@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez yea thats what i was just clarifying meaning i thought you were saying otherwise at first but you werent ergo i was making a bad assumption and so i need to clarify this was the case
@DanZimm no it was an analogy. For you it absoutly makes no sense throwing away the real numbers to take something different. but Some time ago (about cantor) the real numbers was a very silly concept too
@DominicMichaelis right but I was specifically talking about if someone is trying to work with just the real numbers, possibly because theyre ignorant and dont understand these math ideas, which occurs often to many undergrad physics majors
you don't have to go that far. I tried to convince my theoretical physics prof, that the standard scalar product on $\mathbb{C}$ is not antisymmetric but hermitien, I failed ...
thats i guess why i made any statement originally, i often see people around me studying physics to make some pretty bad assumptions, but it wsa improper of me to generalize that to physicists in general
when one iss working with measure theory, and the correspondding integration theory (Lebesgue and friends) one works with $\infty$ as an actual value all the time; there one only adds those things, not multiply them
@Martin Nothing important, but when I see you in chat I thought I might let you know that a user was trying to contact you here. His ping reached me instead, because of the name conflict.
It would be great if the volume of a subset doesn't change if we rotate it or move it a bit or mirroring it or something like that. Furthermore when we have two distinct sets the volume of their union should be the sum of the volumina
And the unit cube (a cube of length one) should have the volumen 1. But it turns out, that this doesn't work. There is no function with those properties
thats why you say we only look at "nice sets" which are measurable. If you don't allow the bad ones you can find such a function which is called measure
and right now we don't face problems of $\infty - \infty$ or $\frac{\infty}{\infty}$ because of for the first we don't know if $f(A\cap B)=f(A)-f(B)$ (it isn't in general to avoid $\infty-\infty$ occurences) and for the second there is no interpretation, because what should be a fraction of two sets?
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Is there reason to suspect any sort of "natural" bijection between conjugacy classes and irreps of finite groups to exist? With the symmetric group, we can biject both irreps and conjugacy classes with integer partitions, but that doesn't appear to amenable to working in an abstract way with arbitrary finite groups.
@MartinSleziak Thank you! I noticed it, but I didn't want to pursue that argument any further. It would in effect be paying too much honor to Mr or Mrs "damn u". Thanks also for opening the meta thread on matrix-equations.
Theorem. (Lusztig) The Grothendieck group of the category of perverse sheaves on the moduli stack of representations of a Dynkin quiver is $U_q(\mathfrak{n}_+)$ for the positive unipotent part of the corresponding Lie algebra.
a "quantum deformation" I gather is an informal way of saying we expand an object to encode more information than before (preferably in a way that is relatable to quantum mechanics, however loosely), such as braid groups encoding "over/under" information not seen in permutation groups. linearization of a set to a vector space would probably count.
Hey someone can explin me these. When i fnind a mathematical theory, is because i found amathematical structure that follow some rules that i've observed in nature..then if the nature has the "axioms" my mathematical structure (for example a set) can be called a model of the nature? it is really confusing me xd ...
the theorem means that one can recontruct the positive part of the quantum enveloping algebra from the geometry of representations of the corresponding quiver
it is an elaboration of an older theorem of Green which says that thesame envelopng algebra can be obtained as the Hall-Green algebra of the category of reps of the quiver
Lusztig managed to skip the Hall-Green algebra and directly do the construction in terms of the geometry of the representation varieties
@BabakS. Yes. At the time it seemed that no one wanted to be a mod (I guess mainly due to the meta battles) - then I decided to make myself useful to the comunity. But now there's people more competent than me.
@Charlie The only excerption to that rule is when I'm with the body covered in erotic oil. In such state, it gets obvious I'm the correct choice to make.