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@HenningMakholm I wonder what a packet is there...
@robjohn Hehehehe.
Does everyone realize that Caveman deleted his account? I know you explained why, most likely, Henning...but wow! What a dramatic reaction to a single post?
@amWhy I might too, soon...
@JasperLoy Don't delete...if nothing else, for the sake of other users who you've supported!
@amWhy They might keep my votes like they did for Eng and TeX. Anyway, you don't need to worry about your humongous rep!
Even if you lose 20k, you still have 20k!
@JasperLoy hehehehe...There may indeed be a way to close an account without a leaving a trace of one's presence.
@amWhy No, not everyone realizes that. For example I'm fairly sure that my mother doesn't.
@robjohn Some use mathbf instead.
@HenningMakholm LOL
@HenningMakholm hahahahahaha... Yes, you are correct...I would be in trouble if my"universe of discourse" were restricted to only math.se!
help me please
Q: Small question about a lemma of measurability

Vrouvrou Hi ; I have this lemma , and i want to ask tow questions : 1) What is the diffrence between say that $\varphi$ is measurable and to say that $\varphi$ is $(\mathcal{T},\mathcal{B}(U))$measurable . 2)Why $\varphi_{p}(t,x) \rightarrow \varphi(t,x)$ when $p\rightarrow +\infty$. please, Help m...

@JasperLoy Oh, that is not the $\mathbb{R}\text{eals}$!
@robjohn They are fake then! Like my boobs! =)))
@amWhy Even so restricted, this guy is most likely also a counterexample.
@JasperLoy only the salespeople at Victoria Secret know...
@HenningMakholm You got me, twice! ;-)
@robjohn I wonder what her secret is, hmm...
@JasperLoy It's his secret :-)
@JasperLoy There is a bug fix list which decides when the Debian will be released.
@JayeshBadwaik Yes, I know.
@JasperLoy Ahh, so it seems by the look of it that it might be out this summer.
what is debian ?
@DominicMichaelis It is a GNU/Linux distribution, an operating system.
the universal operating system
I consider it the best OS in the world.
after arch that is? ;-)
Debian is BOSS!
@JasperLoy BOSS?
Hey @jayesh you wanna keep your answer to my question?
@JasperLoy Naah, might delete it soon.
Alex has rightfully deleted his!
Is this kind of answer considered to be bad?? math.stackexchange.com/a/344092/33907
I feel sort of weird posting it.
hard to say just wait for up or downvotes
I appreciate when people comment before up or downvoting
I downvote only very poorly written questions.
And when someone downvotes me I will downvote some bad answers to make my reputation a multiple of 5.
mh normally i don't comment on upvotes, but i always comment on downvotes
I have cast about 300 downvotes and 4000 upvotes, lol.
thats a lot of both
although the balance makes you a nice guy
i cast 428 upvotes and 18 downvotes
I try to keep the ratio above 10.
who is that guy which hase more down than upvotes?
Did, Gone, Calvin Lin, Math Gems, YACP.
Anyway guys I was joking when I said I have fake boobs.
Too late ... I flagged it pal
Oh noes!
Yes, my pecs are real and quite polished...
@JasperLoy I know one, but I wouldn't be surprised at another
The mod is here ;)
gotta show some respect
& fear
how can i see?
you can't see love
open your heart
Bye Jasper
@robjohn why does the close votes not scale with reputation but the flags do
@κρανίοπεριπολία how are u skull
Fine thanks. How are you?
@κρανίοπεριπολία pretty good
any news
I think we lost caveman :(
but who will teach me category theory ?
@κρανίοπεριπολία how?
@κρανίοπεριπολία just struggling with exams trying to survive
@skullie bu i won't answer any question i can't solve
@pourjour Everybody is struggling...
@DominicMichaelis You learn a lot from just trying...
is there any ressource for the manner used here (determinant and modulo)
Q: Elementary Number Theory.. If a divides..

Pink PandaIf $a \mid (2c+3d)$ and if $-a \mid (c+d)$ then show that $3a \mid 3c$. The only progress I can say I've made is that the question is basically asking to show that $a \mid c$, because the $3$ is only a constant.

@κρανίοπεριπολία yeah this is life :(
@MichaelCorleone the one you understand the most.
What should I do here? Both Andreas Blass and Brian M. Scott answered at the same time with an answer that was useful. Whose answer should I accept? math.stackexchange.com/questions/344105/…
@MichaelCorleone Whichever you like.
@MichaelCorleone Flip a coin. If, upon seeing the outcome of the coin flip, you feel disappointed, then do the opposite of what it says.
@HenningMakholm Haha
...it really depends on how much you understand the answer.
I'm serious, actually. Accepting something to show that you consider your problem solved is more important than apportioning the rewards with exact fairness.
Remember that it is you that consider the problem solved.
Does it make sense to you?
@DominicMichaelis what do you mean the flags scale with reputation? Do you mean the number that someone can cast?
@DominicMichaelis dunno. I'd have to search meta to see if there is a reason.
ah i will just ask a new meta question or ?
@DominicMichaelis Perhaps because close votes actually have an effect and flags are simply notifications to moderators? Not sure
@DominicMichaelis Better search meta first. It doesn't take special moderator powers to do.
@HenningMakholm very good suggestion :-)
@Henning i already searched once but didn't found something
But since the rules are the same across the entire SE network, perhaps meta.SO would be more likely than meta.MSE to contain the reasoning somewhere.
@DominicMichaelis there was a recent discussion, there should be something on meta
@HenningMakholm that is probably where I saw it
any help with this:

$lcm[(n+1)(2n+1), n(2n+1)]$
@pourjour other than $2n+1$?
@pourjour You can factor $2n+1$ out, obviously.
Then there's lcm(n,n+1) left, which is just n(n+1).
There should be a "Meta meta" to coordinate the meta's :-D
(assuming $n \ge 1$).
@robjohn in the review section
when you look at a duplicate the LaTeX is not rendered is that intentional ?
@DominicMichaelis There was a meta question about that recently.
@DominicMichaelis Did you try the "render MathJax" bookmark?
@robjohn no it's like I've written it
@pourjour I was trying to say that was the $\mathrm{lcm}$ as Henning showed.
@robjohn What's up?
I went to a library to buy Apostol's Mathematical Analysis (used): 60 bucks.
Soft cover edition, but the pages are those glossy good ones.
I'm thinking about buying it.
@robjohn 2n+1 is the gcd, not the lcm.
@HenningMakholm no I think lcm is (2n+1)(n+1)n
Il faut oublier.
@pourjour No what? I agree.
Tout peut s'oublier.
@DominicMichaelis Oh, I see what you are talking about. There are problems when trying to render pieces of LaTeX from posts, and I think this is one of those cases. I usually just open the other question so that I can inspect more closely.
No? No? No? What! What?! I agree.
@HenningMakholm Ah, yes.
@DominicMichaelis Actually, I remembered this one, but yours is better. It doesn't seem to have received any attention...
@HenningMakholm Sorry, I am participating in too many conversations at once :-)
@HenningMakholm ok so how can u correct it
@HenningMakholm That's the one I was thinking of, as well.
@pourjour Correct what? I agree with you that your lcm is (2n+1)(n+1)n.
@PeterTamaroff Lots of meta, comment wars, and chat :-)
@robjohn Feed me the news! What happened?
@HenningMakholm yeah I found in another way can you show another manner to do that
@PeterTamaroff People leaving in huffs. Stop the presses!
@PeterTamaroff I've answered a few questions, but last I checked, not votes. :-(
@pourjour Your 'yo' key seems to be broken.
@HenningMakholm LAWL
@HenningMakholm sorry
@robjohn I got to 20k! Kapow!
@HenningMakholm Last thing I heard is Chrissisterandpals ragequited.
@peter again ?
@DominicMichaelis Well, no. He/she just ragequited from main.
@PeterTamaroff Oh, I didn't hear about that. But 'caveman' left suddenly this afternoon.
@HenningMakholm Odd. Did someone wave a fire at him? Might have scared him.
@PeterTamaroff You were 95 short yesterday :-)
@robjohn Yeah.
@PeterTamaroff Congratulations!
@robjohn Did you see my answer on Heine Cantor?
@PeterTamaroff nope. I've not had time to even write the answers I want to.
@PeterTamaroff It seems to have been due to the disputes over deleted answers here. Also briefly spilled into chat; see the double-starred comment by anon.
@robjohn Oh, bummer.
Let's kick some ass.
@HenningMakholm Oh, I see. I answered a question using Group Theory basics, and caveman critiqued it, and decided to give a "simple" answer.
Seems anon defended the Algebra like a true Algebraist!
@PeterTamaroff which question?
@PeterTamaroff Too algebraic :-) what does $|a^r|=|a|\iff (r,|a|)$ mean?
@robjohn There is an $=1$ missing.
I added it.
I did write it in the next sentence though.
@PeterTamaroff That's what I thought, but I could also have just been confused.
@PeterTamaroff I saw that, but there were points instead of absolute values, so I wasn't sure
Damn. Caveman really did quit.
@JasperLoy: The popularity of PSTricks is decreasing as the time goes.... google.com/trends/…
@robjohn Points?
@PeterTamaroff He did. Do you know why?
@PeterTamaroff $\langle\dots\rangle$
@robjohn Probably because of criticism. Kinda weakish! =/
@robjohn I don't understand? I wrote $\langle a\rangle$, not $\langle \dots \rangle$
@PeterTamaroff yeah. Someone mentioned something like that on meta
@κρανίοπεριπολία Sorry for the late answer but both answers made sense to me
@MichaelCorleone If some Caveman comes asking you to do him a classic Godfather favour, please refuse.
@PeterTamaroff $\langle\dots\rangle$ was demonstrating points, not what you wrote
@PeterTamaroff :).
@PeterTamaroff Remember that turnover isn't always bad. Some quits are net wins.
@robjohn Could you take a screenshot? I don't understand... =/
@PeterTamaroff like $|\dots|$ is absolute value
@robjohn Well, it is order of the element in this case.
Do you use $o(a)$ instead?
I don't like it.
@HenningMakholm Hmmm. The guy did share some nice stuff, though.
@HenningMakholm Do you like my answer?
@PeterTamaroff Where?
@HenningMakholm here
@MichaelCorleone What I'm saying is does one answer seem to be more "basic" than the other?
@robjohn OK, so?
@PeterTamaroff There are $|\dots|$ on the left and $\langle\dots\rangle$ on the right. I didn't know if that had something to do with the lack of the $=1$ on the left
@robjohn Oh, I see.
Hi, there used to be a PavelM on math.stackexchange (now "user53153") that I'd like to acknowledge, but he seems to have disappeared. Anyone knows his name and/or contact ?
@PeterTamaroff I would share Robjohn's confusion if I hadn't just seen your explanation.
$\langle a\rangle$ denotes the (cyclic) subgroup generated by $a\in G$. In particular, the order of $\langle a\rangle$ is equal to the order of $a$. Since the groups are finite, the left part is the same as the right part.
This may call for an explicit explanation such as "where (notation) means the order of $a$".
@HenningMakholm Yes, you're right.
He is rarely mistaken.
@HenningMakholm I edited.
@PeterTamaroff You can't get points for suggested edits any more. I think that up until 20K edits to tag wiki are suggested
I also think stating the definition of "primitive root" explicitly (given that the OP didn't bother to) might be helpful. -- I intuitively tend to think of "primitive roots" simply as e^{2\pik/n} where k is coprime ...
@PeterTamaroff I think I got 20-40% of my suggested edit credit between 10 and 20K
@HenningMakholm I see.
@HenningMakholm That's what I would assume
any one knows PavelM ? :s
the project euler questions shouldn't be on this page why is there a project euler tag ?
@WhitAngl Nope, sorry.
I'd also write the "\iff"s out in words, because the equivalences are part of your logical argument, rather than a formula you're arguing about.
:s ok. He seemed to have a rather high reputation but his account has been removed apparently. I'll repost the question later in case someone comes. (or any other idea to get his identity?)
@HenningMakholm Is that standard agreement? That is, words versus symbols in proofs?
@charlie huhu
@DominicMichaelis The times it has been discussed on meta, there hasn't been any solid consensus to wither forbid or welcome these questions. Tagging them is the next best thing, which nobody objects to.
@DominicMichaelis hello
@κρανίοπεριπολία Hello
@WhitAngl I just do it out of lazyness. =P
oh ok, but i will go sleeping now
good night
@DominicMichaelis Good night! Gute nacht
@Charlie Hello, how are you?
@κρανίοπεριπολία I'm fine, and you? :P
@Charlie Fine thanks.
@κρανίοπεριπολία Great!
@PeterTamaroff: Finally, I know :-)
@PeterTamaroff I could say yes, but it's possible that it's more of a personal preference. I feel proofs are easier to understand when the logical structure of the proof itself is written out in words. Using symbols looks like you're asking me to consider this-or-that formal object.
@PeterTamaroff what do you mean ?
@Charlie I haven't seen you for awhile?
@κρανίοπεριπολία yes! it's been a long ago...
@robjohn Hehe.
It's been a long time since I Rock n Rolled
can anyone familear with the dirichlet hyperbola method help me here
is there such a way to find GCD using congruence system
what do you mean
@pourjour you could try to find the minima over the two varriable diophantine equation $ax+by$ in x and y using modular arithmetic, this should be the gcd(a,b)
to be clearer
Q: Elementary Number Theory.. If a divides..

Pink PandaIf $a \mid (2c+3d)$ and if $-a \mid (c+d)$ then show that $3a \mid 3c$. The only progress I can say I've made is that the question is basically asking to show that $a \mid c$, because the $3$ is only a constant.

I find this
now I'm looking for reference for cramer's rule
@pourjour it might be simpler when doing dividisibility questions like that to write them out using modular arithmetic so instead of $a\mid b$ write $b\equiv 0$ mod $a$
this way all the simple tools youve proved that apply to modular arithmetic
can now be used on your other problem
ok here is an example
I just noticed the irony that the first question ever where I've actually responded "tl;dr" is entitled "Very quick question related to blah blah blah".
Chudnovsky is da bawz $${1 \over \pi } = 12\sum\limits_{k = 0}^\infty {{{{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}\left( {6k} \right)!\left( {13591409 + 545140134k} \right)} \over {\left( {3k} \right)!{{\left( {k!} \right)}^3}{{640320}^{3k + 3/2}}}}} $$
@Peter Tamaroff didn't the chudnovsky brothers both come up with it
@Ethan I never said they didn't.
Hmm, does this count as a duplicate of the Batman question or not?
@HenningMakholm Oh, please mark it as a dupe.
I just edited my 4 questions for some minor reasons. Now I am done with editing my questions. Moving on to answers next.
@jasper HIII!
Note that one can edit at most 5 old posts a day, so this should not cause too much disturbance via bumping.
do you know any ressource where can I learn the cramer's rule and modular
@Charlie Hey hey.
@JasperLoy :D
@κρανίοπεριπολία oh what happened?
Nothing, that's my mean square impersonation.
@Cтарый Джон Hi!
Hi @CтарыйДжон how are you?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Hi! - Fine here, thanks - how are you?
@CтарыйДжон how are you?
@CтарыйДжон Fine thanks.
long time no see
@pourjour do you need help with anything?
here someone used cramer's rule
I need a lesson in how to use in such cases
@pourjour assalaamu alaykum
You want me to explain to you how math gems gave his answer?
@CтарыйДжон 3alaykom ossalam warahmato allah
@Ethan yes
@pourjour Sorry, I don't understand his answer either, I could give you a different answer, but I am not really that familear with linear algebra, you should just post a comment asking him what he did or what you don't understand
@CтарыйДжон I thought only Muslims can say it.
@JasperLoy I have Iranian friends who are not muslims who also say it ... but also, how do you know I am not a muslim?
@CтарыйДжон Just guessing there, and making small talk.
@JasperLoy no problem :)
@CтарыйДжон But now that we are at it, are you Muslim?
@pourjour Wait no I have it pourjour
@pourjour here one sec let me show you what he did
@JasperLoy Aha! - that will be my secret :)
@Ethan ok
@CтарыйДжон Sure, just like I have many secrets!
@JasperLoy Indeed!
@CтарыйДжон Have I told you my beliefs about the God in Islam, Christianity and Judaism?
@JasperLoy yes yes yes
@JasperLoy Nobody cares!
I believe this God exists, but he did not create the universe.
@JasperLoy You have told me about your beliefs in Buddhist texts - not sure about the other religions

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