1. tether mass, like the calculator on the learn page
2. i saw a post on chris wolfe's blog that he likes the idea of using Spectra/Dyneema. maybe we could include that as a material option in analyses too. I should check into it more.
3. something about the engines needed to have sufficient station-keeping ability, and the fuel needs of them. that will require a healthy dose of estimation, i guess.
that doesn't need to be precise, of course. it just needs to be a reasonable estimate, probably better it be somewhat on the conservative side.
The big thing about that, is calculating the dip in COG when a shuttle grapples the foot. And now that i'm getting warmed up, it occurs to me you probably need a bunch of information from me about sizing of things, and then that needs to be refined if you see problems with it, and really a bunch of things would need thinking through in order to put in figures.
I think the foot platform needs to be rather elaborate, and heavy. I thought that would help some with stability, to have a weight on the end basically, but am i wrong?
But it needs to be able to transfer stuff, have engines to dampen oscillations, have a grappling area that is as large as is reasonable, maybe it would be a good idea to make it able to telescope, maybe there are some other things it ought to do.
It ought to have big cameras constantly taking images of the surface, for instance.
Yeah, this is going to take some consultation... are we going to say there are power lines running through the cable?
Should we put two cars on the cable from the outset, so the COG can be kept in the same place if desired as cars go up and down?
The hoisting idea doesn't seem good to me for a cable this length, and i'm not sure it is a good idea in the system Eagle proposes, but i'm open to being educated on that.