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@AlexChamberlain Caught you up, just got 'Nice Answer'
17 here ;)
I'm not participating in badge wars, honest...
@berry120 You're 17?
17 badges :P
11 badges, but who's keeping count. Psh.
@Jivings I think I'm waiting for a Mortarboard.
@berry120 17 is very impressive.
I've earned 170 today. So close.
I wondered why my rep wasn't going up then realised...
Then you realized what?
@berry120 4 Nice Questions, that's cheating?
Going to go offline to ssh into the pi... need to set up wireless and have no screen lol
Meh, they're still badges ;)
@berry120 Or are they?
Maybe it the system that Joel is all going to judge us by when he takes over the universe! D=>
how do you get your referal code for linking to the area51 page?
@popey Go to the Definition tab and click "Share This"
Lot more people in here than last night...
oh my bad
Do you guys know what the tag means?
Judging from the question I think it is suppose to mean cross-compiling ubuntu host.
I don't think we need that tag - people can search for [cross-compiling] and [ubuntu]
Okay. I just retagged it.
What about and ?
My instinct is to merge into .
@dunsmoreb Your guess was correct
Tag synonym?
@Alex Not yet.
No one can synonym yet
@Jivings Hurry up and be more awesome. =P
1250 rep, isn't it? Quick, everyone upvote me! :P
This isn't vaguely confusing having 2 Alexs!
I'm the green one, it's easy!
It's not that hard.
@AlexChamberlain Everything is lower on Private Beta.
It is 1250 for RPi.SE.
What about caseless and case?
should be retagged .
Hmm how do I link tags on chat? raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/tags/caseless
@AlexChamberlain We discussed this last night. =P
I think it makes sense since usually the only caseless questions ould be "Do I need a case"
@Alex [tag: name ]
If it's been discussed, then fine, but I disagree
Let me get the transcripts... =P
I trust you!
K. K. =P
Can we retag to ?
@dunsmoreb Not long to go :D I'm well over the rep limit today, so not much more will happen
@Jivings Awesome.
@Jivings What is the rep limit?
200 from votes.
@Jivings Beat me.
But accepted answers can take you over.
I'm on 275 for the day.
182 :(
@Jivings do you still think this should be closed?
Q: How to set up swap space?

TiborRaspberry Pi has only 256 MB of RAM, so I would like to use swap space (either on SD card or attached USB storage). How do I set it up?

I have 170 so far.
Off topic IMO
@dunsmoreb should be changed
@AlexChamberlain Can't suggested edit on that post I think.
I'm off for the evening. Until tomorrow guys!
I think people might ask about swap in the future, perhaps a reference question and answers would be helpful?
@Jivings What time is it for you?
GMT. I'm just off out.
@Jivings Bye.
@Alex What do you think of this question?
Q: Can a simple cable convert HDMI output to VGA?

AlanSEOne may buy a simple HDMI to VGA cable, or an HDMI to DVI cable. Example: on Amazon. However, my vague knowledge is that these cables only work for video cards that have special support for this function. Does the Raspberry Pi support such things? Is there any easy way to use the Raspberry Pi...

I would say close it.
It is too vague without mentioning a specific peripheral.
@Alex We should be discouraging the use of swap
@dunsmoreb I think it should be kept open, but vote to close if you disagree.
What about if the scope changes so it's "Can I use a VGA monitor with the RasPi?"
Well the whole thing depends on this discussion.
@dunsmoreb why can't we retag the other post?
Q: Raspberry Pi itself vs. specific OS issues

TiborWe should discuss what to consider a valid question for this site. We can expect many questions that are not Raspberry Pi-specific at all but rather specific to Linux itself or a particular piece of software. Should we direct them to other Stack Exchange sites or answer the question here?

@AlexChamberlain Edit link doesn't appear.
@dunsmoreb yes, but why? I've tried too
@AlexChamberlain Suggested edit possibly?
Is there a time delay for the editing lock? Is it by votes/popularity?
I have no clue.
we need to be mindful not to just answer questions because they need an answer
there's a fair number of questions which now have "I dont know, but it should be possible" as answers
which aren't actually that helpful.
The retag button showed up (not sure why it wasn't before), and I managed to retag [tag: distro] as [tag: operating-systems]. raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/32/setting-up-xbmc
@popey Agreed.
@Alex Because the edit was finally accepted.
What should we do about answers like these?
A: Can a simple cable convert HDMI output to VGA?

JivingsI just tested my cable, which is HDMI to DVI. No good, I get no video output.

Should it be a comment?
Yes, it isn't an answer
What happens if we flag a moderator?
Just because @Jivings has a cable that doesn't work doesn't mean all cables won't
I don't know, want to find out?
Not really.
Wtf. Why does exist?
I wondered that too
Should this be retitled?
Q: How to build a cluster of Pis

berry120There have been a few articles floating around online over the last few years about building a cluster of computers at home - here for example. The Pi strikes me as a good platform for building / testing this kind of thing due to their low cost; should "generic" guides like this transfer over to...

"How do I build a bramble?"
I thought we decided not to use RPi in the title?
Or is that just confusing?
No clue what a bramble is.
A cluster of Raspberry Pis
No joke
Must. Retag.
Where does the bramble term come from?
Woohoo! I'm the resident editor! =D
Bramble... love it!!!
well raspberrys grow on brambles (the plants) :p
@ShaneHudson Just looked that up =P
I don't think that it would be a good tag though. So I got rid of it and left cluster.
Could you change the title to the full name?
@Alex I would rename it completely.
I mean git rid of RPi.
See this.
A: Using "Raspberry Pi" in titles (and questions)

TiborI would drop it altogether in titles. We can folow the precedent from Stack Overflow of not mentioning programming languages in titles unless necessary (there are usually tags for that).

I'd like to see the titles using "Raspberry Pi" (if essential to the syntax of the question), and the bodies use "Raspi"
I've submitted a revision
What the heck is ?
One of the distros, apparently
Oh! It is an OS.
@Alex We've decided against the name in titles
@Alex No one can agree on abreviations
@AlexChamberlain Ikr?
@dunsmoreb Pardon?
Ikr = I know right?
@Alex That's why I split the meta posts - one for whether we should abbreviate, another for which abbreviation we should stick to
Q: What abbreviation should we use?

AlexFollowing on from Should we enforce consistent abbreviating?, could we vote on an abbreviation for consistency? RaspPi Raspi RPi RP The Pi/Pi (Could this be confusing with 3.14?)

Q: Should we enforce consistent abbreviating?

Kyle MaceySo far I've seen "RPi", "RP", "Rasp Pi", and "The Pi". I know it might not truly matter, but should we stick to a consistent format to avoid confusion? I've been edited a few times on StackOverflow for using abbreviations, saying that they make questions and answers confusing in the first place....

O = Oompa loompa
Congratulations. You've been starred @ShaneHudson.
Yay do I get a badge? lol
@ShaneHudson No.
@ShaneHudson You might get a Talkative
I have it! =D
So to sum up today: 75 questions, 150 answers, 145 users - pretty impressive
@Alex No.
That is from yesterday.
Wait. What time is it for you?
11.12 pm
It's almost tomorrow
Wednesday, June 13, 2012?
My god man.
It's only 1012 where I live!
Should we have ?
I don't think it is enough to be considered a tag.
It's probably not going to come up again
So should we retag it?
Maybe retag the question (raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/126/…) with something related to turning on/off - "shutdown"? I don't know
Can you VTC this?
Q: Good lightweight web server framework?

darrenjwWhich web servers and frameworks work well on the RP? Are there tweaks which can be made to the web server config files that will make it run better given the limited RAM?

vote to close
oh vote to close
It already has four votes and we discussed it in the comments.
Change the scope to something like "Most lightweight web server framework?"
Lightweight is subjective also.
That way we can compare server frameworks to find the lightest weight?
True, it depends on gravity
Yeah, I think closing is the best option
retag to web-server?
Oh, you just retagged from web-server to server
I retagged ->
I think is just no good.
I think web-server will be popular enough to warrant having a separate category
Feel free to roll it back if you feel otherwise though.
@dunsmoreb You are destroying all the tags before they have a chance to prove themselves
Alot of the changes are justified, but that one wasn't
Yeah @dunsmoreb, stop ruining everything
in my mind implies a big noisy HP server
I'm sorry.
If you don't agree then roll them back.
I've changed [tag: server] in this case (raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/150/…) to [tag: media-server]
@Alex Good idea.
Are we tagging all the install question ?
I would say so.
What is the purpose of the ?
Just stuff relating to getting started I assume.
@Alex Why did you retag raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/164/… with [tag: setup]?
@Alex Appears so.
Really quick question... Arch is meant to have sshd setup by default isn't it? Mine only has port 80 open, so not able to ssh in.. :S No access to a display either
@ShaneHudson I don't think mine does.
Do you have an extra computer?
Can you ping it?
@ShaneHudson I think I have an idea.
Yeah I can ping it
Can't you just setup what you want it too look like in VM?
@dunsmoreb only a chromebook, sold my pc yesterday since I am moving tomorrow
And then flash that system onto a SD card?
hmm could do I suppose
Let me know if that works, as that would be a good question for this site.
@AlexChamberlain What?
Q: Emulation on a PC

AlexHow can I connect an SD card containing a Raspberry Pi OS to my PC, and boot the OS in an emulator? Why won't VMWare work? What are the limitations?

What he said!
It could work...
If you had an ARM computer...
Long shot
@AlexChamberlain Ikr?
Ah lol I had seen the QEMU emulator before so presumed it was possible, though have never tried
It only supports ARM 4.
Can you plug your SD card into your pc, and run sshd on startup? What's arch linux's rc.local equivalent?
@Alex Arch has /etc/rc.local
I am on a mac, so can only see the boot partition. Tried mounting the other one but it wouldn't. Is there anyway to mount it?
Or plug in a keyboard, and blindly type into console sshd ... ?
@ShaneHudson Can you see it in /dev?
Or /media or whatever it would be under?
well keyboard gives a kernel panic, which is one thing I was hoping to fix through ssh... but not sure if it does without the display, I expect so
I can see it in the partition manager so I presume I can see it in dev too, will take a look if you think it would help
yeah it is in /dev
Okay. Try mounting it manually:
mkdir /mnt/rpi
mount /dev/sdax /mnt/rpi
Just replace sdax with whatever it is.
wrt emulation, it looks like someone needs to have a go emulating with QEMU and writing a decent answer
I'll try tonight
hmm it wants filesystem, not sure which one it is tbh.. ext4?
What do you mean?
You should only need the location to the device and the directory where to mount it.
stu8c25:dev shanehudson$ mount disk1s2 /Volumes/rpi/
mount: You must specify a filesystem type with -t.
/dev/disk1s2 ?
yeah that is the name Mac has given it. I am in the dev directory
I have no experience with Macs so...
raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=8020 says "Windows will not show you anything about the primary partition at all (ext4)"
Q: How can I mount an ext4 file system on OS X?

Evan KroskeIs there a safe, stable application for reading from and writing to ext4 file systems on Mac OS X? If not, what's the best way to access the contents of an ext4 file system on Mac OS X?

Good find.
Good luck! I'm going to bed
Good night.
It's not even lunch here...
I'm cooking dinner
Be very careful doing this on a Mac - one character wrong can wipe your primary HDD
Nice one, thanks!
Ah ok :S will be super careful lol
@finnw Good point. @Shane - put on your sombrero!
Just thought of a use for rpi... ssh/scp/sftp accessible 3d printers! For the very few lucky ones who have 3d printers (not I yet)
Good one.
2 hours later…
@bmike I will be sure to invite you when it goes into public beta, but as far as I can tell, we can't invite people to the closed beta.
@AndrewLarsson We already invited him.
@dunsmoreb Perfect.
@bmike Have you purchased a Raspberry Pi yet?
@AndrewLarsson No worries - I'm in already.
@AndrewLarsson No - it's getting to the top of my list though. Going to start arduino and RPi this summer for some fun and development.
Same here, components are finally cheap enough to learn electronics. I have always focussed on software since compilers are free and doesn't matter if the code breaks!

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