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Granted, the most important stuff at conferences is the one to one conversations with colleagues who work far away.
Yes, that's what they taught in the 'presentation of mathematics' class which we had to take, to take transparencies as well.
Yes, but they have such '15 minute talks' usually where you can decide to go yourself (but need to send abstract, yes).
At another conference I laughed hard when a guy thought he had a cool result (which was close to things I worked one) and I just asked 'cool, so how did you solve <...>' and then he looked really scared.
And he was still sitting at that table at 2AM.
Then the bastard woke me up to notify that it still worked.
Not must be unsaid that I got him out for breakfast at 8 AM as well.
I would expect the your special session to be 30 minute talks. And...don't be cruel, to a love that's true.
Possibly heart that's true.
Ah - The King.
I feel like such a nOOb...
And what are you doing against that?
Well, from a variety of things you have said, it is clear that attending this conference is appropriate, and will be appreciated by colleagues. So it is a matter of getting the energy together, solving possible problems, having up to dtae passport, what have you.
I don't need a visum for Romenia.
Probably hardly a customs check either - when I get on the plane to see if I have any deadly machinery hidden in my pockets.
...I just learned the "This is a reply to an earlier message" feature here in chat :-(
Such a wonderful tale! How?
the one that high lites in yellow.
it can go back several days if you want
@GitGud Yo, wazzup?
@Argon Soooo...?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Hi, Skull
I currently have a bounty on one of m questions. It will expire on Sunday if I recall correctly. Is there a way to extend the deadline? What happens if I don't accept an answer by then? Will the bounty be manually awarded to someone or will it come back to me? Is it possible to let it expire and start a new one?
@OldJohn Did you see my challenge to Argon?
@PeterTamaroff Almost there. I have so far a gamma and beta function and a limit
@PeterTamaroff the integral?
I sense a $\gamma$
@OldJohn Yeah.
@κρανίοπεριπολία :D
@PeterTamaroff Yep - I saw it - but I have not done any integrals for years :)
I breathe integrals, kinda of.
I integrate it all, very singular objects too.
@κρανίοπεριπολία wassup?
@JonasTeuwen Hahahaha
Note that OldJohn is now
Cтарый Джон on main.
@Charlie Chillin', how are you?
I always thought education in NL kind of sucked, but it seems now that I've been more into contact with others, that abroad it often sucks even more.
@κρανίοπεριπολία Chillin' too
Jonas, we are trying to reduce today's discussion of sucking, after John's really unfortunate picture.
@PeterTamaroff $\varphi(k) = \gamma?$
@κρανίοπεριπολία did you read this?
@WillJagy Did he link to Wikpedia's page?
@Argon Yes! Proof?
@PeterTamaroff Informally :)
@Argon Look at $\varphi'(k)$, show it is $0$.
One part was almost $\Gamma(0)$
I have not seen the picture.
Was he sucking a melon?
@Peter, yep. And the first picture showed up here.
@JonasTeuwen you really don't want to
Don't tell me what I want 8-(.
I am almost 27, so I pretty much should be able to decide that for myself! 8-)).
It was essentialy $\lim_{n \to -1}\frac{1}{k} B(n/k+1/k, -n/k-1/k+1)-\Pi(n)$
@JonasTeuwen :))
@WillJagy WOW. Wikipedia's page on "fellatio" is amazingly explicit!
@PeterTamaroff Wikipedia teaches you something every day eh.
'It's amazing! I have learnt so much today, just from one page on Wikipedia!'.
$$\lim_{n \to -1} \frac{1}{k}\pi \csc \left(\frac{\pi (n+1)}{k} \right) - \Pi(n)$$
@Argon $\Pi(n)=\Gamma(n-1)$?
well, autofellatio. I have no idea why they have exact pictures. I really like their original picture for cameltoe, the current one not so much.
@PeterTamaroff Yes
@Charlie Did you know about the feature here in chat that high-lights a message in yellow?
But your way is much more elegant
I see what you did
Differentiate, show it is constant
then let $k=0$ or something
@Argon Let $k=1$.
@κρανίοπεριπολία yup
This must be like the most beautiful ever thing.
@PeterTamaroff And then 1.5 de.wikibooks.org/wiki/… :D
@Charlie It even goes back several days.
@PeterTamaroff Neat! Was this for something?
@WillJagy Do you recall the proof that the order with which a prime $p$ divides $n!$ is $$\sum \left\lfloor \frac{n}{p^m}\right\rfloor$$?
Moskau, Moskau!
@Argon Nah.
If my spine were not killing me, I'd be dancing my balls off.
@JonasTeuwen You're not getting better?
@PeterTamaroff I recall that too
@PeterTamaroff No. Damaged it is.
@OldJohn Right. Note that for any two $m<n$, the number of multiples of $m$ less than $n$ is the set of naturals for which $km<n$, so there are $\lfloor n/m\rfloor$ such numbers.
Now $n!=n(n-1)(n-2)\cdots 1$
My father got pissed off (phone) 'be positive', then I said 'be realistic' (with some argumentation) and he shut up.
@JonasTeuwen You can be both optimistic and realistic.
@JonasTeuwen, officially the local committee handles abstracts, but in your case that is the two organizers you already know about, imar.ro/ams-ro2013/description.php and imar.ro/ams-ro2013/HarAnalApp.php and imar.ro/ams-ro2013/abstract.php and they prefer you contact an organizer before doing that, deadline for abstracts is March 31, so two weeks.
@PeterTamaroff rarely
Yes, but 'everybody becomes better' is hardly an argument.
@WillJagy Holy cow 31 March, but I have to prepare a bit. Say, make sure my advisor is not pissed at me and give him a call to approve.
@PeterTamaroff yep
Thanks for reminding.
Hi @JasperLoy
Two months? I knew they were slow there, but that slow... 8-).
@OldJohn Now there are John, Jonas and Jasper, QED.
@PeterTamaroff Because you run into the problem of being overly optimistic.
@JasperLoy On main, my name has changed - but not in here, for some reason
Wait - What?
@OldJohn Needs to sync databases I suppose.
Notice that the number of letters is in arithmetic progression: 4, 5 and 6.
@JonasTeuwen I guess - but it has been a couple of hours so far ...
@JasperLoy yes - I am the least, of course :)
I will teach all of you how to sync!
First one must log out everywhere.
@OldJohn Did you close the window?
nope - will try that
Should work.
Then one must log in to the main site, and after editing profile, go to meta, and then log in to the network profile, and then sync network profile to the site, and then log in to chat profile, and then reassociate chat profile to the site.
@JasperLoy Hmm - too much - I will leave it as it is :)
After doing all that correctly, everything will be instantly correct!
This is from my experience of doing this 9000 times!
Time I got some sleep - g'night all!
@OldJohn Good night.
@Jonas, you can always call it by any title and then the body just says We report on progress in the XYZ problem, which began as an offshoot of...Anyway, the signs are that the organizers would be fairly happy to hear from you.
Mm, that always works yes.
@WillJagy I see we have the same red now.
And then say 'the connection with the abstract will be clear towards the end of the talk'.
At the end you say 'is joke'.
Jonas, that's about right, although you want to throw in some buzzwords in the middle.
Black Holes!
Quantum Nano Holes! Hell yeah!
Bionanoblackholes with non-principal value singularities!
@OldJohn My goodness, we can't ping you now after the change!
They will be completely apathic after hearing so much awesome.
I need to get a Russian keyboard!
@OldJohn Good night.
@JonasTeuwen He has fallen asleep long ago...
Sectorial analytic semigroups for real.
@JonasTeuwen Sounds like a not serious title.
But some people like such titles, not me though. I am too serious.
You don't like sectorial analytic semigroups?
Jon Voight once talked about something Irving Kaplansky and i did, he called it the IJK conjecture.
I would not call my book "The Joy of Sets" for example.
@WillJagy OMG!
I like the Cox-Zucker Machine.
wehich is funny because of the ABC conjecture, you see
It's pretty lame.
@WillJagy OIC!
'Exploding little star'
'Singular black holes'
What's the world without whimsy?
There is a BCH theorem in algebra and also a BCH code, very funny...
'What the Fock is a Fock space'
I used that one once.
My advisor was like... b*#*# will you please change the title before anybody sees it?
@JonasTeuwen HAHAH
Also, there are so many theorems that go by the name Frobenius!
@Jonas, I am pretty tired too, in the afternoon nap sort of way. It would be nice if things were in shape by the end of the month, I do think sometimes it would make sense for your adviser and I to talk. Not sure, and I'm not sure what he would think of my interference. But it's an idea.
It might be, but the 'complicating' factor is how to introduce that.
@peter Did you see my lovely integral? It got only 5 votes, only...
@JasperLoy Where?
Why do ovens make the pizzas so BLISTERING HOT. So many engineers here and no solution for that problem? Jeez.
@JasperLoy Hehe. That is a good trick.
@PeterTamaroff Well, as you can see from the voting, not many people like it, sad...
I got some rather ad hoc arguments (for off-diagonal estimates) from a couple papers of my advisors and of others into something that only uses the analyticity angle of the associated semigroup - now it needs to be written.
Well it is. But by hand. Need to scan it the first thing in the morning!
Off to eat.,
After breakfast and coffee that is.
@amwhy I thought you were going to email me?
@JonasTeuwen I got some new meds yesterday.
@JasperLoy Of course...just haven't gotten around to writing any emails this past two days!
@JasperLoy Good!

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