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holy fuck finally thewre
That boss should not have taken my so many tries
Okay I should stop for the night. Almost 10pm, and I still need to prepare for work tomorrow
@Wipqozn No. I went to Cathedral of the Deep instead
But that's where I"m headed now
@Sterno I'd strongly suggest killing that thing.
As opposed to?
@Sterno Running away like a little gir
@Wipqozn urmom is a gir
cc @Wipqozn
I kind of like my current rings. Life Ring, Estus Ring, More Souls Ring, and Ring-I-Can't-Remember Ring
Hrm, maybe I can swap out that last one
Oh, Flynn's
@Sterno Get rid fo the life ring
You don't need more health
It's only a small boost anyways
Havel's Ring would just let me wear better armor, which soaks more damage, which effectively is more life.
But I guess I'll see how much it helps
I'd hate to ruin my naked manlady cosplay
I am level 41
And feel like I've done nothing useful with my points
@Sterno taking less damage is more useful
10 damage you don't take , is 10 less damage you need to heal
@Sterno yeah, I kind of wish I could respec
you can eventually
I've keep vigor the same, but I might rearrange what I put into HP and Endurance
Just killed my first PC invader
during fucking boss fight on bridge
That might not be who @Wipqozn was talking about, because I got something different than he said I'd get.
Oh, you craft it. Nevermind
@Wipqozn That ring raises max equip load by 7-8 for me, but also weighs so much that it's only effectively a 1.5% gain
Not sure that's worth it
PSA: The Shrine Maiden eventually will sell you Titanite Shards, so no need to horde them
Q: How should I allocate my stats to maximize damage on a split scaling weapon?

SternoI assume (but correct me if I'm wrong), that I have a weapon that had something like E scaling on Strength but B on Dexterity, I should just raise Dexterity to the softcap before putting points in Strength. However, when the scaling is evenly split, say C/C, should I alternate which stat I raise...

2 hours later…
1 hour later…
A Dark Souls Haiku:
> At the Bell's tolling
You shall rise from your Undeath,
Tongue but hole ahead.
3 hours later…
Q: Can I report a cheater in Dark Souls 3?

arghtypeYesterday I got invaded by some guy and I cannot deal any damage to him at all. He didn't even attempt to dodge or block my attacks. So I think he could be a cheater. That's very frustrating for me as it was only second day after release! I understand that due to game mechanics and number of pl...

2 hours later…
@Sterno It's a 15% boost I think, so it does depend on your equip load
@GodEmperorDune I approve of this idea.
Q: How are illusionary walls working?

ExaIn Dark Souls 1 illusions could be detected by rolling into them or hitting them. In Dark Souls 2 you had to press the "Activate" key to remove illusions. How does this gameplay mechanic work in Dark Souls III? How can you remove illusions like secret doors?

man work is the worst
also I'm seeing a concert tomorrow
it better be fosh darn awesome to justifyt all that time thatcould be spent playing souls 3
the local symphony normally does a really good job though
So maybe it's just SotFS but Shrine of Amana was not that bad
From what I understand SotFS made it a bit easier. Also, if you don't refused to use ranged weapons, its easier too
@Wipqozn At least you won't be driving to Wisconsin for 5 hours, then be trapped all weekend in a Soulsless hell
Yeah I pulled out a crossbow. That was nice
The NPC invasion guy could 1shot me but I pushed him into the deep water and he died
I'm still psyched that I won a PVP fight. That almost never happens. Usually because by the time I play, the only people PVPing have been playing for months and using special twinked out pvp builds
@Wipqozn The stance for frost sword/broadsword (maybe longsword too)? that lets you normal attack to break their shield block is awesome. And it has pretty good range.
The guy I was fighting just kept his shield up and circle strafed, hoping to punish me if I attacked and he blocked. He was unprepared for his shield getting smacked aside
I also suspect I'm better at PVP if I'm not reliant on a shield
Shields are totally a crutch
Shields are fine, but you shouldn't overuse them especially in 3
Since it's a BB engine game and dodging is insane
But (some) shields let you parry, which is good.
2 hours later…
Shields with 100% physical block are nice.
Stamina seems pretty generous in this edition, so blocking works to some extent.
I just can't believe how many creatures where the solution is "Get as close as possible, stay there."
It was better when yesterday at this time I was playing DS3
I watched a friend get started on DS3 and was filled with jealousy as she obliterated the first boss with little problem as a Herald.
@MadMAxJr It absolutely is
Stamina is kind of dead for me in 3 right now as I regened stamina faster than my cast animations it seemed
I mean if I took a step or two between casts I was good
Well, I just found out that I totally missed the Mound Maker covenant, and probably would never, ever have found it left to my own devices
@Sterno I can't wait
Mound Maker are the purple bros right?
@Sterno Yeah, that's on reason I never liked them. Sure, dodging attacks is harder, but it feels like it's always better to dodge than use a shield.
@Sterno huh, same. You cn get it still, but you need to defeat 3 lords of cinder first.
Are purple bros friendly or hostile? I keep seeing them labeled as 'neutral phantoms'
Apparently you can set Firelink Shrine on fire.
@Wipqozn I'm okay with missing it. I wasn't going to join. But wow, I never would have discovered that
yeah, souls can be so obscure sometimes
@MadMAxJr Both
They get their rewards either by killing the host, or killing 3 other phantoms when summoned (I think)
I don't know why you wouldn't treat them as hostile if you summon them
The guy I PVP'd last night disappeared briefly whenever he rolled. Pretty sure it wasn't just a graphics glitch. I wonder what item does that
@Sterno I've come across enemies like that
might be gear they drop
I'm glad we don't have the lifegem BS again
I was really tempted to go home for a 2 hour lunch and play DS3. But I knew 2 hours would become 6 hours
@Sterno Could you just go home early instead? Just power through lunch.
@Wipqozn Maybe.
I actually have quite a bit of work to do what with having been a slacker the last two days and leaving early tomorrow for a long drive.
I'm going to be so sad when you're on NG++++ on Monday
You'll be all "Dark Souls 3? Dude, that game is old. Everyone is playing <SOME STUPID NEW GAME> now"
And then I'll buy it and never play it.
@Sterno and the world will make sense again
Dude we're on Hello Kitty Souls now, the award winning crossover between Hello Kitty and Dark Souls universes.
My greatest fear is that I get back Monday and, my momentum having been broken, I don't resume Dark Souls 3 and it lingers unfinished. Just like I did with 1. And 2
@Sterno I'll play through souls 3 at least twice. Gotta do a magic playthrough. I'd like to do a ng+ PLAYTHROUGH CAPS LOCK as well.
@Sterno If you'd like, I can call you a coward everyday until you start plying again.
Just get a Sinistar alarm setup. RUN COWARD.
@Wipqozn That would help
Also, frost sword FTW
Also, I hate the swamp
Is it a big circle?
That might explain why I think I ended up the same place no matter which way I went from the starting bonfire
@Sterno I think so, yeah
I got the big doors open but I want to make sure I'm done exploring before I move on
Which is kind of hard
Do enemies despawn in this one or are they infinite?
Okay, note to self, stop fighting blue halberd man and just go around him.
@Wipqozn You should definitely stream tonight. And save a recording so I can watch it later. I want to see you in Cathedral of the Deep
I watch other people play and keep going, "Oh, there's an item over there? How did I miss that?"
I did enjoy watching my friend pass the drake, fight the knight, get the bonfire, venture out to the ledge, and see the infested hollow for the first time.
Then she went down the ladder on 4 more runs, ignoring the building full of items like sword and shield, in favor of going to the bottom where all the knights are.
I should go back and see if I can kill the drake
the fact that the fire damage would stun you seems like it would make that still pretty difficult though, short of perhaps some arrow cheese
You can get a good view of him from the tower opposite him
> You need to inflict just over 2,200 damage before the dragon will fly off. When this happens you will earn yourself a Large Titanite Shard. Averaging about 43 damage per arrow, it took about 50 arrows before the dragon flew off.
Not worth it
So you can't kill it, you can only annoy it.
So it's qualified to participate on The Bridge.
Yesterday I learned people get health whenever you upvote one of their messages in DS3
TIL people get health whenever you downvote one of their messages, too
Never downvoting again
My god, there are players powered by hate?
Time to mark every single wall as 'illusion ahead'
@Sterno wsa like that in souls 1 and 2
@Sterno tht's dumb
@Wipqozn YOU'RE DUMB
@Sterno Your mom is dumb
Your mom is a pyromancer
How I imagine @Wipqozn's mom:
21 hours ago, by Sterno
user image
@MadMAxJr "Bros" is an operative word here.
@Sterno I've got the mirrah armor on now, so I'mp retty
Although I gotta say the brigand armor is grossly good for it's weight
Not as pretty though
@Wipqozn Too much weight for me
@Wipqozn waaaay too much weight for me
I think I have 13 in whatever the carry stat is
@Sterno yeha, took 10 points into vigor + havel
@Sterno I have 20
Armor is for lame people who get hit a lot
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure armor > health points. Other than I guess it kind of gets multiplied by your number of estus flasks
but 10% armor for a 700 hp pool is what... like 70 more damage you can take per life bar? Which is about 3 flasks?
Not sure how much equip load you need for that extra 10%, but those stat points are a direct trade with life
@Sterno tbh I point as many points into it as a I did for fashion reasons
That's why I'm wearing the mirrah chest
That I can see
My guy looks like a confused crossdresser
Fashion Souls best souls
right now I've got mirrah chest + pants, so I look pretty rad
I put my first 10 points in stamina, which I regret. If I could move them to equip load, I'd be happy
@Sterno I plan to invest 7 more pointsinto str (27), then focus on dex.
Might put some points into stamina or faith every few levels
27/40 is the standard build for quality, provided you two hand, due to the 1.5 str modifer
Might put more points into faith before more dex, just for some miracles
need to double check what miracle lady has
I'm 18 str/21 dex right now. Wish I'd put it all in dex. Secondary effects are better than strength, and damage-wise it's the same
@Wipqozn Is that still true in 3? I heard maybe not
@Sterno I think so
@Wipqozn I've given her two miracle tomes and everything she has is still pretty lame. Not that I can cast any of it.
Only thing I'd really want is more heals
I don't want to waste the estus on magic
@Wipqozn My understanding is that's how it was for DS1, but not DS2
That's a good point. I'm not sure if it's back./
Thus this:
Q: How does 2-handing a weapon affect damage?

SternoI imagine this answer might get complicated depending on how the weapon is infused and which stats scale it, but maybe not. Obviously, I don't really understand how one-handing vs two-handing affect things. In previous games, I've used Strength-scaling weapons and 2-handing had an obvious effect....

Most of our souls questions have shitty answers
People don't come here for expert knowledge on those games.
I guess when we get strength to 27, we can just add another point and see what happens
But dex first!
Is there a means to respec in DS3 or did they abandon that?
Did you settle on long sword?
@MadMAxJr I heard there was, but I haven't seen it yet.
Okay, I just looked it up. I'm far enough to respec. But it's in an odd location that I missed
Or, maybe, I got there too early.
You can maybe only do it as a special convenant? Weird
I can't find any real solid enough
plenty of folks saying 1.5 is how it orks, but no sources
looks like peple just assuming
@Sterno That whatever knight long sword I got from a drop
I'll probably swap to a different sword late game, which I know is returning. Maybe.
just becasue it's got a great buff on it
I'm still waiting for a boss weapon that doesn't look like shit
upgrades with twinkling anyways, so I'll be able to upgrade it no problem
or type-wise
@Sterno tbh I've always found boss weapons underwhelming
especially now that they brought back all these infusions
Yeah, but it's fun to level one up
I wish having weapons you can swap didn't use up weight
That's the main reason I don't want to carry one
I also think I found a spot where GiantBro could farm souls for me all day while I'm at work
Come back after the weekend, 20 million souls
- all of them because invader
@Wipqozn I liked using the Looking Glass Knight's greatsword in DS2, but that was because there was a free lightning buff on it so I didn't have to attune Sunlight Weapon.
Is respeccing limited in 3? Not that I really intend to
1 hour later…
Fashion Souls best spouls
Thje firekeeper set looks super cool
Also I found a ring (no idea where) that makes me invisible when rolling (cc @Sterno)
my defense is lower, but I sure look a lot cooler
and if that base resist stuff works the way that post said I'm better with a fullset anyways
Well, sure, you want to cover every slot, but that can be done cheaply
I mean, katana guy by firelink gives you two pieces that are a total of like .6
annnd crystal sage dude
@Sterno yeah but that looks ugly
Firekeeper set looks super cool
crystal sage was easy, mostly
but I get the sense it's one of those bosses where YMMV
that second phase when a bunch spawn seems like it could be really hair pulling depending on how quickl you can knock her down
I just missed that boss when I was going through
I got to just before it, and then I fell down some hole and got ambushed and run away
that's the story I told before where I was at near death and got away with a teleport just in time
@Wipqozn Yeah. After a try or two, once you realize which to attack, it was easy
I really don't want to wander the swamp looking for whatever random stuff I might have missed in my last few hours of gametime before the weekend. But I know if I don't, I never will
@Sterno I know the swamp has at least one estus boosting item
I can't remember what kind
Just summoned a guy for pvp and I don't know if it was lag or what but he hit me way after I was out of his range. That was terrible
So right by where you can respec is a good place to summon people for pvp
I've been doing that and getting totally owned
People are hitting me when I"m behind them. I'm not hitting them at all
I'm probably just bad, but man, it's nuts
Everyone has crazy reach
oh yeah, I'm getting close to the respec NPC
might respec when I find her, not sure
I think my current points are fine
also I keep mixing up vigor and vitality
anytime i've said vigor, chances are I meant vitality
Apparently, Iudex can be parried.
Which might come in handy if you're not Deprived and have to start with a bash shield instead.
Yeah, I watched my gal pal parry the stuffing out of him
Get rekt, @MadMAxJr
She was trying to get him stunned on the 'oops time to transform' hit to see how much she could do before he turned
@Wipqozn You need 5 of an item too, of which I've only found 3
1 hour later…
in The Bridge, 2 mins ago, by two bugs
https://www.twitch.tv/twobugs/ DARK SOULS 2
Deacons of the deep is honestly really fucking annoying, @Sterno
So tedious
there fuckung fuck
@Wipqozn lol
They just kept getting that fucking curse off,a nd it was basically LOL SPAM ATTACK
Didn't let them do it that time

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