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Q: A tag "Circle" when the tag "Circles" exists

NarasimhamNeed we retain duplicate Circle tag? ..as it shows nil usage. Tag Circles anyhow serves the purpose.

> It seems that the tag is not used on any Meta site except Meta Mathematics; for example, Meta.SE or Physics Meta does not have such a tag. In my opinion, this tag should be removed because of the following reasons:
There is a tag called (specific-user) on Meta Stack Exchange: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/specific-user
Just to correct the claim that it is not used on any other meta sites. (There is also MathOverflow Meta, but I think it might have been created by me over there.)
> According to this guideline, meta is a place to talk about how this community should work, rather than how a specific user should work. If any user has any problem with a specific user, the best and only way for them, I think, is to talk to a moderator in a chat room or flagging a related post, rather than addressing that user in a public post.
> Existence of this tag among others is somewhat misleading. Any user, especially novice Meta contributors, may conclude that they can easily address any user in their Meta posts.
> According to this guideline, tags should be used to help people to browse posts related to the subject of their concerns. I think this tag does not help anyone in this matter.
> So, my question is,
> is it not better to remove this tag?
> I hope this post is the last Meta post tagged .
I posted the tag-relevant part here, since the post has been deleted.
1 hour later…
As far as I can see, “circle” is already a synonym for (and redirected to) “circles”: math.stackexchange.com/tags/circles/synonyms. (Apparently as a consequence of math.meta.stackexchange.com/a/29871/42969). — Martin R 1 hour ago
A unique tag both in the singular and the plural.. — Narasimham 55 mins ago
@Narasimham I count four such tags, there are also triangles, cauchy-riemann-equations and planar-graphs. So maybe not really unique - but definitely rare. — Martin Sleziak 41 mins ago
10 hours later…
A new tag was created by N. Bar.
Q: A Finite Group, $G$, Contains a Proper Subgroup of Index 2, Thus $G$ is not Simple

N. BarShow that if a finite group, $G$, contains a proper subgroup of index $2$ in $G$, then $G$ is not simple. Proof Let $H$ be a proper subgroup of index $2$ in $G$. We know that $H$ is normal because it is of index $2$. Now, assume that $H = \{e\}$. Thus, $G/H \simeq G$. However, $G/H$ is of order $...

The tag was definitely created (and removed) before.
Posts where the tag was added removed (including the editors): data.stackexchange.com/math/query/1105163/… data.stackexchange.com/math/query/1038474/…
Posts where the tag was added removed (including the editors): data.stackexchange.com/math/query/1105163/… data.stackexchange.com/math/query/1038474/…

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