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one thing to note about ISIS and other similar groups is that: Early in our history in one of the battles between Mu'awiyah and Ali (Allah is pleased of both) known as the Battle of Assiffin (معركة الصفين) in which form it groups emerged, among the noted are two

1. The Shia (not the ones we have today by the way, by the Shia I am referring to the Shia of Ali, شيعة علي)

2. The Khawarij (الخوارج)
@TRiG the second group, The Khawarij (الخوارج) used to go to extremes and claim that everyone (for instance) who believed Ali was the rightful Khalifah according to the Shariah is a kafir, and so they would kill anyone they claimed to be Kafir.
Among the things they used to say was: "لا حكم إلا لله" (there is no Legislation except for Allah), which the truth but as Ali said: "كلمة حق أريد به باطل" a true word meant for invalid purposes.
and throughout history this group has emerged here and there
and so as some scholars say in regards to داعش ISIS is that they are the Khawarij, or have been successful at imitating them
@TRiG to summarize my point: When داعش / ISIS / IS / ISL (whatever you want to call it) says things, then you can be assured that what they say is truth (most of the time), but it is meant for invalid or void or against the Shariah purposes, so really it isn't (necessarily) a matter about interpretation (a lot of the times).
11 hours later…
Hi. If anyone can answer this: Is there a "title" that gets added to a Muslims name if s/he has been on a Hajj? Like ben Hajji or something? Thanks in advance for any answers.
2 hours later…
Allah is pleased with both Muawiyah and Ali who so vehemently fought each other! Right! hehe! @Trig, I just want to tell you that what Mujahid says about Shiites and his respect for a hypocritical cunning tyrant Muawiyah who revolted against the righteous Ali can at best represent the views of only one group of Sunnis not all of them, and definitely not the Shiites.
And @Mujahidمجاهد, you criticize ISIS, but you seem to not know that you share a great deal with them by those statements you made above!
Sunnis critical of the ISIS or other sunni takfiri groups often fail to see how it is their own official beliefs that inspires groups like ISIS and an-Nusra. In fact what we have so far seen from the Sunni world in form of political movements have nearly all led to the same repeating patterns of violence, terrorism, and anti-Shiite bigotry.
6 hours later…
@infatuated I am not going to get into such common, and pointless arguments
@infatuated that statement is the only statement of yours here I agree with
other then that I am done talking

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