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nd another boss down
I think I'm ahead of @Sterno now
since I think he's still in the swamp
that boss was really easy
Sounds like it does get more difficult?
Looks like I just killed him before the hard part started
Throne Watchers dead
@Wipqozn you were amped for this to come out! I havn't got it yet, how is it?
@Parzival Excellent
@Wipqozn compared to the first and second games how is it?
@Parzival Excellent
@Wipqozn I thought it was super easy. Did it on the first try
@Wipqozn Did you cheese the giants, or melee them?
@Sterno I meleed one. Was pretty easy.
I didn't bother with the one with mobs near it.
@Sterno Most people seem to
I don't know why I had so much trobule
@Wipqozn i will get it then, but i'm playing SWBF right now
I melee'd both
it was that second phase
they'd get the curse spell off, and I just died trying to spam the enemy to death
It wasn't too bad once I realized that that spell isn't just "happens after X seconds"
tookme 6 tries, I think?
Broadsword has a sweep attack that was really nice for hitting like 4-5 at once
The first four tries I didn't even notice those black spell dudes
so I thouht I just had to spam like crazy to kill that boss before some hidden time limit
I must have disrupted them a few times without knowing it. When I did kill the boss, the curse meter was almost full
But those fucking knights outside the boss room. Gah
@Sterno The time I finally killed them they just didn't get it up at all
I figured out what was happening and just kept killing them
@Sterno I just ran past them
or do you mean when you actually tried to kill them?
@Wipqozn Yes
The shield guys were annoying, but the greatsword ones didn't give me ay trouble
The first shield one I came across I killed super fucking easily
and then the next time I fight it it kicked my ass
First time it didn't even get it's magic buff spell off
the greatsword guys didn't give me any trouble.
Shield ones weren't bad for me. The greatsword one gave me problems. His reach was always a little bigger than I thought, and his sweep would hit me after I dodged
I see I see
I also have shit for armor, so you know
I usually just dodge into attacks,so reach isn't really a problem
Maybe I was just dodging too early. I'd dodge and end up behind him, but the sweep would continue adn hit me back there
also what seem to be the common mobs in this new area I'm in are insane
I'm having a similar problem in PVP
@Sterno yeah, probably dodging too early
Enemies with the shields all annoy me, since I like to strife around the right and I get shield based
I just need to break that habit, and go opposite for shield dudes
I have about 2 hours of DS3 time left and then nothing until Monday night :(
or make better use of my R2 move.
R2 move on my sword is good for killing shielded guys, but I don't use it enough.
It's a poke attack, which has a good shield stagger whatever going on
I think I have the same one
and then it seems after you do that it just follows up with a critical
@Sterno Lothric Straight Sword?
Except maybe not the crit
Think that's the name
Same R2 move, I mean
that thing
@Sterno ah okay
It's the only straight sword I've found wher the poke is on both one handed and two handed
Oh, wait, not R2
@Sterno which sword are you using?
I'm thinking the L2 + L1
frost sword or broad sword, depending which is better for how upgraded it is. Currently, the frost sword
They're basically the same moveset. Frost sword has better reach
@Wipqozn Did you buy the Tower Key yet for the Firelink Shrine?
@Sterno Yeah, that's how I got the firekeeper armor set
which is super fancy looking
Also super light
Oh, right
I'm pretty sure these "bonfire ahead" Messages were lies to lure me into a boss fight
Though I guess technically after you kill a boss, you get a bonfire
@Sterno In the swamp?
well just after the swamp I suppose
@Wipqozn Yeah, behind the big doors
"bonfire ahead sign" near the abyss watcher fight
@Sterno There's a bonfire about 15 seconds away from it
I bone'd out. had 20k souls
Which, sadly, is only 1 level
@Sterno yeah levels are super expensive this time around
you at 10 flasks?
When you went up the stairs from the swamp, if you took a right there's a small castle hallway with a bonfire
@Sterno yeah
This said "be wary of right" with another message, oriented towards boss, which said "bonfire ahead"
@Sterno Sounds like someone didn't know how to properly place a gesture.Or was trolling everyone.
Okay. So maybe it does matter how you level up a split scaling weapon
One point in dex gives me one attack, one point in strength gives me 2 attack, for the current level
@Sterno In Souls 2 STR did give more damage per point
not sure it works in souls 3
I check every time I level. It's been even until now
Or at least, once I started doing a split scaling weapon
20 vigor (health), 20 endurance (stamina), 13 vitality (equip load), 19 strength, 23 dex, everything else 10
I think mine is...
14 vigor, 16 endurance, 20 vitality, 22 str, 21 dex, everything else 10
oh no wait
err 27 str
I ust hit 27 befor eturning the console off for the night
oh looks like magic isn't as UP as people were complaining about before, and is stil strong as heck
Looks like it's just the early game spells aren't that great, but after 7-8 bosses you start getting stronger spells and bosses melkt again
I'm almost playing DS3 again!
I'm not doing so hot on this Abyss Watchers fight
First try I got his 2nd form down to about 20%
subsequent tries I can't even get to his 2nd form
@Sterno I had a similiar experience
I was bitching about that one last night
I did get that second form to the one or two hit sleft before getting killed
I can do the first form now. I just need to be more patient for it.
Second form is WTFH4X though
@Sterno tbh I foudn the second form easier than the first form, since you don't need to worry about the other things getting involced
Of course I'm also just not very patient.
Lack of patience causes me so many problems in souls games
I keep wanting to punish him after his attack, and he just sort of ignores me hitting him and then hits me once for 50% of my life
I suppose armor would help
@Sterno ah yeah
he doesn't stagger as easily in second from
in first form it's stagger city
No, that's in first form even
oh odd
must be your weapon
He's just all "Oh, you're attacking me? Go fuck yourself"
In first form all my attacks woudl stagger him
must be the weapon
or damage
not sure if it's specific werapon types, or the damage
I know it used to be all poise magic, but not in souls 3
6 hours later…
Q: Can I increase chances of coop with friends in Dark Souls 3?

arghtypeI am able to play with my friend - we both enabled matchmaking by password, we are both using Warriors of Sunlight covenant (so our cooperation could be jolly), our soul levels are in range, host has the power of the Lord of Cinder. But after failure (one of us dies) or success (boss kill) we ar...

I wonder if @Sterno ever beat Abyss Watchers
OIkay so looks like abyss watchers is a tough as heck fight
I don't feel so bad for taking as long as I did, and since it seems I beat it a lot quicker than a lot of folks I suddenly feel better about it
Looks like some people were stuck for hours on it
I managed to get it in 10 tries, I think?
Your weapon may play a key role.
Looks like @Sterno wasn't staggering, but I was, which would make a huuuuuuuuuuge difference.
I also fought them earlier than I was supposed to, I think
Since I was supposed to do catherdeal of the deep first
3 hours later…
I stopped last night on that fight. They'll have to wait until Monday
I can't wait to pass @Sterno
@twobugs That'll be great
I'll be streaming it so essentially all of the bridge wil be further than @Sterno
You'll probably only pass me if you can dedicate a full two days to playing.
I think I've probably got close to 20 hours in
I guess looking things up would speed that up greatly, though
Yeah, I'm at 20 hours.
I explore pretty slowly
and still miss a ton of shit
Looking things up make you a coward though
and makes your victory hollow
About all I've looked up so far is mechanics stuff, mostly
Or, after I did something, tried to look up what would happen if I'd done it differently
Like GiantBro
@Sterno gianBro best bro
the best part about giantbro is that he still throws spears after, he just doesn'th throw them at you
I'm just glad I was ahead of @Sterno before the weekend of family happened
@Wipqozn It really wouldn't matter. After Day 1, I was doomed. My daily play time cannot catch up.
I haven't looked anything up for DS3
Getting about 4 hours in during work time yesterday kept me the lead for a little while, but then I lost it all at night
I didn't do it for BB either, at least first playthrough
@Sterno Sounds like we're both at about 20 hours though.
and don't give me any of that "but my 20 hours include distractions by children" nonsense!
children are never distracting
source: I was a children once
It does include a bunch of idle time while the game was running
But probably not more than 2 hours
20 is an estimate though. It might have been 25. It might have been 18. I don't know
I also did a restart about 90 minutes in, and redid that first 90 minutes in about 15 minutes, so saved time there
If only there was some sort of way to track played time on Steam
That would be even less reliable than their in-game time
I launched DS3 to the title screen a good 2 hours before I could actually play just to taunt @Wipqozn on launch night
(If you check that I recommend you check my played time on Pillars of Eternity, a game I spent $250 on and greatly enjoy but have played for 5 hours)
25 hours
@Sterno Okay, I approve of this
@Sterno Sounds about right
@Sterno I just turned my computer off as soon as you started downloading it.
Actually, I could just look at my stream recording and see what the hours were when I logged out last night
That 24 hours was for @Sterno
Mine is at 20.
19.5 hours
19.5, cool
pretty sure I'm at 20. I wil double check when I got home.
I'm at least 20 hours
Pretty sure I'm at like 3
So I doubt I will be catching either of you
@twobugs Your mom is at 3
Imma go find the link of me failing hard at pvp
@Sterno Sounds amusing
I shuld set up that twitch strem tonight
No, I don't think my mom is at 3 hours played in DS3
I got less than 2 hours in yesterday, at at least some of that was idling :(
bt then I'm not sure if I want people to see me faliling in this new area I'm in
I like that youtube records all my streaming
I like that your mom records all your streaming.
I didn't ven realize you were streaming
Probably because I'm too busy plying myself
@Wipqozn No one watches because I don't talk. I don't talk because I don't want to wake up the kids and can't always even have headphones on so I can hear them. So it's boring. But it can be fun for me to rewatch some stuff on my own. Like failing at pvp
It's probably too late to archive this time I owned someone in DS2 pvp
Pushed him off a cliff in the rat king area after he summoned me
That first guy reallky kicked your ass
They all really kicked my ass
I kept trying to do power attack stuff which did not work out
or whatever you call those RT moves
The second guy did like half of my life per hit. He had nice damage
Do you charge them much? I find the charge super great in PVE
I mean, he could have done 10% per hit and still would have won, but
I'm going to try that weapon once I can get it (which I think is very soon). I want to try parrying
It attacks really fast for an ultra greatsword.
@Sterno it is.
I might craft it and try it
I'm making a personal resolution to parry more in 3
I thn it's too heavy for me to use though
yeah 12.5
heavy as heck
id I used that it would need to be on abuild with heavier armor
It is still an ultra greatsword.
if I'm going to get pushed into >30% then I'll want the armor to match
and for this playthrough I want to stick with firekeeper, because fashion
I love ultra greatswords, I'm just not sure I want to invest enough time to really get good at them
has C/A scaling at +5. Nicer.
I'm doing magic this run anyway
> At +5 with 40 str/40 dex, this weapon has 500 AR.
@Wipqozn Dex scaling? Weird
I'm totally going to try using it.
(with probably the lightest armor possible to stay under 30%)
@Sterno Swords almost always have a little bit of DEX scaling, IIRC. It's clubs and axes that are pure STR. I think.
I guess time to start putting points in equip load
@Yuuki Yeah, but that's mega dex scaling
I'm not clear if parry only works when single-handing it or when 2-handing it
@Sterno 2-handing.
Yup, that's my boss weapon then
It's one of the Bloodborne-styled "dual" weapons.
It's designed to be 2-handed. You lose the awesome dash and sweep attacks if you 1-hand it.
I want to replay Bloodborne but after DS3
I was disappointed by the lack of area diversity in Bloodborne though. It's pretty much all towns.
urmom is a town
No, she's a human.
She's as big as a town?
She is of average human size and is a very classy lady.
Maybe the town is very tiny
I saw something I wish I hadn't seen on a stream.
There is another location returning from 1 that I wish wasn't there.
The only location I know of from one is Anor Londo and spoilers you see that in the opening movie
Yeah. That's the one.
I saw a part of it. :|
I don't like what you have to do.
It's also visible from the first bonfire after Firelink :P
I've had a lot of the story spoiled for me but I guess I don't really care about the story in Souls games
I recognize that a lot of people do care and I can see why getting it spoiled would suck
I don't like seeing areas or enemies before I actually get to them, though. That kind of ruins the sense of discovery for me,
Quite the chef hat there.
@Sterno A lot of weapons seem to scale with dex this time around
One of my favorite parts in DS1 and 3 (not so much 2) is stopping to look around and figure out how where I am relates to the places I've been
@Sterno That's because DS2 stages weren't really connected in anyway that made sense
@KevinvanderVelden Your mom's the wrong star thing
I think you're here because you want Dark Souls 3
Do it up @KevinvanderVelden.
To both things
I have dark souls 1!
I've played maybe half an hour of it
But now I suppose it is time to go home and do stuff related to eating and such
Also I thought I had a concert tonight, but turns out I fucked up and it was last night soooooooooooooo dark souls 3 all night
Upset I missed the concert, but hey, darksouls 3
@Wipqozn what concert?
@GodEmperorDune This and this.
@Wipqozn yeah you missed out bigtime
that was a great opportunity to hit me with friday
Hmm... one thing I wish they did with Dark Souls was let you re-fight bosses without having to go into NG+(+++++).
After beating Artorias last night, I want to fight him again.
@GodEmperorDune Zeus damn it
I'm so ashamed
@Yuuki Place a summon sign down
@Wipqozn Dark Souls 1.
Not sure how popular souls 1 is right now though
@Wipqozn It's popular but online is currently disabled.
@Yuuki oh, didn't know that
Plus, fighting in co-op isn't the same thing.
@Yuuki It's not, but better than waiting for NG+ if you want to do another round.
I frequently will drop a summon sign after beating a boss and do a few rounds helping out folks
I think I killed Abyss Walkers 5 or 6 times that way
Also the number of folks who summon help fo their first time against a boss shocks me
I'll know since the cutscene will play
I understand folks summoning help due to a boss being too hard, but I don't get not wanting to at least try it by yourself at least once.
@Wipqozn That's terrible.
That you'll get to play DS3 all night, not that you missed the concert.
Yeah. Help is easy mode
And it seems like most people wouldn't play for ez mode
I wonder if I can watch twitch on my phone
If so, I might live vicariously through @twobugs tonight
You should be able to, @GodEmperorDune listens on his way home
It's too bad it doesn't say YOU DIED out loud in a Mortal Kombat voice every time you die.
It physically pains me to type "Kombat" with a K
I can read YOU DIED out loud in a silly voice
I'll probably be playing DS2 until I finish either today or tomorrow. Looks like I have a few base game areas left and all the DLC
@Sterno yeah you definitely can
Lame. Ds2 is lame. All the cool kids play DS3
You're lame and also not cool. Or a kid.
Patch 1.04 targeting Monday the 18th
2 hours later…
Dark Souls 3 will be so much funnier this weekend knowing that @Sterno isn't playiong
I hate you
@Sterno Excellent.
1 hour later…
I gotta say the area I'm in right now is probably one of my favourite areas in all the souls games
cc @Sterno
Hoooooooooooly snap
got o a new boss
and my word
well thsy went to the wrong chat
so I thought "oh looks like that thing can't damage me"
but then it totally could
@Sterno @MadMAxJr Have either fo you tried out Magic Weapon?
I haven't been bothering wit hit, but just tried it - it's really damn good
I never really used it in previous games, but I was always under the impression it wasn't all that handy
looksl ike I was horribly wrong
All of the weapon buff spells are great.
You can never go wrong with free bonus damage.
@Yuuki In previous games, at least souls 1, I remember the boost being so small it wasn't worth it
but maybe I was wrong
@Wipqozn It depended on what catalyst you were using and your build.
Since it scaled to your MagAdjust.
They changed the formula in 2 so it was more widely useful.
Yeah, it looks like your catalyst helps a lot more this time
Because right now I get a boost of about 80 damage
If they kept the formula from 2, they added some base damage.
So you're not completely reliant on a good catalyst and scaling.
that was porobably the best boss fight yet
my heart is bearting so blood fast
that was fantastic
Just did a stat reset.
@Sterno 20 vigor, 20 vit, 14 endurance, 27 str, 22 dex. I took 2 points from faith and 2 from endurance and dumped them into vigor.
I had faith at 12, for HEal, and heal is super handy, but it takes up half your FP bar.
Not sure aboutyou, @Sterno, but I liked using heal aid to just top my HP off. Heal isn't really good for that.
I use lloyds sword ring, which is one reason I like having that HP top off

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