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I want to prove something about geometry
we could not have minded even if we wanted to, you did not tell us the question. :-(
@JayeshBadwaik nevermind, not bigdeal
how does someone come up with such a weird question math.stackexchange.com/questions/331470/… ?
@caveman there is an OEIS sequence for it, surely it is not too weird. Certainly a high schooler can ask about it (if not a more higher level student)?
why is such a stupid thing on oeis?
it was added by this palendromist worldofnumbers.com/index.html
cool. :-)
they let me put all kinds of dumb stuff on there
@JayeshBadwaik, in the U.S. the CFL lamps are identified by several numbers. The more important one for me is the "Color Temperature." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… I buy the 6500 Kelvin which are called "Day Light" and are far more white than yellow. Most places carry 26 watt, which they say is similar to 100 watt incandescent (all this in standard U.S. 110-120 volt electric power). I did find some 32 watt, which they say is like 125 watt.
Is there way to get notified about updates on questions that aren't yours?
@Majid I think you can sucsribe to the RSS feed of that question.
They also sell oversize multiple tube bulbs for outdoor security lamps. My apartment building has such a lamp, 65 watts on a jumbo base, requiring a separate fixture.
@Majid You can favorite them
oh.. by clicking on the star?
I don't know how to subscribe to an RSS feed in ubuntu.. is that easy?
@WillJagy Yes. Color temperatures are mainly about the color of the light though. You can have brighter light which are more yellow than the whiter ones.
the star doesn't give updates though
I just want to be told if anything happens on that question
by getting an email preferably
you get one of the little red flags above your favorites if it gets modified though
Holy cow.
it's definitely not the best method of notification, just the only one i know of
@JonasTeuwen Hi
ah ok.. mathoverflow has a "notify me" box
@WillJagy I know a couple of people that go to Romania - I've asked them (also, the organizers I know, but they know me less, but their (former) students do!).
where you type in your email address
@Charlie Hi.
@JonasTeuwen whats up?
@JonasTeuwen That's might be a tautology to me. :-)
I had good math - finite speed of propagation -> off-diagonal estimates.
@JayeshBadwaik Yes.
maybe MSE could have that too?
But you say it to put more force in the words.
where do you send such suggestion?
@Majid put in a feature request on meta
ok.. will do
@Majid At the bottom of the page, you see a yellow icon besides "question feed". which is better I think. much more cheaper for the site. There are many RSS readers which you can choose, liferea being the most powerful.
the word "powerful" worries me :)
@JonasTeuwen, My impression is that people would be happy to see you at conferences. However, you did write something here in chat, maybe last week, indicating you were not travelling anywhwere at all in 2013, and hoping for Madrid in 2014.
I like easy to use :)
@Majid i use google reader for RSS
@AlexanderGruber Google Reader will go away soon.
didn't they just kill that?
@Majid Yes.
@JayeshBadwaik Really? why?
@Majid It is easy to use.
no profit I assume :)
goddamn it i just set that thing up.
I will check out liferea thanks
@AlexanderGruber I am not sure, may be some google+ integration thing. I never used it myself.
@AlexanderGruber Hehehe. It was out of the blue for sure.
feature request posted
I assume they use the same software?
in which case it should be trivial to do
not that I actually know where mathoverflow or MSE are hosted
@Majid no. MO is older version of SE.
Also, I am not sure they would implement that.
RSS feed is much better option for both site and users. Privacy + Cheap. (No Mail Server, no dynamic content required on page, etc etc.)
where are they hosted?
let me try it now
just to be clear
will lightread that needs your google account also die?
or just the google reader software?
I do not know what lightread is
Ohh, it is an RSS reader.
I think you can use Lightread directly for MSE.
"I enjoy using Lightread in Ubuntu 12.10. The thing is Google Reader is being shutdown and Lightread is a client for Google Reader, so it's feed will be cut of."
looks bad
that's a serious pain for those people who dedicated their time to write free software!
that is now being cut off
I am pretty sure that any service that depends on the Google reader API will stop working in 3 months - really annoying :(
one other thing.. I have a friend who has tried to remove their account
they filled in the form
but nothing happened
is this normal?
@OldJohn Yes. I was not sure if LightReader was exclusive google or just had google integration.
@Majid which form? which account?
I have moved my RSS feeds into Thunderbird as a temporary measure until I work out a sensible replacement
oh .. he has the wrong form :)
@OldJohn, Howdy.
how should he do it?
@Majid No Idea. Sorry.
his MSE account
@WillJagy Hi there
no problem
Hi @WillJagy @OldJohn how are you guys?
Fine, fine.
@κρανίοπεριπολία OK, thanks - should I say that again in Greek? :)
@OldJohn No, but thanks for asking :)
peripolia? perimeter patrolling?
I thought Kranio would be skull
I don't see how you get patrol out of peripolia
back to the drawing board
@WillJagy Yeah - that worried me a bit too
but it appears to be the correct Greek word for "patrol" surprisingly
polia = city, peri = around (I think)
@WillJagy Yes - but Romania might be okay.
so how do I add a question to my rss reader?
I am using liferea now :)
It's very easy to reach from here, need to skype with my advisor about it.
περιπολία, περίπολος, φρουρός
Perimeter:περίμετρος, περιφέρεια
But I have a couple of interesting (I think they are!) results which I can discuss with some people over there, and one had something he wanted to discuss with me 1-1.
I bet you like it Greek.
Oh really - what's your favorite text in Latin?
@Jonas, then I would certainly encourage you to go. I put in a fair amount of effort and my own money to go to San Diego, and it really was worth it. I do not know how much effort might be required on your part to get to Romania, but go if you can.
All expenses are covered, my project is funded by NWO (Dutch organisation for fundamentel research) and they are quite... nice.
Effort would be me actually doing it as usually I just need to ask the secretary...
As long as it is about the same price as NL, it is OK.
Well, fuck, just do it. I imagine you would go by plane, so make sure you have packed the right clothing and all prescriptions. If you can get your friend to tag along, so much the better, but I suspect you can go alone.
Yes, it would be by airplane of course, did that last year a couple of times too. Last one had to be cancelled, next one too 8-)).
cute, it did not tell me fried was mistyped because it is also a word
I am fried.
well, yes.
Wasn't Romania in March?
I think... 8-).
how do you get an rss feed for a question on MSE?
I can't see any help on where the feeds are
@Majid very near the bottom of the page the question is on
@WillJagy Even better!
just above the cc-wiki logo
That will be perfect.
got it
@WillJagy looks like your area: math.stackexchange.com/q/331557/32441
does anyone ever talk about math here?
Who are you?
@Majid I just did :)
@Majid, yes what are you interested in
random walks
one dimensional random walks
oh cool
where the probability of moving step +1 depends on the time taken
@DominicMichaelis :D
today i got 3 silver badges
I want to work out the expected time to reach some point
does anyone know any good resources for this?
that is for me to learn from
I dont know about that
I don't even really knnow what they would be called
time dependent random walks?
Is that an 'interest'?
The infinite-dimensional ones are more cool.
@OldJohn, cocksucker answered himself
@WillJagy That is annoying :(
does that mean he sucked his own ...
@κρανίοπεριπολία I was just trying to find the word for that!
Let's say he sucked his own question
Rather sad that I know there is such a word ...
@WillJagy There's a user named that?
@OldJohn Which word?
@OldJohn "..." has infinitely many meanings.
more math talk?
Darn - why did it post that image? :(((
I did not see that.
Jonas it's something I am interested in learning about
There actually was one named Harry Potter's Erect Nipples. No ideawhy the moderators allowed that. @OldJohn, saw the picture, no idea how I unsee that.
@OldJohn Quick, blame the foreigners!
did no one get banned for that?
I am impressed
What's wrong with Harry Potter having a good night swim? In the nude.
@WillJagy Yep - not sure I can either ...
Can be quite chilly once you get out.
Jonas, you are such an endearing child
I can't help it. I was born that way 8-(. 8-).
~o ~o ~o ~o ~o ~o
@JonasTeuwen Dementors are around my child, dementors are around. They suck your soul. (replace replace.)
Alright, sure, ovum.
~o ~o ~o ~o $\Huge\text{O}$
to scale
I asked a doctor 'is it possible to have blood drawn in Delft on a Saturday?' he said: 'only in case of emergencies, which is not the case.'. I was about to say: 'challenge accepted', but...
From cable series "House of Lies," Monica talking with her son Roscoe:

Monica to Roscoe: "Do you know what a golden shower is?"

Roscoe: "When it's sunny and it rains"

Monica: "Ah, that's magical"
@JonasTeuwen we have people in our neighbourhood prepared to draw blood on any day of the week ...
@OldJohn, I don't think we should encourage him
I can swallow plenty of those white thingies and call: 'Hi! I'd like to have some blood drawn.'. 'Sorry, we are closed now.'. 'It is an emergency!'.
I'll just wait until Monday.
Jonas, we figured out the "challenge accepted" part...
I can't read minds.
Well, maybe I can.
Does anyone bother reading this any more these days?
@JonasTeuwen that would be boring....listen to other's thoughts...
For instance: "I know that you will think in a couple of seconds 'don't put that flaming hot metal rod up my little star!'"
If you can't switch it off, it pretty much would, yes.
Better psychotic torturing voices than voices of idiots!
At least they are yours.
@JonasTeuwen yes
@κρανίοπεριπολία I am guessing that not many people read it in the original Latin
I did try reading the original version of Gauss's DA - and gave up after a couple of hours
@OldJohn me too
@OldJohn That's what I thought too.
@κρανίοπεριπολία I recently saw a copy of principia on sale in a bookshop (new edition) recently, and wondered how many they sell
What letter. Do. I. Need. To. Type. To. Tab complete. ^?
... ok later folks.
@κρανίοπεριπολία bye for now
@κρανίοπεριπολία Bye Skull!
@κρανίοπεριπολία Bye!
Okay. I have obsessed too long about the problem I've been working on. Although not completed, I don't think there is much further that it can be taken. Now I can consider other problems. Whew.
@JonasTeuwen how's life, Jonas? everything fine?
Do I have to answer that :|.
@JonasTeuwen no
@robjohn Do you know things about finite speed of propagation?
@Charlie Okay. How are you?
@robjohn MSE problem, or research problem?
@robjohn, I've been working on keeping ants out of the refrigerator.
@JonasTeuwen I'm fine, thanks
@JonasTeuwen you mean in solutions to differential equations?
@OldJohn MSE... I am not a research mathematician :-)
@robjohn Yes, I need to get off-diagonal estimates from that!
@WillJagy Now that is a worthy problem. We've had that in the past, but nothing in the last few years, thankfully.
@WillJagy Out of? Just put it a little bit colder, so the little bastard will FREEZE.
Pour some gasoline on them, and then a torch.
Plenty of ideas.
@JonasTeuwen I've never really looked into that stuff. I know that Stein did some in class, so there is probably something in his books.
@robjohn What is in his books I of course know.
@JonasTeuwen Fefferman did a bunch, too.
I got the finite speed of propagation of my case from a 2013 paper.
Sorry, December 2012.
Yes! I will go to a conference where he is, at least, that is the plan now.
@JonasTeuwen then I know of nothing more recent.
Yes, but I now need -> off-diagonal. 8-)).
@JonasTeuwen who is going to be there?
I have some things of Hoffmann and McIntosh.
@Jonas, all worthy ideas. And they do die if they get onto any food. The trick is to have them not reach the food. For now, I put the chicken half breasts in zipper plastic bags in the freezer, then put those in Mason jars in the refrigerator to defrost. Seems to be working.
Daubechies, Villani, Fefferman and a couple of others.
Ants can also be eaten, if they get in the fridge, to be better preserved that is even better.
@WillJagy to avoid the nastier poisons, we use window cleaner (the ammonia works well).
I guess that is what they mean with 'make effort into a virtue'.
Ammonia is quite nasty.
@JonasTeuwen It is safer for the kitchen and cleans up quite well. Plus, it is in a nice spray container.
Clean up ants and the kitchen at the same time!
My sister suggested actually cleaning the kitchen. I said "Now you're just talking crazy"
maybe it's a good idea
That's overkill.
It will get dirty anyway.
It's like trying to avoid having scratches on your new mobile phone.
After a while of handling it carefully, you're like yeah well fuq it.
The same holds for cleaning kitchens.
The best way to maintain a clean kitchen is to use it as less as possible. (My Way)
It's always good to clean
I hardly ever use it and it still gets dirty.
@JayeshBadwaik or clean everytime you use it...
The bastard seems to attract dirt.
Like, when I try to grab a plate - oh no - it is dusty.
@Charlie Yes. It amounts to same thing. $xy<1$ :-)
@JayeshBadwaik i already cleaned each tile
on the walls
they were shining
Come on it's not hard to clean a kitchen
it's not hard to clean a house
it can be boring
It can be time consuming.
but it's good to have it cleaned
A bottle of Scotch is good company.
@JonasTeuwen Excellent!
time I bought another Laphroaig
I had to retake the picture a couple of times as I forgot to remove some goodies.
I have four bottles.
Yes, you know, just SM goodies.
@JonasTeuwen your keyboard is dirty!
I store them on my desk.
@JonasTeuwen interesting ...
@JayeshBadwaik Yes.
What are you going to do about it huh?
@JonasTeuwen yes
I need a better place to live - new keyboard, and so on.
@JonasTeuwen good company? don't they complain a lot, say nonsense things?
Scotch never talks - it is very wise.
@JonasTeuwen aah
@JonasTeuwen i was going to buy one, but how it wont talk...
@JonasTeuwen People do talk to the scotch though.
And when they talk, dare you not to call them unwise. :-)
@robjohn Do you know if $$P.V.\int_{-\infty}^1 \Gamma(z)\, dz$$ converges?
What... have... you... tried... say... input... the... integral?
van Gogh had so much absinthe that it kind changed his vision of colours
That's more likely due to psychosis.
@JonasTeuwen Excuse me?
Associated with a mood disorder.
@Argon Since there are an infinite number of singularities, I don't think that the integral can be considered to converge.
@robjohn Thanks.
@Argon that integral is $\lim\limits_{L\to-\infty}\int_L^1\Gamma(z)\,\mathrm{d}z$
Maybe he wants the Hadamard finite part? 8-).
Good night guys, see yous
and that does not converge
Good night.
@robjohn Even in the principal value sense?
@Charlie Good night
@Argon Well, if you take out small intervals, that limit still does not exist.
@robjohn Ok, thanks again
@Argon You could try to make a definition to take the limit when $L\equiv\frac12\pmod{1}$.
@robjohn Robbie.
@robjohn So the bounds don't hit a singularity?
@Argon That limit might converge
@robjohn Interesting. I will try to see what it may be numerically
@PeterTamaroff Petie!
@Argon The resldues are summable, so it might work
@robjohn I had thought of that, but figure out what contour to use stumped me.
Why do you want to compute this integral?
There are many more interesting ones.
Curiosity. What makes this integral particularly uninteresting?
@Argon The residue of $\Gamma(z)$ at $z=-k$ is $(-1)^k\frac1{k!}$ if I am not mistaken.
Like: $$\text{p.v.}\int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{f(x - y)}{y} \text{d}y.$$
@robjohn Yep, that's right
Find for which functions that one converges 8-).
@robjohn I proved that!
@Argon So the sum of the residues is $\frac1e$
Say locally integrable.
@robjohn So the small half circles are $\frac{i\pi}{e}$, I got that
@robjohn I saw a very cool preprint which had like $\log \log \log \log$ and $e^{e^{e^e}}$.
@JonasTeuwen what were they trying to do?
@Argon I have a challenge for you.
Find, for any $k$, the value of
@PeterTamaroff Oh noes :)
$$\int_0^\infty \left(\frac{1}{1+u^k}-e^{-u}\right)\frac{du}{u}=\varphi(k)$$
@robjohn Carleson-ish theorems.
@Argon You'd look at the integral of $\Gamma(z)$ along $z=1+it$
@Argon That's that. No typos, certified.
Also $\phi$ is not Euler's $\phi$, just so that you can tell me
I will try.
"Hey, for all $k$, $\phi(k)=\cdots$"
@PeterTamaroff Are those Harmonic numbers - $\gamma$?
@robjohn Nope. SHUSH!
@robjohn I think I have shared that with you before.
I gotta run some errands. BBL
@robjohn Bye, thanks
@JonasTeuwen, you can send an abstract for Romania to the organizer on the web page. Then prepare a talk in Beamer, which should be fairly short. You can show fewer slides in a given time than one might expect, the real explanation is what you say in person.
I have some experience with that!
First week of April, I'll have a guest to work on a paper.
Good. Last time I did this, i made sure i had a detailed Beamer talk because I was out of practice, and wanted it all on slides in case my mind went blank. Not a bad idea, I just put in too much, and only one guy in the audience had any background in my field. Romania, you still want something prepared, but it seems they will have background you can assume.
Last time I just said... well fuq that and took some chalk.
Next time I should prepare that better.
Yes, there are quite some experts on time-frequency analysis there.
@robjohn Thanks for sharing.
If you are, umm, in practice talking about your results, that should work. My co-author Alex had a bunch of transparencies, you don't see that much anymore. But I had transparencies ready in case the Beamer thing fell through. Well, I'd be happy if you managed to go. Being that it's one session in a larger conference, if you do not send an abstract they may not have a time slot for you.

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