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@Karl'sstudents Karly, are you there?
@Charlie Hahahahaha :)
@Argon HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Charlie Hi!
@Argon how was your shabbat?
@Charlie Good! And yours?
@Argon I talked to skull, did some work, listening to Classic 80's rock and infected mushroom
@Charlie Hahaha I see you are listen to Infected Mushroom :)
@Argon yep :)
Did some integrals! :)
@Argon YAY!
nnnnha caps
@Charlie Yep, awesome!
I will be back in a bit, dinner!
@Argon ooooookaY have a yummy dinner!
So many newbies lately...
@Charlie Why are talking about me?
Hello. Need some help with this question:
Q: Properties of $g$ satisfying $f(x,x)[\nabla_{x}^{2}g(x,y)]_{x=y}+2[\nabla_{x}f(x,y)]_{x=y}\cdot[\nabla_{x}g(x,y)]_{x=y}=0$ for all $f$

beckoSuppose that $g:\mathbb{R}^{2n}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is a function such that: $$f\left(x,x\right)\left[\nabla_{x}^{2}g\left(x,y\right)\right]_{x=y}+2\left[\nabla_{x}f\left(x,y\right)\right]_{x=y}\cdot\left[\nabla_{x}g\left(x,y\right)\right]_{x=y}=0$$ holds for all $f:\mathbb{R}^{2n}\rightarrow...

@becko Just wait a little for someone to answer it.
@GustavoBandeira Greetings! I don't think Charlie was referring to you, Gustavo! You're not a "newbie" ;-)
@amWhy I'm not?
But I'm not studying Atropogenical bananolitic carpet theory of bieberbach spaces on suplatomic integers.
Or something with a similar name.
@GustavoBandeira No, I think not. There were a lot of "newbies" in chat, but also newish to main.
Oh, I was saying that I'm a noob at maths.
@GustavoBandeira No, I don't think you're a newbie (to math), or, rest assured, most everyone here is a "noob" at math. You're certainly not asking "newbie-ish" questions, rest assured!
But no reason to get happy. Just to study more.
what kind of calculator would it be wise to use, if I wanted to solve large systems
of equations*
anyone here good with linear algebra?
Well. I guess a computer with scilab, sage, dunno.
@Ethan But is it for exams?
Im trying to prove a function is always bounded as s->1
And I have the relation
oh nvm its to hard to explain
Did you ask in the main?
no point lol
I am just wasting my time, I should be studying somthing
@GustavoBandeira Brilliant.
What does "user was removed" mean?
@becko ?
@AndrewSalmon Someone was deleted.
From the database.
Oh...and their upvotes disappear?
Don't know.
If $$\frac{1}{2}\pi(\sqrt{n})+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{p\leq n}\pi(\frac{n}{p})=\sum_{pq\leq n}1$$, and $\pi(n)\sim \frac{n}{\ln(n)}$, how is $\sum_{pq\leq n}1\sim \frac{n\ln(\ln(n))}{\ln(n)}?$
@AndrewSalmon Yes
@AndrewSalmon When a user is removed, users who earned reputation from their upvotes lose it. The question and answers remain, but you lose the points :-(
@amWhy it seems like a more common event than I would suspect. How does this happen? Why would a user be removed?
@AndrewSalmon It goes in spurts. User removal, as I understand, is at the request of the user to delete his/her account.
3 years later...
It happens sometimes when a user "rage quits" due to feeling insulted, or dynamics on the site. Usually people who stray from math.se keep their accounts. Occasionally, it's for privacy reasons.
Three years from 7 days and 17 hours prior to the month beginning with the letter A last year...
This comment was removed because it severely violated our terms of service.
If $\sigma(n)$ is the divisor function, $$n=\sum_{k=1}^n \sigma(\gcd(k,n))e^{2\pi i k/n}$$
I thought you were lauging of my ignorance. =D
no at mine
No, you're good.
lol I know nothing
Of course you know, you always type things like:

@Ethan Are you from USA?
You're lucky.
I waste alot of paper
heres my room
I'm almost in the same situation. :P
only like half of it too lol
I want them to develop this stuff.
I want to cycle virtual papers in the computer, with my mind.
I almost bought one some time ago, I wanted to develop software with it.
I gave up on scanning things a while back
my printers broken I think
But this plan is kinda oniric, I probably wouldn't be able to build anything. :D
how old are you gustavo?
@Ethan My entire home resembles that! And I have very little surface area left that's free of books, journals, stacks of papers, folders, proofs, (and!) bills...kitchen table, no room to eat...kitchen counter? No room to use for cooking anything...Office? I can hardly walk in it! Sofa...more books. Coffee table...more journals...
@amWhy lol
@amWhy Same here.
I still have to share space with piano sheet music.
For me, it's guitar music...
nvm, not really
You play guitar?
(you could be a seller of guitar music).
I started to study piano when I was 19.
But I suck.
I played this last semester: youtube.com/watch?v=e7CKvbE-1Sg
Do you ever write your own music?
do you go to school?
help me with grou
@caveman With grou?
With p then?
@GustavoBandeira are you a grad student?
@Ethan Nope. I'm an undergrad.
what did you do after high school?
I don't know about group theory.
@Ethan Well, I didn't finish high school.
I found a way to finish it, without finishing it. :P
It was boring
lol how
same here, im very bored
I hate everyday
In Brazil, they have implanted a new competitive exam for examination, the ENEM. If you're 18 yo, and if you get a good grade at it, you can require your high school completition certificate. :P
I'm making music since I was 15 yo.
I made something kinda more mainstream.
I started studying math at around 15, only been at it for 2 years
Infact I never really enjoyed it before then
I was in one of the lowest k-12 classes during my freshman year, with kids who didn't pass algebra class in 8th grade
I just studied over the summer, and during the week
But as I grew up, I started to study music and I want some kind of new musicality.
They don't offer anything interesting at my school lol
Same here.
It's kinda impossible have something interesting at school.
Internet saved me
I wish I had discovered mse (and also that it existed) while I was younger.
@GustavoBandeira do you have a facebook or somthing?
send me a request, facebook.com/ethan.splaver
I don't really use it, photos are like 2 years old lol
Are you 17?
Mine are kinda recent.
I just don't take more photos because my ex-gf took my camera. :D
She said: "I'm going away, can I stay with the camera?"
I need a girlfreind or somthing, I don't really interact with anyone, its just a pain with my ocd, and then I have to worry about homework, etc
You'll be able to find one. You're pretty.
I"m not really sure on the usage of *pretty", because I'm a noob at english.
@caveman I have no idea about group theory, but I feel interested by it.
What's ocd?
obsesive compulsive disorder
I have to like read things a bunch of times
or touch my door nob, like 10 times before closing it
But do you think it's bad?
I mean, sometimes it could result in something like Erdos.
Well I check my math like twenty times, and say it aloud, so I don't normally make mistakes
This is kinda good.
I guess.
But usually, im so focused on reciting the words, I am not thinking about the math, so I make like a trivial mistakes
From my perspective, it is but I'm not in your skin so I dunno.
I take anti-deps for it, when im on them at first, I feel like im on top of the world
@GustavoBandeira Usually those of us with ocd find the obsessions/compulsions distressing. It's like being driven, not because you want to be, but have to be...
I get head aches too
I would love to have an ocd on maths and piano.
anti-deps = anti-depressants
not what I have lol
@GustavoBandeira Be careful what you wish for!
The kids next to me in class sometimes think I am crazy when I start saying what I write
I tell them though lol
Are you the strange in the class?
If that is true, we would be friends if we were in the same class.
All my nice friends were considered strange, me either.
My GF is strange. xD
I'm not sure if the terms I employed are perjorative.
If they are, I appologize.
I also take those lol
I took some anti-deps in the past.
But I guess the medic was kinda stupid...
He gave me anti-deps because I had a tic. (I still have).
How bad a tic?
@Ethan I didn't catch what you removed...
He thought I was depressed because of the death of my father, but I was peacefully with the event.
@GustavoBandeira what languages do you speak?
Portuguese and english
I tried to learn russian and german in the past.
But I'm not proeficient.
lol I know a little arabic
They write there integrands backwards lol
I've seen their alphabet somewhere.
what time is it, where you are?
lol, il show you my crapy apartment on google earth, sec
that looks nice
It's near my home.
I guess ~1km.
I went here last year,
10th grade*
How many grades to finish?
well im in 11th now
Nice. I loce nature.
I just signed up for an A.P test, should prolly study for s.a.t, but I don't think theres any point..
I never finish in time anyway cause I always repeat the answer to the question like 6 times before writing it
I will figure it out hopefully
sat is the exam to enter university, right?
They help alot with admission, or atleast im pretty sure
I might take a summer course at ucla, If I can get the financial aid
@Ethan Ethan, the SAT offers accommodations...you need to submit documentation, etc. from your doctor, but you can apply for extended time...I did that with the GRE and was allowed double-time for the test, for much the same reason as you.
@amWhy Really??
wow, i need to figure that out, before I sign up for the test this june
Summe course in what?
@GustavoBandeira Not sure, I think I might just take linear algebra, I think its best I take somthing beneficial, that I might not enjoy studying on my own
I have never really learned any math in person
mostly books, and I read those slow
So hopefully it will be easyier
@Ethan Yes, really. Go to the website, and find the bulletin...or registration form...there's usually links to "test-taking for students with documented "disabilities" ... I also got accommodations in college and grad school for extra time for tests.
@Ethan Do you watch you tube lectures?
how much notice do you need to get the acomodation?
@GustavoBandeira I watched khan academy for all my k-12 math education basicly, I learned some elementry number theory from a crapy book by silverman, looking at wikipedia articles, and just screwing around by myself
@Ethan start as early as possible...I think you could pull off an approved application for June, but don't delay.
@Ethan Watch some MIT OCW lectures, they're good.
@amWhy Thanks, let me write this down
There's also some lectures by NJ Wildberger.
@amWhy do you think I can get this for a.p tests too? or is it to late?
@amWhy I hate my councler at school, she doesn't know anything
@Ethan It might be too late, but you could always apply to take it again with accommodations. When are you scheduled to take the AP tests?
@amWhy I don't know I just submited a forum paying to take it
That's okay, you could still try, asap...usually the application and fees are submitted along with the request for accommodations. But I'd try calling the AP testing service, or sending a message/question on-line...
@amWhy thanks, il try this
@GustavoBandeira its 1:50 or so in the evening where you are?
@Ethan It's really worth it. Keep me posted when you see me around.
@amWhy thank you again, i will
@Ethan Yes.

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