8. After looking through them, I don't think I like any of my questions, but if I had to pick I'd go with How could I scientifically explain ice breath?; it got some great answers and every so often the question gets a new upvote, so I'd like to think it's helping people.
8. And for my answers, I also don't like any of them, but I have overall less hate for the one where I explain that the best way to get rid of humans is to upgrade them. I like using lateral thinking and coming up with things that fit reality, and I think that answer showed both.
8. Which reminds me, I once asked a question about if it was possible to create an animal that could navigate and hunt in the air, on the ground, and in the water, and apparently that already exists. It's for reasons such as this that I come to Worldbuilding, you never know what you're going to learn, except that it will surprise you.
9. ...no. I can't think of a better way to say this. I don't really think I'm inspired by people in general. People are just people. I do like ideas, though, and I'd say I'm often inspired by ideas I get from the people around here. But I can't think of anyone in particular who produces especially inspiring ideas, they're just kind of generally spread out.
10. Yes! I am building a world! Right now the one I'm building is set about 600 years in the future, and at the moment I'm focusing on a bunch of different stories about mercenaries in the years during which the galactic community starts to realize that humans may actually pose a significant military threat once they stop fighting themselves. My intent is to give myself a place where I can tell the stories I want to tell, which apparently feature people fighting each other a lot.
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