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A: If $X,Y$ are geometric random variables, and $Z = X+Y$, then what is $P\{X= x, Z=z\}$?

probablyme1) At the moment you just have probability statement. You should provide an actual probability (plug into the pmf). 2) You want to recall that if $X,Y$ are iid, then the sum follows a negative binomial distribution, $$X+Y\sim \text{NB}(r = 2, p).$$ Further, we have that, assuming the support for...

The bottom 2 steps confuse me. X , Y has geometric distribution, I thought the formula for the mass function is (1-p)^k-1*p? How come your answer is (1-p)^k*p? Also, lots of textbooks use another formula for negative binomial distribution, when I use that formula, the answer is 1/(n-1). I am so confused. Please help!
If the possible values of $X$ and $Y$ are $\{0,1,2,3,\dotsc\}$, then $P(X = k) = (1-p)^{k} p$. If the possible values are $\{1,2,3,\dotsc\}$, then $P(X = k) = (1-p)^{k-1}p$. Instead of memorizing formulas, you should try to understand what they mean. In the first case, $X$ counts the number of failures until the first success; in the second, it counts the number of trials.
The same can be said about the negative binomial distribution.
Thanks, love you
Under the arrow that is under the $0$ to the left of my response, there is a check mark. You can show love by clicking it. It will then turn green and I will feel all warm and fuzzy inside if you do :)
Also, I am a bear (my school animal) :D
Are you telling me you and me are perfect match? Are you telling me you are from UCB?
The chat.
In the world? I don't know.
You are silly. haha. I am currently an undergrad at UCB. You?
shut the beep beep beep and let me kiss you all over!
you saved me
You are really silly. I doubt I saved you. What time is it at your place? It is 3 am here.
but ! i still have lots of question to finish. the deadline is monday
doing what>
I doubt mind helping you. I am bored, not sleepy yet. I am lurking MSE to pass the time.
let me ask you a question first
why the beep are you still awake?
what is the workload like in UCB
i am in new zealand
third year undergra
if you just left, i am gonna cry
I woke up really late yesterday. I overslept, so I'm not tired yet. It's really hard, there is so much work. So much work, that's all I can say. Cool! never met anyone from NZ before.
On the right side, the little avatars say who is in chat.
who is in chat?
You and me.
you and me?
are you in your fouth year
and it's 11pm sat
so it is the last semester?
Yes. And it is 3am Saturday here.
so i need some help
Twelve independent random variables, each uniformly distributed over the interval
(0, 1], are added, and 6 is subtracted from the total. Determine the mean and variance
of the resulting random variable.
is the mean 0?
is the variance just 0.5
oh no
6 is just the number 6 right?
that is what i am trying to figure out
is 6 is the number
then mean is 0
the variance is 1
I got mean 0.
ok, let's assume 6 is just the number 6
yeah, and i got variance 1.
you are such a perfect match
i like bear
At the moment, yes.
i like cute little animal
Me too.
i have a doggie
What kind? I don't.
I want one though
west highland terrier
wow, cool. I bet it's cute. I want a corgi! They are so funny.
are you gonna do phd or not?
anyway, they pay you so you can leave off the campus and have a doggie
what did you just say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I want to, but not soon. I want to take a break from school for a couple of years. Really????????????????????
shut the beep! i wanted a corgi!!!!
you and me are perfect match
Hahaha, stop saying that. You are silly.
really what? pay you ? of course they pay you to do phd. don't you know that
ok, back to a serious topic
what is the distribution of the sum of n Poisson distribution
Are they independent? You should know this.
yes, i have the question here
The number of claims Z lodged in insurance company on each working day is Poisson
random variable with parameter λ:
P(Z = k) = λ
, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
What is the distribution of the number of claims lodged during n working days? Prove
your answer.
i thought the answer is just the sum of lambas, but is that this easy?
is it a trap
Well, if I am reading the question correctly, then yes you are correct. It does not seem to be a trap.
In other words, it should be a poisson distribution with rate 7\lambda
what does rate 7/lambda mean?
I don't think chat supports formatting, it should be $7\lambda$

or just 7λ
oh, sorry, there are n working days, so it should be

do i use mgf to prove it?
Um, I don't think so.
................just did
any suggestion?
Oh, ok great. None
why none
I had no suggestion.
:D it is ok
just did mgf, that will be fine
are you living in the hall
Ok, sounds good actually.

No, I rent out a room in a house.
Do you want to be pen pals? I might be going to sleep soon, but you seem friendly.
i would love to!
how do we contact each other
don't tell me you are chinese!
do you have msn
nope and nope
but i like chating with you!
hahaha, well, you have my email, I'm sure I can get msn or something. But I refuse to have a facebook, hahaha
ok, before you go to bed, check this out
that will keep you smile during sleep
hahahahahaha, "my butt feels weird!"
and check out meow version
it is recommended next to it
hahaha, wow
good night
ok, send me an email. good night, hope to help you soon!
let me try
just did
ok, I got it. maybe I can help you tomorrow. Goodnight.
see you

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