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06:00 - 17:0022:00 - 00:00

@quartata ಠ_ಠ It's not closed source, it's just that this is zyabin101's language, not yours. His goal is a relatively minimal stack-based Turing-complete language where it's relatively easy to do stuff. An equals operator is already trivial (~6 chars), so that is why he declined the pull request.
@quartata This is somewhat like Brainfuck - you just don't add random features to it. Adding even one command pretty much makes Brainfuck to an entirely different language. Furthermore, don't be surprised if your pull request is declined. It's entirely up to people with edit access to the repo whether to accept a pull request or not.
@quartata Okay, my bad, probably not. But I'm pretty sure that's not what equality should do anyway
@quartata I'm 99% sure that's bad because if it's a string it just appends 0
@zyabin101 do you really need equality?
'=': ()=>stack.push(+(stack.pop() === stack.pop()))
^ that's the correct implementation btw
=== and unary + instead of + 0 and == are very important
well, not the ===, but it's good code practice
2 hours later…
@MarsUltor No.
1 hour later…
equality (pops two):
i$cu%dlRr*rd:u/_c-cu%?%d%:_o returns 1 for every number, even composite numbers.
@zyabin101 ?
like how cu returns 1?
@MarsUltor I just took quartata's prime checker with equality and replaced the equality operator with Kenny Lau's equality program.
cu #6 1
^^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
u #6 2
^^/ #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?cocd$: #print false; return -1
^^-:_ #while not equal
ucu%?%d%:_? #if stack.pop() == -1:
cuo: #print true
please check the stack at every step if it failed
@zyabin101 could you write down the exponentation algorithm somewhere in the github?
@KennyLau Which algorithm?
@KennyLau Exponentiation algorithm saved here.
@zyabin101 Have you checked the prime checker?
@KennyLau It doesn't output anything.
@zyabin101 could you do me a huge favour
by checking the stack in every checkpoint?
@KennyLau wait
@MarsUltor I didn't know there was a debug feature.
When did you introduce it?
@zyabin101 It was always there; I was using it to debug stuff and never removed it
@zyabin101 Not really a feature, it just console.log()s the stack every iteration
@KennyLau You forgot to remove the trailing zero after the primality check
cu #6 1
^^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
u #6 2
^^/ #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?cocd$: #print false; return -1
__ #else: 6 2
^^-:_ #while not equal
ucu%?%d%:_? #if stack.pop() == -1:
cuo: #print true
@MarsUltor I forgot to remove the quotient and the remainder
Always returns true now
stacktrace for input 6 please?
quotient is implicitly removed or something
maybe not
then replace __ by _
No, tried that
That makes it break
stacktrace for 25 may be better
thanks a lot
just until the stack is 25 7
stack []
ugl.js:74 stack [25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 25, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 24]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 24]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 25, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 1, 12]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 1, 12, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 1, 12, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 1, 1, 12]
first zero checker failed lemme see...
quotient is top of stack
@MarsUltor please add a % after ^^/
except it always prints 1
prints 1 for 1, 01 for everything else
Loop is broken
stack []
ugl.js:74 stack [25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 25, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 24]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 24]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 25, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 1, 12]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 12, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 12, 1, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 2, 12, 1, 1]
^ entire stack trace
stacktrace please
@KennyLau ^^^
(sorry, could probably fix this if I wanted to, but too lazy/working on something else)
@MarsUltor Working on what? :3
^ Not actually that
Trying to make a more extensible version
It has too many bugs
cu #6 1
^^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
u #6 2
^^/% #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?cocd$: #print false; return -1
__ #else: 6 2
^^-:_ #while not equal
ucu%?%d%:_? #if stack.pop() == -1:
cuo: #print true
except for the fact it outputs n-1 0's and 1 1
where n is the numebr of prime factors
your stop condition is broken
stacktrace please
stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 2, 32, 2, 16, 2, 8, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 1, -1, 1]
^ final stack
stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 0, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 0, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1, -1]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1, -1, -1]
ugl.js:74 stack [128, 128, 2, 64, 1, -1]
One factor
64 => 32
prints at #5 or #8
cu #6 1
^^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
u #6 2
^^/% #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?cocd$$$: #print false; return -1
__ #else: 6 2
^^-:_ #while not equal
u? #if stack.pop() != -1:
cuo: #print true
ugl.js:74 stack []
ugl.js:74 stack [3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 3, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 3, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1]
^ three prints 0
I meant n 0's
so 3 returned 01, 6 returned 001
cu #6 1
^d^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
u #6 2
^^/% #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?cocd$$$$: #print false; return -1
__ #else: 6 2
^^-:_ #while not equal
u? #if stack.pop() != -1:
cuo: #print true
what does nope mean?
stack []
ugl.js:74 stack [3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 2, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 3, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1]
oh ok
Still always returns 0
cu #6 1
^d^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
u #6 2
^^/% #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?cocd$$$: #print false; return -1
__ #else: 6 2
^d^-:_ #while not equal
u? #if stack.pop() != -1:
cuo: #print true
sorry i am on mobile
@KennyLau Doesn't work on mobile?
That breaks the stack for composite
prints nothing for prime
mobile inconvenient
cu #6 1
^d^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
u #6 2
^^/% #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?cocd$$$: #print false; return -1
__ #else: 6 2
^d^-:_ #while not equal
ucu%?%d%:_? #if stack.pop() == -1:
cuo: #print true
Now prints 1 if prime
And if composite?
doesn't end for composite
flips table
cu #6 1
^d^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
%u%u #6 2
^^/% #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?cocd$$$: #print false; return -1
__ #else: 6 2
^d^-:_ #while not equal
ucu%?%d%:_? #if stack.pop() == -1:
cuo: #print true
now primes print 01 and compsites still break
we've made progress
stacktrace for 25 please? @MarsUltor
It breaks
ugl.js:74 stack []
ugl.js:74 stack [25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 24]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 24, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 23]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1, 23]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 25, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 1, 25]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 1, 26]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 26, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 26, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 26, 2, 26]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 26, 2, 26, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [25, 26, 2, 0, 13]
^ First few lines
i'm too stupid
cu #6 1
^d^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
u #6 2
^^/% #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?coc$d$$: #print false; return -1
__ #else: 6 2
^d^-:_ #while not equal
ucu%?%d%:_? #if stack.pop() == -1:
cuo: #print true
works, except composites print 01 again
cu #6 1
^d^-l #while not equal
_ #6 1
u #6 2
^^/% #6 2 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ #6 2 3 "true"
?coc$d$$: #print false; return -1
__ #else: 6 2
^d^-:_ #while not equal
u? #if stack.pop() != -1:
cuo: #print true
Now no 0s are printed
i didn't even change the part for 0
can u try ccuuo?
5 letters ccuuo
this program itself
prints 2 (as expected)
now composite prints nothing and primes print 1?
primes print 0
I mean
composites print 0, primes print mothing
stacktrace for 3 please
stack []
ugl.js:74 stack [3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 2, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 3]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 3, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1]
according to my program, the last operations should be _u right?
look at my program
the last two operations are either uo or _u right
looks like the last are $-
or something
but in your program the last line is cuo:
you know while and if don't pop, right?
it doesnt matter though
just making sure
what are the last two operations?
in my program
Code? That's i$cu^d^-l_u^^/%cu%?%d%:_?coc$d$$:__^d^-:_u?cuo:
the last two operations are _u or uo right
looks more like $- or something
From the stack trace:
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 2, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [3, 3, 2, 0]
from the actual code
4 mins ago, by Mars Ultor
Code? That's i$cu^d^-l_u^^/%cu%?%d%:_?coc$d$$:__^d^-:_u?cuo:
from the stack trace it is actually ^-
Oh yeah
problem is why doesn't _u get executed
what the f**king hell the thing after : is else?!?!
but looks like loop detection is broken
then why doesn't _u get executed?
Interpreer is broken
I see.
@MarsUltor anything else in the to-do list?

TODO list for April 2016, revision the third

Apr 11 at 7:30, 42 seconds total – 4 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Apr 11 at 7:37 by zyabin101

Golf UGL numbers.
@zyabin101 description please?
@KennyLau We have to make short command sequences for numbers from 0 to 255.
lol nice
Right now we have 0-100.
you should have told me yesterday :p
i'll do it now on mobile though
Do I add the prime checker to examples?
We may need to golf it more though
101: cuuu$*u$*u
102: cuuu$*u$*uu
103: cuuu$*u$*uuu
104: cuuu$*u$*uuuu
105: cuuu$uu$uu**
106: cuuu$uu$uu**u
107: cuuu$*u$u*ddd
108: cuuu$*u$u*dd
109: cuuu$*u$u*d
110: cuuu$*u$u*
@KennyLau ^^^
@MarsUltor \o/ \o/ \o/
1. Make an interpreter.
2. Make a prime checker.
3. Golf UGL numbers.
4. Make a GitHub commit feed.
what is the prime checker?
What you just finished
i mean the code

TODO list for April 2016, revision the fourth

1 min ago, 25 seconds total – 4 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked 6 secs ago by zyabin101

@KennyLau ?
Sanitized: i$cu^d^-l_u^^/%cu%?%d%:_?coc$d$$:__^d^-:_u?cuo:
I include the full code in the example though
Do you want it as an example?
@KennyLau Applied.
@zyabin101 Most of the branches are useless, I think you should delete some
@MarsUltor Ah. I forgot that we defeated quartata, I'll delete the branches.
@MarsUltor Deleted.
do we even need registers?
#if 1 make to 4 else keep.
#if 0 make to 1 else keep:
@KennyLau I can add the prime checker to examples, right?
after you add those two codes to deal with the exceptions being 0 or 1
5. implement signum
@KennyLau ^^^^
#if 0 make to 1 else keep
@KennyLau I'll amend the list with this in May.
@zyabin101 u can add this
@MarsUltor @zyabin101 please do prove that signum is impossible
It's possible
just right now you might need to handle positive and negative seperately
i have an algorithm
check 0 check -1 check 1 check -2 check 2...
negative: a*a/a-a or something
positive: 1 - a/a
a*a is always positive
it doesn't work
so divide by a to give the sign
it won't work trust me
my bad, 1 - (a*a/a-a)
cannot work
It works
perfectly fine
what is 2/(-1)
but when do you get 2 out of -1*-1?
if a = -2
a*a = 4
a*a/a = 4/(-2) = -2
if a=2
1 - that => do stuff if positive
a*a = 4
a*a/a = 2
my bad
what is -1 divmod 3
i could exploit mod if it is exploitable
oh too bad xd
some languages return 2
shit why am i so stupid
#def less_than (both positive please)
# stack 3 5
/ # 3 0
cu%?%d%:_ # 3 "true"
%_ #"true"
#def greater_than_or_equal
@MarsUltor what is 4 divmod -2?
well, mod = 0
3 divmod -2?
both quotient and remainder please
remainder = 1, quotient = -1
holy shit
lol nothing
6. square root
no floats/decimals right now
def sqrt(n):
while true:
if n/i == i:
print i
def sqrt(n): i=1; while true: if i*i == n: print i
only works for perfect square
@MarsUltor test please?
@MarsUltor please test
stack []
ugl.js:74 stack [0]
ugl.js:74 stack [1]
ugl.js:74 stack [1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [1]
ugl.js:74 stack [1]
ugl.js:74 stack [1]
ugl.js:74 stack [1, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [1]
ugl.js:74 stack [1, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [0, 1]
ugl.js:74 stack [0, 2]
ugl.js:74 stack [2, 0]
ugl.js:74 stack [2]
for 1
@MarsUltor i forgot the input lol
@MarsUltor you know what to do to make it a signum ;)
can you make it return 0 if greater?
what do you mean?
111: cuuu$*u$u*u
112: cuuu$*u$u*uu
113: cuuu$$*u$u*+
114: cuuu$$*u$u*+u
115: cuuu$*$uuuu*dd
116: cuuu$*$uuuu*d
117: cuuu$*$uuuu*
118: cuuu$*$uuuu*u
119: cuuu$*$uuuu*uu
120: cuuu$*$uuuu*uuu
119: cuuuu$u$u**d
120: cuuuu$u$u**
@KennyLau Applied.
@KennyLau Applied.
@MarsUltor I thought this was a golfing language?
Anyways, doesn't change the fact that his behavior was childish. He could have just said "sorry I really only want a small team of contributors working on this" not doing all this shit about todo lists and "hiding the branch," then spamming me with disapproval faces
I didn't know about unary plus by the way that's nice
Thought == might be better in case you had a number stored in a string
@quartata glad u came back :)
No, absolutely not. I just haven't gotten unsubscribed from pings in this room yet
i mean to this room
at least it's better to say a word than to just quit this room
121: cuuu$*uu$*
122: cuuu$*uu$*u
123: cuuu$*uu$*uu
124: cuuuuu$$**d
125: cuuuuu$$**
126: cuuuuu$$**u
127: cuuuuu$$**u
128: cuu$$$**$**
129: cuu$$$**$**u
130: cuu$$$**$**uu
@KennyLau Applied.
Congrats for reaching half of the range!
255: cu$*$*$*d
255: c u $ * $ * $ * d
@KennyLau Applied.
so u need to check everything from 100 since you know those markdowns
@KennyLau post the prime checker in UGL on Is this number a prime?.
@MarsUltor post the "Hello, World!" in UGL on "Hello, World!".
104 = cuuu$*u$*uuuu
104 = cuuuu$u$*u*
@KennyLau Applied.
108 = cuuu$*u$u*dd
108 = cuuu$$+$**
106 = cuuu$uu$uu**u
107 = cuuu$*u$u*ddd
106 = cuuu$$+$**dd
107 = cuuu$$+$**d
@KennyLau Applied, and also 108 = cuuu$$+$** applied.
131 = cuuuuu$+u$u*d
132 = cuuuuu$+u$u*
133 = cuuuuu$+u$u*u
134 = cuuu$$$uu***d
135 = cuuu$$$uu***
136 = cuuu$$$uu***u
137 = cuuu$$$uu***uu
138 = cuuu$$$$uu***+
139 = cuuu$+$*d$+$+d
140 = cuuu$+$*d$+$+
@KennyLau Applied.
@zyabin101 you need an interpreter to post answers.
@EasterlyIrk We have an interpreter
the third pinned message
oh i see
@KennyLau when you finish posting the answer, link me to it.
140 = cuuuu$uu$*d*
141 = cuuu$u*$*ddd
142 = cuuu$u*$*dd
143 = cuuu$u*$*d
144 = cuuu$u*$*
145 = cuuu$u*$*u
146 = cuuu$u*$*uu
147 = cuuu$$u*$*+
148 = cuuu$$u*$*+u
149 = cuuuuu$$u**d
150 = cuuuuu$$u**
151 = cuuuuu$$u**u
152 = cuuuuu$$u**uu
153 = cuuu$$+u$*uu*
154 = cuuu$u*$u*dd
155 = cuuu$u*$u*d
156 = cuuu$u*$u*
157 = cuuu$u*$u*u
158 = cuuu$u*$u*uu
159 = cuuuu$$u**$+d
160 = cuuuu$$u**$+
@KennyLau Applied.
161 = cuuu$*$$+*d
162 = cuuu$*$$+*
163 = cuuu$*$$+*u
164 = cuuu$*$$+*uu
165 = cuuu$*$$+*uuu
166 = cuuu$u*u$*ddd
167 = cuuu$u*u$*dd
168 = cuuu$u*u$*d
169 = cuuu$u*u$*
170 = cuuu$u*u$*u
171 = cuuu$*$$+u*
172 = cuuu$*$$+u*u
173 = cuuu$*$$+u*uu
174 = cuuuuu$$uu**d
175 = cuuuuu$$uu**
176 = cuuuuu$$uu**u
177 = cuuuuu$$uu**uu
178 = cuuu$u*$uuu*dd
179 = cuuu$u*$uuu*d
180 = cuuu$u*$uuu*
@KennyLau Applied.
@KennyLau Applied.
181 = cuuu$u*$uuu*u
182 = cuuu$u*$uuu*uu
183 = cuuu$u*$uuu*uuu
184 = cuuuuu$$uu*uu*d
185 = cuuuuu$$uu*uu*
186 = cuuuuu$$uu*uu*u
187 = cuuuu$$$d**d*d
188 = cuuuu$$$d**d*
189 = cuuu$$$$+u***
190 = cuuuuu$+$$+d*
191 = cuuu$u$+$**d
192 = cuuu$u$+$**
193 = cuuu$u$+$**u
194 = cuuu$u$+$**uu
195 = cuuu$+u$+$*d
196 = cuuu$+u$+$*
197 = cuuu$+u$+$*u
198 = cuuu$+u$+$*uu
199 = cuuuuu$+$$+*d
200 = cuuuuu$+$$+*
 67 = cuuuu$+$*uuu
 67 = cuuu$u$+$*+
@KennyLau Applied, and also 67 = cuuu$u$+$*+ applied.
201 = cuuu$$u$+$*+*
202 = cuuu$*u$*u$+
203 = cuuu$*u$*u$+u
204 = cuuu$*u$*uu$+
205 = cuuuuu$$+$$+*+
206 = cuuuuu$$+$$+*+u
207 = cuuu$$uu$*dd**
208 = cuuuuu$+$$+u*dd
209 = cuuuuu$+$$+u*d
210 = cuuuuu$+$$+u*
211 = cuuuuu$+$$+u*u
212 = cuuuuu$+$$+u*uu
213 = cuuu$$uu$*d*d*
214 = cuuu$$uu$*d*d*u
215 = cuuu$$uu$*d**d
216 = cuuu$$uu$*d**
217 = cuuu$$uu$*d**u
218 = cuuu$$uu$*d**uu
219 = cuuuuu$+$$+uu*d
220 = cuuuuu$+$$+uu*
@KennyLau Applied.
@KennyLau Applied.
221 = cuuu$uu*$*dddd
222 = cuuu$uu*$*ddd
223 = cuuu$uu*$*dd
224 = cuuu$uu*$*d
225 = cuuu$uu*$*
226 = cuuu$uu*$*u
227 = cuuu$uu*$*uu
228 = cuuu$uu*$*uuu
229 = cuuu$uu*$*uuuu
230 = cuuuuu$+$$+uuu*
@KennyLau Applied.
231 = cuuu$*$$$++d*ddd
232 = cuuu$*$$$++d*dd
233 = cuuu$*$$$++d*d
234 = cuuu$*$$$++d*
235 = cuuu$*$$$++d*u
236 = cuuu$*$$$++d*uu
237 = cuuu$u$$u***ddd
238 = cuuu$u$$u***dd
239 = cuuu$u$$u***d
240 = cuuu$u$$u***
241 = cuuu$$*$**dd
242 = cuuu$$*$**d
243 = cuuu$$*$**
244 = cuuu$$*$**u
245 = cuuu$$*$**uu
246 = cuuu$$*$**uuu
247 = cuuu$$*$**uuuu
248 = cuuuuu$$**$+dd
249 = cuuuuu$$**$+d
250 = cuuuuu$$**$+
251 = cuuu$$$*$*+*d
252 = cuuu$$$*$*+*
253 = cuu$*$*$*ddd
254 = cuu$*$*$*dd
255 = cuu$*$*$*d
@KennyLau Applied!
Why the separation into 3 files?
@KennyLau Now two files!
231 = cuuu$*$$$++d*ddd
231 = cuuu$*$$$++dd*
Why the separation into 2 files?
@KennyLau Applied!!!
\o/ \o/ \o/
Our TODO list is finally cleared!
#def abs():
Well your interpreter doesn't know negative input.
@zyabin101 Anything new in the todo list? I'll check tomorrow.
@KennyLau We cleared it.
Well you could add more to it
1. Make an interpreter.
2. Make a prime checker.
3. Golf UGL numbers.
4. Make a GitHub commit feed.
@KennyLau Right now the rest of the month is free time. We can upgrade UGL in any way.
So, things we can do until May are:
- Make a test suite.
- Make a tutorial course.
- Add conditionals and negation operator.
And anything else we can do to UGL.
One thing: how can I cancel stars if I'm not a mod?
I finally added the not so much but still so much awaited equality operator.
Someone pls say to quartata that I added equality to UGL, and that he should finally forgive me ಥ_ಥ
06:00 - 17:0022:00 - 00:00

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