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A new tag was created by Tommaso Seneci.
Q: Hand position for typing in $\LaTeX$

Tommaso SeneciAs most of the users here, I spend a considerably amount of my daily time typing in $\LaTeX$. I think that the typing position of the hands, as least for the US layout, should be different from the one suggested for typing plain text. For example, the right hand should lay on the right edge of th...

The question has also been asked on TeX - LaTeX: Hand position for typing in Latex
Q: Hand position for typing in Latex

Tommaso SeneciAs most of the users here, I spend a considerably amount of my daily time typing in LaTeX. I think that the typing position of the hands, at least for the US layout, should be different from the one suggested for typing plain text. For example, the right hand should lay on the right edge of the k...

5 hours later…
A new tag was created by Arian.
Q: Monotonicity of metric projection onto a closed convex set

ArianLet $(X,d)$ be a complete $CAT(0)$ space (also known as a Hadamard space). Let $x\in H$ and $\gamma:[0,1]\to H$ be some geodesic segment issuing from $x$. For $y,z\in H$ (wlog assume $x\neq y\neq z$) let $[y,z]$ denote the geodesic segment connecting $z$ with $y$. For $\alpha\in [0,1]$ let $z_{\...

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