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@goldPseudo Assalam Alaykom
1 hour later…
@Omar wa 'alaykum assalaam
how are you @goldPseudo
your meta question will prevent me from counterquestioning ;)
not bad. just waiting for a new dryer to get delivered.
you should have postponed that post for a couple of weeks, hehe..
it's already been too long in coming.
i finally had the time and energy to write something, so i did.
i'm sick of seeing people using this site as a debate forum.
I agree with you on that point
this is human nature
honestly speaking, I can't stand some answers ruining Islam by posting fabricated information
I have two choices: 1) counterquestion them 2) leave them behind
or downvote them to oblivion.
future visitors wouldn't be aware of voting system, so it's not a solution
it's really the only solution though.
the whole SE model is built around voting.
if people don't downvote stuff that doesn't belong, future visitors will see it and think that it's approved.
I know. for example this one question and answer
Q: Did god create the earth for the sake of the prophet and his family only?

Alex TwainI posted a question earlier and I got a reply that states a part of a Hadith: Why do Shia care about Hussain and not Hasan? Then the Lord, Almighty Allah said :"O My angels! O Residents of My Heavens, verily, I have not created the erected Sky, the stretched earth, the illuminated moon, ...

this is wipes every verse said in Qur'an about creation of Adam and his generation
question is asking about an alleged Shi'ite doctrine from Shi'ite experts. nothing wrong with that.
there's a lot of people under the umbrella of "Islam" what disagree with each other on very fundamental aspects. nothing new there.
what's important is that someone who wants the Shi'ite opinion on this doctrine can get that from here without it being bogged down with noise.
no matter how much you may disagree with the fact itself, you can't really disagree with the fact that Shi'ites do or do not believe it. We present facts, not dogma.
This was supposed to be my first counterquestion
no reason you can't counterquestion. just make it constructive.
I cant answer it
but I can post a question
related to the answer there
if your only goal is to prove Shi'ites wrong, this is not the site to do that on.
if your goal is to actually learn how Shi'ites reconcile seemingly conflicting evidence, that's perfectly fine.
I know @goldPseudo
that's why I'll refrain from posting counterquestions
I respect your opinion
I'm just concerned that my duty is to show right from wrong
educate ppl
promote good deeds
you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.
best we can do is provide the best water possible.
hmmm..let me think of another strategy then
uncontrolled debate and apologetic inevitably just ends up mixing all the waters together and filling it with mud.
@goldPseudo was Sunni presence stronger than now when the site first launched?
i think so.
a lot of them ended up leaving after it started devolving into pointless shia-sunni debates.
the debate is tougher now due to political conflicts in the middle east
it's a debate that will never end until judgement day
pah. there's always something going on in the middle east.
these debates are nothing new, and i doubt they're going to change so long as people disagree with each other.
but now it's too obvious
i'm still seeing pretty much the same ad nauseum arguments that i've been seeing for decades.
honestly, i can't blame experts for avoiding this site. as it stands, i sure don't want to recommend it to anyone.
debate isn't something new in any nation, religion, house, etc.
if nobody can be bothered to moderate the site and make it something worth visiting, then yes this is what we end up with. it shouldn't come as a surprise.
your job is tough and you're doing pretty good
the only reason my job is tough is because nobody else is doing theirs.
I'll do my job, in fact, I'm doing it ;)
can I ask the following question:
why didn't Ali (كرم الله وجهه) defend his wife and house?
Q: According to Shi'a Islam, did Fatimah (daughter of prophet Muhammed) die naturally, or was she killed?

saber tabatabaee yazdiSomeone asked me why Fatimah passed away in just 90 days or less after her father: how did she die...my friend said she died naturally but I said she died due to an accident behind the door? I am looking for a Shi'ite perspective.

it's probably fine.
it's a counterquestion
give me my 2 cents :D
ching ching
thanks 2 extra downvotes haha
don't forget, downvoting questions is free.
Jeff Atwood on June 13, 2011

In March 2010, we rebalanced our reputation system to favor answers.

While we value good questions (and asking a great question is absolutely an art), we want to explicitly encourage people to provide the best possible answers. Without people interested in providing good answers, the questions are moot. We know that answers have more intrinsic value than questions, and the reputation balance should reflect that.

The question asker already enjoys a substantial benefit beyond reputation gain from upvotes on their question — namely, they get great answers to their question! Thus, the asker shouldn’t need as much reputation gain. …

yup, but I target answers ;)
@goldPseudo I got the "Mjolnir hammer" on SO ;)
Q: Please vote based on quality

Jon EricsonAs a former moderator on one site that deals with religious texts, a user on the three strictly religious sites, and a participant on religious topics that pop up from time to time on other sites, I've come to appreciate votes that reflect objective quality in a post. I personally think atheists ...

@BleedingFingers noted :) however, I upvoate/downvote based on facts. I have never used it for revenge or nonsense reasons
@goldPseudo @BleedingFingers I wish you both best of luck. goodnight!
Assalm Alaykom
assalaamu 'alaykum

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