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@JM What do you mean?
@Asaf: someday you might have to write grants where you have to use these terms like "abusive forcing for nice couples"... and I'm pretty sure the grant dudes will find it... peculiar.
@JM And what about those "creatures forcing" and "Yellow cake" and such? C'mon, people in math are whimsical and have a good sense of humour.
I mean, if someone defined "Pointless topology" and worked on that...
I know, I know. :)
To be honest, I wish research didn't need money...
but since it does, there we have the grant-writing and whatnot
which most of the time involves convincing humorless souls to spare researchers a few
To be fair, I really hope to win the lottery and then fund my own research, after all mathematical research is mostly cheap. :P
Hey, that was MY IDEA!!!1! :D
(oh, who am I kidding, it's everybody's)
Don't worry, I'll name my fund after you :-)
Hmm, bad idea. :P Name it after your mother or something...
I'll name something hilarious.
"This paper was fully sponsored by the Klein Bottle Sex grant" or something.
Or the "Abusive Foundation of Science".
To win a grant you must do a lot of drugs and alcohol first.
The grant itself is going to come as a case of single malts ;-)
Oh my... what have you been drinking today? :P
I just woke up, actually. So nothing yet.
I wish MSE was more like MO in some ways.
Look at the front page of MO, everything has tons of votes. Here you have nothing.
Well... the big names get some leeway in asking big-list soft-questions, for one
and those get votes easily
Still, consider the question I had posted there which was clearly not for this site - it was +10 in a few hours.
I am going to cross post the descriptive set theory question now, let's see how fast that's going to work.
Maybe there are a lot more set theorists hanging around
Regardless to that, read the meta thread "Vote Early, Vote Often" and in particular Pete's answer there.
I think that this site has a lot more transient users compared to MO, which is the key issue here.
I do, at least... I think I've used up all my votes for the last six days, with 12 hours to spare for that day
but you're right about "hit and run" users
Did you get that new badge Vox Populi for using all 40 votes in a single day?
I already have "Suffrage", so I don't see the difference between that and "Vox Populi" TBH...
and I'm too lazy to visit meta.SO
Suffrage is for 30 votes, which was the old limit :P
In that case, apparently having "Suffrage" prevents one from having "Vox Populi"...
actually I'm due for another badge, which I don't seem to have yet
I got Suffrage when they added that, and yesterday I voted a lot and got Vox Populi.
Rather odd then. I upvoted a swath of questions. the past few days until I got the "vote again in 12 hours" popup...
I think that this badge is very new. I'm the second one to have it.
There we go. Posted on MO.
Speaking of badges, Theo upvoted an answer for me so I'd get a Nice Answer badge, but it was also an accepted answer. Doesn't that imply I should get Enlightened as well?
Was yours the first answer?
It was the only answer :-D
Then you need to wait a few minutes, the "Enlightened" doesn't kick in at once
This is like a Speedball. The cocaine goes right away, but the heroin kicks in a little bit later.
Not the analogy I was expecting, but yes. :P
What were you expecting? :-)
With you, I don't know anymore. :D
I figured how Arturo is so legendary, aside the fact that he writes these amazingly long and complete answers with clear explanations.
Because he gives so many answers, and most of them ends up accepted he can be absent for a few days and still reap 300 reputation a day :-D
yes, something like that
I'm hoping he doesn't get carpal tunnel from all those long answers...
Yeah, him and Joel Hamkins (mostly on MO though, here as well but less frequently).
considering that he doesn't have a blockbuster answer like, say Qiaochu's
Qiaochu's answer was sheer luck, I think.
The question was just incredibly accessible so everyone could upvote it.
yes, and Joel Spolsky linked to it too
that certainly helped
It was a very good answer, but the >100 votes is just luck I think.
With Arturo... I know a lot of the stuff he writes about, but somehow I keep feeling much smarter than before after reading them.
I guess that's why a lot of people like his answers
Yes. I wonder what sort of a teacher he is (in a classroom that is).
Interestingly enough he is not that active and high rep. on MO.
He'd be doing the equivalent of preaching to the choir there I think... :)
I'd say m.SE needs him more than MO, since he can reach out unlike most of us
True. Very true.
yunone: Hey.
Hello yunone
Hi guys, I just saw the set theorists were in here, so I thought I'd take a look.
Hehe :-)
I was going through old questions yesterday and saw that one where you were looking for a set theory book.
Of course, drugs and alcohol seem to be the topic of the day instead, haha.
How did it go?
Pretty well, I went off your suggestion and read a bit of Levy.
Sex, drugs and alcohol seem to be the topic of every day wherever I might be, strange... :-D
Except when I'm talking to nonmathematicians. Then I talk about math a lot ;)
I should go into set theory some day, you guys seem to live rock star lives.
In other words Asaf, you're backwards. :D :P
Yeah, consider Godel... died of self starvation.
J.M. I have no choice :-D
Wow Godel, that takes some effort.
And Cantor... died in the sanitarium, poor as Mozart.
Dedekind died alone, and without love...
Tarski was a heavy drug user, womanizer, a big jerk, and Polish.
But he also defined what is the truth, in the mathematical context.
2B or NOT(2B) = True.
You say "Polish" as if it were something... :P
It's called dark humour ;-)
Well, it's close to 2am, so I'm out. Good night the both of you, or good afternoon or good morning, depending on the time there.
see you
Well, if I had to go, Euler's seems to be a good way
Blind and strokey while declaring "I'm dead."?
Well, except the blind part. As I recall he was working when he went kaput.
He was sitting with his grandchildren.
Then he had a stroke or a heart attack, and he said "I'm dead." and died.
Ah yes, had it backwards. Anyway, it's pretty straightforward... :)
It's cool that he said that, I agree.
Feynman had a good one as well.
I'd say after that long bit with his cancer, he deserved a break...
"I'd hate to die twice. It's so boring."
Hah, bookmarked.
Well, I bid you adieu for the time being.
See you.
2 hours later…
Somehow, I didn't expect such a macabre atmosphere in the mathematics chat room.#
That's the thing with Asaf; he goes through these wild tangents...
2 hours later…
Publicizing a question here, as Math folks might know about it:
@yayu Sorry, no idea. I don't have any edition handy.
@JM To get Vox Populi you need to vote 40 times in one day. The only way to do that is to have more than 10 of those votes on Questions, and not Answers.
I have a question...
After Akhil left the moderator team, does that make you and Qiaochu The Chinese Remainder of it? :P
Then what of Robin Chapman? Also, when you draw up puns like this, you need to think a few more step through. For example, you should have also a followup handy if I were to ask you back: then what would Jeff Atwood be?
Robin is gone and Jeff is not a moderator...
Also note that moderator is usually abbreviated to "mod" :-P
As far as I know, Robin is still listed as a mod. And Jeff is a mod, whether you like it or not. In fact hs ie some sort of super mod in the system.
Stop ruining my racial and mathematical puns! :-P
I had cross posted one of my questions to MO and got some answers, one of which seems likely to be accepted. What should I do with the one on math.SE?
Well, you are just not imaginative enough. Reading Akhil's resignation letter, you can say that Jeff is a Prime Divisor.
I just woke up from an afternoon nap, and I'm sober.
Um, post a CW answer linking to the answer on MO and accept that CW answer. That'd be one idea.
Also, aren't you the slightest bit worried about whom you take as role models?
Tarski? Godel? Cantor? Erdos?
Well, not Erdos, since he came to a decent end...
And maybe Robin is the noncommutative ring that voids your Chinese Remainder theorem.
Erdos was a speed addict with no real home.
But he could quit anytime he wanted to.
So what? Tarski could have quit as well, and Godel always could eat something without his wife if he had really felt like it.
No I mean, didn't Erdos actually win a bet or something for it? Someone bet him that he cannot go without for period X, and so he did so. And after winning the bet he said something like "and congratulations, you've held back modern mathematics by X"?
Oh. I don't know.
Okay. I am going to leave you guys alone now. Be good.
@WillieWong That is also what I have heard/read (about Erdos)
Ah, so that's that Vox business... unfortunately I tend to upvote answers more than questions.
J.M. I already got two answer on MO.
Compare a whole week to a few hours.
"More experts read MO than that other site!!!!1!"
@AsafKaragila And now what do we conclude from such a thorough experiment? :P
@GlenWheeler Well, I had a hunch this would happen. I did it so there would be a descriptive set theory tag on MSE.
No, but seriously, as I've said there are more set guys on MO than m.SE...
at least, judging by the mileage on Asaf's last two MO questions
It's probably true that more mathematicians in general read MO than M.SE.
But... I don't know if it is sooooo noteworthy :).
That is my hypothesis as well. m.SE has a core of mathematician and grad students, and a lot of transient users.
By way of contrast, I asked a question on theta functions in MO (yes, yes, it's very niche...) and only a few votes in the span of a day (but at least I got a very useful answer). It would probably have gotten a "Tumbleweed" if I had asked it on m.SE...
I heard from Stefan Geshcke that Joel Hamkins was the first set theorist on MO, and until his arrival they were mostly about categories when someone asked about foundations.
I wonder what the eventual goal of M.SE is. When it was proposed on Area51, was it intended to exist in cooperation with MO or in competition? I read somewhere in "cooperation" but in practice it seems like any decently difficult question could be profitably posted to both sites.
I disagree.
Too easy questions have clearly no place on MO.
Too hard questions have clearly no place on MSE.
Asaf: the second is not as explicit as the first, but sure
Questions that fit both of them are just like the one I posted on MO today and on MSE a week ago. Like most of the large-cardinal questions and forcing ones.
I agree with the first point, but on the second, one could argue.
You'll have downvotes and probably a few pissed off professionals to post something trivial on MO.
(I don't take "decently difficult" to mean "current research level". In practice, most MO questions are not at research level either.)
Sorry guys I gotta run to a train. Tschüss!
To post something exceedingly deep on m.SE, the worst you'll get is a "Tumbleweed"
See you
or lots of upvotes but no answers
Yeah, and it doesn't have to be that deep.
Well, I for one would be very frustrated with getting upvotes but no answers...
The "Tumbleweed" at least... "okay maybe that was too niche"
The answer: mathoverflow.net/questions/53122/mathematical-urban-legends/… is funny, but the comments are funnier.
Are you stalking me? :P
No, I was just reading that thread. I needed something funny today. :P
Besides jokes get closed too quickly on m.SE... ;)
On that I agree.
Well, I guess it's time to hit the booze. We shall start up with some beer.
In the meantime, I shall consider the question: Given a sigma algebra, can we always split it to a sigma-complete filter and ideal?
1 hour later…
7 hours later…
I feel like the Tumbleweed badge should be silver or gold, not bronze... :P

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