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while Jonathan is off making a coffee, anybody want to work on his puzzle?
OK then I guess I'll just stare at it on my own some more
which puzzle?
The kryptos copper screen lookes like the windows flag to me =)
sorry, I've been pretty busy the last 2 days :/
hey, morning everyone
Maybe the should flatten it now
Jonathan also has this puzzle unsolved: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/32382/…
I basically haven't made any headway at all on that one. The one I linked, that is.
oof yeah math puzzles :(
I'm not sure what you guys have tried already
I'm going to scour the flavor text for clues some more
for the correspondence one? basically all I've been able to deduce is there's nothing to 'translate' there
for jonathan's language puzzle, it might be strings in different languages with some kind of encryption on it, but im no good with ciphers
sorry side-tracked commenting on:
A: Bounty-like facility for rewarding excellent questions

Shog9The traditional reward for asking a good question is getting a good answer. Rep and such are icing on the proverbial cake, but pale in comparison to that primary reward of a solution to a practical question based on a real problem. But of course, there are now sites where questions aren't rea...

@Deusovi you slept? :p
Apache Destiny also looks like a bad romance novel by Holly Harte, concerning a woman seeking revenge after Apache raid killed her husband
now, permit me to stretch a bit
accounts are 8 months old
Holly Harte - HH ... H is the 8th letter
a fun coincidence, if nothing else
...and that's why fire trucks are red.
were you around for me talking about that the other day or are you pulling that from a completely independent memory
I read the chat or was here.
akuna matata :)
... I missed whatever you're referencing
Hakuna Hatata
I am writing random words. Don't mind them
Habari gani?
nahi..doosra wala
brb lunch
like Highlander?
Gall fod dim ond un
angda bongda tingda.
does that actually say something?
it's like a puzzle :)
no.. It's something that I say when I don't want to make sense.
looks like a mnemonic to remember something like sohcahtoa
@Matt for your reference, the fire truck thing is this thing I remembered from my childhood: reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/1szrtc/why_are_firetrucks_red
If I Google it the first result misses the Russian reference LOL
haha bizarre
the version I remember at least had the decency to change the spelling to "rushin'" at the end, so that you didn't have to spend that extra half-second working out what they meant by trucks having a nationality
my internet cannot afford a google search
@GentlePurpleRain \o
\o nice
(mein führer?)
and just like that it was the end of puzzles-etc :(
@GentlePurpleRain Got any idea for Jon's puzzle?
@JonathanAllan Don't worry. I won't let that happen.
puzzles :)
look at all these people willing to have @Khale_Kitha's starred "<---" pointing at them :)
Surely not me
Maybe his message was meant for himself.
also, q_a: i saw that you called me one of the "obvious choices" for mod and i'm honored
i'm probably gonna run for mod when the elections happen
well it was - so I stared it to point at us all :D
FWIW @Deusovi I will second you
@Deusovi :D you definitely should! You're a) around, b) good at solving puzzles, and c) able to articulate your opinions re: policy
I am wondering about the number of mods. that will be chosen in next elections.
:D thank you so much!
4 or 5 maybe?
had to double check "second" was the correct spelling :)
@JonathanAllan I checked it yesterday
yeah silly db maintenence script :p
@JonathanAllan dammit...I just found out that I didn't type 'second' yesterday.
any ideas on how we can implement an encouragement for good questions other than the suggestion of question bounties or super^votes?
shog9 said it wasn't gonna happen
what motivates people here to write good questions?
no he said the bounties idea was not gonna happen - see his responses to my comments
@JonathanAllan Interest in puzzling
"Figure out what's motivating folks to post puzzles where they already know the answer and can't be rewarded for knowing the answer. Then design ways to reinforce those motivations."
honestly what motivates me is seeing someone solve mine
that and the sweet, sweet upvotes :p
thing is the ones we would reward are those that are designed well which is different from just knowing the answer
The problem is that upvotes for questions still count for so little, and questions get upvotes very rarely.
yeah, agreed
Whereas I could spend a few seconds typing a possible answer and get rep maxed in minutes.
It would take 4-5 questions to do so
yes like I said in the comment "It's almost as if our Q ^v should be 10 and our A ^v should be 5"
And they'd have to be good questions, which take time to build
I mean
answers are still good
let's not go nuts here (says the guy who only answers and never questions)
the "big" questions seem to get more upvotes, which is good, but they still don't get enough recognition
And if you look at the "views"
The bad questions tend to get the most views
Which is annoying
even worse, a lot of the bad ones get HNQed
answers indicate that someone spent time solving the puzzle, but good puzzles are themselves something that someone spent time on
Probably due to the views, Deu
Or possibly in reverse - or both
@Khale_Kitha Due to the number of answers
Might be a trainwreck thing
I mean if f'' was after rep he could have posted the pieces of the maze as part:Start part:Fifteen ...
Nah, many HNQ have no answers
yeah, i spent two weeks planning that chess thing, and it's pretty likely that f'''s maze took him longer
and waited a day between each :p
I don't usually look at riddles, but I check out ones with negative votes just to see how bad they are
yeah, HNQ is purely algorithm-driven, which means just based on a variety of click-types
@Zandar yeah I find myself doing that ^^
@Khale_Kitha There can't be any HNQ question without answer.
omg @question_asker thanks for that firetruck explanation
@manshu Sorry, not sure what you're referring to...
Pretty sure I 've seen them, manshu - but not sure - I know that it definitely doesn't have to have a lot of answers to be on HNQ
hey, GPR! haven't seen you in forever
@GentlePurpleRain I was refering to this: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/32640/…
"I have no idea if the use-case is "fine", @jonathan. It seems pointless to me, but so does everything else on Puzzling. So that's a question for your meta site."
^ seems rather discriminatory
Seems like someone who shouldn't be making decisions for our site...
agreed - shog9 honestly doesn't seem to care about us at all
what is the meaning of shog , btw?
I honestly thought his whole response was bizarre
I think that quote pretty much sums up his whole response
@manshu The parts of the messages that use English letters seem to roughly correspond to English in terms of letter frequency and mix of consonants and vowels. Makes me think it's not a substitution cipher.
agreed, q_a
He doesn't like that the site exists, in the first place, so doesn't really care about anything to do with us
like, it was so unnecessarily combative in regard to something we have -- for a long time -- pointed out was unique about our site
so anything that would benefit us is bad, even if it would benefit other sites too
(also PPCG, probably a few others, don't want to pretend like we're the only ones that would be good for)
i'm late to the politics party, but what was going on?
What I don't understand is why this idea couldn't be implemented only for Puzzling? He seemed concerned it would be abused on other sites, but we know that bounties can be disabled because they are on most metas.
we asked about bounties on questions
@WesleySitu We are trying to prove Shog9 wrong
i read a bit of it and dont really get how bounties would be applied to questions
shog9 basically flipped us off
since bounties are pretty much a notice when youre looking for something
so isnt it more of something like a tip jar
Summed up it was essentially, you run differently than stack overflow so you are wrong and we shouldn't make changes that help you in any way
we want some way to reward good questions. the bounty system seems like something that could be adapted to questions easily
bounties are a way of rewarding someone for effort
I agree that bounties are the wrong system to use - but other sites have higher question upvote value
So it shouldn't be such a big issue
we already have "reward existing answer", anyway
Yeah, Alconja tried to point that out
But all he kept saying was that reward existing answer was a stupid idea
As if it didn't exist
I'm confused - what do you guys mean by "reward existing answer"?
the bounty reason
oh, right, sure
one of the reasons you can pick when you set a bounty is "reward existing answer"
mmmm i think the only way to get through to him is coming up with something thats universal across all sites, although thats a bit difficult since things work differently here
hell, rewarding good questions is a universal thing
yeah it seems like there are some people who are very active on other SE sites who seem... annoyed?... that Puzzling even exists as a SE site, since it 'works differently'
back when that meta question was asked Puzzling wasn't a thing
I think the main issue is that he thinks running differently is inherently wrong and should go be its own separate site
"Well... I applaud the cleverness of the folks who realized they could use this software in strange and delightful ways that the creators never envisioned much less designed for. I wish 'em all the best."
Yeah, he claimed that SE was created to prevent sites, like ours, from existing
even though meta, stackapps, and PPCG also are like that
Judaism.SE has an annual joke thing IIRC - should that be banned too?
i mean, it doesn't fit the SE mold
He was referring to sites which hid technical answers until you paid for membership, I think he was just saying it was ironic that we basically hide answers by default.
yeah the torah in jest thing, i noticed that in hnq a few times
yeah. if there's one thing I feel like I'm known around here for, it's being a cantankerous asshole. but if there's a second thing, it's being a cantankerous asshole about trying to get people to even consider the idea of something outside of the normal SOP
@Zandar We hide answers?
oh for crying out loud. we "hide" answers that are unhidden by mouseover. (though, admittedly, a weakness is that apparently spoilertext isn't indexed)
I'm saying he wasn't seriously putting us in the same category as them.
we're not making anybody pay, we're not even making people sign up
i think he means that the questioner hides the answer
I replied. So offensive.
normally if you know the answer you'd ask and self-answer
ooh, link?
self-answering is great for a situation where you would reasonably be trying to find the answer yourself, or providing the answer to a common question that hadn't been documented
but he legitimately does not understand ANYTHING about puzzling.se
but... self-answering is the opposite of what is fun about puzzles
there are some pitfalls (bad puzzles, questioners who post but never come back to select an answer or give hints, etc.) but We Make Do.
also, did anyone answer his request of "Give me a non-hypothetical example of a case where this would be useful" ?
right, and that happens on other sites too
Well we have a community manager who knows about puzzling SE. Jon Ericsson
@WesleySitu Isn't... our website... the non-hypothetical example?
@Deusovi link from me?
yep, q_a
and Jon, yeah
A: Bounty-like facility for rewarding excellent questions

Shog9The traditional reward for asking a good question is getting a good answer. Rep and such are icing on the proverbial cake, but pale in comparison to that primary reward of a solution to a practical question based on a real problem. But of course, there are now sites where questions aren't rea...

@question_asker If he knows nothing about puzzling SE, he might want an explanation of what drives this site
like, we're not saying "hey make this thing happen because someday we might want to use it, in this abstract use case"
exactly - we want to use it now
we've said several times that we want to reward good questions somehow
let's call him here now, maybe?
I just. I don't know how you don't take literally one look at this site and the name of the site and just immediately know what's going on here.
f'' puzzle from yesterday is a prime example of a question you might want to award more than just 5 to
@question_asker As in, awarding questions gives incentive for more questions to be asked here, which helps in attracting more solvers and expanding the network
we focus on the questions here more than the answers
right to @WesleySitu too
and with larger networks, more ad views and revenue for SE
"Featuring becomes meaningless without the desire to encourage answers, so would need some sort of auxiliary system for oversight." what, no.
yeah, seriously - "reward existing answer" doesn't encourage any answers but it's still featured
but what we're requesting isnt really to feature the question, that already happens from the answer bounty
This is part of the problem - that "optimize for pearls, not sand" thing being taken as some kind of natural law, rather than A Thing Somebody Said Once Which Made Sense At The Time For The Specific Thing They Were Talking About
rewarding existing answer is reasonable only if the given answer is extremely simple for a tough question.
@q_a: hell, this IS optimizing for pearls - questions with effort put into them being rewarded can make more people want to make good questions
I am calling him.
There is no benefit in discussing between all of us.
We all agree on these things.
it's nice to organize our thoughts
@manshu its better to discuss with all of us first to flesh everything out before he gives us a lecture on how we don't have a complete plan
@Deusovi yeah, I just mean that pearls became synonymous with Answers
@Shog9 Are you here, rn?
We'll see.
we also have to address "abuse"
@manshu making breakfast
@Shog9 oh..sorry for bothering. We all had something to discuss with you
take your time, @shog9 - this isn't the inquisition
So, discuss it. Ideally in one of the existing threads about this idea on your meta.
Well, our meta isn't going to get us any nearer to the goal
we've discussed it with each other already
What's your goal?
is there another person we could talk to about this?
@Shog9 same as before.
First of all, to not be brushed off as if we don't matter.
Because it seems like hostility is all we've gotten from this particular avenue.
Awarding bouty to questions
@manshu I'd start with each other
Second, to find some way to reward existing questions, preferably with a bounty-like system.
Shog9, we've already talked about this with each other. We're all in agreement.
On what, exactly?
@Shog9 I think what we're looking for is 1) Setting a bounty to have a question of a certain type to be asked (Suppose we would like a puzzle involving a Maze, or perhaps a Language tag) We can award that bounty to a "good" question of that type. And 2) Setting up some kind of tipping jar for existing questions
All rep awards suffer from not necessarily motivating.
Funny. I was told last night that #1 was explicitly NOT what you wanted.
I wasn't here for all of that, so I'm not sure how they want things implemented
Can you point to where that has been unambiguously stated?
This is why I can't take you seriously. Stop bullshitting in chat and write this up in detail on meta.
But the ultimate goal is to "Incentivize questions to be asked here to expand the network"
@Shog9 This is gold, Shog. Definitely a good look for you, the adult.
Bacon is burning. Get your story straight; I'll be back later.
what story?
@Shog9 OK, well, you still haven't actually substantiated your claim.
@All We need specifics, so can we get a google doc up or something?
As I understand from talking to Alconja, the problem you hope to solve is a fall-off in folks willing to invest their time writing puzzles, @Jonathan. So y'all are hoping that, by throwing points at existing questions, folks will be extrinsically motivated to do something they're currently losing interest in. In my experience, that probably won't work. But y'all aren't even discussing it; the idea's been floated multiple times on your meta with mostly crickets chirping as the response - do you even think this'll work? Why? — Shog9 ♦ 13 mins ago
So... is it 'multiple times on [our] meta', or do we need to write something up on the meta?
there is no such thing as extrinsic motivation anywhere on SE except for having the ability to decide how things are run.
(also he linked to it like he's introducing the reader to a topic)
that's fine he can assume I'm dumb, I don't mind
Well, OK, there's "extrinsic movitation" in the sense that all gamification is an attempt to introduce extrinsic motivation to a system
I mean, I'll grant him that.
You could argue that we're all just here to boost our internet points.
anyone up for the meta post?
Hello everyone :)
@manshu Why. There's nothing we could write in a meta post that we haven't covered here, and certainly nothing we could write that he hasn't explicitly written off already.
what sites have different rep awards than Q5/A10?
Meta is the official avenue to get opinions from users, I can understand why mods would want something discussed on it.
@question_asker I think it's still worth a try
@question_asker We don't have a concrete method for implementation, at least from what I can see, unless we're literally using the same system for answer bounties
@JonathanAllan I have heard of stackapps
This isn't anything more complicated than: We, the users of the site, believe that a completely optional feature could be added, which would enhance the experience at this specific SE site, and could possibly be used in others.
but I am not sure
yes I have no problem with the request for a consensus - I was asking him how we can not waste time basically
if something is not implementable there is no point discussing it
Right but my point is that once we waste time putting together a detailed meta post, we'll likely be met with 'lol didn't you see me ignore you the other eight times?'
honestly my first priority is to be treated with respect
but it's pretty clear that's not gonna happen
yeah see, that's a big part of why I don't want to put together a meta post
then maybe flag his message :p
I don't want to be insulted and THEN ALSO do what the person who just insulted me ordered me to do.
I'm not interested in punishing @Shog9 for his personal opinions I am trying to be proactive :)
this isn't an issue of personal opinions, it's an issue of treating people respectfully
@manshu Right, what drives a question onto HNQ is at least one answer having a lot of upvotes.
@pacoverflow I knew it.. @Khale_Kitha ^^^
well, I'm willing to brush it aside for now anyway
Ummm, how important is this new feature to yall?
it would be fairly useful
I think we may have to swallow our pride, write up a solidly written meta post, raise counter points to his disagreements, and if we get nowhere with him, find someone else to bring it to and cite his lack of helpfulness if that is the case
Would it be possible for yall to put aside your feelings for a while?
@Deusovi Based on his previous comments, Shog9 definitely doesn't like Puzzling. But other CMs expressed their support for Puzzling, so I guess they overruled him otherwise we wouldn't have graduated.
Whether or not he likes puzzling shouldn't be relevant in our case.
@WesleySitu That's the problem - we keep putting it aside, over and over
and again, how many meta posts do people have to make?
It shouldn't be, but it is. He has repeatedly expressed that he does not care about us.
@question_asker Can you link me all of the relevant meta posts
how many times does the topic have to be brought up before we've met his unattainable standard?
@manshu yes stackapps gets 10Q/10A
It's only had one question about it on Meta that I can see, and that had no answers.
so that is at least implementable
@Zandar Well, what's the answer
It's not about bringing up the topic. It's about bringing up the topic while having things thought out in the post rather than asking "Can we have this feature?"
There's nothing to "think out"
It's literally not at all complicated.
Then make a question asking whether it would be a good idea, and answer with why it would be.
how many times
What's the "what", and what's the "how"?
too late, already been done.
Again, going "well why don't we just forget about it this once" is literally what's been done every time. That's a good way to never get anything done.
@Zandar That kind of question is asking for an opinion, not formally asking for a feature.
Alright, I am gonna write that meta post coz I have nothing to do right now.
I was under the impression that we were meant to discuss it on Puzzling Meta and then use that consensus as a basis for a feature request.
lol, add another meta post to the pile
I just don't know how to start.
let's just keep doing the same thing over and over and over again, we'll definitely get a different answer
one example 0 answers 21 upvotes:
Q: Can we get +10 reputation for upvotes on questions?

EmrakulIt used to be, a long, long time ago, that asking a question awarded +10 reputation. After some deliberation, this was changed to +5 reputation network-wide. The reasons at the time for this change basically amounted to: Questions don't take much effort to ask. The reward for a good question is...

and no downvote
and we didn't answer because it's a feature request
I thought we were talking about bounties, not upvotes.
we're talking about both and that's been covered
Those are two different requests.
only to a person who doesn't understand what we're going for here
another example 0 answers 7 up:
Q: Can we award bounties to questions?

ghosts_in_the_code Is this a feature-request worth asking about? Is it too difficult to implement a system where questions can be awarded bounties as well? Are there any reasons why this should not be done? And should this be done on other sites as well? I think the justification for this is obvious - a lot of q...

I think the point in bringing the upvotes up is that both feature request posts have been completely ignored
and that one links back to the meta.se post
What were shog9's thoughts on the request with the 21 upvotes?
no response
hmm I wonder
that's all I see - hardly a stack, and no answers.
These were nice examples to discourage me. Thanks.
@manshu that was not my intent, sorry
The bounties question was the only one I saw in reference to that topic, yeah.
@JonathanAllan But still... thanks.
And I feel like it was asking for discussion from other Puzzling users and just... didn't get any.
Maybe answer that one?
nah, those are feature requests
it's not tagged [discussion] for a reason
ok, so we should then :)
here, let me post this again:
As I understand from talking to Alconja, the problem you hope to solve is a fall-off in folks willing to invest their time writing puzzles, @Jonathan. So y'all are hoping that, by throwing points at existing questions, folks will be extrinsically motivated to do something they're currently losing interest in. In my experience, that probably won't work. But y'all aren't even discussing it; the idea's been floated multiple times on your meta with mostly crickets chirping as the response - do you even think this'll work? Why? — Shog9 ♦ 36 mins ago
From the arguments from the latest post on bounties, it seems like shog9 was addressing the problems with bounties, not upvotes.
is it deja-vu or you just posted same message again?
Ah, okay. Didn't realise feature requests were treated differently.
the literal person who is giving us shit over this is aware of the fact that there are multiple ignored requests
Can we request that he reviews that post, and just scrap "bounties to questions" altogether?
writing up another meta post will not change his mind
(oh man didn't realize there was a star limit)
@Deusovi 40 per day

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