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Are nominations editable once the election actually starts? I'm assuming no.
@PhiNotPi I would assume not, but I have no supporting evidence.
Well, we'll find out soon enough.
10 hours later…
Primary starts in 5 hours
Unless somebody else drops out.
In which case elections start instead.
Either way we'll have to write up our answers to the questionnaire.
Have the questions all been picked yet?
I don't think so.
I'm assuming, since nobody has said anything negative about my nomination, that they think it's okay. I'm asking because right now will probably be my last chance to edit it before the primary starts.
@PhiNotPi Should contain the phrase, "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe..."
@Shog9 Some people have said moderation is difficult, but I don't think I'm literally going to die from it.
that's the spirit! Optimism! Yeah!
There's always hope. You could die from something else first!
2 hours later…
I wonder if I should dust off my "Phi For Mod" party chat room.
TBH, nothing serious ever happened in there.
Actually, I don't think I will.
@MartinBüttner here's a question for you (or any other current mod)... how much discussion typically occurs between mods about various site issues and stuff? I get that most stuff probably doesn't require discussion, but on [website I mod] we tend to make email chains / "annotations" about various things.
> The last message was posted 200 days ago.
@PhiNotPi We discuss stuff in private on a daily basis.
Hehe I had a good laugh
@Dennis okay cool, that's good to know
1 hour later…
Any last-hour nominations? :P
Primary has begun.
Woo! Primary!
Whoa, Mego is getting a lot of upvotes. That surprised me.
Damn Alex has 14 upvotes. I didn't even know 14 people were on PPCG at the moment.
Also, apparently I can't vote for myself but can vote for other candidates.
@quartata Inbox notification drew people in
Including me.
elendia and quartata and phi, which I had 150 rep to vote for you.....
Also, it seems like scores can't go below -1 for whatever reason.
I'm at -4
I'm getting rekt right now.
Ooh, questionnaire time
oh yeah
Martin is crushing the pop con. Business as usual.
Not sure why @El'endiaStarman is getting downvotes. That's disappointing /:
@ZachGates ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apparently I'm not as well-liked as I thought I was. Oh well.
Lots of good questions on the questionnaire
@El'endiaStarman I don't think that's the issue. If you say in your nomination that you don't intend to win, you won't.
Hopefully I can get this done today
@Dennis Ah, good point.
@El'endiaStarman Haha, I feel you there
@PhiNotPi Looks like they're still editable.
travel.SE also has 11 candidates
| id | display_name     | current_score |
|    | Martin Büttner   | 60            |
|    | Doorknob         | 53            |
|    | Dennis           | 49            |
|    | Alex A.          | 41            |
|    | Digital Trauma   | 24            |
|    | PhiNotPi         | 7             |
|    | quartata         | 5             |
|    | Mego             | 0             |
|    | El'endia Starman | 0             |
Martin has a score of 60? Whoa
68 now
80 now. Meanwhile, I'm at 62. weeps
@quartata +15/-18 :(
6 out of 10 questions done.
Pretty tricky stuff here
Is it ok to post a partial set of answers to the questionnaire and update as time allows?
sure, why not?
Martin has the highest score on a PPCG contest. Color me surprised :)
In related news: I hate getting spammed with stackexchange election notifications. That red [1] (or [2] today, or [4] a couple of weeks ago) is such a tease.
sadly my most-downvoted meta suggestion... meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/250148/…
Might try to get this working on my Pi so I can serve it
Although it doesn't show negative scores, making it slightly useless...
@Doorknob hard to do without being logged in
I just posted a partially completed (7/10) questionnaire; I hope that is OK.
no that'll get you disqualified immediately.
@quartata For item 2, don't forget about historical locks, which may be better than nuking, especially if the answer in question is really, really ancient but still has value in the context of its time of posting.
I am mostly thinking about answers that are low quality even by the standards of the time but which never got deleted.
@quartata Right, you can prune those, for sure (well, if it's not a high-scoring answer, at least).
A downvote on my questionnaire? I knew I shouldn't have done partial :(
2 hour writing session done... I should really get some sleep -.-
looking forward to reading everyone's answers tomorrow
@quartata Oh no, my downvote wasn't because of your absent answers.
It's actually because of your actual answers.
It doesn't mean anything more than "I don't agree with your moderation style based on the answers you've given", so please don't take it personally. :-)
Oh, that's fine then
meta downvotes are usually people disagreeing with you. you shouldn't take meta personally pretty much ever
@Quill I wasn't, I was more just surprised because it came pretty quickly so I assumed it was because it was partial
@quartata I read your answer in full before I cast my vote (and I was the first person to vote on it).
Just like, right now I'm reading Martin's answer in full before I vote on it.
ProTip: Being able to say "meh" is a vital part of being a moderator.
Since I'm not running for moderatorship this time, I see it as my responsibility as an outgoing mod to ensure the site is going to arrive in safe hands. :-)
@Undo Meh.
I'm probably going to withdraw in a few days anyways: the pro-tems are gonna crush this election (as they deserve to) and if on the off chance I actually win I will probably feel guilty for displacing a protem anyways
@Undo I'd love for us to keep in touch after I finish being a moderator. Feel free to email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to keep you up to date with the goings-on with my new endeavour. :-)
@Undo All right, lemme give it a try... mehhhh?
@quartata That was actually a factor in my decision not to run. :-)
@quartata A little heavy on the 'h' part. Try being a little more jaded.
If one of the candidates changes their avatar to Bill Lumbergh, they can immediately have my vote
@quartata You're doing better than I and I haven't considered dropping out. I'm gonna see this through to the end.
@El'endiaStarman Good luck!
Thanks! I'll use it for something else though. :P
A: 2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

Martin BüttnerMartin Büttner A new-ish user posts a well-posed challenge that quickly gets many answers. An hour later, they edit in a restriction that invalidates most of the existing answers. An experienced user whose answer was invalidated comments that doing this is bad, and rolls back the edit. T...

@Quill I'm curious to hear what inspired the "wow".
it's quite large
also quality
Experience truly is better than passion
Yes, there's a very good reason why I chose him as my replacement when I joined the company way back when. :-P
And now that I'm no longer at the company any more, I'd still endorse him.
Should I intentionally avoid reading what others have written?
Before you post your own? Probably.
I certainly wrote my own piece before reading Alex's (who was the only person to have posted before mine).
| id | display_name     | current_score |
|    | Martin Büttner   | 166           |
|    | Doorknob         | 146           |
|    | Dennis           | 139           |
|    | Alex A.          | 100           |
|    | Digital Trauma   | 73            |
|    | PhiNotPi         | 30            |
|    | quartata         | 9             |
|    | Mego             | 4             |
|    | El'endia Starman | 0             |
Woo! 6th place!
@Undo quartata withdrew, actually.
I'm hesitant to vote for anyone besides the protems without the questionaires being up
I'm working on mine right now.

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