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has been manually burninated from many questions, then merged into . Also and are now synonymed to to avoid this being recreated. Thanks for moderators' attention and effort!
A: Tag management 2020

YuiTo Cheng Resolved. expression-simplification manually burninated from many questions, then merged into algebra-precalculus. Also simplification and expression-simplification are now synonymed to algebra-precalculus to avoid this being recreated. Proposal: eliminate the tag expression-simplification The ...

Some SEDE queries related to this tag can be found here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/3740?m=54619687#54619687
Jun 10 at 14:11, by Martin Sleziak
Most frequent taggers/removers for : https://data.stackexchange.com/math/query/1146497/number-of-tag-additions-per-user?tagname=expression-simplification https://data.stackexchange.com/math/query/1038477/number-of-tag-removals-per-user?tagname=expression-simplification
@AlexanderGruber By "manually burninated" you mean "manually retagged", right?
I am asking simply because burnination has a rather specific meaning. (In particular, it implies that a SE employee was involved.)
Thanks for looking into the requests in the tag management thread!
@MartinSleziak Yeah good catch, that is what I meant
@AlexanderGruber With respect to this comment:
I also very much support that this tag is still broad. I don't want to manually burn it though, is there any good tag to merge it with? — Alexander Gruber ♦ 51 mins ago
I put a substantial amount of effort into retagging every question which had only that tag.
So there are, at worst, only a couple of questions with that tag and no other (I checked up on it again a week or two ago, and retagged again).
What's left are questions with at least one other tag.
I cannot, however, think of a good synonym.
In any event, it is almost 10 here, and my normal bedtime is around 8:30 (yay funny travel schedules). G'night.
@XanderHenderson it's very difficult since it spans so many other topics. even addition is a transformation.
1 hour later…
@AlexanderGruber Unless I am mistaken, SE employees can burninate the tag - which means removing it without any bumping.
Brahadeesh also asked recently about burnination - in connection with .
2 days ago, by Brahadeesh
I was just wondering, do the mods have any tools to quickly burninate a tag? If a tag is applied to a large number of questions but needs to be burninated, retagging all the questions may be a long and arduous process.
I know that CMs are overworked, there is now smaller team and all that. OTOH if several burnination requests are collected, maybe a CM would be willing to do them. (At least, it seems better to do several of them at once than doing them one by one.)
I am not sure what is the best way to request this from the Stack Exchange team.
2 days ago, by Martin Sleziak
The situation is a bit more problematic here, since a moderator cannot simply apply to an answer. So a reasonable thing might be to ask the mods how to proceed here. (I am not sure to which extent the mods are busy with stuff related to the election.)
@MartinSleziak yeah, definitely, if they would do it at all. I'm hoping SO Inc gets some more money for CMs at some point here cause the team is constantly overcapacity for tasks lately.
Would it be reasonable to make a separate question about burninating a specific tag (such as or )? Simply for the purpose that mods then can escalate using .
As I have mentioned, the tag cannot be added to an answer. And if it is added to a question with many answers, then it is unclear which of the answers is relevant for the escalation.
Over 1000 deleted questions tagged . Wow!
At the moment has 2436 questions.
@MartinSleziak Yeah, that may be an option.
I would wait until after the election, though, so we can feature the tag request (to give notice to anybody that might be using the tag that they should participate).
(ATM we have a lot of stuff on the featured sidebar.)
Yes, there have been several posts recently. In connection with the election, that is probably a natural thing.
in Math Meta Chat, Jan 15 at 9:04, by Martin Sleziak
Speaking of featured posts, SEDE returns 61 questions which were featured: https://data.stackexchange.com/meta.math/query/927958/posts-which-had-given-tag-in-the-past-including-current-tags?tagName=featured In addition to that, one among deleted questions: https://data.stackexchange.com/meta.math/query/883845/deleted-questions-with-a-given-tag?Tagname=featured
2 hours later…
This was already mentioned here. I just reposted edit so that it can be found when searching for the (tag-synonyms) tag. (Although I am not really sure whether this might be useful in some situations.)

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