@Lord_Farin FYI: When you catch this: you'll see our friend Doug Spoonwood has been at work again: I suspect we were each dealt a down-vote by said user, for various reasons.
@Ethan I'm 24... Just finished a BA majoring in both psychology and sociology... Now taking math for teachers to get into a BEd program... Just terrible at math.
@Ethan Thank you very much! I've been stumbling through this course, trying to find help on this site- as it seems to be more reputable than yahoo answers... I've had pretty good luck getting people to explain things here rather than just giving me answers. :D
@Ethan Oh I know how to add fractions - and multiply, divide, subtract... Where I am confused is how to solve the equation with the square roots and fractions.
@Amzoti It is indeed a slow night...re: how to respond to "give me..."? Hmmm, I get turned off and walk away. If it's not late in the day, I might comment (if user is genuinely new).
Assume you have a finite set of things which is partitioned into A U B U C of its subsets. And every of A,B, or C has a presentation. Exactly when you work with $2$ in even integers, or $3$ when you work with $3\mathbb Z$. Ok? @JayeshBadwaik
@BabakS. Hmm, let me ask. You have a set with finite number of elements. And now you create a partition consisting of three subsets, say A,B,C. And every subset of A,B,C has a presentation. Is this what you wanted to say? (Also, since you say partitions, A,B,C are disjoint I suppose?)
Now, I want to employ $x$ to be one of these subsets' presentations. How can I say in English this process? Can I say "We choose the general presentation of each partitions as x"? Of course the partitions are disjoint. Yes you found my aim correctly. :-) @JayeshBadwaik
for example, the partition {{orange, apple}, {dog, cat}, {one}} doesn't have representatives, nor is it a coset partition, nor does the set it partitions have any algebraic structure. this is very much specific to group theory.
or perhaps the cells in the partition are viewed as equivalence classes, and you're looking at representatives of these classes ...
@anon: Let $S={b}∪\{a^i}∪\{a^j b\}$ in which $i,j$ varies finitely. I want to employ the variable $x$ to be one of those representatives. How can I say this in English?
Should we assume there is a group, $b$ is an element of order two, $a$ is an element of infinite order, and $a$ and $b$ commute? Did you say this somewhere above?
@anon: I wanna let the variable, say $x$, be $b$, $a^ib$ or $a^jb$. Is it enough saying: "Let the variable $x$ be one of the representatives of one of the partitions". I s it good to say in English?
you could plan ahead and stage a real-world demonstration. take a collection of "standard files" (very well-known and easy to obtain ones - for instance, popular meme templates, infamous photos, popular youtube videos even), make multiple variants of each file with inserted hidden data, then upload them over the internet
put innocent-looking hashes or even odd plaintext modifications to the filenames and titles as a tacit "file system" to keep all of the files organized without having to keep any record of them down anywhere.