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if user A has a bunch of rep and only likes riddles about the number 3, then those will get his bounties. other users see this and start tailoring their puzzles, or abandoning larger ideas in favor of such riddles
We want to reward questions, not just give them attention.
Giving the points to the asker would actually lessen that, if anything.
all I'm saying is that I think that rep that belongs to you is yours to do what you please with - there's realistically only so much of it you can gain and rewarding things that you like with it seems like a totally reasonable thing to do
that's the kind of thing I'm thinking about.
Matt, this is already a potential problem - not just here, but on other SE sites. Yet it doesn't happen, or if it does it's so rare that it doesn't matter.
A: Can we award bounties to questions?

manshu Is this a feature-request worth asking about? I think yes. There is nothing wrong in asking a feature request. And it seems like this feature request is good for Puzzling SE. Is it too difficult to implement a system where questions can be awarded bounties as well? I have no idea about...

I know, just saying that question bounties aren't going to lead to personal preferences skewing the site any more than currently..
it's like telling me we live in a democracy but only letting me vote for one of two people.
Feel free to add your thoughts.
how are personal preferences skewing the site already?
As far as we know, they're not.
And bounties on questions shouldn't change that.
(just FYI, I still to this day think one of the most beautiful exercises of bounty-awarding was when @manshu awarded a bounty to the "fart" answer on that one "ice cream" question - not the accepted answer, but the one that the person awarding the bounty thought was best)
@question_asker It still is my fav. answer.
given by Paul Evans
Q: I feel no pain, yet silently shriek

Big Black BoxI feel no pain Yet silently shriek An airy concoction Your desire I pique A sinful temptation You seldom refuse As I squeal, howl and bellow I delight and amuse Who am I?

yeah, that was actually a good answer too
should the tag be [feature-request] yet or [discussion]
Well, I just came back and saw that shog asked us why we haven't answered questions on how difficult an implementation would be (because we write the site code right?), a yes or no question that is answered by voting (upvoted clearly mean this is a feature worth asking about), and that we haven't given any reasons it should not be done (which means it should be...). What a load
(I like Hugh's answer on that one, too - see? Two good answers on a riddle!)
Welcome back, Gordon
@GordonAllocman hahaha yes, he did that thing.
I wish I wasn't out of stars to give for the day :(
Fart answer: An interesting answer.
hello @Randal'Thor
@Randal'Thor Got anything to say about awarding bouties to questions?
It's a hot topic, you know. :D
should we not attempt to follow the format suggested?
A: Can we talk about the voting culture here on Meta?

Shog9So I've been kinda chewing on this since your email, because... It's one of those simple questions that defies a simple answer. You're not the only person to raise this concern, of course: several respected users, moderators and even co-workers have expressed dismay upon seeing reasonable questio...

I didn't really read that answer
that question wasn't relevant at all
It kinda describes what they want in feature requests
the answer outlines the hoops we are supposedly meant to jump through no?
I read that a while back when I was using stackoverflow more, it just explains why downvotes are used the way they are
no, that one's talking about trying to fix a problem with SO culture
@question_asker Hullo! :-)
The answer was linked, not the question
summed up that answer explains why meta posts can get downvoted, our meta questions have almost all upvotes
I'm pretty sure the description of the feature-request process is why
thank you, Gordon
I think the fact that it was linked makes it relevant.
I could link a lot of things in here...
yeah, how does linking something suddenly make it relevant?
he may touch on what a good feature request/meta post is, but that is to explain what you didn't do that garnered you downvotes, out meta feature requests have little or no downvotes therefore it isn't very useful. If anything it is his personal specifications on what he likes to see in posts
hard to tell with the obvious opinion about the site that the user holds.
@pacoverflow Re that comment you linked from JLee, and "(For example, I suspect that CodeNewbie is Rand al'thor)" - I didn't realise anyone seriously believed that!
Well, and it's from the perspective of someone who is talking about what they, in the company, do in meetings
For the avoidance of doubt: I've never had an undisclosed sockpuppet on PSE (or any other SE).
That answer wasn't written by him.
... yes it was?
Q: What is our reason for wanting bounties on questions?

GentlePurpleRain Please read the answers below and vote on the answer(s) that you feel best describe your opinions on the issue discussed here. There has recently been some discussion about bounties on questions, as per this meta post. Shog9 recently tagged that meta post as status-declined, following the...

I still don't see how that answer is supposedly relevant - it talks about why people get downvotes
Just saw that, great work @GentlePurpleRain
@Deusovi He posted that link to get a window of time to run away from this room.
yeah, that was obvious
it's not relevant to the conversation just because it's posted as a link
for instance:
(sound warning) breadfish.co.uk
yeah, like somebody in a cartoon - he posts the link, we look and then turn around to see a shog9-shaped puff of smoke where he was standing
@qa: i wish i could star that
Hi @Emrakul
Welcome :D
@Deusovi I have some stars remaining.
Oops, mixed it up with another post apparently. :/
Waves hello!
I'm mostly listening at the moment, sorry!
any thoughts?
I realized that my question changed a little from when I entered the title to when I completed it. Do you think the title is still relevant, or should I change it?
@Emrakul Can you add the tag on GPR's question on meta (after reading it ofcourse)
I think maybe change the title to "How can we value questions more" or something like that
I'm not very good at formatting, so maybe someone could add an answer (or new meta post) which is add a tab to show recently accepted questions (questions who just accepted an answer) which would give users the "whole story" and let them vote if they were maybe holding out for an answer to be accepted (without having to misuse the favorites feature)
@GentlePurpleRain nice work on that question and the proposed answers. I voted based on how I felt (listen, I have a hard time voting something down, even when I know it doesn't reflect negatively on the person)
OK so I just made a comment to this effect, but another upside to the +10 question vote is just that... that's the way votes tend to work pretty much everywhere else
@GentlePurpleRain That's a fantastic question, seriously.
and by everywhere else you mean other voting sites right? just want to be clear
@GordonAllocman well, most places where votes exist
I'm sorry if it seems like I'm not saying much; I'm reading, thinking, and there's a heck of a lot to read through.
I don't know of many (any?) places where votes on different things count differently in a way that's invisible to the user.
@question_asker yeah I just wanted to make sure no one comes and takes that out of context saying "other stacks sites don't work that way!"
ah, yeah, good point
I think it's already pretty clear what we don't want to do
based on the voted on the meta question
@GentlePurpleRain When did you think about all those other possibilities? :p
I'm still very surprised he even suggested posting an answer solely to bounty it...
Not @GentlePurpleRain , shog that is
agreed, that definitely seems like abuse
Yeah, I mean, that strikes me as very in-line with shog's general Thing, though
brushing people off? yeah
he doesn't want to deal with it, so he proposes something that doesn't require any kind of changes
"Cars seem unsafe without seat belts. How about manufacturers build seat belts into the cars?" hmm, you sure you wouldn't be happier just using a rope to tie yourself to the seat? rope is pretty cheap
Man, my question got bumped off the front page, looks like it will be in limbo for a while since I don't really want to edit it or give a hint
that's pretty accurate q_a
I guess now Shog9 might be satisfied with our request
nah, he won't be
I think a better analogy would be "just turn the seats around so you won't be propelled forward when you crash"
we didn't do it without using the letter e so it's not gonna work
hi puzzlers
howdy cr0
Fundamental system changes are slow and difficult to implement, to be fair. I think a lot of it has to do with that our presentation to this point has been (generally) "no/few potential downsides," which suggests we're being a little hasty in our call for implementation.
PS *100 emoji* to @GordonAllocman and @Deusovi
@Deusovi for the "without using the letter e" thing, and to gordon for the turning the seats around thing. (I'm also out of stars for the day)
The question "does puzzling work alright as-is without this?" poses a significant barrier as well, given the answer is - pretty much - a resounding "yes."
oh alright
emrakul, we could get puzzling to work by carrier pigeon if we had to
@Emrakul Yeah, that's such a dodgy metric, though
the question is not "does it work" but "could it be better"
Yeah, I agree!
13 hours ago, by manshu
just in case no one has noticed, there is a decrease in the number of questions per day on puzzling SE.
@Emrakul it works, but I personally have noticed a decline in amount of puzzles being posted (could easily be simply a correlation with something else) and this would help
QPD goes up and down on a very long cycle, to be fair.
I think people got too hung up on that, too. There has been a decrease in the number of questions, but we're a small site, and we were always teetering on the edge of QPD
On the order of weeks to months. The general trend has been up, though, consistently.
but people got hung up on that being the reason to suggest this change, rather than a reason this change could be helpful.
@Emrakul I guess it reached 14 QPD once?
It's really less a question of functionality than one of purpose or principle.
I also definitely find it much more valuable to post an answer than a question 99% of the time, where really the person making the question does a lot of work
@manshu It varies so wildly sometimes. Here, lemme pull up some info.
I has a question about a question
go ahead
I wrote a poem & posted as a puzzle (puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/32373/…), thinking it might be somewhat easy (of course it seems that way to the originator of the puzzle). I wonder, is it so difficult as to not be solved in about a week? Any advice from the forum of puzzlers is appreciated. Maybe I should solve it and critique from there
(Since I'm asking for critique, I could spoil the riddle here if needed)
Shog9 said we are a "dying site" because of the decrease in questions. If that is true, why did the site graduate recently?
@pacoverflow lol, I missed him saying that.
Did he really?
@manshu That was a crazy time, jeez. The site really wasn't built to take a hit like that at the time. Lack of users, lack of good quality policies.
13 hours ago, by Shog9
Being the rep-richest person on a dying site means no more than having all the gold on a desert island.
holy shit I didn't notice that
Yeah there was so much going on in last night's chat that I totally glossed over that one
Something else that should be considered on the bounty/question value thing...
@Emrakul You mean to say that we graduated too early?
13 hours ago, by Shog9
How do you envision offering a bounty that motivates this?
I think we did
but at the same time, I think we need new mods
Raising the value of question still limits daily reputation.
@manshu Er, no. That was December 2014.
aw crud, it only posted the last one in that trio
But bounties are exempt.
So it needs to be considered when deciding which route to take.
And, that's not really what Shog was saying there.
Emrakul's great, but Doorknob comes online maybe once every two months and I've not once seen Kevin do anything
@Khale_Kitha true
What (I think) they were trying to communicate was that, if an ill-considered feature request causes the site serious harm, even if it awards more rep to questioners, we could be faced with a worse problem.
Kevin closes questions, etc - but I've never seen him talk anywhere.
@Emrakul Fair enough, but... this hasn't been "ill-considered" in ages
yeah, we've pretty clearly considered its impact
It seems silly that an accepted answer to an okay puzzle often nets more rep than 2 well written questions
That's true! I'm just trying to clarify what I think they meant - I don't think they were trying to suggest that Puzzling is a dying site.
I'd go so far as to say 4 questions, Gordon
Sometimes an accepted answer to bad question as well
Due to the lower number of votes that questions get
@Emrakul Fair enough, but it's not unreasonable to take into consideration his considerable disdain for Puzzling
Maybe he wasn't saying Puzzling is a dying site, but his track record isn't great when it comes to approaching us in good faith.
I certainly read it as a reference to utility more than anything else
I mean, my reading is that, to him, we are noisy children.
Yeah, that's pretty accurate. We're an annoyance, not actual people who want to make SE better.
but agree reading between the lines I see what you mean
yes [para] we cleverly use the SE model to make something different
Also, I haven't been convinced of how this would break anything
he never said how it would be bad
Which is not to say it can't! It seems like he's trying to get us to make that argument, so that he can say "see? told you it wouldn't work"
ok, maybe that was bad faith of me
I'm going to shamelessly plug my question while there is a lot of chat activity: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/32575/…
we started in good faith but then he ruined it by blatantly ignoring everything we said
Not only ignored but abused us too.
Also I feel like we should change topics since this isn't really accomplishing anything but making us more mad
tbh i think it's fine
fair enough, though I was absolutely perplexed by something else he said (and @WesleySitu's answer on that meta question made me think of it again)
13 hours ago, by Shog9
so you wanna see a great question about... I donno... You wanna see a puzzle involving horses. Maybe horses that aren't made of meat. You're not sure how this would work out, but you're pretty sure there's something there.
yeah, i didn't get that either
does he not understand the concept of a puzzle?
To be fair, it's been less than an hour, but I notice the scores are equal on GPR's question for improved question bountying and +10 on questions. Is it possible +10 for questions would largely render question bountying unneeded?
Like, I know that was directed at Alconja and manshu (since they were the ones talking at the time), but... who is saying this? Who is saying "I want to encourage puzzles of a certain type by offering bounties"?
Wesley was saying that, q_a
Personally, Emrakul, I found a post on the original Meta site suggesting +15/-5 for certain sites where question values are highly regarded to be a fair idea.
@Deusovi Well I mean at the time he said that

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