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A: On (gcd) and (greatest-common-divisor) and other similar tags

quidI propose a tag gcd-and-lcm to be created into which gcd, lcm, greatest- common-divisor etc. are mapped. On the one hand, the notion of GCD (and related) is relevant and wide-spread enough to merit a tag beyond the very general divisibility. On the other hand, the notions GCD and LCM are very ...

@quid I'll just point out that the recent post in the tag management thread is related to your proposal back from 2015.
12 hours later…
A new tag was created by Yanior Weg. It already has 21 questions. The same user created a tag excerpt
Q: Renewal for Levy Processes

Yanior WegSuppose $X(t)$ is a Levy process with almost surely positive increments (for all $t_1 < t_2$ $P(X(t_1) < X(t_2)) = 1$) Define $$\nu X(t) := \sup \{\tau \in \mathbb{R}| X(\tau) < t\}$$ It is not hard to see, that $\nu X$ is also a stochastic process with almost surely positive increments. My q...

Renewal theory is the branch of probability theory that generalizes compound Poisson process for arbitrary holding times. Applications include calculating the best strategy for replacing worn-out machinery in a factory (example below) and comparing the long-term benefits of different insurance policies. == Renewal processes == === Introduction === The renewal process is a generalization of the compound Poisson process. In essence, the Poisson process is a continuous-time Markov process on the positive integers (usually starting at zero) which has independent identically distributed holding times...
A [new tag] created by Omojola Micheal.
Q: Let $ (X,d) $ be a Hadamard space, then $ \omega- $convergence implies $ \Delta- $convergence.

Omojola Micheal Let $ (X,d) $ be a Hadamard space, then $ \omega- $convergence implies $ \Delta- $convergence. The proof can be found in Kakavandi and Amini, but a slightly different proof is given here. Assume that $ \{x_{n}\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}\subset X, $ is $ \omega- $convergent to $ x\in X. $ Let $ \e...

In geometry, an Hadamard space, named after Jacques Hadamard, is a non-linear generalization of a Hilbert space. In the literature they are also equivalently defined as complete CAT(0) spaces. A Hadamard space is defined to be a nonempty complete metric space such that, given any points x, y, there exists a point m such that for every point z, d ( z , m ) 2 + d ( x , y...

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