatra scriptures show Veda Ninda... he says "Veda Nindani Darsayat"...
@RakeshJoshi haha. Not Veda as knowledge but Vedas as Shruti (though Veda means knowledge)
what is shruti? is it separate from knowledge ?
@RakeshJoshi Shruti means which is heard by Rishis in deep meditation. They heard Veda Samhitas.
@RakeshJoshi Btw, which Darshan/Philosophy you believe/belong to?
@Tezz Moreover, if one particular set of Agamas belonged to Vedas, then other sets should also belong to Vedas. I don't think vedas deliver such conflicting verses. Either people are misinterpreting or they mustn't belong to Vedas.
shruti is the inspiration which came as sphurana in their antahkarana during tapas and known as mantra later
@Tezz I want to know How much they conflict?
@Pandya how much between which and which... ?...
@Tezz Haven't you found the above message as reply of chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/35400659#35400659?
@Tezz Btw, Are you on PC or Android?
@TheDestroyer furthermore the philosophy is also completely different...for eg.. neither any Veda Samhita talk/hint of Vyuha theory (Aniruddha Pradyumna etc... )... Neither any principle Upanishads talk of them... so it is not possible that they magically appear in some Shakhas...
@Pandya I'm on Android...
it is just like one fine rainy morning when you are inspired with nature. you get some inner inspiration and you start painting on canvas or writing poetry .
these are not pre planned or mechanical but actual inspiration which came from the inner being

vedic revelations are somewhat similar to this. during higher state of upasana they got sphurana and it became mantra.
@Tezz oh! then you may not get which massage is reply to/for which. ok. I was asking "I want to know How much Vedas and Agamas conflict?"
@Tezz Yeah. If it is important, it should be present in multiple Sakhas, like Sri Rudram. May be they want to claim authority.
@Pandya it depends on who sees it... eg. Adi Shankara sees that both Pancharatra and Shaiva aagams conflict.. whereas Ramanujacharya sees PanchaRatra do not conflict... Srikanthacharya sees Shaiva Aagams do not conflict...
@Tezz oh! ok.
@TheDestroyer yes, it should be present in majority (all) of Shakhas... it can't be that only some Shakhas of Vedas hold the truth...
@Tezz But if one sees history, Shaiva Siddhanta and Kashmir Saivism was more popular than other philosphies which are based on Shaiva Agamas. Indianscriptures site says Saiva Siddhantin is very logical and thus it exists for long time.
i prefer Kashmir shaivism over sankara's vedanta
@RakeshJoshi Where are you from?
I am born and raised in Chennai. Natively from Gujarat .
@RakeshJoshi ok. My views are close to Adi Shankara Advaita. But i respect or take good out in all Philosophies. I believe these philosophies alone won't show us feet of Supreme Brahman.
actually i m against sankara or generally most of so called vedanta.
@RakeshJoshi why?
cos i didnot find it good (after my understanding)
@RakeshJoshi Do you prefer Yoga Darshana?
the logic and presentation of kashmir shaiva i found far better

yes i m follower of patanjali yoga
@RakeshJoshi Yeah. Only strict vedantins oppose other philosophies.
are there any people from TN here ?
@KeshavSrinivasan is of Taminadu origin but born and raised in US.
when there is no Veda aadi .. then how there can be something called Veda anta?
veda is to be taken as a whole which is better.
keshava was the one who deleted my posts against sankara :)
@RakeshJoshi Vedanata doesn't mean wrt time. It means last portions of Vedas.
last and first etc is later day categorization., in reality veda is one
@Pandya are you also into yoga darshana?
@RakeshJoshi Yes. We must consider whole portion of vedas. See what Lord Shiva said in Sankara Digvijaya.
Shiva says to Kartikeya, "The Veda has three strands in its comprehensive teaching
-The ritualistic, the meditative and the gnostic. By establishing
the sway of the Veda with its three-pronged message, the spiritual
ideal can be preserVed in the world. If the spiritual ideal is saved,
society is saved. For, sound social organisation leading to the
good of man is based on the spiritual ideal. Now, coming to
understand My design and following My instruction, Hari and
Sesha have already been born as the sages Sankarshana and Patanjali
@RakeshJoshi I'm actually interested in Upanishads.
then why not follow the first portion and directly skip all to go to upanishad?
sankara vijaya is just written for the sole motive to glorify sankara and his deeds
What do you mean by first portion?
if vedanta is the last portion then what would be first portion ? samhitas ?
@RakeshJoshi ok. Just see what Lord Shiva says. Shiva doesn't oppose other portions. Moreover, Adishankara is Lord Shiva himself.
@RakeshJoshi Use reply button for effective talking
So-that one can get whom you're relying.
@RakeshJoshi Yes, Samhitas.
@TheDestroyer Sankara was siva for his followers and pupil but other acharyas had different opinion on him.
@RakeshJoshi No Puranas clear say Shankara is Shiva.
@RakeshJoshi I've already gone through Upanishads. See meta.hinduism.stackexchange.com/a/578/277
A: Are there any other Puranas that predict Adi Shanakaracharya besides the Bhavishya Purana?

The DestroyerYes, other Puranas do mention about prophecy of Adi Shankara. As per Kamakoti Site, there are references to Adi Shankara being Avatara of Lord Shiva in Kurma Purana, Markandeya Purana, Aditya Purana, Shiva Purana and Linga Purana. Among them, i found exact verses in Chapter 30 of Kurma Purana. ...

puranas also say that by following Shiva purana and linga purana one goes to hell

Puranas say that Sankara was a reincarnation of a demon named maniman :)
@RakeshJoshi What are your views on Upanishads & Brahma Sutras?
@Pandya i m saying to take vedas as a whole . you have gone through upanishad which is great. also you can go through the essence of other sections
@RakeshJoshi That is anti Shiva propaganda. They have logical fallacies. Lol.
@RakeshJoshi Ok.
sankara was an avatar of shiva is also interpolation and he was demon is also interpolation .
@RakeshJoshi see this answer which shows logical fallacy of anti Shiva Propaganda of Tamasic puranas
A: What is the purpose of tamasic purana if it leads to hell?

TezzWhat can be more ridiculous as saying reading Purans will lead you towards Hell. It can be refuted just by using common sense, common logic and simple intellect. Padma Purana itself is sufficient in refuting this statement. The verse you are talking comes in Padma Purana Uttar Khanda chapter 236...

this is new in vedanta

every acharya is equated with some avatara or another

sankara = shiva
madhwa = vaayu
ramanuja = adishesha etc

krishna chaitanya = god knows whoses
this is not new in vedanta *
@RakeshJoshi Yeah. I intially thought it was interpolation but Vedanta will be taught in every cycle.
A: Is the Sankhya Darshan/Philosophy prior to Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads?

TezzShwetashwatara Upanishad in 6.22 states: वेदान्ते परमं गुह्यं पुराकल्पे प्रचोदितम् । नाप्रशान्ताय दातव्यं नापुत्रायाशिष्याय वा पुनः ।। The profound mystery in the Vedanta was taught in the previous cycle. It should not be given to one whose passions have not been subdued, nor to one who ...

what kind of cycle ?
All different puranas belong to Different Kalpas.
A: Why did Vyasa depict different Supreme Gods in different Puranas?

The DestroyerShiva Purana says that Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra (Trimurti) rivaled one another and they propitiated the Supreme Lord (their father) and they got a boon of creating others at outset of various Kalpas. So, in one Kalpa, Vishnu creates Rudra and Brahma and in another Kalpa Rudra creates Brahma and V...

do not take puranas so seriously .
nor have your vedanta acharyas have taken :)
@RakeshJoshi You may prefer to call Uttara Mimamsa.
many scholars already believe that smritis and puranas have been heavily interpolated \
Uttara Mimamsa is Vedanta @Pandya
@RakeshJoshi So, Have you read Yoga Sutras og Patanjali.
@RakeshJoshi Not all. Only few.
@RakeshJoshi We can find out interpolations with logic easily.
it is clearly seen that padma , garuda , bhavishya etc are interpolated
@TheDestroyer Yes, I'm telling @RakeshJoshi that he may prefer to call Vedanta as Uttara Mimamsa.
@RakeshJoshi Yeah. Some portions of them are interpolated. It's not correct to reject all of them.
the 18 puranas which we have now is of this kalpa or any other ?
15 mins ago, by Rakesh Joshi
when there is no Veda aadi .. then how there can be something called Veda anta?
veda is to be taken as a whole which is better.
@TheDestroyer ^^ for this reason.
@RakeshJoshi Different puranas belong to different kalpa. So, they have slightly different stories.
@RakeshJoshi See my above answer
@Pandya why to define vedas as per the definition of mimamsa ? it might be suitable for mimamsakas not for all
@RakeshJoshi See this answer
A: Why did Vyasa depict different Supreme Gods in different Puranas?

The DestroyerShiva Purana says that Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra (Trimurti) rivaled one another and they propitiated the Supreme Lord (their father) and they got a boon of creating others at outset of various Kalpas. So, in one Kalpa, Vishnu creates Rudra and Brahma and in another Kalpa Rudra creates Brahma and V...

@TheDestroyer that means we do not have all the puranas of this present kalpa available isnt it ?
@RakeshJoshi So, What are your views on Jnana Kanda of Veda?
@RakeshJoshi Vishnu Purana is of Varaha Kalpa. Matsya Purana narrated events of Vivasvara Manvantara of this kalpa. But most of the events are same. Only few things change.
the mukhya 18 of this kalpa is not avaialable isnt it?
what about bhagvata and devi bhagwatam ?
@RakeshJoshi they belong to different kalpas.
@RakeshJoshi Btw, I support Samkhya < Yoga < Vedanta /cc @KeshavSrinivasan @Tezz
this is like an excuse to justify the cotradictions
how it is logical to say that we dont have all the puranas of this kalpa but we have puranas of other kalpas !!
@RakeshJoshi ok. It's upto you to believe this or not. If you have some prejudices on some topic, what can i do? BTW, i don't stick to only Puranas or vedas or Agamas. I take good from all scriptures.
@RakeshJoshi why do we need many history books for one kalpa?
@TheDestroyer 😊👍👍👍
none of the vedanta acharyas have quoted puranas as authority in their books .. this explains a few things about puranas
its not prejudice .
i have tried to understand different schools of so called vedanta which oppose each other.
@RakeshJoshi Who are that Acharyas? may i know names and where? adishankara refers Puranas too.
@RakeshJoshi Some quotes from Purana are found in Adi Shankaracharya Bhashya on ShvetaShatar Upanishad.
what about brahmasutra bhashya?
@RakeshJoshi Yeah. At beginning it appears as if it opposes. But finally they don't.
@RakeshJoshi I will talk to you later. Bye! Sorry!
@Pandya i think you should go through agama also
@RakeshJoshi This doesn't disprove the authority of puranas , Purana's isn't purely philosophical texts , they cover whole range of topics
not philosophy but mythology
there is a reason why they have been considered as inferior references .
only three members in the room ?
@RakeshJoshi Yes , but we shouldn't take the meaning of Mythology as folklore etc.We can see repetition of many Stories in diff.puranas even some stories are from vedas and upanishadas.
then what meaning we should take
@Pandya are you from gujarat
if quoting puranas is authentic then what about quoting tantras ? :)
@RakeshJoshi We must firstly believe in them , considering them as a part of our Grt.Hindu Tradiations , culture etc.As we can see Hinduism has survived in thousands and thousands years because of these Stories... It's our heritage
@RakeshJoshi I do prefer to complete Brihadaranyaka Upanishad and Rigveda Samhita first.
@RakeshJoshi Yes, I'm from Gujarat :)
@RakeshJoshi I don't know much abt.tantra texts.😊
@RakeshJoshi Do you live in Chennai?
yes dear i m in chennai
@SwiftPushkar I think most of us have the same issue!
what issue
i m familiar with yoga, tantra, astrology and little veda and philosophy
@Pandya is it abt.not knowing much abt.agamas? or tantra
@SwiftPushkar both
once you read great doctrine of kashmir shaiva then vedanta me maza nahi ayega .
@RakeshJoshi - BTW , You belong to which shakha?
u mean vedic />
@Pandya ok 😊
@RakeshJoshi If you're on PC, then you can easily trace which message is reply for which.
@RakeshJoshi Yeah 👍
shukla yaju ., madhyandina shakha
@RakeshJoshi Which Philosophies do you know out of 6?
little vedanta, agama, yoga (its more of practical)
@RakeshJoshi haha ,same as mine , Hello and Welcome To Hinduism SE family ➡ I am pushkar joshi from Pune MH😊💐
@RakeshJoshi Do you know Gujarati? (I guess as you've said your native is Gujarat)
sahi nahi hai family ..
yes i know gujarati .
@RakeshJoshi wow! Kem chho?
theek chu
@SwiftPushkar i m looking for some vedic chants can u help to arrange it
@RakeshJoshi You've missed my q. "What are your views on Brahma Sutra by VedaVyasa?
vedanta sutra is a controversial matter.
@RakeshJoshi क्यों फॅमिली सही नहीं है? We are bunch of active guy's here , all of us believe in diff.p
some admins are very hostile towards criticism
@RakeshJoshi क्यों फॅमिली सही नहीं है? We are bunch of active guy's here , all of us believe in diff.philosophical schools but we accept every philosophy 😊
@SwiftPushkar i m looking for some vedic chants can u help to arrange it
@RakeshJoshi ok. Btw, I guess Your views/thoughts on Upanishads are fine. Right?
yes the genuine upanishad which are around 10-12 in number
@RakeshJoshi Considering you are quite new here ,how can you say that , i have also being treated like this in the beginning , but that reason was for maintaining quality of site only.
@RakeshJoshi I will surely try 😊
@RakeshJoshi Yes, Mukhya Upanishads.
near by pune many good vedic pathshala are there like alandi.

i am looking for rudra ashtadhyayi (rudri) chanted by a goood veda pathi in right swaras
it is of madhyandina shakha
as it is not possible to get here in south india
@RakeshJoshi ok. Then you can consider me as follwer of Upanishads (if you are disagree with Advaita/Vedanta)
@RakeshJoshi Yes , Moreshwar shastri Ghaisas pathshala is also there 👍
the problem is not upanishad but

PrakaranaGrantha (प्रकरणग्रंथ) of Adi Shankaracharya:
Vivekachudamani (विवेकचूडामणि)
ShataShloki (शतश्लोकि)
AatmaBodhha (आत्मबोध)
TattvaBodhha (तत्त्वबोध)
Advaitaanubhuti (अद्वैतानुभूति)
Aparokshaanubhuti (अपरोक्षानुभूति)
Sarva Vedanta Sidhaanta Saar Sangrah (सर्व वेदांत सिद्धान्त सार संग्रह)
@SwiftPushkar do they have the audio of Rudri path kuch jugaad kar sako toh sahi hoga
@Pandya there is one samarpan trivedi in baroda he is staunch sakara folower
@RakeshJoshi ok. I don't know.
@RakeshJoshi I haven't checked there collections yet , this shala is near to my home , i will check that out.But Have you checked You tube and sites for that
@RakeshJoshi Note that I don't say that only Advaita Vedanta might be right. Read Why isn't there one Absolute Reality?
Q: Where can I find/get basic information about Hinduism on the web?

PandyaI think getting information and knowledge about Hinduism is very useful for knowing and learning about Hinduism. So, I want to ask: Where can I find/get basic information and knowledge about Hinduism on the web? Note: Recommend the resources that are written by Indian academics rather than West...

@Pandya - What abt adding Sanskrit documents and indianscriptures site's in the accepted answer?^^
i have myself uploaded one in the youtube but somone said its not shuddha so i m looking for genuine version
@Pandya according to me we should take veda as veda not as vedaadi or vedanta etc such bifurcations are useles
@RakeshJoshi ok , I will ask in the Paath Shalas for there version's in pune if any 😊👍
is there any chat room for tantra/mantra/ etc
@SwiftPushkar The question is about getting basic information not scripture. See chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/15189/conversation/…
@SwiftPushkar They are already added in hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/15424/…
@RakeshJoshi Feel free to discuss at here or chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/15189/hinduism or you can create one.
but this is vedanta
And Philosophy
@Pandya oh ok got that :)
@RakeshJoshi Users can discuss abt. those in this room also
sorry geneal hindusim thread is different na
@RakeshJoshi Yes , there is a separate room called Hinduism on this site , but this is Vedanta and Philosophy :)
that means most of the people are interested in these topics alone
@RakeshJoshi Its not like that , the room was previously named so , but users gather on this room to discuss various topics Ranging from Vedas to current status of Hinduism in the context of world religions etc.
A: Did Adi Sankara follow untouchability

Rakesh JoshiYes he did follow caste based differentiation. This is evident in his mutts even today. The pontiff appointed must be a MALE from BRAHMIN family. but it is worth thinking that what has vedanta has to do with caste or gender? Further, in Vivekachudamani Verse 2- 6 he says that it being born ...

@SreeCharan aap ke charan kahaan hai ? :)
@RakeshJoshi -IMO Adi shankaracharya is talking abt Brahmanahood in that verse and not about brahman cast.
@RakeshJoshi Ha Ha... मतलब? Because I am visiting all the chat rooms? or something else? Are you asking my native?
just a jumla . please dont take seriously
@SwiftPushkar kindly consider the tradition in the mutts . why he is considering only brahmins by birth ? :)
@RakeshJoshi I am not serious. :)
thanks @SreeCharan
@SreeCharan - Do you know How Ved-Vyasa came to know about all the puranic stories , did he heard all those like seers. OR he learned those etc?
vyasa has not written them .
@SwiftPushkar No idea about that. he organised that. There are different vyasas for different chaturyugas. This is what I know.
@RakeshJoshi yes i know that he is the compiler , but wht abt. MB and stories inside that?
@SreeCharan ok , yes :)
MB stories inside puranas you mean?
when puranass can talk of muhamad and queen victoria then what not
I am pained to see some people even defending unlawful parakaya pravesha act done by sankara without the knowledge of the woman :(
@RakeshJoshi We just cant take one example and apply the case to all , Have you gone through SB , you will find essence of vedas and upanishadas +Various philosophies +Bhakti etc. inside much of the purana.
@RakeshJoshi Muhammad prophesied in Hindu scriptures are interpolations and wrong interpretations.
i m sad to see that people can stoop to such low levels to uphold some scholar despite of sinful acts ...
Jan 19 at 17:53, by Keshav Srinivasan
@Pandya Yes, in addition to Telugu people we also have a lot of Tamil people on the site: me, Sai, Surya, Parthasarathy Raghavan, Bharat, sakthi, etc.
@RakeshJoshi - its not like i am defending puranas , but there impact on societies is much greater than any other texts (except few Ramayana and MB).
not purana but defending unlawful parakaya pravesha act done by sankara
@SreeCharan - I think user student is also from TN
@SwiftPushkar He is telugu speaking person studying in TN.
@RakeshJoshi - r u pointing towards this
A: Was Adi Shankaracharya’s Parakaya Pravesha to learn Kamashastra Dharmic?

SwiftPushkarShree Adi-Shankarachrya entered into the dead body of king Amaruka through his mastery of Yogic powers. Only to study the effects of action of love or Kama as a Observer. After his decision he discussed this with his disciples.One of them named "Padmapada" on the account of yogi "Matsyendra" cau...

yes sir :(
@SreeCharan ok :) Yes , i think he has asked question abut Kapaleeswara in Mylapore ,Chennai
@RakeshJoshi How do you think this is a "Sinful act"?
its open and shut case .. i dont know what people are finding positive in this
i think i would need to write a reply to this post soon.
@RakeshJoshi Hinduism gives us freedom to know something by whichever means we like or is feasible . isent it?
by doing bad to others ?
what if the same thing had happened to one of your female family member or relative ?
@RakeshJoshi Hinduism does't give much importance to body , but to the soul , "All fruits are non-existent for one who has realised the world as a mere appearance. A true knower is free from any sense of good and evil. So even if I indulge in the enjoyment of sex love, no evil will result from it. " he was advaitan ...
who said no importance is given to the body? body is the vehicle through which you reach self knowledge
then go to court and say to IPC to make special ammendments for sanyasins they are excempt from all crimes
@RakeshJoshi - Yes they are excempted from all the sins , if the cause is for DHARMA :) After realisation
will you be ok if they murder your brother ?
sayu for example swaroopanand
I'm curious about why this has gotten any upvotes at all, since it is in my view completely unsuitable as an advert on this site. Would upvoters care to comment on their reasons? — Emilio Pisanty 21 hours ago
@AnkitSharma ?
define: uhun
ooops it doesn't worked
what is unsuitable
@AnkitSharma means "no". or undesired/unexpected.
I will go with undesired
@AnkitSharma ok. You mean response from Physics.SE is undesired or the question is undesired on Physics.SE?
@RakeshJoshi It is about: Community Promotion Ads
@Pandya that comment
oh! yes.
I surely want all ads to succeed.
ok. Btw, I'm planning to make one more ad for Chemistry.SE with linking the question:
Q: What do our scriptures say about Parmanu and Maharshi Kanad?

user5155835As question, what all our scriptures say about Parmanu and Maharshi Kanad?

How about it?
What Christianity have to do with parmanu?
Read once again!
You can try
But I will suggest you to use atom logo rather then Om for chemistry
good suggestion!
@RakeshJoshi Oh you like Kashmiri Shaivism... have you read Abhinavguptas Tantraloka... ?..
@TheDestroyer those who do not adhere to Vedanta intrepret the word "Vedanta" in the Upanishads as meaning conclusion of Vedas and not referring to Vedanta Darshan of Badarayana...
Ad is about religious explanation of gravity which is not fully irrelevant to the site. — Ankit Sharma 7 secs ago
@AnkitSharma btw, let me inform you that I've placed one comment like "Voters: Ad is updated" but misspelled "Votes: Ad is updated" to that answer. And that may be reply to my earlier comment which is deleted.
How about:
@Pandya I also follow many things of Samkhya and Yoga... but Vedanta is my favourite... 😀😀
@Tezz Yes, same :)
@RakeshJoshi many videos of Rudradhyayi with correct pronounciation is avaliable in YouTube... you can see there...
if they say vedanta is not a part of actual veda then i dont have any problem

i was the first person to upload the audios on youtube however i came to know that it has some errors ...

tantraloka is huge . 3000 pages or so

there is a book by N C Rastogi which is "Introduction to Tantraloka" which itself is 600+ pages !!!!!
@RakeshJoshi errors in what... ?..
1 message moved to Hinduism
@Tezz errors in chanting
@RakeshJoshi I think you are mistaking Shakha bheda as errors... Rudradhyayi is slightly different in each Shakhas:
A: Are there any Variants in Samhita of Vedas?

TezzYes, Samhitas do have variants as per Shakha. Originally as per Mahabhasya of Patanjali there were 21 Shakhas of RigVeda, 101 Shakhas of Yajurveda, 1000 Shakhas of SamaVeda and 9 Shakhas of Atharvaveda. Thus total 1138 Shakhas of total Vedas. Now, we have only about 12 Shakhas of Four Vedas Su...

@RakeshJoshi as you are wanting of Madhyandiya.. most of the videos avaliable in YouTube are of Taittariya...
@RakeshJoshi Is there a specific reason that you are looking for Madhyandiya Rudradhyayi... ?...
no i m not making any mistakes

i m talking about errors during the chanting of this specific shakha
because it was pointed out by a samhita paathi from mumbai . mulund

i m familiar with krishna yajurveda chanting and have also learned some hymms as it is very popular here but madhyandina is not available in south india
@AnkitSharma deluded Jivas. For western Physicists, term "Religion" has bad connotation. They see Hinduism as Religion rather than Dharma.
Yeah I know
if i make changes in the answer then will others get any notification of it ?
@RakeshJoshi this one is good:
@RakeshJoshi it is of Taittariya...
Madhyandiya chanting is rare to find...
@RakeshJoshi No... but it becomes active...
this is krishna yajurveda taittareeya samhita

that is already avaiable in plenty


this is madhyandina but i m looking for better version

i have requested someone from pune to look there . lets see
for those who are not familiar with Madhyandina shakha of shukla yaju

it is rare and has hand movements along with the chanting (hasta chalana) for indicating the swaras

in kanva shakha there is only vertical hand movements but in madhyandina there are both horizontal and vertical movements.

@RakeshJoshi do your family belong to Madhyandiya.. ?..
majority of west and north indian belong to this ...
i saw one of your thread question and answer both posted by you. is it okay ?
@RakeshJoshi Yes, self Q/A is encouraged. Visit hinduism.stackexchange.com/help/self-answer
@Tezz I want to discuss about Yoga and Vedanta with you when you're free.
@RakeshJoshi Explain in detail. two lines answers with no citations are converted to comments or may be deleted.
i have deleted it ...
looks like quantity is more important than quality ! :)
@RakeshJoshi How that gives quality?
the answer need not be lengthy everytime ..
short answers can also be useful
@RakeshJoshi It's not about length, it about quality. As this site is religious., Sastra Paramana is important than Pratyaksha Pramana. So, this site gives importance to Scriptures than opinions.
scriputes have been already quoted by others ..
what use of quoting same thing again and again.. anyways will try to make elaborate answers ..
@RakeshJoshi That answer looks like opinion. You should explain in detail by citing scriptures (any specific verses how Rudra is different from Shiva).
@RakeshJoshi No. For comprehensive understanding, the community made it mandatory. If you cite slokas, it will really helpful. People also have different interpretations. So, it is useful in either ways.
looks like keshaw is the main person whom i have to oppose here
@RakeshJoshi why to oppose?
ideology, principles ...
This site belongs to all. Not Keshav or someone else.
This may be helpful for you
Q: What kind of references are valid in answers? Are modern works allowed?

SwiftPushkarThis is a question about what kind of references have to be provided when writing answers on Hinduism.SE. My basic question is: Are modern shlokas, scriptures, views, sayings etc. valid when using them as references? Or are only references from the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and other ancient te...

@RakeshJoshi ok. We already had many such discussions with him.
i dont know but not all topics have authentic sources.
my reference name of Vamadeva kalpam was rejected ...
@RakeshJoshi I think it's fine. It would be still better if you quote exact verses. You don't need to provide an online source always.
See Tezz's answers. He doesn't give online links but cite exact verses.
@RakeshJoshi Don't always think downvote as rejection. If someone downvotes your answer when you cite exact verses, it means downvoter doesn't agree with that interpretation of verse or doesn't agree with scripture.
@RakeshJoshi Your answer on religious restrictions is good. if you provide slokas from Atharveda, then it will be best answer.
but if sometimes we only know the name of the grantha and do not have access to its copy then is it waste ?
@RakeshJoshi But reader can't check authencity either. Best is if you provide exact verses. Except Agamas, we can find other scriptures online easily.
See this answer or ask us in chat. We can provide you.
Q: What are some online sources to get unabridged Hindu Scriptures or to learn Hinduism?

The DestroyerWhat are some good websites to find unabridged versions of Hindu Scriptures and to learn Hinduism (with proper interpretations)? Also, see: Where can I find/get basic information about Hinduism on the web? Where can I find the Hindu scriptures in Sanskrit with Hindi rendition/translation? Com...

not all the texts are available on net.. still i wil avoid it
@RakeshJoshi This site is about religion. There are many chances people misinterpret verses. If you give vague references, then it makes the situation still worse. If you know verse, why to give online source? Just mention sloka and translation. That's it.
@RakeshJoshi if you have hardcopy, just mention exact verse and location. Simple.
@RakeshJoshi If you avoid providing exact slokas or words, community members may delete your answers. Strict rules need to followed for quality answers. We are helpless either.
@RakeshJoshi Be Nice
if opposite person is not nice then i will also do the same.
who is the owner of Stack exchange ?
@RakeshJoshi yes, self question and answer is allowed... I have many questions and self answers... eg you may find this hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/16594/… and this hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/13649/… useful...
what is the purpose of self question and answer ? fame ?
@Pandya Okay we may discuss...
@RakeshJoshi it is sharing of knowledge... also it helps to increase % answered data...
@Tezz As I understand both philosophy, both preach Dhyaya. Yoga preach to Dhyana on Man and Chitt whereas Vedanta on Atman/Brahman right?
@Tezz I mean Dhyana is essential according to both philosophy.
dhyana is a vital part of every religion or cult .. without it no progress
@RakeshJoshi no one. it is run by us.
@RakeshJoshi May i know your age if you don't mind?
@Pandya yes Dhyana is necessary in both...
@Pandya Dharana Dhyana and Samadhi are the final steps of Yoga...
@Tezz ok. Now, the difference as I understand is Yoga preach Dhyana on Mind/Chitt and Vedanta on Atman/Brahman right?
vedana is more of a dry philoso[phy
@RakeshJoshi let me discuss with Tezz
@Pandya Yoga holds that true knowledge comes only when chitta is Shanta (Yoga chitta vriti Nirodha).. whereas Vedanta focuses on Brahman...
@Pandya I suggest you to read Swami Vivekananda commentary on Patanjali Yoga Sutras...
I've some work, will be back after half an hour.
Ok... @Pandya
@Tezz Does Yoga-Dhyana necessarily include Kundalini-Jagruti or Passing through all Chakra?
@Pandya No, it doesn't necessarily include... Kundalini Jagarana is just one of the method among the many...
@Tezz Are you referring to Rajayoga by Commentary of Swami Vivekananda?
@Pandya I don't know whether it is same or not... does it contain commentaries of Sutras.. ?
@Tezz Yes.
@Pandya oh I think it's same... have you read it... ?
@Tezz I've read Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with simple translation. No, I've not read Commentary by Swami Vivekananda yet.
@Pandya Oh ok... what I think is Yoga deals more with practicality than Vedanta...
@Tezz I've a book of Rajayoga which contains two part. One explains Rajayoga terminology, philosophy etc. And second contains original Yoga Sutra with commentary. I've read somewhat first part. Your recommendation just reminded me to complete it. I'll consider to read and complete commentary on Yoga Sutras.
@Tezz and then will (may) discuss with you later on this topic
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