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@Sterno Halfwy Fortress
I tihink I might go with a Quality build, for the first time ever
Was curious if it was actually a thing this time around, and it is
and saw someone talking about a certain returning sword whose ability is awesome sooo quality build yo
although that weapon is late game
quality build. Something new. Will use straight swords probably.
oka I need to actually head off for the night, later all
@Wipqozn I'm that or Dex. Probably depends on how much I end up liking the Itwhatever Straight Sword, since I think that had an even split
And I still don't get how gems work with regards to scaling
@twobugs You're playing the wrong game.
@Sterno Refined is quality from what I understand'
sharp is dex
heavy is strength, I think
@Sterno I have to beat it first
I just killed Iron King
@Wipqozn Yeah, I get what they are, I just don't get what exactly they do? Just improve the scaling along their line?
So, sharp on a A str /E dex would become like A/C, but Sharp on a E/B would become like E/S or something?
Whereas refined might make them S/D or D/A?
Wow. The stance on this straight sword is so much better than the scimitar
@Wipqozn I like Mundane builds.
@Wipqozn Now that I know how armor works, I switched to the katana guy's shirt and gloves. They weigh almost nothing
@Sterno yeah, I was wearing those for a while
there's an armor chest you findlater which is light with good defense, so I'm wearing that now
@Sterno yeha, improving scaling. Quality makes dex scaling better, but str scaling worse. Heavy is the opposite. I think refined makes it so the scaling is nearly equal? So if something used to be d/c I think it becomes c/c, or something ike that?
not 100% sure ohw refined works
Part of me wants armor scaling too.
But not to STR/DEX, but Vitality, Vigor, or Endurance.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I have to assume it does something if you're already, say, C/C
Man, the stance on this frost sword is awesome
Almost makes me want to take a magic estus flask. ALMOST
Still haven't found a single secret door
This game is so much more fun without a shield
@Sterno A weaponw hich is already C/C might not upgrade equally though. Could become A/C t max.
Refined would make it so when you upgrade, you main that equal rating
i.e B/B instead of A/A/
Well, I'm in the crab swamp
I still can't for the life of me backstab anything
@Sterno yeah, that's where I am
@Sterno R1 is backstabbing button. I don't think R2 will work.
That's te only thing I can think of that would cause problems, aside from not being lined up properly.
You can do it 2-handed, right?
I'm probably just not lining up right
The only time I seem to pull it off is if I'm strafing, and then, rarely
But if they're just standing there with their backs to me and I creep up on them, I never, ever get the backstab
@Sterno Definitely
@Sterno Oddd. Maybe not close enough?
@Wipqozn Maybe
Farron Coal acquired!
yeah I just stayed away from that thing
@Sterno Coolio
Did you kill the black knight?
@Wipqozn Yeah. He's the one that prompted my complaint about my failure as a backstabber
I just died while alt-tabbed out :(
How upsetting
It took me a few tries, but I managed to killhim
HE was who I was bitching about earlier with INSERT ENEMY NAME HERE
He's got one attack which would one shot me
plus, you know, he swings that giant fucking sword really quick.The jerk.
First time he killed me. Second time I killed him
Man, my character screams like a girl every time he's impaled by spear the size of a tree. What a wimp.
@Sterno What a sissy
also, I figured out how I got called into a late game boss fight
Turns outthis late game boss can be fought early if you kill a certain NPC
anyways, I'm off.
tired as heck yo
LAter all
Have fun dying!
@Wipqozn Well, I'm going Broadsword right now until I can get upgrade material for the frost sword. Reinforced at only +2 it's already better, and seems to have the same moveset.
I'm not sure how much frostbite really helps, or what it even does in PVP, since all I've seen is that it hurts stamina regen. Does that even matter for monsters?
Frost sword sure looks prettier though
Reach might be different. BLEH
choosing weapons is hard
Q: What does Frostbite do?

SternoI recently acquired the Irithyll Straight Sword and see that it does Frost damage. When fighting a boss, I noticed that eventually gave me Frostbite, though I have no idea what Frostbite actually does. Checking the wikis has been inclusive, mentioning that maybe it hinders stamina regen. What do...

@Wipqozn In case you were curious, you still fast roll at 30.0%. 30.1% is where it changes. I'm at exactly 30.0% with the sorcerer set, a broadsword, talisman, and some rings
I just got into a situation where I was summoned along with another guy, and there were two evil phantoms (one NPC, one human). Then the game crashed
7 hours later…
@Sterno Oh cool, thanks
@murgatroid99 Well that's upsetting
@Sterno tbh I've never found status ailments to matter much at all against monsters
With the exception of bosses they and those specail tough enemies they all go down quickly enough anyways
One wiki reporters frostbite bite does damage when it's inflicted, but the other wiki doesn't.
@murgatroid99 Didn't even realize you were playing. What class did you start as, and where are you?
@Sterno yuuuuup
@Sterno Yeah, I might do something similar.
Frost sword juts looks super cool though
2 hours later…
Ugh I still have so much more to do in DS2
But it's fun. I like it.
You know what's cooler than DS2?
Dark souls 3
I know. I KNOW.
I'm basically a Jedi now
Your powers are weak, old man.
waves hand You wish you were playing Dark Souls right now.
I already did wish that! You're the worst Jedi ever!
My powers are so strong they reach into the past.
This one guy who is my Dark Souls PS4 friend is kind of frustrating because he gets literally every name wrong for everything ever
So I get really confused when talking to him even though he gives me good advice
This boss is a dick
The tree guy?
Ahahaha the oft-reported Patch 1.1 is a fake
No, tree guy is dead
So is this new boss
cc @Wipqozn
How are you finding the difficulty? My friend says it's the hardest souls game ever but I think he is just so used to 2 that some of the gameplay changes are tripping him up
Who has two thumbs and just got two Twinkling Titanite? THIS GUY
@twobugs Bosses are harder than DS2 bosses
It's hard to say though. I'm going shieldless, which I've never done
DS2 bosses are kind of all over the place in my experience
But DS2 bosses I'd usually beat on my first try
Some DS2 bosses I basically murder and feel bad for the boss (Freja, Old Iron King, etc.)
Others are just really annoying (Smelter Demon, but that's mainly due to the fucking aura)
I don't remember Smelter Demon being a problem
Honestly, hardest boss for me was Pursuer, because I was newbie.
Pursuer was bad when I went in with crap gear
After that, the hardest was probably the Pursuer clones that would show up once in a while, and weren't actually bosses
I came back with better gear and destroyed him because I learned all his moveset really well
The Pursuer clones are pretty nasty. They have really high stats and goofy ass hitboxes
I was behind one and his stab attack still grabbed me
@Wipqozn I'm a little worried the Refined Broadsword +whatever is going to outclass the Irithyll Straight Sword +whatever. My Refined Broadsword +2 is already better than the Irithryll Straight Sword +1, and I think the Irithryll only goes up to +5. And the Refined will have better scaling, too, I think
Unless it gets some big boosts at later +'s
And my stats aren't even good yet. 21 dex, 14 str
What does Irithryll scale off of?
Irithyll is 138 +27 and Refined +2 is 126 + 49
I assume there's some gimmick to Irithryll given that is only a +5 tree?
Str/Dex, same as the broadsword. But it's only D/D (at +1, anyway) whereas my refined broadsword is currently C/C
Hm, that's weird
It has a frost effect
Which doesn't really seem to matter for PVE at least
Mainly, it just looks really cool
Ah, frost. Is there a frost bonus damage thing?
I think it just can cause frostbite like that 2nd boss did
I assume the frost effect has some usage
But you might be right in that it's mainly a pvp thing
Q: What does Frostbite do?

SternoI recently acquired the Irithyll Straight Sword and see that it does Frost damage. When fighting a boss, I noticed that eventually gave me Frostbite, though I have no idea what Frostbite actually does. Checking the wikis has been inconclusive, mentioning that maybe it hinders stamina regen. What...

Dunno yet
Even then, if the damage scaling doesn't catch up, I doubt it will be worth it
I upvoted you already you jerk!
It's interesting that bleed in this one seems to just suddenly do a bunch of damage, rather than cause a DOT effect
Can you attach an effect to it in addition to the frost thing? I.e. like put an oil on?
That might be a bonus
I know there are some trees which seem kinda crappy but have that as a benefit
Nope. Can't put stuff like Pine Resin on it, can't infuse it
Wiki doesn't have it's +5 stats though so who knows what it looks like later
Weird. That certainly doesn't sound very useful. Wish I was more help
I just know +1 wasn't much
Does it still tell you what the scaling for the next upgrade will be at the smithy?
I think in 2 at least it would show you if the next upgrade would increase any of the scaling ranks
Sometimes it even shows an improvement but keeps the letter the same, and sometimes it doesn't, which is weird
If it's still D/D at +2 then there has to be some sort of weirdness
Hm, maybe like a D+?
So even if +3 gets to C...
+4 C+, +5 B?
The dual scaling sounds nice but I doubt that'd be worth it until high soul levels. And that's being generous in assuming the scaling
It's kind of weird when it gives you a bonfire after you kill a boss, and then gives you another bonfire 10 feet later
@Sterno I do find it more difficult. At least the boses I fight.
However, I am going deprived, which I've never done before lol
I normally have some armor on
Yeah. Some of the bonfire stuff is weird
People say Deprived is actually the best start overall because of stat levels or whatever
@Wipqozn We're probably about the point where that doesn't matter anymore
@Sterno Numbers on wiki for the ice sword: darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Irithyll+Straight+Sword
I was reading that for pure min-maxing Knight or Soldier might be better because they start with lower luck which is basically a dead stat
@Sterno yeah
Unless you do a luck-specific build
@Sterno first two bosses it mattered, though.
@Sterno +5 is 216, with C/D scaling
So it goes to 216 C/D, but Broadsword +10 goes to DATA UNKNOWN
But I already know better than C/D
There has to be some use to the frostbite effect
Probably something non-obvious
"Looks awesome" is worth about 20 damage points to me
Hopefully it won't cost more than that
@Sterno lol yup
Fashion Souls Best SOuls
I'm coming up on the Lake With Missiles Hell in DS2
I must soldier onward
@twobugs Bows are your friend
That plafce is a pain, but a bow makes it a lot easier
That's my plan
Bows + Magic Armor miracle
I just had to let myself die in a tough fight because the doorbell rang
But, I guess, that's better than being at work.
You'll pay for this someday
I'll be playing Dark Souls 4 when you're DEAD
I do not like the big blue guy with the polearm in the ring of beheaded knights.
Also, with minor side quest spoilers:
@twobugs I'll pay for this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
You'll probably still be ahead of me unless I finish DS2 today
@Wipqozn Did you kill GiantBro?
Ah yes, I've heard about that boss too. My friend was yelling about 3 as I was playing 2
Okay there's some good info on how to improve performance for NVidia cards in this reddit thread but the guy spelled "voila" as "vollay"
I mean, I've seen/heard "walla" but... "vollay"?
I wasn't talking about a boss
Bosses don't get Bro'd
@Sterno I'm not a monster, so no
@Wipqozn Good to hear.
You talked about killing some NPC and being summoned to a boss, and I was trying to guess who you murdered
@Sterno oh not me
internet person
I got summoned to a world with some boss
was curious what even, so googled, found answers
I'm trying to prompt that guy who answered your Frostbite question for more info @Sterno but he is refusing
Just saying "oh you know it does a thing" doesn't really help
Number of messages claiming an illusory wall was ahead found so far: 27
Number of illusory walls found so far: 0
Then you find out later, there are none. They went with illusory floors.
@Sterno I've found one, I think
no two
I love to downvote those stupid messages
Came across one with like 97 appraisals
It would be cool if you could actually see what the appraisals were, and not just that there were some
@Sterno I found two with over 400
Downvoting is probably one of my favorite things in games, especially messages that are just fishing for upvotes
I hate the "bonfire ahead" ones that are 1 foot from the bonfire
Those are just a meme now I guess
Oh. What kind of gear does it take to kill the crystal thing in the tutorial zone where it's marked 'turn back' ?
@MadMAxJr I did it naked and with a strarting club
@MadMAxJr None. Lure it to the cliff edge and wait for it to roll off
Real men kill enemies without even striking.
Real men let all the enemies die of old age without even lifting a finger
So real men abuse the AI pattern, got it.
@MadMAxJr Isn't this 100% of what playing Dark Souls is?
Figure out the enemy's pattern and then exploit it?
For me it was exploiting a pathing issue so I could go up the wall around Sif and shoot him with 300 arrows instead of fighting him.
I have a feeling that trading blows 1 for 1 is generally not going to end well.
If you're going to abstract it that much, you're basically describing all of videogames. Or even life.
@twobugs I didn't mean it so generically, but the bosses in Dark Souls tend to very clearly telegraph what they're going to do, which you are intended to take advantage of to avoid their thing.
Yeah I get you
I just wanted to sound deep
I'd say Sterno is more talking about exploiting a bug in the AI than intended behavior, though
Oh, I just jumped into the middle of the conversation without context, so I didn't know that.
Reading old messages is for squares.
@twobugs Tricking enemies into falling to their death is a time-honored tradition that doesn't require bad AI. Just look at any Road Runner cartoon
I gave up trying to bait Dragonrider into falling off his platform and ended up just fighting him
@MadMAxJr If you can beat him, you can beat 80% of the DS2 bosses the exact same way
Back in the day people would push one of the Destiny bosses off their platform
They fixed that :(
@MadMAxJr I did that with some thing in the undead settlement
it was all "be afraid of tough enemy!"
but I was on a roof, so I just arrowed him to death and he literally couldn't do anything
@Wipqozn I started as a warrior, and I'm in the Undead Settlement.
@murgatroid99 Cool.
I've also fought the tree boss about 3 times, but only as a phantom
The same thing is happening with Dark Souls 3 that happened with both other games. I want to play it, even though I know I won't enjoy it. Then I'll spend $60 and play it for an hour and then stop forever. I'm trying to avoid that last part.
Buy the thing you will hate. It is your Destiny.
I won't hate it, though.
Hahaha that was pretty good. Great joke me
I'll just get stressed out and stop.
Also Destiny was pretty good.
Stop ruining my joke
@twobugs TOO LATE
@StrixVaria At leaast if you buy it on PC you'll be able to refund it within 2 hours
@Wipqozn If I'm getting it it's for PS4.
@StrixVaria Are you opposed to summoning help?
@StrixVaria oh hey, me too!
@Wipqozn The bosses are actually the main draw.
It's getting to the bosses that's frustrating and stressful.
@StrixVaria You can summon help for that
folks normally place summon signs at the start of an area, or right before a boss
Oh, neat.
You are not helping.
Not sure if you can kick them out before the boss fight though
I never summon, but it sounds like a good solution to the issue you're having
I rarely summon but I like to co-op. Let's me practice bosses and observe their moves in a less stressful setting. And I get rewards, too
It must suck to be at work and not playing DS3 right now.
cc @Wipqozn
It does
@Sterno It does. But what sould suck even more would be to spending time with your family all weekend and not being able to play dark souls 3.
I hope @Sterno's children read this chat someday and learn how much they held him back
"Wow dad, do you really hate us that much?" "What did you say? I'm too busy playing Dark Souls to listen"
@Sterno This is how I'm going to picture you all weekend
It'll be great
and I'll laugh and laugh
I haven't done much work today
I just can't focus
Dark Souls 3
Fight Artorias < > Raise Child
@MadMAxJr Kids can basically raise themselves now
I tried raising my kids by tattooing "goto age 21" on them but it didn't work. Help.
@Wipqozn I actually have only played about 90 minutes so far today
@Sterno Good.
But I am a boss ahead of you now
I hope that's all you play
@Sterno Boss of crab swamp?
Mostly I've been running around an area that looks like I should be able to get into it, but I can't figure out how
Did you kill the tree dude ?
@Wipqozn Yeah
Tree dude wasn't hard when I stopped going for anything but the hand
I'm not being very productive today but I don't know how much of it is Souls and how much is just me learning a new job
@Sterno I could only damage the hand until the thing blew up. Does it grow back?
When I was fighting him everything breaks after a bit, and I had to damage something else
Okay, Frost Sword + 2 beats Refined Bastard Sword +3
I get to be a Jedi again
@Wipqozn I never had the hand die
Frost Sword will eventually be beaten again, stat wise, but some lte game sword I saw
I'm talking about the grabby hand, not the other hands
has B/B scaling at +5. Also uses twinkling.
@Sterno oh that thing
Were you able to consistently bait him into that stand up attack?
@Wipqozn Not consistently, but he's pretty easy to stay away from until he does it
There are times you can attack it even without the stand up thing though
@Sterno It is. I'm impateint though.
I kept trying to arrow him, and then he'd hit me since I didn't see an attack
Oh, I see. +2 just made strength scaling better for frost sword. It's C/D now
Figures I was prioritizing dex
@Sterno I think C/D is where it finishes
Scaling will stillget better, but not better than C iirc
Maybe I should stop wasting twinkling on it
yeah, I'm probably not going to upgrade it
It looks cool, but it doesn't seem to be that good
I'm having a hard time being sure but I think it has better reach than the broadsword
4 hours ago, by Wipqozn
@Sterno +5 is 216, with C/D scaling
@Sterno It looks like it would have better reach
I feel like it's faster or smoother too
Maybe I"ll go frost sword for twinkling and then pick a boss weapon which uses different upgrade mats
@Sterno I think all bos weapons use different mats
from what I understand twinkling is used for Unique weapons. There's a different material for Boss weapons.
It's usually dragon-stuff for boss weapons.
Exactly. I don't have to worry about "wasting" twinkling then
@Sterno Supposedly there's a generous amount of it given in the game anyways. moreso than previous games.
You could flat out buy twinkling in 1.
I'm finally at the point where I no longer miss the shield.
I like shields for parrying. Yuuki is always yelling at me to parry
20k key purchased!
Who needs to parry when you can roll and backstab fail to backstab?
I'm having more trouble backstabbing in 3. I feel like they designed more enemies to have backstab counters
People were still commenting that I backstab a lot so maybe it was just mental
Just found an Estus Flask shard, making me remember I'd found another one earlier I didn't turn in. facepalm
Up to 9!
Apparently for invasions, parrying is currently a 360 affair.
As in parry works completely around you.
I have yet to be invaded.
I'm not embered all that often though
So do cosplayers have to set themselves on fire now to be a DS3 character?
We can hope
But if they do I think a WoW cosplay beat them a few years ago
She had this amazing costume with motorized parts but it caught fire
I wish I was playing like @Sterno is and able to ask all the questions which will earn him trillions of rep points
Q: What are the pros/cons of the Dark Sigil and Hollowing?

SternoYoel of Londor is at Firelink Shrine now, and offering me free levels. Some basic research indicates to me that if I accept them, I'll get a Dark Sigil, which causes me to Hollow on death. And possibly other things. I've also seen some ways I can rid myself of the Dark Sigil. I'm curious what ...

Okay, I need to stop visiting Dark Souls 3 reddit already. It's pissing me off too much
> I've decided that I would be committed to Buff Souls (10 pushups after every death). Hail swoldiers.
@Sterno Might actually go with an axe. They seem to stagger things a lot more than straight swords.
My ability to avoid damage seems inversely proportionate to the number of estus flasks they give me
@Sterno Still trying tdecide on a weapon
It's basically all I've been doing since I got home
I've narrowed it down to Brigand Battle Axe or the Long Sword
Broadsword has high damage than long, but it's reach is shorter, so I'd rather go long than that
Brigand has good damage and staggers
longsword is a solid weapon.
Broadsword looks cool
@Wipqozn Frost sword. Go for style
Plus, you're just going to switch to a boss weapon at some point anyway
I miss my Queelag's Furyblade.
Long sword for normal upgrade, frost sword for twinkling, boss weapon for other
There, solved your problem for you
I've never actually mained a Boss Weapon in a souls game
They usually seem too gimmicky
I just need a good spear
So I can be way over here and hit the boss way over there.
Hey if we're taking requests
Give me the Insect Glaive in DS3
No you cannot ride the boss.
Stop that.
Dark Souls should have used 'King of Pain' during adverts. ~Is my soul out therreeee~
They should have used 'Don't Fear The Reaper'
But no. Namco Bandai isn't smart enough to do that
I look a little odd, but it's the best armor that keeps me under 30%!
Dear god man find some pants.
@Sterno I asked that question for you. It was an intervention.
I'm hella sexy. Don't be jelly.
Okay, going wit hLothric Long Sword
which I just got
after farmings
less damage than long or broad, but it has longer reach, and has a thrust attack for the R2
it's reach is nearly identical to that of the cie sword
Just beat Cathedral of the Deep.
Easy but fun boss fight
Best map I've seen:
And now I have to get the kids and let @Wipqozn catch up to me. :(
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