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Q: Density of Evil and Odious Numbers in a Polynomial Sequence

mathperson314In this answer which I wrote a few days ago, I posit that for any polynomial $P \in \mathbb{N}[x]$, the asymptotic density of the set of natural numbers $n$ such that $P(n)$ is odious (that is; has an odd number of 1 bits in its binary expansion) is $\frac{1}{2}$, and likewise for evil numbers (t...

Please do not create new tags without engaging in a community discussion, first. math.meta.stackexchange.com/q/35451Xander Henderson ♦ 17 hours ago
Q: What is known about evil primes?

KlangenAn evil number is a positive integer $n$ that has an even number of $1$s in its binary expansion. Many theorems exist about evil numbers, the most known ones are probably those that involve the Thue-Morse sequence. However, I find no information about prime numbers having an even number of $1$s...

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