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I'm not entirely sure what you meant by that.
If that's what you meant.
Is it?
What is unclear about that statement?
If it's true.
It's true
Are you sure?
My statement is true
Not your statement, but Landscape's.
I don't know
I think he's right, but it's your wording. What's why I ask...
I think I'll accept the answer, but what about your bounty?
If no other answers are posted, I will give him the bounty
Yeah, I'll do the same.
Do you have more interesting problems?
You said something about the unitary semicircle.
And different means.
Do you remember it?
That was a long time ago. I do not remember it.
I think I wrote that down.
Do you want me to find it?
Or is it average?
It is an interesting question. You should post it here.
Ok. Will you put another bounty?
I don't have the points.
It's not like I don't want to share.
I could put a bounty on it
Anyone have any idea why lots of logic questions seem to be popping up on MSE? I don't remember seeing this many a few months ago!
@KimJung-un I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't find it!
@DenisRodman No worries!
Kim, why did everyone but you get banned for posting material related to odd perfect numbers?
What does this smiley mean: >,>
I'm trying to find out for an hour
but I don't understand :p
Kim, several of your friends were banned, but not you. Why?
I don't know
Anyway, what's your topic of research?
Fourier analysis? Galois theory? Analytic number theory?
If $d(n)$ counts how many divisors $n$ has, and $\Omega(n)$ counts how many prime divisors $n$ has,

$$\sum_{n\leq x}\Omega(d(n))=x\ln(\ln(x))+Cx+O(\frac{x}{\ln(x)})$$

$$C=\gamma+\sum_{k=2}^\infty P(k)(\Omega(k+1)-\Omega(k)-\frac{1}{k})$$
@DenisRodman homework and algebra-precalculus
@KimJung-un Good one.
Hello, could someone help me understand this question of mine? I wrote some things that I'm having trouble understanding now.
I have literally moved 1 ton of lumber today. My folks must have taken the phrase "Brace yourselves, winter is coming" too seriously.
@PeterTamaroff lmao!
@Bartek You want us to explain the question you yourself made.
It doesn't make sense: "What is a cat?" - now explain my question to me.

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