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How many of you believe in Horoscope??
@KrishnShweta I believe in Vedic astrology. Do you?
@KrishnShweta Jyotishya Sastra is true. It says about your Pradana Karma. But there are many fake Astrologers.
@KeshavSrinivasan I don't understand the difference between Vedic astrology and Horoscope :(
I have subscribed months ago to this
But till now I didn't get whether it's true or not, because some times it show correctly and some times wrong.
@KrishnShweta when Nalanda University was attacked by ruthless invaders, we lost many manuscripts of many fields of Science such as Astronomy, Astrology. To subside the fire, it took 3 months. We lost all important Vedic work.
@TheDestroyer Oh... when?
@KrishnShweta Vedic Astrology is using Jyotishya Sastra. Horoscope is using other Religios. Hindu horoscope is vedic .
@KrishnShweta I believe in Nakshatras , birth on perticulat nakshtra theory
@KrishnShweta around 1200 AD in Bihar .
~~~~~~~~~~~-------------- Hi All ---------------~~~~~~~~~
@TheDestroyer I see....
@SwiftPushkar Mornin!
@KrishnShweta that site is crap. Subscribe any Hindu or Vedic Astrology site. Or Learn yourself.
@SwiftPushkar good morning
I don't what is my zodiac sign. I don't know which is true: Zodiac sign through date of birth or name?
@KrishnShweta by birth. Time and place is unique for every individual even for twins.
I see....
@KrishnShweta there are many good sites . I prefer this site.
Also, some Telugu sites.
I will look at that @TheDestroyer
Do you people follow things like Bad time or good time before starting any good work?
@KrishnShweta I don't before starting any work except Grahana or eclipse
@SwiftPushkar Me too....
@KrishnShweta i think it doesn't matter much as we must face our Karma. For important occasions, we must follow them but for day to day life i think it doesn't matter much.
@SwiftPushkar not even Grahanam :D
@TheDestroyer True. Actually I don't believe in zodiac signs and these good and bad times.....
@KrishnShweta No. They are true. There are three Karmas. Sanchita Karma, Prarabda Karma and AagamI Karma. Sanchita Karma is Karma of all previous births. Prarabda Karma is Small portion of Sanchita Karma that ie destined to happen in this Janma. AagamI Karma is Karma of actions you do jn this birth. Sanchita and AagamI can be annihilated but not Prarabda. One may reduce I'll effects of Prarabda by his AagamI Karma.
@KrishnShweta Kundali gives info only About Prarabda. But AagamI also affects you. That's the reason for some people though Guna match their marriage will fail due to AagamI Karma.
@KrishnShweta you must use Kundali wisely to avert Ill effects. Don't believe it blindly or don't reject it completely.
@TheDestroyer Sorry for using wrong word... I didn't mean I don't believe, I mean I don't follow
Well, Thanks for the info :)
@KrishnShweta there is no free will. We think we have free will but when we are in this world , we are subjected to Karma and every action is consequence of previous action.
Q: Does Shiva or Vishnu or Trikaladarshi Yogi know our Aagami Karma or our free will?

The DestroyerAagami Karma is actions we do in this birth. This is generally said to be free will. See this question: Is our destiny predetermined? If yes, then why do our actions affect our karma?. Does Shiva or Vishnu or a Trikalagnani Yogi (who can know past, present, and future) know our Aagami Karma? Or ...

And see what science recently says
@KeshavSrinivasan did you see this?
Fake Human sacrifice before Nataraja statue at Cern.
@TheDestroyer Even the scientist @CERN knows that the answers they are seeking can only be attained through studing what ancient has discovered , or from ancient Scriptures , deep meditation ,Yoga etc.
@SwiftPushkar no there are rumors that women was stabbed to death before Shiva statue. Some are saying it as sacrifice.
@TheDestroyer ohh ok , I was talking in general and not abt the incident :)
@SwiftPushkar just google this incident. Nataraja is no where related to sacrifice.
@TheDestroyer I will
@TheDestroyer I think westerners deliberately try to show our Religion weak or fraud type often. This may be that kind of attempt
@SwiftPushkar they wore black dress like Illuminati
@TheDestroyer yes correct , I knnow abt Illuminati and things like templars , new world order , free mesons etc
@TheDestroyer these are secret society's
@TheDestroyer my question is viewd by 30 people but got just one vote , i mean why such few people actually vote? Lot's read q&a but only 3to 4 peoole vote . On other stack exchange sites people even appricieate attempt , why such low voting on hinduism SE. I don't want more numbers but just curious. :)
@KeshavSrinivasan what you think about it? Pls see my above comment
@SwiftPushkar True... Users must appreciate for Good questions.
@SwiftPushkar yea. This site has very few users who up vote. We must appreciate questions.
But we can't do anything, they should have sense.
@TheDestroyer @KrishnShweta. Yes and i am talking abt all of us not just abt mine , its sad we have very few active people , inspite if large population
@SwiftPushkar True...
@KrishnShweta by the way , have yoy got the solution of some question you were asked couple days ago, that was abt logic i think :)
@SwiftPushkar That's what I was working for. remember I asked about answering through Pravachan. But you are right. Pravachans can't be used to answer. :)
@TheDestroyer Yester day i have read abt skenda purana on wikipedia , it says its Rewa khada describes story of Narmada
@KrishnShweta not abt TV shows but the other one , i forgot that any way its ok :)
@SwiftPushkar even that Indian Scriptures site says that same.
What you people think about the people converting from their religion to other?
@KrishnShweta I Really don't have any idea abt this , such cases are rare and few
Correcting my statement: ^.^
I'm feeling bad about this news:
@KrishnShweta we cant say anything about them. All religions lead to same path. But only Sanatana Dharma says about Moksha, state of no return.
@KrishnShweta according to Bhavishya Purana, Mohammed is demon Tripurasura.
But Bhavishya Purana is highly interpolated and doesn't exist in its original form.
@TheDestroyer Oh....
@KrishnShweta yes. Narrow minded people do that.
@KrishnShweta Muslims are attracted to Wahabi ideas and this is all due to Wahabi ideas.
@TheDestroyer Hmm...
@KrishnShweta some people say Allah is shiva or shakti. Some say he in demon Guru Shukracharya. Shukracharya is also devotee of lord Shiva.
@TheDestroyer Yeah! I remember. We had a conversation about this few days ago.
@KrishnShweta see what is happening in Kashmir? First they persecute Hindus and other Religiona. They persecuted Kashmir Pandits. Kashmir is Kashyapa Muni land. There was lake initially there. No Kashmiri knows this.. then Sunnis persecute Shias.. finally whabis persecute all other sects.
@KrishnShweta yes we had this conversation.
@KrishnShweta on other hand Sufism is peaceful variant of Islam.. but many Muslims now believe that only Wahabism is true Islam and this is responsible for increasing terrorist attacks.
@TheDestroyer HUH!! Which Lake?
@TheDestroyer Sufism is related to Sunnis or Shias?
@KrishnShweta In the book Rajatarangani.. history of Kashmir is described.
@KrishnShweta i think no sect. It's mystic Islam.
@KrishnShweta our Himalayan sages do have some Sufi connections.
<rubbing my head> because whenever you all say any book name, I feel 'OMG, again new book'
@KrishnShweta haha. I didn't read that book but just know fhe name.
@TheDestroyer Good, you remember the name. :)
@KrishnShweta see this
Rajatarangini (Rājataraṃgiṇī, "The River of Kings") is a metrical legendary and historical chronicle of the north-western Indian subcontinent, particularly the kings of Kashmir. It was written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in the 12th century CE. The work consists of 7826 verses, which are divided into eight books called Tarangas ("waves"). The Rajataringini provides the earliest source on Kashmir that can be labeled as a "historical" text on this region. Although inaccurate in its chronology, the book still provides an invaluable source of information about early Kashmir and its neighbors...
@KrishnShweta Kashmir Shaivism is unique and a brilliant masterpiece. Unfortunately , now noone knows that properly.
@TheDestroyer Okay, I'll take look :)
Hold on.... I want to share 1 cute pic. I hope whoever see this pic will get a smile.
What pic?
It's about a little girl...
@KrishnShweta ok Bye! Will talk to you later.
1 hour later…
@KrishnShweta I will take her in my arms and Will not show anything wrong has happened due to her in my actions or in emotions. I will rather treat this incident as natural , and will continue to treat lil sis like my loveed one.
@SwiftPushkar +1 so kind of you.... ^_^
@Pandya Do you know more abt Narmada parikrama ? U r frm Gujarat right , when this Tradiation started etc
@KrishnShweta I am no nothing , its just my human nature
1 hour later…
@TheDestroyer Yeah! I know that 'Lord Shiva Charitra' which you shared. And I like it :) I have listen to it once or twice I guess. Plus, 1 more time today :)
@KrishnShweta good. I was searching for some stotra Yesterday and found this. I like Telangana songs. BTW, that is exact summary of Shiva Purana till birth of Kartikeya.
@TheDestroyer If I listen to it few more times then I will get it.
@KrishnShweta yeah. You need to understand meaning. Discourses by Chaganti are also good.
@KrishnShweta that song has word Nagareswara lord of Planets, which will be useful for my question
Q: Why Navagraha idols are present only in Shiva temples?

The DestroyerI saw idols of Navagraha (nine Planets) in many Shiva temples, but I haven't seen any idols of Navagrahas in Vishnu temples (like Krishna, Venkateshwara or Rama). Also, Rahu and Ketu pooja is done only in some Shiva temples e.g., Srikalahasti Temple, A.P. What's the reason for having idols of Na...

Hmm.... I have seen this.
@SwiftPushkar thanks for telling me about Shiva Manasa pooja
@TheDestroyer :)
3 hours later…
@KrishnShweta can I ask you one question ?
@SwiftPushkar sure...
@SwiftPushkar and I'm sorry for the late reply, I was doing some work
@KrishnShweta its ok :) Have you ever prayed to god for your exams recently , or for passing you out?
@SwiftPushkar Being Student, Yes..... ;)
@KrishnShweta during recent 3-4 years or before ?
@SwiftPushkar Recently, my prayer was: I have tried my best, If at all I wasn't good while preparing then I will work harder next time. But, this time I want to have experience of your magic..
@KrishnShweta what's my magic ?
@SwiftPushkar Not your, I was praying. You=God (there).
@KrishnShweta ohh i see :) so what do you think , do you believe in magic of god? R u optimistic about god?
@SwiftPushkar Yes, I do believe in magic. It happened with me. Probably at result time :D
@KrishnShweta he he you are right , i think you are vey hard worker @your studies :)
@SwiftPushkar Yeah! I work hard at studies, but most of the times I get confused.
@KrishnShweta abt what
@SwiftPushkar Whenever I would review the previous topics, I find a new point....
@KrishnShweta thats grt you are also very good explorer
@KrishnShweta What project you are working on ? For final
@SwiftPushkar I'm graduated.
@KrishnShweta ohh then what was it that you have carried out :)
@SwiftPushkar trying for job :)
@SwiftPushkar I have designed "Automatic LED with Panic alarm". That was my Mini project.
@SwiftPushkar Major project was "Implementation of 8-bit ALU on Spartan-3 FPGA.
@KrishnShweta ohh ok I used to built hobby circuits from EFY magzine and other ones some years back :)
@SwiftPushkar That's great.
@SwiftPushkar So are doing Job?
@SwiftPushkar I mean Are you doing job?
@KrishnShweta yes over here , giving answer's and asking Questions :)
@SwiftPushkar other than this?
@SwiftPushkar I really like circuits. I hope I will work in industry playing with electricity soon.... :)
@KrishnShweta Yes All the best for your job and your wish :)
*for your wish
@SwiftPushkar Thanks...
@KrishnShweta AI (artificial intelligence) will be hot topic in comming years
@SwiftPushkar @KrishnShweta hi
@TheDestroyer Hi!!!!
@SwiftPushkar what Puranas did you buy?
@TheDestroyer Recently brought shreemad bhagvad puran for dad , yet to read it , he is reading 1st part :)
@SwiftPushkar ok.
@SwiftPushkar im planning to take break from this site .
@TheDestroyer. Ohh no you are the one with experience ,without you there Will be problem
@SwiftPushkar haha. I'm not experienced . I know only Puranas and smriti. I haven't read any Vedas or Upanishads.
@TheDestroyer you have critical eye over operation so.. you are very imp member i think
@TheDestroyer it doesn't matter all is same Vedas or puranas ,
@SwiftPushkar yeah but I need to concentrate on other works also. I am addicted to this site.
@SwiftPushkar im actually planning to learn Upanishads and Vedas at some ashram
@SwiftPushkar we must Learn them under Guru else we don't get their original meaning.
@TheDestroyer ha ha wht i said , all is same , puranas will give u same thing as vedas or upnishdas , they are extension of vedas only , not a bit different
@SwiftPushkar i will visit this site but may not ask questions or answer.
@SwiftPushkar nice to meet you. Bye.
@TheDestroyer noooo...
@TheDestroyer Smriti is extension of Vedas itself , no need to treat them inferior , they are the most important and recited part of Hinduism all over India
@TheDestroyer at least once a day to talk with us...
Ah... First Tezz next Destroyer. :-(
@TheDestroyer "Kashmir Shaivism is unique and a brilliant masterpiece. Unfortunately , now noone knows that properly." If you're interested in Kashmir Shaivism you can read the works of Abhinavagupta. Abhinavagupta's commentary on the Bhagavad Gita is there on bhagavad-gita.us
@TheDestroyer By the way, despite its name, Kashmir Shaivism is not actually based on Shaiva Agamas. It's based on Shakta Agamas. Kashmir Shaivism evolved out of a group of Shaktas who started adopting Shiva as their Ishta Devata.
@TheDestroyer The Shaiva Siddhanta sect, on the other hand, is a Shaivite sect that is actually based on the Shaiva Agamas.
@Pandya If you're looking for Advaita works to read, check out Sri Harsha's Khandana Khanda Khadya, which I discussed in my question here:
Q: What is the Advaita argument for why causes can't have real existence?

Keshav SrinivasanThe Khandana Khanda Khadya is a work by the 12th century Advaitin philosopher Shri Harsha which seeks to demonstrate that all supposed means of knowledge are invalid. As I discuss in this question, in Hindu philosophy there are three main Pramanas or valid means of knowledge: Pratyaksha or senso...

@Pandya You can read it in Sanskrit with Hindi translation here: archive.org/details/Khandana-Khanda-Khadya.by.Sri.Harsa
2 hours later…
@Tezz Earlier I told you about how Mimamsakas believe that all the stories given in the Vedas, Puranas, Itihasas, etc. are mere Arthavada, fictional stories which glorify actions like the performance of Yagnas. Well, here is an example of that from Kumarila Bhatta's Tantra Vartika: gdurl.com/iXSx He says that the stories of wars described in the Mahabharata are not actually true, they'e just meant to encourage kings to be courageous.
@Tezz And Kumarila Bhatta says that even Mahabharata passages that don't describe anyone doing an action, like descriptions of what the Gandhamadana mountain looks like, are also not true, they're just meant to please the mind of the reader so that he'll continue reading the book.
@Tezz Mimamsakas were crazy.
3 hours later…
@KeshavSrinivasan Hi... Tezz is not online from two or three days

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