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julia> findfirst(_->true, "abc")

julia> find(_->true, "abc")
ERROR: MethodError: `find` has no method matching find(::Function, ::ASCIIString)
Closest candidates are:
  find(::Function, ::AbstractArray{T,N})
  find(::Function, ::Number)
@AlexA. ^
Made something work with findin btw. I was rather surprised it works at it does.
julia> findin("abc",[97;99])
2-element Array{Int64,1}:
1 hour later…
(I hope nothing blows up.)
Oh boy, that's cool but also sounds like a bad idea :P
@Dennis \o/ (-1 link no longer forwards to a rickroll)
@Dennis FYI you don't need semicolons when you're making an array like that, you can just use commas.
@AlexA. I can set up a conditional redirect for IPs from Washington.
@Dennis uh... no thanks. I want to be able to use it. :P
@Sp3000 It's sandboxed (no write access, no internet), I've blocked outgoing SMTP connections with iptables (additional security measure) and set a conservative process limit (to prevent fork bombs). I hope that's enough.
Yeah, I'm wondering about the "hope" part :P
@Dennis For this you can use search. It's search(string, chars) or search(string, substring).
@AlexA. Yeah, I just modified the code I already had, which uses ranges.
A: Reverse Greek Conversion Golf

DennisJulia, 82 70 bytes x->10.^((t=findin([1:5;76;6:16;72;17;19:25;80]+912,x)-1)÷9)⋅(t%9+1) Try it online!

Nice :)
@Sp3000 Me too. :P In the end, I think sandboxing interpreters will be more secure than my current approach though, which consists in trusting the authors of a gazillion esolang interpreters.
For example, Seriously had a few bugs that allowed arbitrary code execution at one point.
So does that mean if I destroy something, it'd only be destroying the sandbox?
It should.
> should
This is new terrain for me.
I'm trying my very best to break things right now :P
Hint: try run()
I'm doing that :P
A new sandbox is created for each Julia process, and all changes to the sandbox are emulated, i.e., not really written to the actual file system.
Not sure if TIO lagging or something broke
FYI: Julia 0.5 will have alldistinct, which is equivalent to length(x) == length(unique(x)). \o/
@Sp3000 Uh, I had to restart Apache for some reason...
What did you do? :P
shutdown needed root, I was just trying random things
Ah yes, I saw that in ps aux.
I shouldn't be running CGI scripts as www-data.
(side note: I don't know what I'm doing but this is fun)
Another Julia 0.5 FYI: Comparison between Char and number types will probably go away. That is, ' ' == 32 will most likely throw a MethodError.
That will of course have negative consequences for golfing but IMO makes more sense in a production environment
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I think I'll keep different versions on TIO.
OK, added permalinks to my recent Julia answers.
@AlexA. +1
You know, you can actually +1 on GitHub ;)
Had to switch to desktop version. I gave you a thumbs up.
@Sp3000 My sandbox doesn't seem to be sufficient. I can prevent killall5 from nuking Apache, but not from interfering with other TIO processes...
Hmm darn
2 hours later…
OK, killall5 should do no harm now. Unfortunately, killing a request isn't quite as easy anymore.

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