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@J.M. so it's the union of tangent spaces of all points on the manifold
do you know how to prove that the natural projection from the tangent bundle to the manifold is smooth?
@SamuelHandwich Rather sadly, I don't have my notes on that with me. Sorry. :(
can anyone help me with some abstract algebra? Im trying to prove math.stackexchange.com/questions/368518/norms-in-mathbbqi but using eisenstein.
Do positive definite matrixes HAVE to be Hermitian?
"More generally, an $n × n$ complex matrix $M$ is said to be positive definite if $z^*Mz$ is real and positive for all non-zero complex vectors $z$; where $z^*$ denotes the conjugate transpose of $z$. This property implies that $M$ is an Hermitian matrix."
Second paragraph in Wikipedia =)
@Peter Tamaroff Yeah I saw that in wiki, but then it mentions this a few lines lower: "Some authors use more general definitions of "positive definite" that include some non-symmetric real matrices, or non-Hermitian complex ones. However, some of those extended definitions are incompatible,"
and that prompted my question haha
@Abudin Heh, OK.
"...may not be suitable for certain applications." Disregard the useless!
I am leaving.
I guess I can just make the assumption that its Hermitian and hope for the best haha
Hey @Peter, where you going? Oops, I guess you're gone!
Hello, @skull :D
Hello, @amWhy
@amWhy How are you?
@skullpatrol Guess what? If I remember the correct "said person" who ignores you, I noticed yesterday that said person ignored me. Blatantly. I'm good otherwise, but I get hurt easily, like when ignored.
What are some 'good' universitys if one plans on studying mathematics
@amWhy That's expected...from said person :D
But why? I don't have a clue. Unless I was found to be rude and interrupting, or maybe because I said "his loss, and not yours!" Oh well...I guess I'm not alone!! :D
Where should I post a question like that on meta?
@Ethan There are many, many, many!!
@Ethan You could try...there's also a site (beta, stackexchange) called "Academia"
@Ethan Look at practicing researchers/profs that are doing what you'd love to do, doing work you admire...see where they're located...look into the programs...You really need a high quality mentor! (anyone does, but I think you would do well to have one or two, personally speaking - they've made all the difference in my life!)
@Ethan Yes, that is often done...
@amWhy What do you mean by mentor?
@Ethan Someone who will nurture your talent, both professionally speaking, but also like an advisor. Someone who takes a personal interest in your progress and work.
@amWhy it seems kind of selfish or arrogant of me to take up someones time that way
Some of the best work I've done, across disciplines, is learning from and work with mentors.
@Ethan It doesn't happen overnight...but those who mentor get satisfaction from doing so, when it's someone eager to learn, and someone who is as talented as you are.
@amWhy Bill duke, a proffesor at ucla, asked me to type up some of my work and send it to him, but I don't know how to do that, what type of program do you type up papers like that in
Most of the greatest have had mentors, across history...
@Ethan Do your best with what you know. Check out TeX.SE for getting latex installed...or manage with word, if you have to, Bill Duke will be forgiving...he won't expect you to give him publishable-quality formatted work!! Just don't miss the opportunity trying to be perfect... :D
Bill Duke wouldn't invite you to send him some of your work unless he meant it...unless he was serious.
@amWhy is there some kind of stack exchange for legal advice?
@Ethan Good question...I don't know off hand.
amWhy thanks for helping me
but I'am still unable to find the answer my sister was trying to help and she couldn't figure it out either? :(
@GaryJamesMakinson You are missing the closing quotation mark: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.*"
2 hours later…
omg hte prof must be joking
fourth semester lecture and the prof messes up with basic linear algebra
i don't see why people do this kind of thing where they answer in a comment instead of in an answer
then the question shows up as unanswered forever
I don't see why someone becomes prof without knowing the difference of skew symmetric and hermetian
Maybe in a country with Mickey Mouse universities.
However it is possible to become professor without knowing how to multiply matrices properly.
i mean in physics
not in philosophy or something like that
@DominicMichaelis analyst?
@AlexanderGruber He is a professor in theoretical physics
@DominicMichaelis relativist?
quantum mechanics i guess at least that what is the lecutre
he should deeeeeeefinitely know that then. :P
he even didn'T know the difference between positive semidefinite and positive definite
@Dominic And then you just left?
nope I will do it in the break he seems not to be that confident in what he is taling
@DominicMichaelis i bet he swaps integrals and differentials without making them partial
@DominicMichaelis So it might be due to nervousness. (Which, to be clear, does not render it acceptable for me.)
Ill-prepared teachers are really very annoying. In such cases lecture notes are your best friend.
well i guess this lecture ends without me
he told me hermitian is for matrices not for the scalar product
@DominicMichaelis I would stick around just to get the "big-picture."
After all you have "wasted" your time already.
A nice limit but rather easy $\displaystyle \lim_{n\to\infty} \left(H_n- \sum_{k=1}^{n} \lim_{m\to\infty}\int_0^1\frac{x^m}{k+x^m} \ dx\right)=\gamma$
I am back again and waiting for measure theory
And I'm not sure yet what is the best way here
$\displaystyle \int_0^{\pi}\frac{2+2\cos x-\cos(n-1)x-2\cos nx-\cos(n+1)x}{1-\cos2x} \ dx$
@Lord_Farin hi
how are you
@Vrouvrou Fine thanks. You?
i can be better
i'm fine
please @Lord_Farin can you help me for this :
Q: Question on Theorem 3.1 from Morse theory by Milnor

VrouvrouIn the proof of theorem 3.1 they put : $\langle X,\nabla f \rangle =X(f)$ after that they say that: for a curve $c$ on $M$ then $\left\langle\dfrac{\mathrm{d}c}{\mathrm{d}t},\nabla f\right\rangle=\dfrac{\mathrm{d}(f\circ c)}{\mathrm{d}t}$ i don't understand why $<X,\nabla f > =1$ ? please ...

the last comment in the answer
Indeed, $d\phi_t/dt = X$ by the very definition of $\phi_t$.
this is for the first right ?
Yes, that's for your first question.
and the second , what is the purpose to say that it's linear with derivative =+1?
I think it is used for constructing the deformation retract.
Actually, it's $\displaystyle \lim_{n\to\infty} \left(H_n- \sum_{k=1}^{n} \lim_{m\to\infty}m\int_0^1\frac{x^m}{k+x^m} \ dx\right)=\gamma$
why we need this in deformation retract?
@Vrouvrou Please be a bit more patient. I am trying to formulate an answer for you.
ok i'm sorry
you are very nice
thank you
@Vrouvrou Well I'm not entirely sure why they mention it.
I suspect it has to do with showing that the $r_t$ are continuous.
But I'm not sure.
@Lord_Farin I will have the topic five lemma in the category theory seminar
@DominicMichaelis So you will be chasing diagrams :)
chasing implicitly holds the chance to fail, I will kill diagrams :D
@Vrouvrou The longer I think about it, the less I see what the purpose of that remark is. Sorry - perhaps you could ask your prof.?
@Dominic XD
2 hours later…
Can we have some more eyes on this question? There appears to be some disagreement.
Just put it there.
@GustavoBandeira But I hate Yu-Gi-Oh.
@Lord_Farin How old are you?
@GustavoBandeira I'm in my twenties.
Im 23.
@shobon Hello @shobon.
good day
@Lord_Farin Yesterday I made a diagram of the math course I'm going to enter in the future.
It's in portuguese and it's a little messy
Good planning
@GustavoBandeira Do you really want to take all those courses, or is it more a "why not" attitude?
@Lord_Farin Well. The obligatory ones are the ones in the smaller rectangles.
The ones in the big rectangle are optional.
@GustavoBandeira Hm, then I suspect these courses are all quite short?
Im just up
@Lord_Farin Well, every line corresponds to a semester.
They are 6 months courses.
Is that short?
@Lord_Farin I'm also following Oxford and Cambridge syllabi.
@GustavoBandeira Well, no. But to spend two years doing differential and integral calculus seems rather... long.
@Lord_Farin What would you suggest?
what are you doing today?
@shobon I'm thinking about what to do.
One thing is certain: I need coffee.
what mathematics do you know
@GustavoBandeira Well I can't judge it with my present knowledge of you or your university, but I spent one year on it.
@shobon Like all other days for the coming months, I'm supposed to be writing my thesis.
@Lord_Farin Yeah, I guess it's possible but the university teaches it slow to avoid traumas.
@Lord_Farin, im writing my essay but I only have a week
its too short!
@shobon Not much. I hated and ignored mathematics while I was a teenager, now I found it interesting
@shobon How long does your essay have to be?
@GustavoBandeira, do you know calculus
@shobon Very little.
@Lord_Farin, I dont really know, I plan to just write finish 2 of the 3 sections as wel as I can and be done with it
@shobon What's the subject, and what are you asked to provide?
@GustavoBandeira, I think the best thing to start is get good at calculus and real analysis like Spivak
@shobon I really like Marsden UTM calculus.
@Lord_Farin, number theory, I was supposed to write about a very difficult theorem but I think I will stop short of it
@shobon Spivak's also nice, I read some pages of it.
@Gustavo I agree with @shobon that calculus and real analysis (mostly the latter) are a very good place to start. They can provide a gentle introduction to mathematical thinking and proof-writing, augmented with sufficient amounts of intuition that can help you get along. I first learned to properly write proofs in my analysis courses.
@Lord_Farin Yes.
The less appealing part of it may be that there's no way around just doing it. You have to write down proofs and have other people read them. The arguments can be perfect in your mind, but if you can't write them down it will result in unnecessarily low marks.
Hello @Charlie.
Hello @Lord_Farin
Bom.dia @gustavo
@Lord_Farin The *mathematics is not for spectators" thing.
@Charlie Bom dia! Acordou cedo.
Hi @dominic
@gustavo eu sempre acordo cedo
@Charlie Hi
Sabia não.
@skullpatrol hi Skull
@Charlie How are you?
@Charlie Cês usam o curso de análise da coleção Projeto Euclides ou da coleção Matemática Universitária?
@skullpatrol I'm fine and you?
@Charlie Fine thanks.
@GustavoBandeira depende do professor
@Charlie Mas na universidade os dois são utilizados, né?
Eu tô com uma cópia da versão do projeto Euclides. Achei bacana.
@GustavoBandeira aah bacana!
@Charlie Os livros são baratos e bacanas.
@Charlie O Guidorizzi acha que estudante de matemática é necessariamente filho do Sílvio Santos é? Cada livro ~150 reais.
@GustavoBandeira é um assalto
É bem feito que todo mundo pirateie. :P
Só baixar
Isn't it @Lord_Farin ?
@GustavoBandeira I can't say that all of my 5000 math ebooks were obtained in a fully legal way...
@Lord_Farin Do you agree with this or I will have to call Anna Lear to kick your ass out of this chat?
Call Anna :)
According to our country's laws, we can download books, as long as we dont make money out if it
@Charlie Really?
@Charlie True. The part that I played in obtaining those ebooks is legal in The Netherlands.
@GustavoBandeira yep, pirataria se voce sair por ai vendendo
@Lord_Farin everything is legal in netherland, no?
@Charlie It would appear so :(
@Charlie Bizarro.
@Lord_Farin So, it's legal to be not legal?
@GustavoBandeira Presently, being illegal in The Netherlands is not a crime. However, a law is in the making that changes this.
@GustavoBandeira in netherland you can slap the panther with no problems
@Charlie Some days ago I've seen a blog: Mr Catra Quotes...
Strangely, most of the quotes atributed to him weren't created by him.
Most of them are 5000 years old. :P
In the future, we will read: "There is the id, the ego and the super ego" - Mr Catra
@GustavoBandeira geezis
@Lord_Farin how old are you?
49 mins ago, by Lord_Farin
@GustavoBandeira I'm in my twenties.
@Lord_Farin that's no answer
@Charlie You'll have to live with it.
@GustavoBandeira haha ainda bem que eu nym tenho isso
@Lord_Farin I can't live with bad answers
@Charlie Then you'll have to start thinking of it as a good answer...
@Lord_Farin you can't convert an answer.
@Lord_Farin do you write your thesis, "it does not prove completely, but pretend it does" no. because it does not
I think the black camaro is much more sexier than the yellow one
@Charlie Perhaps you should go cry in a corner as a little child not getting everything it wants :P
@Lord_Farin perhaps you should be a man and say how old you are :)
@Charlie It appears we have reached a stalemate.
Cê tinha coragem? XD
@GustavoBandeira que meleca
@Charlie Viu o que eu falei? Pega qualquer geleca e escreve. XD
@Lord_Farin no
Ela percebeu que o papel de cantar funk era reservado aos homens!!! A mina quase resolveu a hipótese de Riemann com isso! XD
@GustavoBandeira putz
Esse povo das humanas...
@Charlie Se bem que...
Eu comentei. xD
Vê lá.
@Lord_Farin Look.
@GustavoBandeira haha
Clear the test or your time to die has come.
@Charlie O mais engraçado são os Comentários da pessoa que enviou o vídeo. Eles não colocam isso em nenhum outro vídeo deles. XD
@GustavoBandeira aquilo que ce falou do git gud, se fosse assim...
@GustavoBandeira aquele ator lusitano
So, @Lord_ ...
@charlie why does my quantum physics prof know less about linear algebra then um hard to say
ah first year student of philosophy maybe
@DominicMichaelis ok... I'm a bit confused... What do you wanna say?
@Charlie That his teacher is a noob.
@Charlie he messed up with skew symmetric and hermitian. He said the standard scalarproduct on $\mathbb{C}$ is skew symmetric. I told him in the break that it is called hermetian cause skew symmetric is that $\langle a,b\rangle = - \langle b,a\rangle$. He said that hermetian is only for matrices not for the scalarproduct -.-
and he calls an endomorphism an operator, and every operator is an endomorphism, so why not just saying endomorphism ?
@DominicMichaelis aaah, leave it...
is conways functions of one complex variable good ?
@Charlie Assiste o vídeo do tio, véi...
@GustavoBandeira man...geez...it's too much information ....
@Lord_Farin is the five lemma difficult ?
@GustavoBandeira cacetada
@DominicMichaelis The presentation in CWM is quite clear.
Oh thats good to hear
I hope today discrete math is more math and less discrete
@Charlie Fica muito pior depois. Eu não consegui assistir todo porque senti vergonha alheia.
@DominicMichaelis I don't know. I was introduced to complex analysis through Lang's Complex Analysis.
E ele é professor da UEFS!
@GustavoBandeira é tenso...
@Dominic However, other books by Conway (notably A Course in Functional Analysis) that I have studied indicate that he does like to leave significant parts of proofs to the reader.
@Charlie E eu achando que eu era burro, depois que eu vi isso, como eu me vi no espelho?
@GustavoBandeira hahahaha
@GustavoBandeira Is that your twin?
@Parth Well, I felt that when I watched the video I posted. :D
@Parth hi Parth
@Charlie Hey! :-)
How are things @parth ?
@Charlie Going nice. Tomorrow is a holiday :-)
@Parth oh! About what?
@Charlie I don't know that either... :-P
lol jk, it's for Mahavir Jayanti.
@Parth how come?
@Parth ah
Bye guys, I gotta go.
I was checking my work with Mathematica, but it takes so long ...
$$\lim_{n\to\infty} \left(\frac{1}{\log 2}\int_0^1 \frac{\log(1+x)}{1+x^n} \ dx \right)^n $$
However, something is wrong above.
Hello @Chris'ssister.
@Lord_Farin hi
Where do you get all these integrals from?
I think the limit version above tends to $0$.
@Lord_Farin From my mind major part of them.
@Lord_Farin I'd be really curious of a fast way to the above limit. I'm still thinking of it.
I think it's really simple. You can simply bound it between $0$ and $\dfrac{\log 2 - \epsilon}{\log 2}$, I think.
For the upper bound, an upper Darboux sum on the partition $[0,\frac12],[\frac12,1]$ shouldwork.
(I had to adjust my argument ever so slightly there to avoid estimating it to $1$, which is just too large.)
@Lord_Farin the limit should be 0.
Well it is. I estimated the expression inside the brackets to two quantities between zero and one.
Squeeze, done.
@Lord_Farin It's enough to remove $x^n$ from denominator and you're done.
Oh yes, indeed. It's trivial in any case.
I just noticed that.
The correct limit version should be $$\lim_{n\to\infty} \left(\frac{1}{2\log 2-1}\int_0^1 \frac{\log(1+x)}{1+x^n} \ dx \right)^n$$
I feel Mathematica really suffers now. :-)
The estimate I just gave using Darboux sum still works.
Since $\frac12\log 2+\log(3/2) < 2\log 2-1$.
Yeah, it works.
It would be interesting to replace that numerator with the quantity $\displaystyle \lim_{n\to\infty} \int_0^1 \frac{\log(1+x)}{1+x^n}\,\mathrm dx$.
(Except that Mathematica refuses to compute even one term of that sequence.)
@Lord_Farin which numerator?
@Chris'ssisterandpals Denominator. My bad.
@Lord_Farin right. That would be interesting.
Of course we can bound this thing from below by $\frac12(\log 2-1)$.
@Lord_Farin how?
$1+x^n \le 2$.
Well it will probably still tend to zero. This result makes computation of the limit very easy.
@Lord_Farin I have some doubts it goes to zero.
@Chris'ssisterandpals What you be talking about @Lord_Farin ?
@PeterTamaroff $$\lim_{n\to\infty} \left(\frac{1}{2\log 2-1}\int_0^1 \frac{\log(1+x)}{1+x^n} \ dx \right)^n$$
The ref'd result allows to swap limit and integration. Making it easy to compute the limit to be $\log 2 -1$.
Hello @Peter.
Err... $2 \log 2 -1$. Which is what we had.
I may have been making some mistakes.
I have a question about this doodle
can the force f of the megnetic field change the absolute value of speed v
f is perpendicular on v
@pourjour It can't, but I have forgotten how to derive that.
@Lord_Farin but is the f was the force of the electrostatic field can it change v?
I forget to say the v is the speed of the particle
@pourjour I'm sorry, it's really been too long since I've dealt with electromagnetism for my answers to be reliable in any way.
ok thanks
@Chris'ssister I've located the problem. My Darboux sum wasn't a Darboux sum.
As illustrated by Plot[Array[Log[1 + x]/(1 + x^(2 #)) &, 10], {x, 0, 1}]
Grr. I hate making mistakes.
@Lord_Farin many times I came over some nice problems when I did some mistakes. :D
@Chris'ssisterandpals You want to evaluate that, yes?
@PeterTamaroff yeah. Only one thing: don't post it on main. :-) I don't want to post any of my questions on main.
Probably one of you knows how many votes I have on a daily basis.
(I mean I don't want any longer)
@Lord_Farin today you have 6 upvotes.
@Chris'ssisterandpals I mean how many I can cast.
Ah. I don't know.
@Lord_Farin sorry, I think I numbered things wrongly. You have some more upvotes. ;)
A: Proving convergence of $\int^{\infty}_{0}\frac{\ln{x}}{1+x^{2}}\,dx$

Lord_FarinSome cancellation can occur if we calculate $$\int_{1/n}^n \frac{\log x}{1+x^2} dx$$ Namely, substitute $y = 1/x$, then we get: $$\int_{1/n}^n \frac{\log x}{1+x^2} dx = \int_n^{1/n} \frac{\log y^{-1}}{1+y^{-2}} \cdot \frac{-1}{y^2} dy = \int_n^{1/n} \frac{\log y}{y^2+1}dy$$ Swapping the integ...

i need to get on with my writing today
Nice this answer.
However, I'd split things from $0$ to $1$ and then from $1$ to $\infty$. Integrals involving Catalan's constant, only the sign makes the difference. If you add them up you have $C-C=0$
im lazy but ill have a cup of tea then try to start
Thanks. My techniques are generally to be described as "ad hoc" rather than by recognition of familiar integrals.
@shobon ...then you will start. It helps to pile some pressure on yourself.
Are you also one of those persons who have a lot of trouble getting started, but when that hurdle is passed, easily continue for hours on end?
I dont know
probably yes
Welcome to the club :)
@Chris'ssisterandpals I can give you the exact value of that one.
@PeterTamaroff nice. What is the exact value?
Let me look it up. I have solved that one, I think.
I like how I can get bibtex refs from google books
@Chris'ssisterandpals Dude, it is an easy one.
@PeterTamaroff let's see
Split at $1$. On $[0,1]$ it converges since $\int_0^1 \log x=-1$ while it converges on $[1,\infty)$ since $\int_1^\infty \frac{dx}{1+x^2}=\frac{\pi}4$ and the denom dominates the $\log$.
Now take $x\mapsto x^{-1}$ in either integral.
They cancel out, so $=0$.
@PeterTamaroff Oh that one. If you had read my answer, you'd have seen that I computed it as well.
I really like the number theory but I need a lot more time to deal with it properly
I have to go and sleep.
@PeterTamaroff yeah, it's easy.
How are you @shobon ?
@shobon Everything worthwhile takes time.
$\int_0^1\frac{\log(1+x^2)}{1+x}dx$ is interesting, though!
I challenge you! =)
@PeterTamaroff for finding the convergence?
@Chris'ssisterandpals The exact value.
@PeterTamaroff I solved it some months ago. (I think)
Let me check in my notebooks.
@shobon good good
@Chris'ssisterandpals OK.
$$\int\limits_0^1 {\frac{{\log \left( {{x^2} + 1} \right)}}{{x + 1}}dx = \frac{3}{4}{{\log }^2}2 - \frac{{{\pi ^2}}}{{48}}}$$
$$\int\limits_0^1 {\frac{{\log \left( {1 - x} \right)}}{{{1 + x} }}} dx = \frac{{{{\log }^2}2}}{2} - \frac{{{\pi ^2}}}{{12}}$$
$$\int\limits_0^1 {\frac{{\log \left( {x + 1} \right)}}{{{x^2} + 1}}dx} $$
@PeterTamaroff yeah. Thanks.
$$=\frac{\pi}8\log 2$$
Now I will definitely go to sleep.
@PeterTamaroff something like that.
@Lord_ Farin
Yes @Charlie?
my goal for today is just conclude the proof of the second main theorem

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