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A new tag was created by TuoTuo.
Q: $SU(3)$ acts transitively on $S^5$.

TuoTuoI'm told that $SU(n)$ acts transitively on $S^{2n-1} \subset \mathbb{C}^n$ by matrix multiplication. Yet I can't find a proof of this anywhere, so I was trying to construct a proof on my own by mimicking a version of the proof that I know for showing $SO(n)$ acts transitively on $S^n$. My proof...

9 hours later…
yesterday, by Martin Sleziak
Probably I should add that there already is a tag called with tag excerpt saying: "For questions about differential graded algebras."
It seems that this tag was created in July 2017: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/3740/2017/7/9
A: Tag management 2019

Martin SleziakI suggest a synonym dg-algebras $\to$ differential-graded-algebras. The tag (dg-algebras) was created in July 2017 (shortly before allowed length of tag names was increased). A short tag-excerpt was also created at the time. The tag (differential-graded-algebras) was created recently (July 2019...

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