
I've began to study the relationship between calibrations and holonomy, mainly through D.D. Joyce's Riemannian Holonomy Groups and Calibrated Geometry and partly through internet material.
Pretty much everyone explains this relationship by the holonomy principle: if $H=\text{Hol}_x$ and $\varp...
specific-question This question was migrated and has only the untagged tag: Average Distance in Scale Free Graph. What would be suitable tags there? Perhaps graph-theory and random-graphs?
9 hours later…

Back in January, we had a week-long internal "make-a-thon" where a bunch of people across the company got into teams, did some brainstorming, and worked to improve various parts of our UI. Bonus if they had something to do with moderator or power user tools. One of those teams took on the Tag Syn...
6 hours later…
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