1 hour later…
In fact the question was OK, but request for English idiom is hard to fulfill. Most people that answer questions here know Russian, but I think that there are a few people that have a deep knowledge of both English and Russian. I think the general meaning of "Жить можно" can be explained without deep knowledge of English.
1 hour later…
@Artemix: I'm sorry I don't agree. In a forum populated by English-speakers and Russian-speakers, it would be the perfect place to ask that question. For example, in my question about "Мели, Емеля" you gave me the English equivalent: "Yeah, right, keep talking." That was exactly what I was looking for. I don't know if you have a "deep understanding" of English - all I care about is that you knew the answer.
In this case, I never asked for a definition. I asked two things: does anyone know the colloquial English equivalent OR can someone explain the situation in which this expression is used. I think "someone" was having a bad day, or was playing God, or both.
This person is asking for a "translation" yet this question is valid: russian.stackexchange.com/questions/2018/what-does-оттяжка-mean-here
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