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room topic changed to Sec.SE CVR: Close vote reviewers for Sec.SE meta (no tags)
hey @HamZa
There you go, you get the "first visitor" badge;)
@SmokeDispenser heya
Not enough rep exception :P
say what?;)
Can't cast close votes
me neither, yet.
but I'm on my way;)
also, with as many mods and high-rep users around here, it's usually not needed to fast-cv things as on SO
I'm geniuely aming to educate users and constructively work with newOPs rather than sorting the garbage out as it's done on SO
(because, that part works fine here, with the smaller scale and less exposure)
@SmokeDispenser Good luck with that. I lost motivation in moderating the sites (bad experience from SO)
@HamZa me too. that's what drove me here.
@HamZa, there is a gist somewhere explaining why I left SO :)
@HamZa google power is everything
@SmokeDispenser I found it by searching your gist account on the dmz :P
@HamZa, I thought so. searching the SOCVR room would've worked, too
(or gooleing, as the rooms are indexed and that's my only gist except the keybase one :))
Btw, the question was deleted by three +10K users. So no mod was involved
At 10K you have the ability to delete-vote a question.
I know
It was the mods approving of this abuse of dv that did send me over the edge
4 hours later…
hey @SEJPM
glad you joined me :)
im specials
you are?
I dunno lol is this like the quiet room or something lol?
look in the meta post;)
It is quite a quiet room, though.
(but as chattery in off topic in the CTF room... I'd thought, you'd want to come here and ignore the DMZ for an hour;)
@SmokeDispenser yea its tense in there right now :/ i thought everyone got along
:28649200 hmmm i saw tht
that came out wrong
she seems a little tense these days
and simon is... well, just annoying sometimes
hey @AustinHartzheim
@SmokeDispenser there are a couple people in the dmz who cant stand me I like simon he is all jest :D im trying to get kalina to warm to me, she seems like she has interesting stories... i like stories
@silverpenguin I like her as well, she has a crude sense of humor. the sarcasm is strong in her.
yet, it gets tricky if you cannot tell that apart from being really angry
like, cf. my 'entry' there and her mocking the newbie
@SmokeDispenser this is my trouble.. she does not use smiley faces so its hard for me to grasp emotion through words
@SmokeDispenser hello. What happens here?
@AustinHartzheim, I take it you didn't read the meta post in the topic?;)
No. I'll go find it.
@AustinHartzheim, there you go
Hi @MikeOunsworth
I've never used chat on SE, but since I started this, I guess it's time ....
Seems like it ;)
I'm glad you joined :)
We did meet quite some times already on the site already;)
oh yeah, I recognize your handle :-)
Do you know about the user script for autocommenting? that makes life a lot easier
I'm happy we have you on infosec.SE. We have a couple really good user here who are great at encouraging new users, which is important to me.
@SmokeDispenser No, please enlighten.
We might as well create a md to feed it
wait, let me search for the github.
@MikeOunsworth, auto comments and the repo from SOCVR
@SmokeDispenser I'll check that in a bit, in theory, I'm supposed to be doing work right now :$
I might have a chat with the SOCVR team so we can push a site-specific/sec.SE md
@MikeOunsworth, me too;)
no hurry
auto comments chrome extension looks sweet! I'll have more to say after using it for a bit, I'm sure!
Really, props to @JohnChrysostom for having the guts to speak out, prompting the meta question and more awareness.
3 hours later…
oh halla i can idle in here
if anyone has questions, ping me here or in the DMZ and I'll take a sec to talk

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