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02:00 - 11:0011:00 - 17:00

@Pandya can you give me Svetasvatara Upanishad with Shankara commentary..?
@Tezz ohh..why?
@Tezz I have principal Upanishads and Adishankara commentaries on them.
@TheDestroyer do you have Svetasvatara Bhasya also..?
@Tezz Yes.
@TheDestroyer Pandya previously told Yoga Vasistha is quoted in it... so I want to read it...
@Tezz I've book "Ishadi nau Upanishad" which contains nine Upanishads with Adi Shankaracharya Bhashya. Svetasvatar is included in it. How I can provide it is by capturing images, combining to pdf and sending you. It is Sanskrit+Hindi
@TheDestroyer do you have all in a single file..?..
@Tezz no. 3 or 4 files.
wait let me check
@Pandya oh.. you have hardcopy?...
@TheDestroyer ok...
@Tezz Yes:
@Pandya ok.. if you have time.. you can do that and send to me...
@Tezz Sorry it doesn't contain Svetasvatara Upanishad.
@TheDestroyer Oh ok..

About the books that I've been reading.

Jan 20 at 13:12, 4 minutes total – 9 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jun 2 at 17:13 by Pandya

@Tezz ^^ I've discussed it several times.
It contains Isha, Kena, Munduka , katha, Prasna,Chandogya, Aithreya and Taitriya verse to verse translation and commentary.
TRANSLATORS: S. Sitarama Sastri , Ganganatha Jha.
@Tezz ok. I don't have much time currently, I'll have sufficient time probably after 6 January
@Pandya I also want to read Chandogya Upanishad chapter 7 in Hindi.. English seems confusing to me in that chapter...
@TheDestroyer in a single file?....
@Tezz Who translated that?
No. 52 MB. 5 files.
@TheDestroyer is it the same as avaliable here... hinduebooks.blogspot.com/2010/11/…
@Pandya ok.. send me when you have time...
@Tezz Yes.
@TheDestroyer I don't know who translated that... it's in that 108 Upanishads collection...
@TheDestroyer Oh ok...
@Tezz Ok. Btw, It is worth to have Gita Press Gorakhpur books code no. 1421, 577, 582 and 65. (You can search here)
@Pandya - Are these books in sanskrit+Hindi format or , only commentary?
@Pandya can you provide me a photo of commentary of Shwetashwatara 1.4 which describes Brahman Chakra. This verse is the most difficult verse ever which I've seen. I want to know how Shankara intreprets it...(you may post that image in this chatroom):
The sages saw the wheel of Brahman, which has one felly, a triple tire, sixteen end−parts,
fifty spokes with twenty counter−spokes and six sets of eight; whose one rope is manifold;
which moves on three different roads; and whose illusion arises from two causes.
@SwiftPushkar Yes, Sanskrit+Hindi format. Let's see one photo as @Tezz need
@Tezz you mean Tamekanemim......
@Tezz ok. I'll mail you.
@Pandya - ok :)
@Pandya yes, I mean that...
@Pandya Ok..
@Tezz I've just mailed you.
@SwiftPushkar I can mail you but don't know address/id
2 hours later…
@sakthi "advaita and visistadvaita look the same to me as there is no difference as Visistadvaita is jivatma's inner self parmatma and advaita as jivatma has paramatma as its soul (INNER SELF) what is the difference" No, Visistadvaita is the one where the Jivatma has Paramatma as its soul or inner self. Whereas in Advaita, Jivatma and Paramatma are literally the same. One is not the soul of the other. There is just one Atma called Paramatma.
@Tezz Note that the Shwetashwatara Upanishad Bhashya is not considered to be an authentic work of Adi Shankaracharya.
@Tezz @KeshavSrinivasan Chaganati Koteswara rao says "urdhva mulam adhah Shaayi".. which means The one who is present up, down and everywhere is called Shaayi. He says veda has this? Which veda has this?
Shaayi is replaced as Sai (Sai baba).
@TheDestroyer Gita verse 15.1 begins with the words "urdhva mulam adhah": vedabase.com/en/bg/15/1
@KeshavSrinivasan Yeah. i know gita verse.
@KeshavSrinivasan Not Jivatma and Paramatma are same in Advaita. Only Atma and Paramatma are same.
@TheDestroyer No, Advaita makes a distinction between Jiva and Jivatma. Jiva is different from Paramatma. Jivatma is the same as Paramatma. Jiva is Jivatma + Avidya.
@TheDestroyer Or to put it another way, Jiva = Jivatma + Causal Body
Jivatma still has Subtle body such as Manomaya kosha.
Jivatma is combination of casual and Subtle body.
@TheDestroyer No, the Jiva only has the Anandamaya Kosha, and the Jivatma has no Koshas at all.
@KeshavSrinivasan Where Advaita says this?
@TheDestroyer The Sthula Sharira and Sukshma Sharira are formed out of both Karma and Avidya, whereas the Karana Sharira is formed out of Avidya alone.
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes. Karana Shareera or Casual body is formed only due to Avidya.
@KeshavSrinivasan Generally, Jiva has all koshas. We are Jivas.
@TheDestroyer It is the Karana Sharira alone that provides the Jiva its identity. In waking stake the person has all three Shariras. In dreams the person wanders around with their Sukshma Sharira. Whereas in deep sleep the person has no Karmas and only has Avidya, i.e. it only has its Karana Sharira.
@TheDestroyer The Sthula Sharira and the Sukshma Sharira are not part of the Jiva, they are things that the Jiva inhabits.
@TheDestroyer By the way, all of this is different in Visistadvaita. We only believe in 4 Koshas and 2 Shariras, whereas Advaitins believe in 5 Koshas and 3 Shariras.
@TheDestroyer In Visistadvaita there is no such thing as the Anandamaya Kosha. Instead the term Anandamaya used in the Taittiriya Upanishad refers to the supreme Brahman, not to a Kosha. And we don't believe in a Karana Sharira.
@TheDestroyer Also, Visistadvaita makes no distinction between Jiva and Jivatma.
@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer - wht is the difference between Tantra and kriyayoga , even in kriyayoga the Tantra part is there , so are these two terms somewhat same of completely different.
i was finding answer abt. yoga in bhagvatam , there i came across kriyayoga told by shree krishna to uddhava , in that found pooja vidhi and other things like Naivedya , aachamana etc. so are these things called tantra or they are vidhi ?
02:00 - 11:0011:00 - 17:00

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