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@Downgoat idea: 2Dindexof in string--gives line and column
2 hours later…
@ConorO'Brien index suggests a 1D or single position. Perhaps .locate?
I like that better
idea: .radar function which prints out ASCII radar animation in string beeping the locating string :P
brb i need to get to work
OMF— there's a radar lib on NPM
i think i shuold probably make some STDOUT animation functions
e.g. IO.stdout.animate( 20, 20, ->"a" ) will create 20x20 grid of as
:/ ok thats bad idea
sounds pretty neat
I think it should just be like IO.stdout.animate( -> "a".repeat(20, 20))
whoa, repeat takes multiple args? what do they do?
8 hours later…
@ConorO'Brien horizontal, vertical
@someone i don't dare to delete stale and merged branches but just letting people know
@ASCII-only huh. that's interesting
@ConorO'Brien Well, judging by Downgoat's earlier message I think that's what it is
oh, true
@Conor BTW posted temporary link to Jekyll blog in TNB, do you think it's a good idea?
Jekyll blog?
Medium is really annoying
so you made a new one?
I want to move to Jekyll but that means no read time/favoriting etc
@ConorO'Brien Not yet
If you want to I can push to GH and stuff, it's really un-Medium-like though (plus we need to redo the theme for Jekyll)
I'd personally wait
@ConorO'Brien ?
wait on making another blog
Hmm, why
well, we have medium atm. it's a nice system (a little painful to write in) and we don't have an agreed upon alternative yet
We can just copy the articles across
Plus Jekyll actually has syntax highlighting, and good highlighting at that
my main concern was "agreed upon"
2 hours later…
@Downgoat pls npm owner add to cheddar/cheddar-beta/ches pls?
Also pls fix infinity/nan literals in cheddar, I have no time
@ASCII-only ?
deployment is done through Travis
Wait really
@Downgoat pls finish Infinity and NaN
btw fixed toAST :D :D :D
@ASCII-only just push to develop and run ./vbump
also nil can't cast to boolean :(
@ASCII-only just commit to develop and run ./vbump
itll give u instruction
Use Boolean constructor
Can't vbump it's borked
Also sorry pushed to master for ches whoops
ono everything will bork now RIP
Ok well can u try to undo and I'll figure out bork
Ok it's not tagged
u should be able to do git reset --soft v0.2.2
then checkout develop and recommit there
travis will then detect a merge and deploy if applicable
6 hours later…
I'm gone for not even a day and everything borks
@Downgoat we should have an alternative modulo operator as well (that is, we currently implement JS's %; we should have a proper mod operator, whether that be the mod keyword, or perhaps %%)
also, I'm going to be designing a stdlib that does a lot of text processing, e.g. converting 2D list of numbers to a nice-looking, right justified matrix thingy
3 hours later…
@ConorO'Brien I agree. I think it should be mod to be more idomatic imo
@ConorO'Brien :D +1
@Downgoat mt, it looks nice
@ConorO'Brien btw when you're not busy? Can you help me test my sync-prompt plugin?
I can do taht now
just tell me what I need to do
ok, can you clone [email protected]:cheddar-lang/sync-prompt.git
then do npm install -g node-gyp
and then node-gyp configure
[email protected]:cheddar-lang/sync-prompt.git
@ASCII-only pls test your code even compile before pushing to deploy branch >_>
λ git clone [email protected]:cheddar-lang/sync-prompt.git
Cloning into 'sync-prompt'...
The authenticity of host 'github.com (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:nThbg6kXUpJWGl7E1IGOCspRomTxdCARLviKw6E5SY8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
do yes
it is because you probably are cloning through SSH for first time. so git doesn't know about github
λ git clone [email protected]:cheddar-lang/sync-prompt.git
Cloning into 'sync-prompt'...
The authenticity of host 'github.com (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:nThbg6kXUpJWGl7E1IGOCspRomTxdCARLviKw6E5SY8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'github.com,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
clone from this URL instead perhaps: https://github.com/cheddar-lang/sync-prompt.git
that worked
npm install -g node-gyp
^ doing this now
@ConorO'Brien ;______; ono bork
pls halp idk if gyp full-bork or gaot bork
Hey guys! Quick question: how do you do range access from i to infinity on a list?
I tried l[i|>] but that gives me a syntax error
well, range is an operator
Oh, right
idk if @Downgoat has a plan for range indexing
Well, l[i|>1/0] throws Runtime Error: `/` has no behavior for types `Array` and `Number`
yeah. |>s precedence is pretty low
I thought that meant it's high, not low
cheddar> +|>a.len
            throw err;

TypeError: Cannot read property 'constructor' of null
@Downgoat some more bug
Why on earth does it have that high precedence? :P
@ETHproductions you'll need to do list.slice(i)
@ConorO'Brien goddammit
@Downgoat Shucks
@ETHproductions idk :P
the precedence confuses me sometimes
Even l[i|>i] fails, saying Runtime Error: accessor must be integer
will fix next release
@ETHproductions yea, you can only access by integer item
i only added list[n] syntax to be familiar to C users
list[n] syntax is pretty slow because it has to create a new scope, etc. etc.
@Downgoat ...oh...
I'm so dumb :P
@Downgoat surely you could optimize that out
BTW, the docs could really use some updating
@ConorO'Brien ;_; sounds hard tho
why? just don't make a scope
@ETHproductions yeah >_> I'm trying to work on the docs but I use gitbooks for docs and that makes it quite a pain to view changes and add documents
Idk if anyone wants to halp make docs hint hint :P
@ConorO'Brien ill try but AST manipulations can be difficult
oh wait nvm i have idea
btw: On the cheddar website You'll now see a small grey dot ont he top-left corner, that is the changelog
Ooh, that's nice. It looks the same as JSFiddle's
Powered by the same service, I'd guess
yup, headway
it's pretty cool, allows markdown

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