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yes they reject
not that it matters since these names won't mean much to you
because they are children of Umayyids also
just wouldn't want you to think all muslims are hung up on these things
Arabs love their tribes too much
even some times more than GOd
yes I know
but please note not all the sunni
mostly sunni in Saudi Arabia
i don't care much about history. all we get now are reports which are (practically) impossible to prove. God knows the truth of all matters, we can but speculate.
but still there are many sunni scholars having same idea about Abu Sufyan and Muaviyeh
and consider them the root cause of all problems of Islam
what happened a thousand years ago is less important than what's happening right now.
also leading of Abu Sufyan in wars against prophet is clear in history and is accepted by both shia and sunni
the difference is about how Abu Sufyan was died
if he died when while Muslim or not
Shia beleives he was a hypocryte and never was a real Muslim
but SOME sunni consider him a Muslim and from good Shaba
@goldPseudo it is not only the matter of what happened
problem is today beliefs are based on what those prople said
Are there more views besides sunni and shia?
Islam is only shia and sunni
any sect falls in shia or sunni category
there are many sect
but all of them are shia or sunni
some books say there is up tp 3000 sects in Islam
there are growing quranist movements. they're more modern, but they tend to reject written hadiths of any form.
or give them less weight than the sunni and shia schools tend to.
How close are relations between shias and sunnis?
@goldPseudo you mean Quranists are not shia nor sunni?
sunni are different
if you consider sunni Muslims in Egypt they love shia and are allied
@BadgerGirl it's all political. it always was and it still is
i don't think quranists would be considered sunni since they reject pretty much any ruling based on hadiths.
but if you consider sunni in Saudi Arabia, they are called Wahhabi and there is extream enemity among wahhabis and shia
which is a rather significant part of any sunni school.
if they reject rulings that not mean they are not sunni
but it make them a different sect
the ibadis are also distinct from sunni and shia, as far as i know.
@goldPseudo can I know what you define sunni?
i would rather not. i don't like to think of anyone as "sunni" or "shia" or anything. we should all be muslim.
wikipedia: "The word "Sunni" comes from the term Sunnah (Arabic: سنة‎), which refers to the sayings and actions of Muhammad that are recorded in hadiths (collections of narrations regarding Muhammad)."
@goldPseudo So is it not ok to ask whether someone is sunni or shia?
it depends on who you ask. i personally would just say "I'm muslim" and leave it at that.
anyway any sect even Quranist should have an opinion about Caliphet. OK?
@goldPseudo What if I ask your view on temporary marriages?
i have no opinion on the matter; it's not something i've studied.
yes we all are Muslim
but a Muslim finally has belief about Caliph
and this beleif determines if he/she is shia or sunni
if you believe Caliph should be selected only by God so you are shia
i consider anyone who gives the shahadah to be muslim (unless they prove otherwise), no matter how much i may disagree with some (or most) of their interpretations.
if you beieve Muslims themselves can select Caliph (by voting, sura or any other methid) then you are shia
no matter what you call yourself
yes anyone who gives 2 shahada is Muslim
but this the minimum level of Muslim
@BadgerGirl - that's a good question for the site
@BadgerGirl no problem you can ask
@Ansari Which one?
temporary marriages?
temporary marriages is said in Quran and prophet said it is Halal and many sahaba did it
but Umar said: prophet said Mutah is Halal but I say it is haram
briefly, the Sunnis believe it was categorically disallowed after a certain point by the Prophet (saws), and the Shi'a allow it because they don't accept that report
temporary marriages and permanent marriages have similar rules unless few difference
@Ansari I'll ask it on the site then, so more people can see.
@goldPseudo I do not think no sect exist in islam having no opinion about Calipht
so any sect is sunni or shia
I believe that having an opinion about the Khalifate is irrelevant to being a muslim.
Qur'an commands the believers to obey those in authority, but afaik it doesn't make any clear mention on how to decide who belongs in authority.
Do all muslims accept polygamy?
for the most part; polygyny is explicitly permitted in the quran.
@goldPseudo are you sure Quran does not make it clear?
@BadgerGirl as I know yes all muslims accept polygamy
@BadgerGirl I recommend you this book: al-islam.org/womanrights
some interpretations claim it's less of a "permission" though since the Qur'an commands men to treat all their wives equally, and unless it's possible to treat everyone exactly equally men can't thus partake.
@goldPseudo so you accept obeying "those in authority" but do not know who are them?
@Ahmadi technically there's nothing stopping me from pledging allegience to anyone i want.
@goldPseudo you mean you are allowd to plege to who God does not allow?
if you are Muslim you should only pledge with who God allow
i.e. "those in authority"
and prophet
Islam stop you
Quan stop you
can you pledge to dnemies of God?
if it was God's will to enforce a particular system of succession, He could have commanded it clearly. I contend that God does not make mistakes in His message.
he commanded clearly
God said in Quran:
I place Cliph in earth
so you should reserach to see if he places any Caliph after prophet or not
if prophet deliver the command of God publicly in front of 120,000 Muslims can it be considered clear?
if prophet deliver the command of God about Caliphet publicly in front of 120,000 Muslims can it be considered clear?
this verse is about this command you want:
[5:67] Sahih International
O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people.
@Ahmadi there are responses to this, and responses to those, and counter-responses to those, and so forth
we're not going to resolve this in the islam.SE chat room
you've made your point
pointed people to where they can learn more
let's move on
@Ansari thanks
if no one in untrested I do not continuie
It's just not going to be resolved here.
if one really want to be esolved it will be resolved quickly
but who relly wants can not be found
most of Muslims first beleive in a sect and stick to it
and justify Islam to it
few first reserch then select sect
this has the seeds of a good question in it. i may post it tonight after i've mulled it over in my head a bit, God willing.
only please think:
@Ahmadi Are you shia?
is it possible prophet talk about every detail of life but do not say anything who lead the Muslims aftet death of prophet? and leave it for people?
is it possible logically?
@BadgerGirl yes I am a twelver shia
@Ahmadi what do you mean twelver shia?
who believe in 12 Imams are Caliphs of God on earth
when one Imam died some people claimed they are next Imam
and some shia believed and followed that fake Imam and so a new sect was formed
becase shia Muslims paid their Xxikat to Imams of shia
so they always collected lots of money
so when one Imam was killed
one fake Imam claimed I am next Imam to collect Zikat money
and could get some followers and a sect was formed
when that fake Imam died the followers stoped following next real Imam
so for example they beieved only until 9 Imams and so on
twelver means who beievs in Caliphet of all 12 Imams
first of them is Imam Ali S.A.
and last of them is Imam Mahdi S.A. who was hided by will of God after near 70 years of leadership of shia
like Jesus PBUH hided
Xxikat was typo
I mean Zikat
@Ahmadi No offence, you are being overly argumentative. But that's not what StackExchange is all about. Don't carry debates one after the other. If you think there's some thing constructive, word it nicely in a Q&A format.. No need to hold debates in a chat room. Hope this wasn't harsh brother. :)
Shift is over. I have to go now. Salam :)
@PowerInside prophet (PBUH) said: the Judaism nation after Moses (PBUH) became 71 sect that 70 of them are in Hell and 1 in Heaven and Christianity nation after Jesus (PBUH) became 72 sect that 71 of them are in Hell and 1 in Heaven and Islam nation after prophet become 73 sect that 72 of them are in Hell and 1 in Heaven.
now do you think finding the true sect is not constructive?
what you define constructive?
constructing a huge amount of information for 72 sect who prophet said are in Hell is constructive?
@Ahmadi Sunnis and Shias both are prevalent. You cannot simply outlaw one is more truer than the other.
yes are prevalent. but prophet said (not me) 72 of them are in fire.
please note I did not said it
it is prophet said it.
this is one of them most famous and accepted Hadith in both shia and sunni
I said before if no one is interested I do not continiue. so I only reply questions.
if others are bothered who are interested can make a separate chat room
you can not you can not judge a sect by popularity, only Allah can really judge that
@AlUmmat I do not let myself Judge wbout who go Hell and who go paradise
and I do not clain I go paradise and you go Hell
I only said a Hadith from prophet
do you care about Hadith of prophet?
Yes, but you can not say a certain sect is the one in the hadith
when a hadith is not in favor of your sect do you simply ignore it?
I can claim I believe my sect is true sect. why not?
is there any rule in Islam prohibit it?
any sect claim is the true sect
also I am open to accept any argument prove my sect is false.
anyway I am seeking paradise and God.
if I know my sect is not liked by God I leave it.
i do nto have dogma about my serct
I am not saying that Allah not likes it
can not we seek to find that sect also?
yes of course
we only should hear to Saudi schoalrs? and blindly accept anything they dictate us?
OK. I undrestand what you mean
@Ahmadi are you trying to start an argument?
it may seem rude if I say my sect is true
only if anyone is interested
if no I am not
Well I am not
OK. no problem.
if you understand what I mean than please tell me what I mean
what about others?
are others allowed to know abot shia?
I do not no, would you rather them know only about sufism :)
I can not undrestand what is in your mind before you tell me.
no all are free
and deciding for others and talking instead of others does not seem correct
sorry I am going to mosque for prayer.
@Ahmadi It is when people say that they are from this set and that that starts the division, they can be from that sect but they can just say I am Muslim, not I am Shia or I am sufo or I am Sunni, all those are merely words
@Ahmadi salam wa alaikum
yes. only Islam. Salam
Hello all
@Dynamic Asalamu wa alaikum, hello
@AlUmmat Wa alaikum assalam
@AlUmmat How are you?
@Dynamic Alhamdulillah
@Dynamic how are you?
@AlUmmat Doing good Alhamdulliah
@Dynamic good :)
@AlUmmat How is the site doing?
@Dynamic good but not much visitors, our questions and answers are doing good
199 questions
472 answers
that is good
@AlUmmat No trolls :-)
we've got 166 users, it has been going back and forth between 166 and 162 users
We need to answer the unanswered questions
I am working on all three zakat questions
so they should be answered soon
Q: Can I leave Islam in acceptable way?

The crocodile hunterSome Muslims might have a change of heart after reading Islam thoroughly and finding contradictory stuff. Is there an acceptable way for them to leave Islam without getting the death penalty? Note, Many people have documented why they left Islam online. Is there an acceptable way in Islam to do ...

I could answer that, but I don't have citation.
perhaps you can use the hadith I used in my answer @Dynamic
IS my answer good?
@Ershad continuing our discussion in the morning, this hadees stated intentions is that matters
Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 86 :: Hadith 85

Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab:

The Prophet said, 'O people! The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So, whoever emigrated for Allah and His Apostle, then his emigration was for Allah and His Apostle, and whoever emigrated to take worldly benefit or for a woman to marry, then his emigration was for what he emigrated for."
I have a question
doesn't stackexchnage have something called moderator training? if so what is it?
@TabrezAhmed i am very sorry i didnt see your message in chat. well here is the discussion @Ershad @PowerInside were having
@AlUmmat well i dont think so ther exists such a thing. where did you see it?
@Ashu I am not sure
@AlUmmat can you explain me this line from the quran
[Surat Al-Fatĥ 48:29](http://quran.com/48/29)
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves.
salam alekum
@Ashu sure
@NesreenA wa alaikum salaam
@NesreenA wa alaikum assalam
@Ashu From what i read, from the Arabic is, that they are more powerful than the disbelievers, or stronger, for instance when they meat in battle they are strong
@AlUmmat There is no mod training. You just kind of learn as you go I think.
@Dynamic thank you for your answer :)
@AlUmmat so the english translations are wrong?
@Ashu No they are just different
@Ashu look at the english translations for the Ayah here quranexplorer.com/Quran/Default.aspx
@Dynamic i read you were from palestine, what city
@NesreenA Ramallah
oh thanks.. i get what you mean
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are **hard** against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves.
hey formatting isnt working in chat?
@Ashu yes
@dynamic im from turmmusaya about 15 minutes away but im gonna go to school there
what do you mean
@AlUmmat well it means tough or strong... i get it .. thanks a lot
@Ashu try only one of those starts
or three
try these _ _
Assalamu alaikkum all
wa3alakium assalam
@Ershad wa alaikum salam
@Ashu I read the hadeeth you gave.
Do you know the explanation of the hadith?
@Ershad well i think so, y are you asking? Well i might also be wrong
@Ashu Anyway, here is what I learnt from hadeeth notes as its explanation (only the part that is relevant to us) . Basically, It means any right deed should have right intention i.e. right intention is the basis. For example, someone might pray a lot.. someone might pray for Allah.. but sometimes Ar-riyaa (showing off) come into our intention.. and it messes with it. Same thing with seeking knowledge or answering on this website
.It is the right action, but if we do not do it for Allah, rather for fame.. then the actions is useless.
@Ashu Then the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) gave a similitude in
migration so that it may be reference for the rest of actions. So those who
migrate have different intentions and thus the reward will vary to a great
extent, even though the action is one (and that is the migration). So whoever
migrates to Allaah and His Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam), seeking
the reward of Allaah and the victory for the Deen and giving help to the Deen
then he is the sincere Muhaajir (immigrant), who attained in his intention the
That is from my notes
the second part of prophet
Right intention do not justify wrong actions
The hadeeth merely says any right deed needs the right intention
so.. something like celebrating the prophet's birthday or writing 786 which is wrong action.. cannot be justified by a right intention
Let me give another example
The terrorist groups.. some are muslims among them
that maes alot of sense
if you hear them, they have sincere intentions of helping the ummah
@Ershad well you are assuming writing 786 is wrong!!
i heard people soukd stay away from biddats
@Ershad the muslims are brainwashed (except for the leaders)
if the prophet didnt teach it to us as a way pf worship we shouldnt use it
@NesreenA well if you had read what discussion we had in the earlier hours of this day you would have realized that this was never intended to be used for worship
just for minute stuff
@Ashu let me finish.. so these terrorists.. not only their interviews.. I have read their religious texts.. including material of their creed.. they really have good intentions.. however.. they have a small deviance.. and hence their action becomes wrong.. and the right intention has no use. You say that I am assuming 786 is wrong. Can you give me one hadeeth or verse where it is legislated to use 786
oh okay... but it is being associated with ilam?
This was never intended for worship, but saying basmalah is worship
you are replacing it with 786
..if you write 786 just because it is number
why not write something else
like 8493
Can you give me one hadeeth or verse where it is legislated to use 786 give me the converse
wait so we are starting to use symbolism now like the kaffireen?
@Ershad i am writing it with a meaning
@Ashu. Any act in our daily life are two types : Ritualistic and Non-ritualistic. Every Non-ritualistic say eating, working our daily life activities. In them, unless there is explicit proof that something is impermissible, everything is permissible. For example, someone cannot say using laptop is haraam..unless there is proof But in the Ritualistic aspect, that is worship,it is opposite, to make something permissible or legislate something, you need evidence . These are fundamentals of sharia.
@NesreenA wel i dont know what is kaffireen but i am saying no do not use symbolism for mainstream stuff
kaffireen= non-belivers
So, basically your act of 786 is associated with ritualistic aspect, so you need evidence to legislate it.
@Ershad @NesreenA BRB.... i have dinner to eat
@Ashu Okay, my brother :)
this reminds me of the movie i watched about prophet muhammad
wow, they have a movie on prophet muhammad?
the kuffar were saying they worship idols because they symbolize a spiritul force
yes but he wasent in it
only hadeeth a narrator would say it
that is why when i tjink of symbolizm i think of idols
exactly ...
so why not just start putting idols in front of us saying it symbolizes allah
just like 786 = bismillah
or put a stone saying its the kaba
its symbolism
I do not believe symbolism is haram, it is how you use it, and how far you go into it
this is how idol worshipping began withing generations if people keep using it people will foget its smbolism take it as the truth
start saying numbers instead of quran
thinkungit has meaning
wouldnt it be best to just say quran
probably more ajir anyway
i heard a lecture about it
the shaytan makes people forget like statues used to be as they are used today pictures of their fathers so they wont forget them but then the shaytan said would it must be of importance since its in the middle of town
this must be what your forefathers worshipped
and said worshp as your fathers did
@Ashu - that scheme of numbering has no meaning. suppose i make up my own numbering scheme and add stuff up. suppose bismillah comes to 204. should i now start writing 204 on everything with the intention that it is bismillah?
in any case, what is legislated is "bismillah." not a numerical replacement
if you want to argue that a replacement or symbolism is OK, you have to bring proof
we are supposed to stay as far away from kaffireen anyway and their idols are symbolism would we want to be like them?
salam alekum everybody its almost dhuhr here gtg pray!
1 hour later…
Q: Is drawing people prohibited in Islam?

SwatiI am aware that the prophets may not be depicted in art work, but recently I've been told that people can't be drawn either. What are the specific Quran verses or Hadiths that support this? What is the reasoning behind this? If drawing people is not permitted, does that mean that you may also n...

good question @Swati
I can tell you that it is not wise to draw Prophets because we do not know how they looked lke, so that is why we do not draw prophets
Now for other things, photography and stuff, in the Shafi'i school it is haram to take a photograph or picture of that which has a soul, like humans or animals. But it is okay to draw that which has no soul, like a rock or tree
I believe the Ijma agreed that it is makrooh not haram.

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