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Sure... But that's not its purpose
Indeed, if the person offering the bounty doesn't award it, the system won't even consider existing answers when deciding where to auto-award it.
@Alconja that's also not the primary purpose of bounties period.
You can't ignore the primary purpose of the entire system when considering the motivations for individual components
Bounties are paying for advertising.
Well..we can change its purpose. Can't we?
Can you?
What's your new purpose?
Agreed, not the primary purpose... A newer, secondary purpose... For which, I believe, should be extended to questions fit the same purpose
Is it justifiable?
How was "existing answer" justified?
@Shog9 CMs can
Purpose is the encouragement of good questions.
our job is to facilitate
Plus advertising an exemplary question is also good. We want to share awesome content with the community
@manshu so, explain how you wish to do this
Bonus! Everyone's a winner. Poster gets rewarded, community doesn't miss awesome content.
idk...maybe we were talking about awarding bounties to the questions.
I still fail to see a downside...
just in case no one has noticed, there is a decrease in the number of questions per day on puzzling SE.
so you wanna see a great question about... I donno... You wanna see a puzzle involving horses. Maybe horses that aren't made of meat. You're not sure how this would work out, but you're pretty sure there's something there.
How do you envision offering a bounty that motivates this?
It's not for that... (maybe that's a whole new type of bounty)... This is a reward for an existing, deserving "question"
question askers will see the probability of getting something that their question deserve.
@Alconja keep in mind, you're offering reputation that has no intrinsic value. It's a token economy. You can't spend it except by offering bounties; you can "use" it to help moderate the site, but that doesn't really spend it.
Being the rep-richest person on a dying site means no more than having all the gold on a desert island.
Exactly... So no harm can come... It's precisely the same as "reward existing answer"
True, Alconja.
No harm can be done as long as no one cares about rep.
Plus, community sees bumped content that's exceptional
@Shog9 But people do care about rep.
If it starts to become meaningful to folks, then there's the danger they'll see it as abusive.
@manshu who?
The folks not posting questions?
The folks who've already posted questions?
...I get that you clearly don't like the idea personally, but I don't understand the downside, when clearly (this community at least) can see the upside
THere would not be any of those feature-requests if people didn't care about it.
@Alconja you're hoping for a miracle here, that folks will see these rewards on existing questions and go chasing them with new ones.
What "abuse" will not implementing this will prevent?
But you don't seem to be envisoning a system that would encourage this explicitly, as existing bounties encourage answers.
@Alconja ok, you need to stop that.
You can't just say "come ooooon" as the response to everything
Not really. That's be a bonus side effect. I (and others) want to reward existing good work
Minus One Hundred.
Every feature, every change to the system costs us
But you keep raising abuse...
up front in terms of time and opportunity cost
and in perpetuity in terms of support and maintenance
there has to be a clear reason to do something, not just the hope that doing anything might help, somehow
Sure I get that, and if the cost is too great, it gets declined. Fine. But that's not your argument...
My argument is, this won't help anything and stands to be quite ripe for abuse on most sites
maybe not here; maybe no one cares here, I have no idea
We could ask the mods how much voting fraud they've seen already
I could look it up I guess
But again, how will this change what's already possible? If it doesn't, then it's not a valid argument against it
@Alconja so you're envisoning this working exactly like a bounty that can't be awarded to an answer, eh?
yes, I keep spelling envisioning wrong
110 instances of voting fraud reversal here
:) all good. And sure, that's one implementation.
@Alconja so, is that the one you want?
My feature request boils down to "I want to give additional rep (and visibility to) an existing, awesome question"
48-hour waiting period to offer, 24-hour waiting period to award, number shown in the featured list, the whole bit?
Happy to leave implementation details to the devs
@Alconja so how's the visibility part work?
@Alconja this isn't implementation details. This is defining what you actually want
Goes in the bounty list
What goals you're looking to accomplish
I mean... You can offer a bounty now and get a whole week in the list for any question you want.
You don't even have to award it
I'm a user in this scenario, my goals are to reward question askers and draw attention to cool puzzles... Don't really mind how it's implementing
You can just toss it up and get a week's worth of advertising for like 50 rep
Heck, folks've used that on their own questions before because it tends to net them so many eyeballs that they make out like bandits from the votes even with the bounty amount subtracted.
That's the reason for one of those other restrictions I glossed over up above: you have to increase the offer for every subsequent bounty on a question.
Sure, (and you're highlighting again how little difference there is with bounties on answers), but that goes against the design and gives the rep to the answer, not the asker who I wanted to reward
Otherwise, folks would just keep their questions pinned in the list for months
@Alconja so, you wanna give rep to an asker then.
That's kinda the point
which is more important, the rep or the visibility
'cause... The rep doesn't really serve any purpose in this scenario
If you're forcing Sophie's choice, the rep... My primary aim is to show gratitude.
But the advertising is a close second
@Alconja then just tell 'em to post an answer & you'll award it a bounty.
I mean, you can do that in the existing system without any changes.
Are you officially sanctioning abuse of the bounty system? Smells like dodgy territory...
@Alconja on any other site? Absolutely not. This is, as I've noted once or twice already, a terrible idea on sites that aren't Puzzling (or maybe Code Golf).
Might be a terrible idea here too
Not to mention the response would likely (and should) be deleted for not adding any value
But, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing y'all have done
Not the point though really. This is a thought experiment
Ignoring that it's a weird perversion of the system (because this entire site is a weird perversion of the system), how would self-answer + bounty not fulfill your goals?
I'm still not even convinced it would be that bad an idea on "classic" q&a sites.. Just less useful
It arguably would, but with additional downsides (clutter, requiring the poster to add a pointless answer, breaking policy)
@Alconja here, arguably, the only thing of value is the questions. You could have puzzle-authors self-answer and be done with it, but that'd be less fun. So there's a certain logic for inverting the reputation system.
On a normal Q&A site, chewing up valuable advertising space with questions that no one wants to see (much less reward!) more/better answers to is... Not gonna be healthy.
@GordonAllocman I have edited your answer after I edited my question :)
Sure. And if it can't be done on a per site basis, it might be not worth pursuing.. Though again, I can't see the downside, on other sites, will likely just not get used.
But this is why it's just a feature request (not a demand or a threat). This community sees value in it, and so we're going to the powers that be, with hat in hand saying, "how about this idea?"
@Alconja policy is whatever you make it.
@Alconja the problem is, right now the feature request (like so many of them...) is a mirror not a picture.
Folks see themselves reflected in it, and they like what they see.
But there's nothing to implement.
That's true as well... And possibly the final outcome... Just not as good as a real implementation
The thing you described, the bounty that can't be awarded to an answer... That sorta existed at one time
I thought the existing "pro question bounty" post did a reasonable job of articulating the argument/need... I'll take another look tomorrow, and maybe post my own "answer" with more detail..
There were ways to not award the bounty, yes.
So you could get the advertising without giving any answerer any rep.
It was... Not popular.
Added another hint to the trained agent
Actually, it was seen as overtly hostile
Presumably because people were actively offering questions to answers and then not awarding it to one though...
But that's the thing, right? This whole system, how it behaves, it's all designed around that.
If you were stepping back to design a system to encourage questions, you wouldn't design it like this.
So we're discussing a car and I'm worried about where we're gonna put the horse-whip holder and harness.
Because, for whatever reason, we're starting with a buggy.
:) kinda
and you're saying, "look, it doesn't have to be all that big a thing, just remove the horse and put an engine in there somewhere"
and, ok, that could work... But it's not gonna be a very good car.
And meanwhile, it'll be somewhat less suitable for being drawn by horses.
so, not a great avenue
Like you said, puzzling shoe horned it's way in, we're just raising the possibility of a little more shoe horning
That's the thing though, y'all just sorta took what was here & made it work
you wouldn't design a puzzling site like this either
Disagree... We're still hitching the wagon to our car, and you can still keep your horse
and let's face it, it'd be faster to start from scratch than to customize SE's Q&A engine into something that anyone would call an ideal puzzling site
but that's ok, 'cause y'all figured out something that'd work with the horses still attached and running
That seems pretty exaggerated... Questions and answers are already the same (as far as the db is concerned)
voting on answers is meaningless
At the moment they're artificially restricted to ones with a flag
voting on questions is underrated
accept is meaningless
flagging is completely backwards
Disagree again, on all counts
Answers still have plenty of value
Just questions have slightly more value than on a "normal" q&a she
the customization here is almost entirely in the form of policy, and that is substantial
Everything works perfectly fine
things like using spoilers in answers for instance
I think you'd be surprised how little additional policy we have... Only weird thing us that the asker already knows the answer
@Alconja which isn't weird in and of itself
but is weird because you discourage the "asker" from posting the answer.
IOW, policy again
Lots of q&a sites spoiler answers, movies, sci fi, gaming, etc
they don't have a blanket policy deeming answers to be spoilers though
spoilers are plot details, character names, things that might be irrelevant depending on context... Not literally anything that actually answers the question.
I mean, you have a site dedicated to hiding answers so that readers can have the fun of figuring it out for themselves.
Q&A sites hiding answers was the thing that motivated the very creation of Stack Exchange
Like you said, it's an oddball site... But it fits the model surprisingly well.
Would just be nice if people who put in lots of hard work to give awesome content to the community could get a little more reward/recognition
@Alconja well, no, it doesn't. It just happens to fit the software well enough to get by anyway.
The model is completely backwards
Anyway, back to bounties.
I'd really like you to put some more thought into this.
Maybe raise it on your meta first, identify the problem you're hoping to solve, get others to chime in.
I feel like you have good intentions here
but the notion that you're gonna encourage fresh questions by handing rep to existing answers is kinda backwards
With that in mind, any reason you marked the Meta question [status-declined]? I didn't realise you were actually a SO employee...
you could use it that way, but it's clunky as hell
the system won't be obvious to folks who aren't... Well, you.
Again, I disagree... it's literally the same as "reward existing answer" (just imagine it was called "reward existing content" instead)
I disagree... the bounty reason will be "reward existing question - exemplary question, blah blah" no more confusing than the existing system
@Alconja except... It doesn't reward any answer. It doesn't even offer the chance of rewarding an existing answer. It's like you're hosting the olympics and asking folks to show up so that they can watch you give all the medals to the host country.
"Hey, come run this race and lose!"
"Guaranteed last-place finish for all and sundry!"
The bounty system is already being used to reward content
*existing content
You're literally arguing against the existing system
@Alconja but there's at least hope
the person offering the bounty might say they're gonna reward an answer, and that might even be what happens 99% of the time...
But the system doesn't guarantee it
but that's not it's purpose
oh, that's exactly its purpose
advertising, remember?
the rep is just the hook
the hope
I doubt it's ever happened that someone has decided to reward an existing answer and then in the meantime an even better answer sneaks in
well, you could research that
an answer has to pretty freaking awesome for someone to want to just reward it unasked... pretty unlikely it would be bested
...but you've just marked the feature request status-declined... so you've shut down this whole thing anyway
Again, even if the chance is small, it's still possible
kind of pointless putting in more effort if the decision is already made
@Alconja I marked an especially poorly thought-out and unresearched feature request as "declined"
Doesn't prevent you from doing your research and proposing something better
I really would like to see you discuss this with folks here first though
But now if anyone proposes a similar one, it will be linked as similar to a declined one, and likely be closed before even being seriously considered
Imagine you're not trying to turn a buggy into a car, and see what you can come up with
Imagine you want to encourage folks to ask questions here. To write interesting puzzles, to be creative and invest time into their own research.
(also, I note that eggyal responded as your "specific example"
Imagine that's your goal. That rep transfer and advertising might be a part of the solution, but aren't a goal in and of themselves.
See what occurs to you.
I need sleep.
signing off.
Here's a bit of an alt. suggestion for Puzzling specifically
not sure if it'll be great
but we could have a community wiki "Question of the week" or such post
or "Great Questions of the Week"
or something like that
on meta, to draw more attention to great questions (-> increasing upvotes)
We do have a quarterly version of that. And it's good.
Didn't notice :p
I'd be all for a weekly version, so long add people used it, but I doubt it'd maintain enough traction.
Worst case scenario, we can get the poster to post a "canonical solution" and award it to that
@KoA Your environment puzzle is enigmatic?
it was
with this many clues it's probably quite easy
I just use enigmatic when the more appropriate tags would spoil some part of the puzzle
even a tag like riddle?
It's not realllly a riddle
you know better. :)
"Some things are more literal than others"
a riddle is usually literal throughout the entire puzzle, this one isn't
2 hours later…
I dunno, riddles are not usually literal?
@KoA What are you ayyyyyyying?
What I meant to say is that they're literal in the sense that they talk about qualities (be them figurative or otherwise), whilst this puzzle actually talks more about the components of the words [i.e. sounds and letters]
Look at the almost complete solution to my puzzle ;)
(funnily enough, it's the one with the least votes)
sorry I just saw that one, missed it the first time I looked :)
He's so close to finishing
he has the solution, just needs to justify it :D
such a "plastic bag" puzzle :p
@manshu nice change to your puzzle - I think it works better now
@Alconja my friend... it looks like you're starting to understand my frustration...
We should start a "Memes of Puzzling Stack Exchange" on meta starting with Plastic Bag and Fate
@question_asker Now I feel like the crossword is just for confirmation :p
@manshu nah, you still need it to arrive at the answer
@KoA We need 'mare' and 'troll' too
@manshu if it wasn't for the crossword (and the clue in the letter about the languages), you could claim that the answer was just as easily EWFAS
or something like that
@question_asker wow... You are still a professional in Puzzling.
I just try to reason my way through things - the thing I said yesterday about being really harsh about amateur internet horror fiction? it's because when something (whether it's a story or a puzzle) is missing some necessary piece of logic, the whole thing falls apart
a good puzzle is a number of interlocking pieces, none of which feel arbitrary because they all contribute something toward that aha! moment of getting the answer
PS - I'm still waking up, please go easy on me if these sentences sound like nonsense.
And I am feeling sleepy (as always). So please go easy on me if I start saying something non-sense :p
unrelated - I'm still looking really hard at @JonathanAllan's puzzle and... getting nowhere :/
I didn't knew that he posted a question yesterday.
@Alconja (when you wake up) to me this post sums it up:
4 hours ago, by Shog9
@Alconja then just tell 'em to post an answer & you'll award it a bounty.
He seems to be saying here that the rep fraud is not the real issue and that the real issue is with implementation (I don't know how separate the sites are programmatically). Furthermore, you have made it perfectly clear that you want to leave it to those who do understand that (the developers). Is he a SE developer? I think we really need to ask, "How can we get the information we need to investigate the 'buggy to car' planning, since we now really do exist outside of beta".
@question_asker which one, the numbers or the character strings?
@JonathanAllan He is a community manager.
@manshu right. I get his point about "buggy to car" type feature requests. But the fact is puzzling and code-golf are fully fledged SE sites, not imagined or even beta ones.
@Alconja FWIW I posted a comment in the meta post to request useful input on that matter
...because what's the point of having a discussion on our meta without knowing exactly what we need to consider?
also, to Alconja's point - why would we even want to post to meta at all when this is the kind of attitude we get?
"Go to meta, start a discussion" yeah but you already said the answer is no.
I'll post the conversation at the other room and let our moderators know about it.
I... don't think that's necessary
I think they ought to know what's happening.
And it was Emrakul who started it.
because if they even care, they are certainly capable of knowing about it already.
there's three of them. one of them is sometimes on the site.
but still...just in case
"one of them is sometimes on the site."?
@JonathanAllan A moderator named Kevin
you mean "at least one is logged in at any given time"?
no no
I mean Emrakul is here sometimes
once every 10 years a mod pops in to have a look-see :p
the other two... almost never
Kevin I've never seen on
Doorknob occasionally comes in to tell people that he won't explain why something was deleted.
@question_asker I see Doorknob in chat. But I have never seen Kevin doing something
Chat is jack shit
no offense to anyone here
a good mod should be heard and not seen?
but in terms of being a moderator, sitting in chat is not really doing anything that would make me think "it's important to let this person know about this thing"
especially considering—and this is crucial—these are people who demonstrably don't care what the community wants and have gone out of their way to avoid any kind of transparency, acting only out of caprice and with no accountability to the community
I sometimes feel jealous by looking at the moderators of other communities. All of them participate in the site. But here... sigh
Well I suppose once there are elections...
I will vote for manshu
Didn't those you are talking about get the site off the ground?
evil laugh
some people are good at some things, others are good at others...
I won't nominate myself. BTW.
@JonathanAllan Good question - only problem is, it doesn't really matter if they're not part of the active community
I don't know who would run, but the one of the more obvious choices seems like @Deusovi
and GPR and f''
GPR seems like he's been quieter recently
maybe he has work on? :)
god forbid :p
I mentioned this yesterday, but we get all kinds of people who don't participate in our site almost at all talking in our meta about policy
and that drives me nuts, because... I dunno, this should be obvious. People from outside the community shouldn't be dictating policy any more than your neighbor should be ordering you around inside your own house.
@question_asker Totally agree with you here. People who don't take part can't really know how it feels like to be in that situation.
well I don't quite agree - if your neighbour is adversely affected by your actions they should have the right to protest :)
but I see the point :)
in what way is someone not on our site adversely affected by something only on our site?

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