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Hey @kimholder I've been reading up on Moonwards and your Briligg site. Really cool sutff! Moon vs Mars makes some really good points, I've been interested in Mars / space exploration but haven't taken the moon as seriously until now. Also meditation and psychoactives are very interesting subjects, and the art on Briligg is pretty cool too. Just wanted to share that (stumbled upon the link to this chat from the Moonwards site) - thanks to you and all sharing your efforts!
13 hours later…
would not say it is that much exciting, especially articel fails to describe it a better way, the perspectives, but interesting to some degree in the sense that electrolysis can be used here on earth for things we usually do not consider of using it. compared to the moon when it probably one of the few limited options.

@cr0 You've read Briligg? My my, there are few people who do that any more. Well, i hope to have more content, more along the lines of what i've been envisioning, soon.
@MolbOrg Sadoway has also been investigating a version of this for the Moon.
search for Sadoway molten oxide electrolysis. he has a few articles.
hm interesting, looks interesting.
2 hours later…
@kimholder yes, mainly just the moon vs mars part of Briligg. Still not done but fascinated by it. Haven't read the meditation or psychoactive parts, not sure if I'll get to those, but I share the interest anyway
Inspiring to see that one can be engaged in space exploration without technical background in it. Takes a lot of skillsets to make the dream work I s'pose
@cr0 These matters interest me, but they aren't my focus any more. I really mean, i hope to have more content for Moonwards. That's all i do now.
my ability to improve my technical understanding of space exploration has been really hampered by the need to create Moonwards itself. Until that is rolling along, i can't spend more than a small fraction of my time on all the physics, chemistry, and math it takes to have a feel for space exploration.
that's why i stay really close to this community. it's a way to pick things up bit by bit in a way that's easy to digest.
btw, my exploration of psychoactives wasn't because i am interested in them per se. I'm interested in the law regarding them, because i live in Mexico.
people die here by the thousands every year because of drug prohibition. Drug laws have enabled the cartels to become lumbering beasts in Mexican society, doing untold damage.
most of the people who die aren't drug users. They are cartel foot-soldiers, basically teenagers looking for a quick buck that the cartels use as cannon fodder, giving them guns and packages of drugs and sending them out to do some damn fool's errand. They are ordinary people caught in cross-fire or in one of the cartel's many other crime businesses, from blackmail to kidnapping to forced prostitution.
they corrupt Mexican politics to the nth degree. they oblige entire regions to live in perpetual fear. they fool the young into a deeply tragic vision of what life is about, then they use them and don't care what happens as a result. i hate them so much, i wrote that entire treatise about drug legalization.
end rant.

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