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also encoding the base 10 digits to binary with no leading 0s results in a length 117 string so that's not it
encoding a single base 10 number into binary results in a length 160 one though
Same thing with individual numbers to binary
Yeah, my routine I've setup to display the blocks
hmm I get 165
oh wait did something wrong
Only displays if the total number of character mod my count = 0
  if (newPhrase.Length % maxCount != 0)
while maxCount is incrementng
so it only displays even length lines
in this case, turning to binary, appears to be8, 11, 16, 22, 32, 44, 88, and 176
does this say something?
I get 352 chars
I fear that I led you off a bit, because you're no more referencing/considering the first block of numbers. Remeber "It looked somehow familiar". The first solution is not required for the second. This does not mean, that you can/should ignore part one.
uh needs code block
copy and paste into a better font
edit it and click fixed length
No, not that I see
The first block of numbers we converted to 3-bit
Which isn't possible with 0 - 9
Since we need 4 bits for 8
Why convert it?
seems to have the right kind of distibution of 1s and 0s though
Thinking out loud: am I talking too much :-D
how so, Jon?
one thing that never fails: whatever puzzle I am working on, everyone else is working on a different one
it's almost exactly 1/3 1s
I'm trying the strange correspondence if that is what you are working on @question_asker
well, until I get close to figuring it out, that is. at that point, somebody swoops in and finishes it for me.
@GordonAllocman yeah, that's what I'm on right now.
I'm not getting anywhere but I am certainly staring at it
The only thing that can be said, for certain, Jon..
Is that both series have the same amount of characters
so, the only one that uses a single "character set" is the last one. There's nothing common to all of them, or even to any two of them, that can be attributed to anything more than coincidence.
which is why I tried 1 if in (2,6,5,3) else 0
We could also try converting them to 4-bit binary, since 3-bit won't work
를 means "The"
though it was just implied that converting wont' help - hmm
(visibly/on a surface level, that is)
@manshu I dunno if that's meaningful - none of the other stuff is "in a language"
the second to last one is all in english characters
@question_asker maybe we all will figure it out. :)
@GordonAllocman Ah, yeah, sorry, I retract my earlier statement
I tried vignere on that but no luck
third-to-last is all "latin extended" (this is just what I'm calling 'english latin alphabet plus a few characters with diacritics')
나 means 'or'
in Korean language, like the last one
this is the last one in english
*according to google translate
and apparently google thinks its bulgarian
so, to repeat this:
@manshu does it?
Pronoun: 나 • ‎(na)
  1. I, the first-person singular plain (non-polite) pronoun
Also Google translate: I, we, yours truly
you guys are looking at A Strange Correspondence?
I took the whole string to google translate and i got its meaning as 'or'
I must have something wrong with this routine, Jon
@Matt yes
character sets included are: cyrillic (+ 'extended'), georgian, armenian, latin (+ 'extended'), korean, greek, maaaaybe IPA (ɑ)
When I turn all of the digits into 4-bit numbers, I'm getting 193 characters - which shouldn't be possible
KK you must have made a mistake
there was a space at the end
but I don't think translating makes sense for this
however, nothing comes of it
oh god 4 bit - I think I did 5... face palm
I have an idea ... one sec
Closest I get is:
Which is meaningless
ok 4 bit numbers 192
divides into...
96, 64, 48, 32, 24, 16, 12, and 8
none produce meaningful imagery
If you want that, so that you don't have to make anything similar, and be redundant
(there may be other character sets, but I don't think so - also, I don't know what might be considered 'extended' wrt georgian or armenian or korean the way that the latin and cyrillic ones are extended. I'm doing this all by eyeballing it)
requires linqpad (free)
what's that?
to produce the image
What I made to show myself the imagery of the numbers
I just look at the #. transformed 1 0...
I think the first line becomes this when all the non-english characters are translated: yuddaeaauthrасvehrnlkaetnrngjnoatingbuoawmonoceaoеarinogjjхthelhebjsрeraaduareis‌​thaattitisapy
True, but takes a lot longer to do by hand, and hope you see something =D
The main part, is that it's showing all variations, instead of just one
oh all n*m?
@GordonAllocman That first e should be a D
ok yeah I just run through the factors :)
@question_asker in which string?
and that h should probably be a o
@manshu in gordon's transliterated string
you are right it should be a d
which h?
aaah, nowhere
Yudda 4 Author, 2016!
that's the answer to the first string, converted to unicode, mod 128, to ascii
@Khale_Kitha It might be august instead of author
I liked my idea, better :( lol
yudda[d]aauthrасve[o]rnlka[e]tnrngj[ch][v]ingbuoaw[m]áúceaúеarinoğjjх[를 - don't know]lhebj[soft sign]рer[a]aduar[e][나 - don't know]sthaa[t][t]éa[r]y
the first don't know is "the" the second is "i" i think
given things like the soft sign, I'm not totally convinced we need to transliterate
idk what the g thing was
the g thing shows up in turkish
probably other turkic languages
it's... a softening... thing
Jon - but pretty sure we shouldn't be converting any of this, anyways, from what he said earlier. Just trying to figure out what he meant by looking at the first part, since that's what we did to solve that part. --- other than the scrambled letters
not converting to binary at all maybe?
but "think twice"?
The only other thing I could think of was trying to change those letters into numbers, using the phone - but we'd only be converting the first half of the numberset
basically 1 - ..what...5?
not sure what you mean there
converting A-B-C to 1, D-E-F to 2, etc
reverse of how the first half was solved
But We'd only end up with 1-4's
no, 1-5 was right
and if we coloured them red, green, yellow, black?
maybe we get a pretty picture
*red, green, blue, black
or cmyk even :p
using T9 on 'lyoeittniyaitimrepzh' I get '59634886492484673794'
ring any bell?
uhhh, where I said "softening" above I really meant "lengthening"
tried converting those to 3-bit, but no image again
The last one becomes this [all][and]ое[and][t][t][n][and][i][and][t][and][m]рe[p][is] maybe that will help
@GordonAllocman how?
how did it become that or how will it help?
@Khale_Kitha @JonathanAllan He looks at his watch. That and upline seem to stand out to me.
@manshu no, I can't say that string of numbers is one of the many twenty-digit numbers I've memorized
Yeah, but the watch line has been stated to be arbitrary
The hint seems to be "think twice"
@LeppyR64 me too but ^
I tried a few different renditions, but i can't get anything from it
taking every 2nd letter..
Maybe I should remove this misleading watch sentence...
лйоеиттнияитимрепж literally translates to 'summer netwo'
@manshu i translated every non english character and got what i posted
I don't think it actually translates to that @manshu
not all those characters are from the same language though
like I said, I don't think this is about translating, per se
I think that doing something with the number pairs is the key here
I just can't figure out what
Though, if I was thinking "twice", then taking each half and doing something with it, might be important, too - sigh
I won't speak until I get something really good now.
Those numbers, again... are:
Maybe the characters represent the first letter of their language
*non english characters
The pairs were 97 41 71 07 75 19 01 14 23 25 55 19 16 25 24 63 35 27 35 22 38 64 56 19
@manshu yeah I tried it and "summer netwo" is actually a translation of a different phrase
@GordonAllocman The problem with that is that some of the character sets are used for more than one language
good point
interestingly, the e in the last one makes google think it is in bulgarian when copy pasted
korean, georgian, and armenian are (effectively) unique, but cyrillic and latin could be a lot of things, especially with the 'extended' characters. and there aren't any languages (that I know of, at least) that use all of the extended latin characters in the puzzle.
(some native american languages are written with extended latin characters, but chances are slim that knowledge of native american languages is necessary for this puzzle, unless our boy @JonathanAllan is an ethnographer playing a hella mean trick on us)
@Khale_Kitha or multiply by two maybe?
Yeah, I'd wondered that, just couldn't find a point behind it
Yeah I think I have expended all my efforts on this one :/
I changed my: `newPhrase += Convert.ToString((int)letter, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');`
to `newPhrase += Convert.ToString((int)letter * 2, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');`
But no better imagery appeared =D
pokes ` marks for not working
well I have some stuff to get done, ill be back later
1 hour ago, by Gordon Allocman
oh man, how did two already duplicate twisted corner rubik's cube questions get posted so close together...
@GordonAllocman - asked by the same user too
ooh ooh, did we close both of them with the reason that they were duplicates of each other?
I love when we do that here
@GordonAllocman oh the duplicate was not same user - my bad
@question_asker no :)
two duplicates of a another question (which has been duplicated before too)
"why cant I twist a single corner of a Rubik's cube" [swap two edges / flip one edge]
Jon - stopping looking at this, for now - eye hurting too much to focus, anymore, and I have no more ideas.
@Khale_Kitha You converted the first numbers to a three bit binary number, these don't fit because they go up to 9, but maybe we use a six bit?
@JonathanAllan bcz Rubik's cube was made to be solved by breaking it and putting the blocks together again correctly :p
thing is as soon as you start typing that it will show you similar questions which answer your question, yet people still post???
Sorry to drag you back :)
I tried with 4-bit leppy
@manshu see my answer and how I first solved the cube
Take a break :)
You can try 6 - but I don't know why
A: Rubik's cube without any algorithms

Jonathan AllanHaving independently worked out how to solve the cube a long long time ago, I would say it is definitely possible without a prescribed algorithm or plain luck. The only thing one really needs to understand is commutators and, speaking from experience, one does not need to be shown the idea to rea...

(I resisted the urge to write "in a galaxy far far away")
My best record for this cube is solving two faces
I could never solve more than that
my best record is 26 face turns - pretty lucky though
usually more like 40
Linear fewest moves that is
I need to buy a Rubik's cube now :p
Google doodle took me 36
(it actually took 38, but only because it was fiddly to click and did something I didn't mean for a turn which I then undid)
sad face
You can't just play a game on pc which is meant to play physically in real world.
I always wanted to learn how to solve a rubik's cube, until I actually looked at the steps and realized it was boooooring
Rubik's Cube: Do You Want To Do Math, Except By Twisting A Thing?
you were just one 'o' away from making that word a GTA VC cheat code
Boring to learn by rote, fun to make and improve a method
yeah but at the end of the day, it's all rote
Also, because I smoke, I can do it in one hand too :p
@question_asker disagree
don't get me wrong - I still kind of wish I knew how to solve them purely due to the fact that people find it impressive
I mean, you're still doing something programmatically
I had no instructions other than the faces turn - my parents had a scrambled original cube in a drawer, they came with zero instructions
I was told the goal
I knew no one who could solve it
there was no internet
how is that "programmatically"?
well, yes, I'm not claiming that the discovery can't be fun
ah the repetition
18 hours ago, by Jonathan Allan
I like repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition
but I was under the impression we were still talking about, effectively, grown adults who already knew how to solve one "correctly" trying to essentially create their own algorithm
Well mine modified loads over the years - I aim to do as few turns as possible without any backtracking
At first it would take 100-120 turns now 26-50
this number is infinite for me. :p
but I dont do it much now :)
lol I just read your answer, @JonathanAllan
the one you linked to
and... I don't know what those things are, and can't imagine knowing what they were when I was a kid
I didn't
I just realised the concept
but apparently you could wrap your mind around it
I couldn't
do something in the middle such that the start and end invert each other's action
see? I'm already lost
Yeah question was is it possible [without dumb luck] and I answered from experience, yes
and people wonder why I hate math """puzzles""" on this website
oh, I believe you
yeah I find other puzzles hard but I just choose not to look at them too much :)
oh wow..that question has a close vote.
unfortunately there's not much left aside from those :(
I like math based puzzles and think almost any genre of puzzle can be bad due to it "not being a puzzle" LOL
math problems and very bad riddles, and a handful of complicated puzzles that get solved while I'm still staring at them
need another 50 rep to see the close votes
the rubiks cube no algo question?
@JonathanAllan yes
because it's a duplicate?
OK since there are no puzzles left to do, what should I get for lunch
@question_asker Spinach leaves with Cauliflower
hmm. it's a shame that cauliflower is a trash vegetable with no taste or value
@question_asker ohh...well then maybe some green chilli?
@Khale_Kitha familiar ish
found what I was looking for - ty anyways
wrote a hand replayer for triple draw to review my hands since I couldn't find one
I have to say this looks silly, though =D
BidPeriodStart = DateTime.Now.Date
works for what I need, though
seems fine :p
"If you keep randomly rotating it you will solve it an infinite number of times in an infinite amount of time." #TheMoreYouKnow
It reminds me of something I saw these guys in my unity tutorial do, that was nonsense.
They had a variable of type Translation
which had a .translation property (referring to itself)
did it "return this"?
And they used variable.translation - I asked why not use variable.translation.translation.translation.translation.translation for as much good as that did
recursive: see self-reference
I still don't really understand why that Unity datatype refers to itself.
Question: Can I put a (non expiring) bounty on real world "Unsolved Mysteries" questions to try to make people working on them or at least share their ideas?
self-reference: see recursive
Yes to the bounty, no to non-expiring, but...
Q: List of bounties with no deadlines

ghosts_in_the_codeThis is a list of unofficial, deadline-less (hence not searchable) bounties offered by users on various challenges on the main site. Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that the user will award the bounty for you in case you fulfill its requirement. Especially if the user isn't an active member an...

You can add to the list of promised bounties, here.
As in Unity3D, not Microsoft's Unity
dont know either
I was very disapointed when my coworkers told me I would be learning to use Unity, but they meant Microsoft's Unity
Can't we show this bounties aside the question? I did know of this. I think that this won't make people work on the questions, if they don't find this very meta post.
haha, Gordon cry
No, you'd have to put a normal 7-day bounty on it, fondor
The closest to Microsoft's Unity that I've really used is it's connection to Prism
I don't really know much about it, though
We could give a hint to the promised bounties as a comment in the question.
"Wow, what happened here? Do you need any help?" — Khale_Kitha May 13 at 15:39
I'm a little amused at the number of upvotes that got
Has anyone worked on Agapeyeff Cipher once?
@Khale_Kitha Its just used for Dependency Injection, whereas Prism is used to facilitate the MVVM pattern. Nothing too interesting
both are related to c# wpf apps mostly
and universal apps
Yeah, my only real usage of it was to create a design-time view provider (that included support for unity) so that the viewmodels could be seen during design time in their containers, which isn't possible with prism's default setup, due to the AutoWireViewModel.
(regarding regions)
Yeah, I use prism to help make viewmodel classes that you can bind to views with, but thats about it. I don't really use unity unless it was already built into the app i'm working on, otherwise I roll my own dependency injection (since my apps are usually small)
Yeah, this app is a full conversion of a crew member scheduling algorithm (using linear optimization) from a Borland C++, to WPF. It's been .... fun.
When I'm awake.
I'm still a pretty novice wpf programmer, not sure I want to become an expert tbh
With all the bugs this XAML designer has.....sigh
I'm a pretty novice programmer in general actually, but I think I want to try my hand in Graphics, but that's to be seen...
Heck, I keep getting an error stating that it can't find any of the classes that are being used in the xaml (though it builds and executes correctly), and the only solution is to change the program from x64<->x86, rebuild, and switch it back, and rebuild again
I keep having to do that every few hours, when the xaml viewer stops working.
Tired of it
that seems like a pain
most of my xaml issues are actually issues that I have to fix, though not being able to really debug xaml is kind of the worst
Working with Visual Studio? Maybe platform specific settings? Was facing this some days ago...
The fun thing about debugging/testing stuff is you memorize obscure mostly useless numbers!
Doubly true if you are working with assembly
I wonder if we could break a public cipher. The platform would surely gain public interest. We have some smart minds here...
Not me =D
<-- No smart minds here, lol
I mean if we solved Kryptos we would also probably get a huge public interest
That's what I mean.
And then, days later, we'd never be heard from, again.
Hehehe :P
I cherish your humility KK. But then think of PSE as some kind of think tank.
I see some potential..
I had to star that so it now points to all of us :)
So what... Am trying to promote interest on public ciphers...
lol, Jon
Yeah, I was just looking at Kryptos again - but I can't focus right now
might try later
@Khale_Kitha I tried just doing mod 2 on the digits sort of looks like sign language but coincidence I think
He's saying he loves you. =D
# is 0 this time
My son was so proud of himself for finally managing to get his hands to do that, the other day =D
oh Vulcan?
No, the "I Love You" sign
which I think that looks more like, than the Vulcan hand-sign =D
Still - I think it's coincidental
well I'm running out of ideas on this one
prob missing something blatent
gonna make a coffee and see if that helps :)

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