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@caveman our teacher give us just few rules to use
I couldn't also understand this
$\rm\ \color{#C00}{(a,bc)} = (a,ac,bc)$
is that also a rule
(a,ac,bc) = (a,(a,b)c) = (a,bc)
so (a,bc)=a,c
so we back to later problem (a,c) = (a,bc)
how to show that
we need to proev (a,c)=1
see u tomorrow
why don't you work through it
i wonder why you accepted an answer you dont understand
@caveman I will try tomorrow because I feel bad at the moment
thanks BTW
im here to ask questions if you get stuck
@caveman thank you :)
@caveman Have you studied automata theory?
only the basic definitions
Have you seen self reproducting automata?
looks like a good read
von neumann is the man
I got his book.
I'm gonna learn automata and then read his book.
I might read the paper soon
Id ont think you need to know about automata to read it
I feel deeply interested in these self reproducting automata.
Yeah, but I'll read to figure out what's it about.
I guess there's something beuatiful in it. But it's only a gut feeling
The previous comment was posted 3 years ago.
I've heard about Golly too.
^ animated
Game of life, eh?
I posted answer about mobius function
@caveman you sure seem to have
you dont think it's good?
haha, no, it's fine. it's just amusing that there's two.
oh right
I described two different approaches
ugh I got a comment on one
this is the most annoying comment math.stackexchange.com/questions/342193/…
he's stopped people upvoting me, and I got a downvote too because of it
I tried to talk to him in chat about it but he ignored me
unnecssary bossing people about
he should post his own answer if he actually cares
rather than detracting from others
@caveman i don't understand what he's on about
yeah me neither
goddamn it
i can't get the tex right for the identity matrix here
this is why I don't do matrix math
for real
you know, it's sort of embarassing
but it still takes me a million years to actually compute matrix multiplication
even for 2x2 I just use PARI/gp
yeah, mathematica here
i can't wait to take more linear algebra in grad school my intuitive understanding of it is terrible
If I want to 3 digit chop pi^2, do I square the true value of pi then chop, or do I multiply 3.14*3.14 then chop?
chop pi to log(2*10^3*6) digits then square it then chop to 3
@AlexanderGruber It is perfect to study Set Theory!
Only six upvotes away from 20k...
@PeterTamaroff cantor comes in at 1:01
Why did I get no upvotes here? @AlexanderGruber What do you think of my answer?
@caveman Why log(2*10^3*6)? Is there a definition for this?
I just came up with that
@caveman Did you see my answer?
Is there something wrong with it?
to what
it's wrong
@caveman Where?
I changed my mind its fine
@caveman Oh, but what made you doubt?
hen you said G_n is C_n
@PeterTamaroff i like it man, better than all the others
@caveman What do you note by $\Bbb G_n$?
@AlexanderGruber Did you upvote?
@caveman So you didn't upvote? =(
@AlexanderGruber Hehe, I like the comment.
My rep is now similar to 1945. Quite a year, huh?
@AlexanderGruber Did you ever read about the following construction?
no I dont like it
@PeterTamaroff you must mean that Diane Sawyer was born
Let $\prec $ be a preorder on a set $A$.
Define an equivalence relation $\sim$ on $A$ by $$a\sim b\iff a\prec b\vee b\prec a$$
Consider the quotient set $A/\sim$.
Then we can define an order on $A/\sim$ by $\hat a\leq \hat b$ whenever $a\prec b$ for some $a\in\hat a $ and some $b\in \hat b$.
In particular, if this happens $a\prec b$ for any pair $(a,b)\in \hat a\times \hat b$, so in some sense we produce disjoint sets of upper and lower bounds.
@PeterTamaroff, I've posted an answer that I do like
Everything else on hat page is far too strange and complicated
:8696930 Right.
ah yes i see. i think maybe i have seen this in physics in approximation theory.
@AlexanderGruber Yes, indeed. We produce a (partial) order on $A/\sim$.
@PeterTamaroff, hello
@caveman Aha?
were you just begging for upvotes or did you want to discus that question
I posted an answer for you
@caveman Yeah...I saw the comment... not called for...
@caveman I wanted to know if there was something that made my answer unupvotable.
@amWhy, thanks amy
@PeterTamaroff, it's needlessly complicated and strange
@caveman Really?
I have posted the true answer
Whatever suits you...
@PeterTamaroff which question? I'm not getting any upvotes tonight, either... :-(
@PeterTamaroff did you see it
@caveman Yeah.
@PeterTamaroff Do you understand the comment here math.stackexchange.com/questions/342168/…
@caveman Yep. I plead guilty. I had upvoted but then changed my mind so I edited to unvote =D
Scumbag me!
that's really annoying, you shouldn't do that
I've seen you make these pointless trivial edits before
@caveman Not really. I edited one of your answers cause it was lacking punctuation, for example.
upvote for you each... ;-)
So I actually made a pointless answer pointfull.
what's wrong with pointless trivial edits? that's basically half of what i do here.
@caveman Did you do that to one of my posts?
@amWhy, I don't think so
oops, I meant @Peter
I cannot believe people keep using "proof" and "prove" interchangeably.
the worst is derive instead of differentiate
I can't stand that
@caveman Well, but that is because in spanish we say "Derivar".
mm but that only excuses the spainish
That is, "Differentiate a function" is "Derivar una función".
@caveman Sure.
@amWhy Where?
@amWhy Do what? Minor edit to unvote? Nah, it's the first time I do it.
Occasionally I've lost an upvote...
@PeterTamaroff good to know..I upvoted your answer, and caveman's too...
@amWhy is it from old posts? sometimes that happens to me when things get deleted
@AlexanderGruber Ohhh, that might explain it. Yes, it's usually from old posts. Not often, but bothersome. As long as it's not personal, I guess I can live with it.
hey, has anybody ever seen additive notation used for direct sums/products of abelian groups?
@PeterTamaroff I see that you just got 20k, congrats!
like i'd write $(\mathbb{Z}_2)^3$ or $\mathbb{Z}_2^3$ instead of $\mathbb{Z}_2\times\mathbb{Z}_2\times\mathbb{Z}_2$
but maybe i should be writing $3\cdot\mathbb{Z}_2$ or something
that's crazy
@julien I see that you now have 15k, congrats!
@AlexanderGruber Hmm, curious.
@amWhy how was your day
@jasper :D
@jasper :D
Hmm, maybe I should delete my account soon.
@caveman so-so, again. @Jasper :^D
@JasperLoy NOOOOO
Why is everyone smiling at me today?
$$\delta(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{itx} \, dt$$
I dont get this
This isn't valid for Lebesgue integral is it?
@JasperLoy YES!!!!
@JayeshBadwaik I said maybe, so I was serious.
I have become rather unhappy about a number of things on this site.
@JasperLoy :-?
@JasperLoy Like what?
@amWhy That is my secret.
@JasperLoy Ahh. Sorry then.
By the way guys, I just found the best lecture notes on complex analysis online.
@JasperLoy send me an email...Have you read my email, tonight? ;-)
@JasperLoy is it that rep-crack? are you losing control of your life?
Check out the notes by Michael E Taylor and Wilhelm Schlag on complex analysis, they cover riemann surfaces as well.
@AlexanderGruber I lost control of it the day I was born. That was a very sad day...
@PeterTamaroff I totally love that picture Pedro.
@AlexanderGruber who or what is "that rep-crack"
@JasperLoy Share, share!
@PeterTamaroff I will provide the link here just for you, hang on...
@JasperLoy Thanks
I'm leaving now.
Bye byes, peoples of the math.
@PeterTamaroff Good night!
@amWhy grade-A uncut columbian reputation, carnal as the red in the up arrow.
hey @Ethan
@Ethan, look at my two answers math.stackexchange.com/questions/342241
Guys, I just discovered an orange square on this site.
The coloured squares are taking over MSE...
@PeterTamaroff adios holmes
@Ethan, also how to prove the ramanujan sum is always an integer?
@AlexanderGruber got it...hahahaha!
If, $c_q(n)= \sum_{a=1}_{(a,q)=1}^{q}e^{2\pi i\frac{a}{q}n}$
@caveman then $c_q(n/d)$ counts the roots of unity where a,q have a common factor of d
I don't understand
one sec
I messed up it should be q/d
1 sec
Oh god it was quite an ordeal for me to figure out how to get the network to recognize that I have enough rep to chat.
@user67848, that is so annoying
@JasperLoy @JasperLoy Thanks. This website is addictive...
Using the special case $c_q(1)=\mu(q)$ shows the sum of the primitive qth roots of unity is equal to $\mu(q)$, also if you use a similar argument there you can get sums of the form $$\phi(n)=\sum_{k=1}^n\gcd(k,n)e^{2\pi i k/n}$$ Where $\phi(n)$ is eulers totient function
Very nice!!!!
@ the two sheets
that even proves its multiplcative
lol. I got a badge for upvoting.
yeah you get lots of silly badges when you join
Cool. Does one get privileges from having lots of badges?
@user67848 feature request please :)
@AlexanderGruber Hm.. What privileges have yet to be implemented?
@user67848 gosh, i don't know. maybe if you have a lot of badges you should be allowed to make up some new ones.
@AlexanderGruber Yes, I would form the "badge ordinals": i.e. badge badges, badge badge badges, etc.
@AlexanderGruber IIRC, one day, when some people are discussing group theory, you appeared, saying: my third eye tells me that someone here is discussing group theory, right?
And I am interested in knowing how did you know!
Thanks for any explanations. :D
@awllower clairvoyance badge
Forgive my ignorance: I knew not about this badge before.
@awllower if you did, you'd have it. :)
I see.
@AlexanderGruber The clairvoyance badge must be visible only to other owners of it.
What does it mean for an algebraic set to be defined by two polynomials f,g? I.e. is it the zero set of the ideal generated by f and g or is it the union of the zero set of f and the zero set of g?
@user67848 @user67848 exactly as one would expect
@user67848 what's the context?
@AlexanderGruber A problem in Hartshorne's algebraic geometry defines $Y$ to be the algebraic set in $\mathbb A^3$ defined by $x^2-yz$ and $xz-x$.
@user67848 yeah it's just the zeroes shared by both polynomials
@user67848 so you need $x,y,z$ so that $x^2-yz=xz-x=0$
@AlexanderGruber Ok, thanks. :)
I'm not getting any (or many) upvotes tonight! Why do I let that get to me!?
It's midnight, my time, and I hate going to bed without much in the way of rep...I've become a night-owl as a result...and worthless in the early a.m.!
@caveman What time is it where you are?
5a m
im bored
@caveman Did you stay up all night?
caveman how old are you
@caveman You must be in Europe, yes? East Coast US is an hour ahead of me...so
@caveman The sum of the digits in your age is the time where you are. Coincidence?
@user67848 lol
its also a prime
Hah, the sum of the digits in my age is the time where I am :-)
So is your age, Ethan!
my birthdays in october
@amWhy why do you say that?
@Ethan I just meant that age is temporary ;-)
amwhy how old are you
Can I bet 39?
what kind of music do you guys listen to
I like mathrock and older punk. You?
can I listen to some of it?
Here's an old punk song I've been listening to recently: youtube.com/watch?v=Q2ICpPhRE2M
@Ben No! hardly!
@amWhy Isn't it a little past 12 in Wisconsin? I couldn't think of another suitable age whose digits sum to 12.
@Ben I was teasing...thinking of midnight as 00:00 ;-)
:8699009 there you go! I'm a prodigy!
@amWhy Are you a grad student at Wisc?
@Ben yes...ABD...on a bit of a sabbatical!
@amWhy May I ask at what campus?
@Ben Madison
Oh cool, amazing school I hear.
@Ben Yeah, it is. It's an amazing city, too!
@amWhy you're 70?
@AlexanderGruber 71, to be exact ;-)
lol no
you are not
@Ethan you're right, I'm not 70 or 71...not anywhere near there!!
are you really?
Am I really what? 70? no...71...no...just teasing.
its a no
when he says evaluate
in closed form
what does he have in mind?
maybe it's a hypergeometric function
@amWhy are you 8?
@AlexanderGruber How'd you figure that out? Darn, now it's not a secret!
26? 35? 44? 53? 62?
@AlexanderGruber Okay, so let's just say I skipped a few grades in school... ;-)
It's now 1:00 a.m. here, so I guess now I'm 100.
I'm probably going to need to think about getting some sleep...I'm not getting anywhere on main...I'll just have to go to sleep feeling defeated :-(
need questions?
Questions, upvotes, questions, did I say upvotes? ;-) I spent too much time tonight on more trivial questions...and too much time for OP's who put in little effort.
I didnt realize it until after
@caveman Yo! Where's the Ph.D?
@caveman Yes, that happens.
if a group has a normal subgroup $X$ which is nilpotent so that each sylow subgroup of $G/X$ is cyclic or generalized quaternion, why would this prove that the fitting length of the group is bounded by $4$? @amWhy @caveman
@caveman hahahahaha!!
I want to be a rich idiot.
I'm looking up fitting length now
@amWhy Are you antropomorphic?
oh: group is solvable also
I think that's too difficult fo r me
i think it has to be a frobenius complement or something but i'm blankin'.
@GustavoBandeira Not sure what you're asking...I looked up anthropomorphic, but also saw the connotation for a similar word in Spanish that has to do with psychology?
so equivalently, every sylow subgroup of a group quaternion or cyclic should imply fitting length bounded by 3
Basically, it's human form.
something has to be metacyclic
But yes, it's related to something in psychology. If you're not looking for physical form.
Woody does not have a human form, but it shares some behaviors.
Antropomorphic woody - it could be.
Okay...got you...that's kind of what I thought. Yes, of course, I am of human form...Yes, I understand I think. Attributing human thought/feeling/behaviors to non-humans
What have you learned?
@GustavoBandeira Is it because of my "smiley" question mark: yes indeed, antropomorphic "questioning smiley"
@GustavoBandeira What have I learned in my life? Oh, my, do we have a few years to talk ;-)
If you could generalize, what would you say?
@GustavoBandeira Wow...that's a tough one. I'm pretty sleepy right now. I have learned humility. That's says a lot, in general.
I'm sleepy too
But I have to get a few things done.
@GustavoBandeira I would say that I cannot generalize in general.
@AlexanderGruber Sorry @Alexander: I got sidetracked, and truth is, my brain is pretty worn out. I need to eat, then sleep. Sometimes I resent being embodied as a human being, subject to the need for food, and sleep, etc.
@amWhy no problem. let me know if you figure it out.
(this is a genuine question, not a puzzle. should pop out of the definitions though, guy states it without proof.)
luckily i am not a human being so i will remain not sleeping here
@AlexanderGruber Oh, my! Have we a deity among us?!
@amWhy possibly :p
@AlexanderGruber ;^)
finite p-groups are solvable. a cyclic or a generalized quaternion has a unique p-group, so that is one unit in the fitting length of 4.
G -> X -> Q -> P
G is the original group, X is the normal subgroup
P is the finite p-group
Q is the cyclic or generalized quaternion
I am missing something here but the idea seems okay, let me see.
what about the action between the Sylow subgroups?
what about it? I am not comfortable with actions. I was thinking of using canonical homomorphism to some effect.
well, our $X$ is going to be either $F(G)$ or a subgroup of $F(G)$, so if we have $\ell_F(G/x)=3$ then we have $\ell_F(G)=4$ in the former case and $\ell_F(G)=3$ in the latter
so really we just need to prove that $\ell_F(\overline{G})=3$ whenever $\overline{G}$ has only cyclic or gen. quart. sylow subgroups.
when we take $F(\overline{G})$, say it's divisible by $q$ - i don't see why the condition implies that $\overline{G}/F(\overline{G})$ shouldn't have a Fitting subgroup divisible by $q$ also (i.e. it may not take the entire Sylow $q$-subgroup)
(i can certainly prove this is true for $\ell_F(G)\leq 5$)
yeesh - i'll think about it tomorrow, i am sleepy
thanks man
ah finally the 1990 of xkcd worked for me :D
(the first tower crashed)
sry 1190
i don't know how that tower gets destroyed but it does some time
> var r = Math.round(Math.random() * 55);
n("reloading in", r + 5, "seconds"), setTimeout(function () {
t("reloading"), setTimeout(function () {
}, 5e3)
}, r * 1e3)
thats cheating :D
im trying to cheat but its not working
I downloaded the image js
looks like I have to send something to the event source
it seems there is a randomizer
out of every 7 times
the tower will break once may be
i saw the destroyed one
i heared a story about david from tex.se. he answered a question, not by looking in the documentation, but directly going to the source code ...
sometimes that's the best method
i write numerics today -.-

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