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(2) it satisfies the ODE.
If the sum of several functions is periodic in some period does that mean each function is also periodic in that period?
can u give me a counter example tho
(I assume, I never actually proved that statement :)
If the sum can be infinite, then it is certain, obviously
You might try putting together two odd functions whose absolute values are periodic.
@Ethan Actually, it is even easier than what I said: $$f_1(x)=\begin{cases} 0\text{ if }x<0\\ \sin x\text{ if }x\ge 0\end{cases}$$ and $$f_2(x)=\begin{cases}\sin x\text{ if } x<0\\ 0\text{ if } x\ge 0\end{cases}$$
@Ethan But if the summands are periodic, I would suspect they all have the period of their sum or better.
Could you look split the cosine (or sine) series into a couple chunks?
@Bageer Yeah, that's another counterexample.
why do so many people hate java, it makes me sad :(
have a look at this pretty numerics library math.nist.gov/javanumerics/jama
and to all the C/C++ master race arians: have a look what a lot of supposed C/C++ numerics libraries use - oh, is it automatically translated Fortran 77 code (netlib/BLAS/LAPPACK) - i'm in tears
@Ethan ohai
i am sad and cross now :(
it winds me up
and whats up with matlab taking over the world
isn't it enough if millions use it
always more
@PeterSheldrick my profs use Maple mostlyt
@DanZimm, yeah there are pockets of Maple, Mathematica etc. but i see more and more jumping on the Matlab bandwaggon :(
I don't think I will
but then again I'm not too into computational math
for example this guy maths.ox.ac.uk/contact/details/trefethen is MathWorks gifting him expensive beach-resort trips every second week, so that he is a total matlab shill the rest of the time?
suppose i have an ODE f(y'',y',y,x) = 0 . Does the domain of x where f is defined have anything to do with the domain in which a soluction y = f(x) satisfies the equation?
1 hour later…
measure theory has a lot of definitions
suppose i have an ODE f(y'',y',y,x) = 0 . Does the domain of x where f is defined have anything to do with the domain in which a soluction y = f(x) satisfies the equation? Knowing a priori the domain of x where f(y'',y',y,x) is defined, do i know in advance something about the domain of the solution y = f(x) that satisfies it
@PeterSheldrick What the hell? Java was till very recently (1-2 years ago) was really slow as compared to C++. Also, parallelism support is even now very lagging in Java. C++ use FORTRAN only because people who wrote FORTRAN optimized it to the last details and FORTRAN works with C++ well. Its more of already invested effort in FORTRAN rather than something else. (Almost no one uses the translated libraries because they do not have a lot of functions). Still, there are a lot of new libraries that have come up in C++ which do not have any LAPACK/BLAS Baggage.
1 hour later…
@JayeshBadwaik whoo c++/c
suppose i have an homogeneous function f(x,y) , how is the fact that f(mx,my) = m^n f(x,y) identical to the fact that f(x,y) can be regarded as a function of y/x ?
7 hours later…
are there problems where it is undecidable whether they are decidable ?
more the gödel incompleteness theorems
Doron Zeilberger has written an opinion somewhere about decidable-undecidable.
I think.
you mean something like this question
@DominicMichaelis ?
@JulianKuelshammer exactly
2 hours later…
How would I post a picture?
in a question or as your profile picture?
@Vivian ?
In here.
@Vivian It says "send, upload..."
Click in upload and attach it.
@Peter should I enter the name?
@Vivian You attach the file.
@Peter How could I attach the file_
Use latex?
@Pete , you mean I should attach the file like in Latex
@Vivian I mean you should click in "upload..." to your bottom right and attach a file.
@Peter but there is nothing on the bottom right
Can not find anything would be click
@PeterTamaroff there is no red box on my screen :D
I think I do not have it.
Maybe I am junior.
@Peter, thanks! :)
@DominicMichaelis There is no ugly Windows 7 interface with VLC player and Skype open at the bottom of my screen. :D
(Oh, hi @Peter :).)
@Lord_Farin What OS do you use, allmighty?
@PeterTamaroff Win 7. I have my taskbar on the left side of my screen :).
I find this a very convenient setting, because I have (much) more horizontal than vertical space. You should try it sometime.
(That is, if you have a widescreen monitor.)
@PeterTamaroff That's "almighty" for you.
Hello, If i roll 3 dice, are there 6^3 combination?
does order count ?
Then yes.
are your dice 6 sided
@Lord_Farin with 20 sided dices absolutley no :D
the problem only says 3 dice, I think that is 6 sided like a normal die
I only get one combination each time I roll three dice. Am I doing it right?
@DominicMichaelis I interpret "dice" as "6-sided dice" unless it is prefixed by a contradicting adjective.
if X is the 3 numbers are odd or even I can count 54/216
@DominicMichaelis And the plural of dice is "dice". (Hm, I definitely need to eat.)
but the solution of the book is 1/4 ??
@blob I fail to see the contradiction. (Hint: $54 \mid 216$.)
yes it is 1/4
oh god
@user1 If one writes $$A(z)=\sum a_nz^n$$ for some series of complex numbers, then $A^*(z)=\sum \overline{a_n}z^n$, yes?
I mean the notation @Lord_Farin
@PeterTamaroff That would be consistent with interpreting $A$ as an element of $\Bbb C^{\Bbb N}$.
@Lord_Farin Hmm. Given a complex power series $A(z)$ as above and a real power series of nonnegative coefficients $p_n$ we write $$A(z) \ll P(z)$$ if $|a_n|\leq p_n$ for each $n$.
I am asked to show that if $A(z)\ll P(z)$ and $A^*(z)\ll P^*(z)$ then $A+A^*\ll P+P^*$ and $AA^*\ll PP^*$ but I don't know what the star means.
Well it won't be complex conjugation, since $P$ is real.
@Lord_Farin Yes, I thought so too.
@Peter Are you working in some sort of Hilbert/Banach space setting?
Perhaps the simplest solution is the best: Read $P^*$ as if it were $P'$.
@Lord_Farin No, just powerseries.
I.e. $A$ and $A^*$ have no connection to one another.
@Lord_Farin Ah! Right.
Maybe he just means another powerseries.
@PeterTamaroff At least the results are true in this reading :).
@Lord_Farin Yes, yes.
@PeterTamaroff If the author does not mean just any other power series; well, you generalized the result. :)
@Lord_Farin Meh, they are simple inequalities.
@anon What is the combinatorial argument that $\binom{n}{k}\leq n^k$ for each $n,k$?
Ah, OK.
@PeterTamaroff Select $k$ different, or select $k$.
n choose k is the number of images for an injective function [k]->[n], which is less than the number of injective functions [k]->[n], which is less than the number of functions [k]->[n]
@Lord_Farin Aha. @anon
for a full answer, "select k different, select k, select k in order"
@anon That is what I wrote $$\frac{n!}{(n-k)!k!}\leq \frac{n!}{(n-k)!}\leq n^k$$
that al-hwar guy has a lot of nonsensical questions that are right up my alley
@anon Heh =D
Dis one be interesting:
Put $f(z)=\sum_{k\geqslant 1}a_nz^n$
From $$z\frac{{f'\left( z \right)}}{{f\left( z \right)}} \ll \frac{{1 + z}}{{1 - z}}$$ deduce $|a_n|\leq n$.
@PeterTamaroff that one I am actually not qualified to tell if it's a real question. I wouldn't be surprised if it did make sense, given there are many vague and mysterious connections between zeta and physics
why I can't see latex in this chat?
You have to enable it manually. See the starred message "$\LaTeX$ support for chat".
I'm leaving for now. Bye, people.
I installed mathjax, the test works, now?
now click the bookmark while you are in this tab
what do you mean what?
is there a word you don't understand, like "click" or "bookmark" or "tab"?
I don't know where is the bookmarck button
but you said you installed it? where did you put it? do you know what a bookmark is? what internet browser are you using? does it have a bookmarks bar?
I'm using chrome
I bookmarked it
go to (button that used to be a wrench, right by the url bar) > Bookmarks > click "Show bookmarks bar"
yes ok
I have done
now do you see the bookmarks bar, in particular the mathjax bookmark you installed?
click the mathjax bookmark bar while you're in this tab
@anon i'm sorry ,but can you help me please
I would have already if I could have
@anon I have boomarked the test page
just an idea ?
it doesn't work
I would have to see your computer screen to see if (or what) you are doing wrong
remember, you have to bookmark the Start ChatJax link, then click the bookmark while you're looking at this page (the chat)
just clicking it in another tab won't work
@AlexanderGruber Dude. Mehaz a problemz.
@PeterTamaroff que es el problema?
@AlexanderGruber ¿*Cuál* es el problema?
The following:
Write $A(z)\ll P(z)$ whenever $A(z)=a_0+a_1z+\cdots$ is a series of complex coefficients and $P(z)=p_0+p_1z+\cdots$ is a sequence of real nonnegative coefficients and $|a_n|\leq p_n$
they should just roll que and cual into "qual", that would make it much easier for people who can't speak spanish right.
Read $A$ is a minorant of $P$ or $P$ is a majorant of $A$.
@AlexanderGruber People should try harder! =D
that's $\forall n$ or $\exists n$?
@AlexanderGruber For every $n$.
what have you tried?
alright, cool
where is the start chatjacks link
I see two strategies to attempt first on the agenda: multiply out as $z(1-z)f'(z)=(1+z)f(z)$, then compare coefficients of both sides, or consider the logarithmic derivative of $f(z)$ (it is of the form $1+O(z)$) multiply by $z$ then compare directly to $(1+z)/(1-z)$
@blob you can scroll up the page to where it was linked to you earlier
@anon I have thought about them both, yes. But one should be careful about the rules of $\ll$.
@anon I bookmarked this page in another window of the browser
For one $$1\ll \frac{1}{1-z}$$
it doesn't work here
I bookmarked that page, I started "start mathjax" and ??
now click the bookmark
while looking at this page
@anon Maybe one can also use $A(z)\ll P(z)\implies A'(z)\ll P'(z)$.
(I think it's an $\iff$)
it goes to that webpage
Actually, the first term might mess things up.
i.e. $|a_0|>p_0$ and the other inequalities hold.
But the $\implies$ direction is surely true.
@AlexanderGruber when I click Mathjax link what should happen?
@blob you should see mathematical symbols instead of dollars signs and code
I see mathematical symbols in the Mathjax link, not here
I can't see this chat anymore
@blob what bookmark did you make?
I clicked the star on google chrome
@blob under the page you just linked me, right click startChatjax, and from the pulldown menu, select "bookmark this link"
put the bookmark under your bookmarks toolbar, then go back to the tab containing this chat, and click the start ChatJax bookmark on your toolbar.
Can someone please help me with integration ? :)
from the pulldown menu there isn't bookmark this link
@anon Can you do that ?
hahahha ok
my answer to that is....
yes vicory
@LittleChild $$-\frac{1}{3} \sqrt{16-x^2} \left(x^2+32\right)$$
@blob you see it?
@DominicMichaelis da hell did you do that in one minute ?
I only got the first part in the answer... not the second...
I used u substitution
let u = $\sqrt{16-x^2}$
and then solved it
to get
$-u^3 du = x^3 dx$
substitute in original problem, solve
@DominicMichaelis Where did I go wrong ? :(
any help with that ?
shouldn't you have $$-\int u^2 \, \mathrm{d}u$$ after the substitution?
that comes too $-\frac{u^3}{3}$
did you check your result by differentiating again ?
@DominicMichaelis yes
is your result correct?
I dont know
There is nothing left to integrate after that
so that must be the final asnwer
i mean you should enter $u=....$ and differentiate again
dont I now have to just substitute the values and get the final answer ?
$-\frac({16-x^2}{3})^{\frac{3}{2}} + c$
yes and mine only differs by a constant from yours
how did you get $x^2 + 32$
I substituted in 2 steps
is my answer correct ?
you can check your answer on your own...
How ?
Sorry if I am asking dumb questionms
You look at $$\frac{d}{dx}- \frac{1}{3}\cdot \sqrt{16-x^2}^3$$
uh.. ??
thats how you find the value of c ?
you know that integrating is the opposite of taking the derivative
Yes, I do.
you just take the derivative of your solution to check if you get the expression again (aftery some simplyfing at least
No, my answer is wrong
which can be formed to $$-\frac{x^3}{\sqrt{16-x^2}} + \frac{16x}{\sqrt{16-x^2}}$$ so you see that you need another term :)
soo... you just split it and .. thats it ?
my answer was right ? :)
no it wasn't :/
you need something to correct the second term
working on it again
ok so till $u^2.du$ we were together
@DominicMichaelis after that things went haywire
i am not so confident that your substitution works like you want
substitution doesnt work all the time ?
it does but i don't see an error elsewhere : D
so I get $-\frac{u^3}{3}$
is that right ?
we have x^2
not u^2
after the substituion
I will go step by step
u = $\sqrt{16-x^2}$
$u^2 = 16 - x^2$
yeah yeah i know
so where am I going wrong? wail
after you cancel the measure term there is left $-u^2+16$
but derivative of constant is 0
so it makes no difference right ?
no you mix up thinks $\frac{du}{dx}=-\frac{x}{\sqrt{16-x^2}}$
So $$\int\frac{x^3}{\sqrt{16-x^2}}\, \mathrm{d}x= -\int \frac{\sqrt{16-x^2}}{x}\cdot \frac{x^3}{\sqrt{16-x^2}} \, \mathrm{d}u$$
The original question has $x^3$ on top
So we have $$ -\int x^2\, \mathrm{d}u $$
Which is the same as $$\int u^2-16 \, \mathrm{d}u$$
I will try it tomorrow
I am going mad now.. :D
i did calculate the complete solution for you ...
somehow I am missing the point
I dont know why
and I dont want to bother you continuously
you see what is the difference in my calculation and in yours ?
I am doing du wrong
I dont get why ? :(
du is right
my du is right ?
you only forget to switch the x^2 in the nominator to a u term
$-u du = x dx$
@Chris'swisesister $$\prod_{k\geqslant 1}(1-q^kz)=\sum_{k\geqslant 0}\frac{q^{k^2}}{(q^k-1)^k}z^k\;\; ;\;\; |q|<1$$
@PeterTamaroff nice
@Chris'swisesister More coming.
@PeterTamaroff do you have a proof for it?
@Chris'swisesister Yes.
Let $$\prod_{k\geqslant 1}(1-q^kz)=F(z)$$
Then $(1-qz)F(qz)=F(z)$.
Assume a powerseries expansion and use that to obtain a recurrence for the coefficients.
I see.
@PeterTamaroff Today I counted the number of problems I solved from the beginnning of this year.
(they are about 6000)
@Chris'swisesister Not over 9000. A good number all the same.
In the sentence "Every subgroup of an abelian group is normal and gives rise to a quotient group", what does "gives rise to a quotient group" mean? I have an idea of what a quotient group is, but I suppose I'm more confused with the "gives rise to".
@AlanH It means "produces" or something of the like.
For example "Every metric gives rise to a topology."
In particular, if $N$ is a normal subgroup, it gives rise to the quotient group of cosets $G/N=\{aN:a\in G\}$
@PeterTamaroff Oh I see. So the normal subgroup is equal to something mod something?
oh okay the left coset
@AlanH Well, since the group is normal $aN=Na$.
I mean yes
@AlanH Do you know what a congruence is?
@AlanH Given a group $G$, a congruence on $G$ is an equivalence relation $\equiv$ such that $a\equiv b$ and $a'\equiv b'$ imply $aa'\equiv bb'$.
In particular, given a group $G$, there is a one to one correspondence between the possible congruences on it and its normal subgroups.
The correspondence is as follows: If $N$ is a normal subgroup, we define $a\equiv b\mod N$ if $a^{-1}b\in N$. And if $\equiv$ is a congruence in $G$, then the class $\hat 1=N$ of the identity is a normal subgroup, and all other classes are $\hat a=aN=Na$, cosets of the class $\hat 1=N$.
@AlanH Did you get that?
I'm reading the help center of stackexchange, I'm wondering about this line:

"You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. "

I'm not sure this really applies to MSE, as it seems like there many questions asked because of curiousity, instead of an actual problem that is being faced.
If the curiosity is big, it's itself a problem
that one is facing
More often than not my curiosity is my main problem
@nerdy in that sense, I would wonder what sort of question are not based on actual problems being faced... :p
exactly none
else the dude wouldnt waste time pressing the Ask question button
what we can differentiate is the questions that show effort and have content from the efortless,careless and homework questions
but those homework questions actually face a problem :D
and did i say they dont ?
in fact i say ALL questions
are actually someone facing a problem, read carefully
I mean if we say that curiosity is not allowed
Yeah, I think this sentence is as vague as it can get:
"You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. "

What is meant with practical ? Mathematics is in essence not practical, but theoretical. Some questions aren't know to be answerable.. (in mathematics) .. :p
exactly, very bad elaborated question
the "" pratical" would eliminate a lot of pure mathematics
not question, sentence*
@PeterTamaroff Sorry I'm in the middle of something. I haven't forgotten about it though!
@PeterTamaroff Okay, no I didn't get that....
@AlanH Do you have a book? I mean, where are you studying from?
A couple of books, but mostly Dummit & Fooote
perhaps I have seen it, just not in that form
@PeterTamaroff Do you mean to say $a \equiv b \mod N$ if $ab^{-1}\in N$?
@PeterTamaroff Okay, I think I get it: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
But why is the fourth condition needed? Don't you just need an equivalence relation?
@AlanH It is the same.
@AlanH That is the point of having a congruence: you can give the set $\{aN:a\in G\}$ a group structure. Else the construction fails.
@anon The best I could do so far is show $$|a_n|\leq \frac 2n\sum_{k=0}^n |a_k|$$
@AlanH if the equivalence relation has absolutely nothing to do with the group structure then what's the point of putting it on a group?
"things invariant under group actions" is a ubiquitous thing-to-check throughout mathematics
invariant under left actions gives you a left coset space, invariant under right actions gives you a right coset space, invariant under both gives a left or equivalently right coset space where the subgroup is normal
this yields a quotient group
@PeterTamaroff your last comment was referring to condition 4 in the wiki article, right?
@anon i see
@AlanH Yes.
K thanks
1 hour later…
Is there someone here?
@math_man yes
I'm on chatt for the first time
and you?
I have been here pretty much everyday for the past month or so
Or longer, I haven't really been keeping track
What do you need
I just wanna talk
nothing especial
@math_man lol
Usually people say: "Hi!" we reply: "Hi", and then the guy asks: "Is it true that the conformity of bananolitic limits is dense on the set of real numbers?!"
@BandeiraGustavo You make no sense, no sense at all!
@PeterTamaroff That's the plan.
@BandeiraGustavo yoyo!
@amWhy How are things going?
@BandeiraGustavo hmmmm...not so sure... Let's just go with "okay"
@BandeiraGustavo How r you doing?
@amWhy Fine. But a little sad because my motherboard has a problem.
@BandeiraGustavo ouch...what sort of problem?
@amWhy Dunno. My computer just won't boot.
I've sent it for repairs.
I hope it will be cheap. :P
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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