I started the discussion on meta about the quality of answers back when the beta was first launched. Half a year later, I fear that “воз и ныне там”. There are still too many trivial, unsubstantiated, opinionated or tendentious (as the case may be with the user recently in the sin bin) answers, and what is worse, some of those are being encouraged by the community.
I had seen answers that got really high scores (15+) that are lacklustre at best, questionable in factual matter if not completely incorrect at worst. Again, as I said in my meta question, I am trained in academia to critically evaluate information, and some of the stuff here just makes me cringe.
Even if the answer may “look right”, or “makes sense” it is not reason enough to promote it. Anyone familiar with application of scientific method would know that “common sense” alone is not enough to turn hypothesis in a workable theory. In fact, often the findings point to the contrary. So here, if I see an answer that may “make sense”, but is not substantiated, or written with words “I think”, “I heard”, “I read on the fence”, at least I would just pass it by without voting.
I implore people to be more critical with information, and have higher standards. One reason we are here on SE, is that it promotes quality answers, unlike Yahoo Answers, Ответы mail.ru and so forth. But so far I see too little of SE quality.
Here are the examples from other sites of answers that can be seen as higher quality: somebody's, mine (a bit wordy).
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