I'm sorry if this has already been mentioned, though I noticed the attempted creation of a new tag by this user in the suggested edits queue, for <almost-periodic-functions>. In the creation of the tag, I found it to be circular; and so rejected the suggested tag, and also it's wiki.
Oops, I should address at least @MartinSleziak: I came across two suggested (new) tags by this same user yesterday, and all of them (in all, three yesterday and today) to address too narrow of a range of relevant questions. I'm already thinking that users are using too many "leaf tags", and too few "branch tags" wrt the "Tree of Tags". Any input is welcome.
@amWhy In fact the tag almost-periodic-functions exists for some time: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/3740/2017/2/13
What you probably meant was this suggested edit which created the tag-wiki and this suggested edit which created the tag-excerpt.
The tag almost-periodic-functions currently contains 17 question. Whether or not the tag itself is useful or not is up for discussion. But since the tag exists, having non-empty tag-info is IMO slightly better that having no tag-info. (Although probably in this case the name is probably descriptive enough to clarify the intended usage.)
@MartinSleziak Yes, indeed, that's what I meant (I've got a lot to learn about adding tags, and the two means of explaining it: excerpt and tag-wiki.) I just get a bit annoyed with circular definitions. And actually, sometimes I prefer no tag-info than poor tag-info. I really appreciate your clarification!
I see you have brought this up also in the mods' office: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/20352/2018/6/22 So you also have some reply from the moderators.
@MartinSleziak Yes, I brought it up there, then (after posting there, but no comment back, I realized it likely fits here better, so I posted here, as well. Then @DanielFischer replied there. I'm sorry if that confused you. What you told me here, however (about the tag already existing, with the suggested edits merely trying to supply more information,) I did not learn there (mods office chat). Again, apologies if you're annoyed with my posts in this chat.
Indeed, @MartinSleziak, I thought I provided context along with my question(s) here: "I've got a lot to learn about adding tags, ad the two means of explaining it for other users." I wanted to correct my mistake of posting in the mods' office, and instead posting here. I'm really troubled at how impatient and rude you often address me, or else ignore me. I take it you probably would prefer I don't post in this chat room. Mia culpa; I'm sorry; forgive me; didn't mean to waste your time...
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