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@MartinSleziak The tag, IIRC, was created by gt6989b when they raised the question on meta.
@JohnMa I should probably have checked that more thoroughly when I wrote who I think is the tag creator.
@JohnMa Thanks for posting an answer to the question about mean-value tag.
As I mentioned in a comment, I am also more in favor of removing the tag. (And if it should stay, I definitely think that having two tags is preferable to having this under single tag.)
Still I will probably wait a bit to see whether there is more feedback from others and think a bit about the new tag before I vote on your answer.
A: Should we have a tag for the mean value property of harmonic functions?

John MaI suggest not to have this tag. The mean value property is probably the most characteristic property of harmonic function. Indeed a $C^2$ function is harmonic iff it satisfies the mean value property. Thus if a question is related to mean value property, almost sure the OP will tag "harmonic fu...

> The only situation I can think of is that student are asked to show the mean value property for holomorphic function.
Since the argument seems to be that the questions about this already have (harmonic-functions) tag, I will add that there are some questions about mean value property without this tag. They can be found, for example, among questions from complex analysis and perhaps also questions about PDEs. — Martin Sleziak 3 mins ago
There indeed are questions of the type you mention. For example, in the first search you can see: Mean-value property for holomorphic functions. (I guess probably at least the tag holomorphic-functions could/should be added there - currently the only one is complex-analysis.)
I would probably wait a bit longer before posting the answer (since in general I find it difficult to convince other why something is useless), but I saw several more questions tagged as "mean value theorem" today so I want to finish that discussion quick. Obviously something has to be done to "mean value theorem".
Yes, I have noticed that new questions are added. Probably I should also include that it seems that they are added organically - not by the tag creator but by other users who are asking questions.
It seems that here the tag was added by Guy Fsone:
Q: Mean value theorem for vector valued multivariable function

AnupamIn the general situation of $f:S\to \mathbb R^m$ where $S\subset \mathbb R^n$. There is a form of the mean value theorem: $a\cdot (f(y)-f(x))=a\cdot (f'(z)(y-x))$ which requires a vector $a$ and dot products. In Tom Apostol's Mathematical Analysis (Second Edition), page No. 355, I found that aft...

And all occurrences after that were by other users:
Q: Proof - form of mean value theorem for vector valued function

hanselCan someone show me the proof of this form of the mean value theorem for vector valued functions? Let $f:R^n \rightarrow R^n$ be a function of class $C^1$ and $a,b\in R^n$, than there exists some $d\in R^n : a<d<b$ such that $(b-a)\cdot (f(b)-f(a))=(b-a)\cdot (f'(d)(b-a)) $ where $\cdot$ is a ...

Q: Relationship between the roots of derivatives and their functions

William StoneGiven that $f$ is differentiable on $\mathbb{R}$, I know that "between the zeroes of $f$, there is a zero of $f'$. But given that $f'$ has $k$ roots, then is it true that $f$ has at most $k+1$ roots.

Q: Show that if $0 < α < β < \frac π2$, there is $θ$ such that $α < θ < β$ and $\frac{\cos β−\cos α}{\sin α−\sin β} = \tan θ$

user507009Using transformation formula, we get $\tan\left(\frac{\alpha+\beta}2\right)$. Don't know how to proceed further. Thanks in advance.

That's the problem, mixing mean value theorem to mean value property for no reason.
BTW I wonder whether people who speak French can better understand what this user is saying. In some places his English seems to me a bit unusual. (Although I am not a native speaker and my English is definitely far from perfect.)
"but the appellation differ from authors to another. we can use both appellation as well"
Wiktionary: appellation
5 hours later…
@quid Among the members of moderators team, arjafi was probably most active in connection with tag-related issues. You have now joined, and even before becoming a moderator you were quite active in chat related discussions.
Would it be ok if I occasionally bother you with some tag-related stuff which is unresolved? (Especially if it needs moderators.)
To include example, I could ask something like this: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/3740/2017/8/27 (From the issues mentioned there, two are still unresolved. Probably one of them could be resolved without mods, since regular users can suggest synonyms, too.)
And if I have something which is tag-related, would you prefer if I post it here or is it better to post if in Mods' Office.
Of course, if you prefer, I will continue to do this like before - simply by posting in the office, but without pinging a specific moderator. (I am aware that too many pings and notifications can be quite annoying.)
5 hours later…
@MartinSleziak yes of course feel free to ask me. I don't mind being pinged. Maybe it is best to post here and ping me, so that I do not miss it.
I am not sure if there is something specific to do related to the example now. Or if it was just an example.
Thanks for the response.
@quid It was basically just an example, but both of those things probably should be handled at some point.
A: Tag management 2016

user54748 In progress The tag adjoint needs renaming The tag adjoint is "[f]or questions about adjoints, in the category-theoretic or inner-product-space sense, as well as about adjugate matrices", which certainly falls under "two or more completely unrelated things". If it's needed, a separate tag a...

If I remember that one correctly, the question about adjoint functions are now in tag.
Sorry, I have some troubles with the internet connection. Let's hope now I will stay online.
The suggestion was that should be renamed.
Oct 7 '16 at 6:53, by Martin Sleziak
Renaming the tag (in order to make clear that it is about linear algebra, adjoint operators, adjungate matrices, ...) definitely needs moderator intervention. And probably so does the synonym for [tag;chaos-theory]. I count only 5 users who have score at least 5 and could vote on the tag synonym.
Although now when I look at comments under that post, I do not see there explicit suggestion what would be suitable new name for .
The post simply said:
> this one can be renamed to something less vague, eg. adjoint-operators and/or -matrices.
The other issue was synonymize both and to .
Personally, I am not a big fan of that synonym, but it seems to have great support of community.
A: Should we have tags (maximal-ideals) and (prime-ideals)?

Martin SleziakIf you think that the tags maximal-ideals and prime-ideals should be synonyms of ideals, upvote this answer.

In any case, neither of those issues is urgent, both of them were dormant for at least a year.
@MartinSleziak I am not that big a fan either. what about we combine maximal and prime instead?
Well, certainly I am willing to accept community decision, which was to create the synonym.
But since I do not like the suggestion to synonymize too much, I am not going to push too much.
(maximal-and-prime-ideals) would fit character limit.
@MartinSleziak it's now
Thanks for that. Probably the answer is worth updating - that it is now resolved.
And maybe we could then --strikethrough-- the relevant line here:
A: Tag management 2017

suomynonAThe list of proposals on the 2016 thread that are still open: Proposal to rename the "adjoint" tag Proposal to join the "chaos theory" and "chaotic systems" tags Proposal to change the name of the "divisors" tag Proposal to make the "compactification" tag a synonym of the "compactness" tag Prop...

strikethrough (three of them)
I updated the answer and stroke the one. Do you mean there is a need to strike out more? If so please go ahead, I ma not sure which one.
@MartinSleziak the voting was about one third against two thirds; this is in a way a clear vote but I think there is no real symmetry between having the tag and not having it. If some find it useful it's better to keep it. And, two merge the two seems like some kind of middle ground.
Where be "some" I mean a qualified minority. The tags also have a decent size.
I think I'll just do that.
Ok, if that's going to be solution, I am certainly fine with that.
Re: Do you mean there is a need to strike out more? I do not really see there something more. (And some of them did not get that many upvotes.)
Maybe possibly divisors?
A: Expanding abbreviated tag names

wythagorasThe divisors is for divisors in algebraic geometry. There have been discussions about this in the Tag management threads earlier: Tag management 2015 and Tag management 2016 Among the options is expanding the tag name to divisors-algebraic-geometry.

The tag was originally called ; which clearly lead to confusion.
It was later merged.
There is also a synonym divisors $\to$ divisors-algebraic-geometry. I am not sure whether this synonym might lead to some incorrect tagging.
But if the synonym should stay, then this issue can be considered resolved.
It seems that this was handled by Daniel Fischer. He commented there and he is also listed as the creator in the list of synonyms.
Other than divisors, I did not notice something else in that list which can be already considered resolved. (As I said, some of them only get a few upvotes, so we can hardly say that there is some consensus.)
@MartinSleziak maybe let's keep it for a bit more and see if it is useful.
Or causes confusion.
I did the ideal thing.
I see. So now we have .
Probably a word or two about maximal ideals should be added to the tag-wiki.
Looking at the tag-info, perhaps the tag-excerpt is not right place for definitions. (Of course, they can be in the body.)
@MartinSleziak ah yes, I forgot about that.
I need to buy some food now, but I'll check back later.
See you later!

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