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@Martin The tag should insead be since "prime twins" is never used in English. I'm not sure what is the best way to make this change so perhaps someone more familiar with tags can make the change.
@XanderHenderson Since you happen to be here, I will ask whether renaming to is uncontroversial and moderators will probably do this without having first a discussion on meta.
Or whether it should first be discussed on meta to obtain some consensus - and the mods can then do the admin, after it is clear that it is accepted by the community.
Just for the record, the existing tag has a tag-excerpt and a tag-wiki. (They should be transferred to the new tag.)
A twin prime is a prime number that is either 2 less or 2 more than another prime number—for example, either member of the twin prime pair (17, 19) or (41, 43). In other words, a twin prime is a prime that has a prime gap of two. Sometimes the term twin prime is used for a pair of twin primes; an alternative name for this is prime twin or prime pair. Twin primes become increasingly rare as one examines larger ranges, in keeping with the general tendency of gaps between adjacent primes to become larger as the numbers themselves get larger. However, it is unknown whether there are infinitely many...
The [current revision](Twin prime: Revision history) of the Wikipedia article mentions: " Sometimes the term twin prime is used for a pair of twin primes; an alternative name for this is prime twin or prime pair."
Questions where the tag was added/removed (including the editors): data.stackexchange.com/math/query/1105163/… data.stackexchange.com/math/query/1038474/…
Q: 2 dimensional cellular automaton for prime twins?

mickIs there a 'simple' 2 dimensional cellular automaton to generate all prime twins ? With 'simple' I mean not too many states per cell and not so many rules. Thus a universal turing machine equivalent cellular automaton is not 'simple'.

Q: What can I say about $x^4 \equiv -4 \mod p$ where $p$ is prime?

CodeKingPlusPlusWhat can I say about $x^4 \equiv -4 \mod p$ where $p$ is prime? In general what can I do with powers that are greater than $2$ and where I cannot use reciprocity, legendre/jacobi etc... In general what can I say about a quadratic polynomial modulo $p$: For instance $(x-1)^2 \equiv 1 \mod p$ By '...

Q: some problems related to primes

vmrfdu123456I would like to learn the following: a) Prove that the equation $1 + x + x^2 = py$ has integer solutions for infinitely many primes $p$. b) Twin primes are those difference by 2. Show that 5 is the only prime belonging to two such pairs. Show also that there is a one-to-one correspondence betwe...

Q: Twin primes satisfy the congruence?

madfellowI need a justification for my observation. In general, we can list twin prime pairs in $(6n-1, 6n+1)$, where $n$ is some positive number. Of course, this is valid except $(3, 5)$. Now, I construct, for any such twin primes pair will satisfy the following my observation. $$4(6n-2)! = -3(1+2n)\pm...

Q: Twin primes and modulo

madfellowI am so exited to learn math from this site. I posted the question today and I got good replies from members today itself. I will try to answer other number Theory questions in near future. With same confidence and motivation, I am sending TWO more questions to the members. These are also my obse...

@BillDubuque I would suggest to wait whether there will be some response from Xander Henderson.
A moderator has tools to rename a tag. (Although technically it takes several steps, but the final result is basically renaming.) And if this seems clear-cut to some of the moderators, maybe they will proceed without raising this on meta first.
Or the issue could be raised on meta at some point - either in the tag management thread or as a separate question.
I see that I mangled the link to the current revision of the Wikipedia article.
5 hours later…
Q: Dividing a tempered distribution by a polynomial

KandinskijLet $p=p(x_1,...,x_N)$ be a non-zero polynomial in $N$ variables (real coefficients). Let $\mathscr{S}$ be the Schwartz space on $\mathbb{R}^N$ and let $\mathscr{S}'$ be its topological dual (i.e. the space of tempered distributions). I know that the map $\mathscr{S}'\to \mathscr{S}', \ \ \ T\map...

3 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Seems reasonable.
@MartinSleziak Not super happy with the new tag being created without discussion, but it seems like a reasonable tag to have around.
1 hour later…
I'd say that probably most new tags are craeted without discussing on meta. Although some people have strong feelings about this:
There is a saying that it's easier to apologize later than get permission first. I disagree with that when it comes to new tags. When I see a new tag which wasn't discussed on meta first, I will almost always delete it. Especially if I wouldn't be 168% sure that I'd agree with having that tag on the site. — Asaf Karagila ♦ Oct 2, 2014 at 4:36
I quoted the above comment in my question on meta related to this issue: Should every new tag be discussed on meta before creation?
Another thing thas happens sometimes is creating a tag and then adding it to many questions: Do not allow massive retagging by the tag-creator shortly after creation of a new tag.

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