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@JayeshBadwaik I know, I was just wondering if they were returned differently. Java has some weird things with returning and passing in things like arrays vs. primitive data types.
@Argon Java is weird.
It is. I had to learn it for two semesters in school, +AP compsci.
Poor Kid. I learnt C, then Assembly, then C++ and python/haskell. Best languages for education ever I say. And competitors includes natural languages like Hindi, Marathi, German etc etc except English. :P
I taught myself PHP years back.. That was lots of fun. :)
@JayeshBadwaik The first language I actually got taught was SML
then assembly (they assumed you already knew C at this point)
Dynamic and weakly typed... so fun
@TobiasKildetoft Its a cool language too. if I was two to three years older, I might have learned SML instead of haskell.
As far as I know, the reason they used SML for that course was to make everyone start on an even footing (since it was unlikely that anyone would have done functional programming prior to starting uni)
I also learned Java at the same time as assembly, but the focus was more on learning object oriented programming than on the language (the general philosophy was than once you know one language, most others are easy enough to pick up)
thats a good point of view to take
That is very correct. I do not know anything about Java, but I can generally write good programs in it, by mapping my concepts from OOP to Java and watching out for differences.
@Jayesh Are you watching the match?! :O
@Ethereal I watched, why?
Good grief! I walk into the chatroom, and people are bashing Java! :O Why don't you like it? :D
@anorton No one is bashing Java! I just said once that it was weird.
oh. good. :) I like Java.
@JayeshBadwaik btw, I recall an old entry on the daily wtf where someone was apparently so fond of Java (or maybe it was VB) that he had made a header file for C that defined a bunch of stuff, allowing him to write things like "if ... then ... end if" and "for ... do ... end do"
@TobiasKildetoft FUUUUUU
I am not surprised though. I have seen similar projects by people.
A: What is the name of this operator: "-->"?

ArrietaUtterly geek, but I will be using this: #define as ;while int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int n = atoi(argv[1]); do printf("n is %d\n", n) as ( n --> 0); return 0; }

Look at the defs in that code
(just a short one, but really looks weird...
Hahahahaha. Trolled!
@JayeshBadwaik They went not out throughout the day
Since there seems to be some programmers here... have you guys heard of Project Euler?
@Ethereal Who went NO? I see 273/7.
@anorton Yup, I did a few
I find them pretty fun...
@JayeshBadwaik No, the Bihari Babuas vs. Jhansi Jhandus match.
@anorton Yes. Cool it is.
I took about 6 months to do around 40, then I introduced my friend to the site, and he knocked out around 100 in a month.
Oh... and he's like a sophomore in high school.
(some people are crazy)
@Ethereal FUUUU. I did not know Jhansi people were Jhandus.
sophomore = grade 11?
grade 10.
@anorton some people are crazy, I am lazy.
He's in Algebra II (high school level)
@JayeshBadwaik You didn't watch the match?
@Ethereal No, which match? I thought you were talking about Ind Aus?
@JayeshBadwaik No, Bihari Babuas vs. Jhansi Jhandus.
Maybe I should ask... what sport?
@anorton Cricket.
:chirp: :chrip: :)
@Ethereal No, no. I did not.
@JayeshBadwaik No, it's kho kho.
@Ethereal Waaaait a minute. You say they went not out in kho kho for full nine minutes?
@JayeshBadwaik What? Almost everyone watched it. It was K-4 Kho Kho SC and ST match!
@JayeshBadwaik No, the whole day.
@Ethereal I did not. I still do not know which teams are you talking about. I initially thought you were talking about University Cricket.
@JayeshBadwaik What, seriously? Don't lie... it's the North India World Cup -_-
@Ethereal Erm, I live in Central India. :P (Actually, I do not have TV)
@JayeshBadwaik You live in India, and you watch foreign countries' matches? -.-
@Ethereal since when Mohali is foreign? :P
Before you go... This is not an assignment joke. This is serious. Answer two simple questions, and you could spend A Day with Dravid. :P
@JayeshBadwaik As if I believe you.
@Ethereal If you don't, I could get you suspended. ;-)
@JayeshBadwaik :-O
@argon I just answered a fantastic integral question!
Hey if im told that $C^{2x2}$ is the complex vector space of 2x2 matrixes with complex entries, do I know if this v.s. is over the reals or complex?
@MSEoris they will probably mean over the complex numbers
complex vector space
if it is the complex vector space i think they mean complex
thats what im guessing, but i cant know for sure can I..
@MSEoris ahh, yes, since it says complex vector space, they indeed must mean over $\mathbb{C}$
why you care ?
I see. thanks for the clarification. I was trying to look at the basis to determine the rank of a transformation, and the two situations would have had differtn bases
Nobody appreciates my one line integration...
lets take a looksee
aww thats what i posted in the link in comments :)
Its the best method for sure
That is what I learned in my high school...
And yes, I did many of those integrals in high school.
I wish they made me do more integrals in high school
I wonder why one has 6 votes, one has 2 votes, and mine only 1 vote.
I only started learning methods now that i TA for calc 2
In my arrogant opinion, mine is the simplest solution.
but perhaps not for those who are new to those uglier trig functions
my students despise csc cot and sec
but they love sin cos tan
oops. I saw you say "my one line integration," and I thought you were saying that you had worked a line integral that no one appreciated....
I gave +1. That's the only way I knew how to do it...
OK, now it is 8, 3, 3.
Maybe they don't understand my one line solution.
Don't you just love the OP-> "Is there even a closed form for this integral?"
Well, that is a reasonable thing to say.
That is true... I guess it is still early in the semester for Calc II students...
I just thought that the integral of $sec x$ and $csc x$ were introduced sooner...
they are
my students did this maybe 45 days ago
its like the 2nd or 3rd topic in calc2 here
OK, Eric's answer has 9 votes, so I expect mine to have 10. =)))
I hope this question becomes the next hottest SE question!
@MSEoris You are a lecturer?
just a teaching assistant / tutor
@jasper such an easy question again
@DominicMichaelis Haha, but not every high school might do that.
It's really quite true that higher rep users get votes faster...
Obviously, they have a large fan base.
Skull -- did you see the news?
What happens when shit hits the fan?
then theres a lot of shit to clean up :(
When BMS posts something, he gets 9000 votes immediately.
Brian M Scott
he does have a nice quality of answers you cant deny
Yes, not denying that, but still, the rate is shocking.
@JasperLoy it will stick together to the propeller blade as long as the angular speed is relatively low.
well Bill dubique or whatever his name was would also post answers at a high rep, and i never saw him get votes like BMS
@Karl'sstudents Oh my ghost!
i think its part of how much the ocmmunity likse you
@MSEoris Oh, he is not too popular now.
@JasperLoy What question?
@JasperLoy Ah! Very nice. I also commented with two solutions
@Argon Nothing compared to AIOTD.
@JasperLoy AIOTD? :)
@Argon Argon's Integral of the Day!!!
Fun fun fun fun
I will post one that I made up... hmm..
Argon's Integral of the Day: $$\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{x\,\log x\,\sinh(ax)}{\cosh^{2}(ax)}\, dx=\frac{\pi}{2a^{2}}\left(1+\log\left(\frac{4\pi^{3}}{a\Gamma^{\,4}\left(\frac{‌​1}{4}\right)}\right)\right)$$
I think it works :)
@Argon I won't go back to the Eng room anymore, too many nasty remarks there...
@Arkamis No, I didn't. Thanks :-)
@Argon Jasper's integral of the day: $\int 1=x$, hahahaha.
@JasperLoy $+C$?
@Argon Well, understood, so suppressed.
Same with the $\text dx$, I presume :)
@Argon Yes, indeed.
@Argon, can you prov any new numbers irrational?
@caveman What do you mean?
@caveman to write the quotient field of an integral domain as a functor i use object function R -> quot(R) and for the morphism i take the injective ones right ?
anybody know a good hangover cure
grape juice or grapes
I dont understand
i read a good hangover curve :D
@AlexanderGruber Gatorade.
i dunno about grapes but a raw egg, shot of whatever you drank last night and hot sauce mixed in a glass works for me every morning
You need to get electrolytes in your system when you have a hangover.
eh if you cna stomach it, it works great
Gatorade works wonders.
Pickle brine will also work
@Arkamis i do have some gatorade in my fridge ill try that
But drinking straight from a jar of pickles is way more nasty than some gatorade.
Electrolytes? Just drink saline!
Coconut water will also work
@Arkamis But Gatorade is too much I think. I generally stay away from eletrolyte unless I have lost a lot of fluid.
But I'd rather drink pickle brine than coconut water.
id rather eat the raw egg
@Arkamis I would do the opposite.
but im pretty manly
@JayeshBadwaik If you've drunk enough to have a hangover, you have lost fluid.
goddamn teaching. i'd go back to bed but i have to introduce freakin $SL_n$ in an hour.
"Class. Shhhhh, shhhh. Shhhhh. This is $SL_n$. If you have any questions, read your goddamn book and leave me alone."
@Arkamis I see. I have never suffered from serious hangovers then. Nothing that could not be washed off by a sugar+warm water+ pinch of salt. (a light version of ORT)
I played a game of hockey last weekend with an absolutely brutal hangover.
@JayeshBadwaik that's a shame. you should probably fix that.
just say it itsnÄt relevant for the exam, they won'T listen at all
I am now the red square, yay!
You change colors faster than a mood ring :)
@κρανίοπεριπολία I am usually red on Ubuntu and blue on Debian.
@JasperLoy You just just become a rainbow square and be all colours in the visible light spectrum. QED
@Argon +1
like Bill Dubique
@Argon he did become black
@AlexanderGruber did you see the paper about groups with triangle free prime graph on the arxiv today?
@TobiasKildetoft no. can you link it to me?
I thought it might be of interest to you
@JayeshBadwaik But it doesn't matter if you're black or white...
though I only read the abstract
@TobiasKildetoft hm. that is very interesting
@TobiasKildetoft but maybe i will have to write an editorial - his result is incorrect.
that was fast!
@TobiasKildetoft he states there can be no finite group with prime graph isomorphic to a $5$-cycle, but one can make one with semidirect products quite easily: $((C_{q_1}\times C_{q_2})\rtimes C_d)\rtimes(C_{p_1}\times C_{p_2})$
Is he Bill Gates in disguise? youtube.com/…
@caveman Do you look like the guy in your picture?
@Karl'sstudents funny :)
@κρανίοπεριπολία :-)
@AlexanderGruber hmm, it is not obvious to me why that group has the correct character degrees for this
@TobiasKildetoft oh! whoops, i see. i had not read closely and didn't realize this was the character degree graph
i thought it was prime graph of element orders
yeah, I think it is unfortunate that he calls it the prime graph
as what he looks at is indeed usually called the character degree graph
yeah, exactly. and "prime graph" is already used for something else.
that is a cool paper then. i will be sure to read it after my class.
good luck with your class
@caveman thanks!
It seems that there are less votes on Friday afternoons.
I don't need any, just making an observation.
@DominicMichaelis, I didn't understand your question at all
something about field?
@caveman Which question?
i shall construct the quotient field of an integral domain as an functor
do you mean field of fractions
Same thing.
mac lane says quotient field i don't know the german word exactly but i guess fraction will do it
@DominicMichaelis I have Algebra by MacLane and Birkhoff.
what is the exercise number?
its the very first of the first chapter
"the field of quotients of an integral domain"
Yeah a fraction is a quotient.
there's a canonical inclusion from F to Frac(F), so you just need to find a way of extending a field homomorphism F -> F' to Frac(F) -> Frac(F')
but quotient field can be misleading, as one might mean a field which is a quotient of the ring
then you have a commutative square
@TobiasKildetoft, thats what I was confused aboutit, couldn't tell which
i thought just taking the injective ring homomorphism on $F$
and since commutative squares compose that proves Frac is functorial
alternatively you could directly prove that $\text{id}_{Frac(F)} = Frac(\text{id}_F)$ and $Frac(f \circ g) = Fracf \circ Fracg$
@DominicMichaelis, yeah that injective ring homomorphism is what I was calling the canonical inclusion
and I don't know why I said field homomorphism earlier, that was wrong.. meant ring homomorphism
its pretty hard to show that stuff if you never heared of field of quotients before because you don't see the canonical stuff :(
no you invented it already
wait what bit is hard to show?
i meant i need a long time for it cause I first need to learn what the field of quotitents is
well it's a very important thing to know, e.g $Frac(\mathbb Z) = \mathbb Q$
just think of $Frac(R)$ as pairs $(x,y) \in R^2$ which mean $x/y$
so $(x,y) = (z,w)$ means $x/y = z/w$ therefore it's defined as $xw = zy$
and the canonical inclusion is just $r \mapsto (r,1)$, meaning change $x$ to $x/1$
Hey @Web_Designer!
Guys, I am now down to the last 500 points to reach godly powers, yay!
i need 14,275 points to godly powers :D
@DominicMichaelis You are already a German God!
@DominicMichaelis I have even further to go
@TobiasKildetoft Well, you will just win the Fields medal and laugh at all of us!
If only more people would post interesting group theory questions that were not homework
Hey @Nimza I am red today!
@JasperLoy Hey, I see, I'm shocked a little. Some time ago I was thinking that you're color invariant
There is only one conjecture now, about your shape-invariance
@Nimza Hehe, I put on Mr Bieber yesterday...
Jasper I sent you an email
@Ethan And I asked to clarify.
Yes just one
I think
I don't think I could handle 8 hours a day
Or if some overlap
@Ethan What's Finite Math about?
Be back in a sec
Going to Spanish class
@Ethan Can't find the description there lol.
@JasperLoy See this
mainly combinatorics, a little introductory probability and matrices.
Lock up your back door
Run for your life

The GIRL is back in town
Don't you mess me 'round
welcome back :)
@Ethan registrar.ucla.edu/catalog/catalog12-13-507.htm The descriptions are here. I think it is best to see what you like and can take from this page.
@κρανίοπεριπολία HELLO
oh you are back in this chat great
'Cause I'm back! Yes, I'm back!
Well, I'm back! Yes, I'm back!
Well, I'm back, back
Well, I'm back in black
Yes, I'm back in black!
@JayeshBadwaik I forwarded your mail to him.
oh great :)
@JasperLoy Okay. thanks :-)
@JasperLoy Hi Jasper
@Charlie Oh hi.
@JasperLoy ;)
@Ethan It seems that if you want some combinatorics, then Finite Math or Intro to Discrete Structures is the class to go for.
@JayeshBadwaik Jayesh, jayesh....
@DominicMichaelis ;)
@Charlie Yes? Yes?
@Ethan OK, if you want the most combinatorics, I suggest you take Intro to Discret Structures. Good luck!
@JayeshBadwaik nothing
@jasperloy is that a graduate level class? Also do I need any pre-requisites
I can't navigate the page propperly
@Ethan Well, you should check out what is offered to you, I don't know what their arrangements are for you!
Ok thanks
@Ethan The course informally is not graduate math for sure though, and does not require any pre-reqs. Officially, I am not sure of the rules.
math.stackexchange.com/questions/178940/… When this gets reopened, I will vote to close it again.
math.stackexchange.com/questions/323334/… Also this has been reopened, and I can't vote to close it again, though I would if I could.
And closevoting a question is not a bad thing, don't hate me for it.
Can someone help me with this? math.stackexchange.com/questions/331449/…
@κρανίοπεριπολία hi
@JasperLoy why?
2 out of 3 lamps broken. Does anyone have any knowledge of electronics?
I like 500 Watt light but apparently lamps built for that are no longer sold. At least not on amazon.
So I'll make one.
@κρανίοπεριπολία surprise!
Just need to find out how.
@MattN. Dude. Watt is just a measure of power consumed. You want candelas or lumens.
@JayeshBadwaik What are candelas? I thought the consumed power more or less directly corresponds to the brightness of the bulb.
Ah. Let me google that.
@MattN. Yes, but then, there are CFLs and other technologies which require much less power for same amount of light.
Oh dear. How do I find out the amount of candelas I need?
@matt if you take led you need a lot of less watt for the same amount of light
@Charlie Yes, I am :-D
my bicycle lamp does have 1400 lumen thats to much
@DominicMichaelis Excellent, thanks for the tip. But then why doesn't everyone use LEDs?
@κρανίοπεριπολία ;)
Ah, I might not like the colour of LED.
@JayeshBadwaik I know that I know nothing : )
@MattN. They are relatively new, hence, just recently have become somewhat cheaper.
cause it is a relative new technique the color is not the problem it is just expensive
@DominicMichaelis I wouldn't mind if it lasts long. I believe LED last forever.
@MattN. Hehe, mainly bulbs will have the lumen rating given on them, that is what you should be looking for.
@Charlie Pleasantly ;)
Q: Scalar field property

CarpediemLet $\textbf{a}=(a,b)$. Prove that there is no scalar field $f$ such that $\frac{\partial f}{\partial y}(a,b)>0$ for a fixed vector $\textbf{a}$ and every nonzero vector $y$. I need to give an example of such a scalar field for a fixed vector $y and every vector x.

At the moment it's quite expensive cause every other month I need a new bulb.
@κρανίοπεριπολία good :)
@MattN. Pinch of salt. Depends on the quality. But yes, around 50% LEDs fail after 6 years or so. I have a study somewhere, let me look it up.
yeah LED last really long
anyone familiar with the extension of isomorphisms bit?
@JayeshBadwaik I have leds everywhere
@JayeshBadwaik Is lm short for Lumens? Then it's 9000 lm.
yeah lm is short for lumens
@MattN. Yes lm is short for lumens.
@JayeshBadwaik If the bulb cost 50$ that would be cheaper than the bulbs we use cause they break so often. I am guessing it's caused by the fact that I put a 500W bulb into a max. 300 W lamp...
@JayeshBadwaik Aces, thanks. Now I know what I need to buy : )
You guys are awesome.
I'll buy an LED lamp.
@MattN. Yes, that would certainly cause short lifetimes.
@κρανίοπεριπολία We are...
By the way, if you do want to look into detail in LED reliability, this is a good document
@Argon YAY YOU
@Charlie Nope, you
@Argon :D
@JayeshBadwaik Ah thanks.
@DominicMichaelis Wow thanks for the LED tip, it looks really awesome.
glad i could help :)
And it's only 36 pounds.
It claims "near daylight".
I'm getting too excited. It sounds too awesome to be true. : )
The autumn wind is a ***Raider***, Pillaging just for fun
He'll knock you 'round and upside down
And laugh when he's conquered and won
@κρανίοπεριπολία ;)
Ah, there's the catch: the lamp with the good review only corresponds to 150 Watts in regular bulbs.
(not sure why Lumen is not specified)
@MattN. I was going to say but then I refrained: Near Daylight might be an exaggeration. Daylight is generally related to luminous intensity (candela), but due to the small angle of LEDs, the translation into lumen (which is candela multiplied by solid angle) may not be very impressive. But they will be powerful enough for almost all purposes.
Have you thought of using two lamps at once?
The 500 Watts Halogen feels close to daylight to me.
The Autumn wind is a pirate
blustering in from sea with a
rollicking song he sweeps along swaggering boisterously
I will have to check out one of those LED lamps in a shop.
...just a suggestion...
@MattN. It shows that power rating of the CFL is only 27W. There are available quite higher rating CFL which should do your job. I have some 55W CFL's here which are almost daylight for me. (Those 55W might correspdond to the 500W Halogen light.)
@JayeshBadwaik You are also a connaisseur of light? : )
@MattN. I worked in a company for three months and designed a automated solar power based system for lighting up big buildings with LED lights. :-)
@JayeshBadwaik Wait. CFL is not LED, it's something yet different?
@MattN. Yes. CFL and LEDs are different.
@JayeshBadwaik Haha, you are the man! : D I had no idea. What a coincidence.
You will probably find using CFL much cheaper than LEDs at this point, however, they fail higher too, (but much lower than halogen things.) LED's are lightweight and ultra-low power but somewhat expensive even now.
@JayeshBadwaik There is one obscure electronics shop I know that basically sells anything you can think of. I'll go there and see if I can find some interesting lightware there : )
Good. Yes, do that. :-)
leds are ultra bright regarding to the watt the consume
@JayeshBadwaik But if it lasts for 6 years it would have to be pretty expensive to actually be more expensive than halogen in the long run.
@MattN. CFL and LEDS are both lot cheaper than Halogen for sure.
@DominicMichaelis But they also only consume $\varepsilon$ Watts apparently : )
@Charlie ... definitive....
Charlie bit me....
@JayeshBadwaik I like to save money in things that aren't basic to my needs : ) I can't work comfortably without my halogens : ) Like a druggy without their heroin.
@JayeshBadwaik Yes I did
Will you now turn into a vampire?
@MattN. Hehe. I understand. I am similarly addicted to my CFL lamps.
I am not sure, I cannot see my wound in the mirror as of now. Wait, even the skin has disappeared.
@JayeshBadwaik how's your temperature?
@Charlie -56K.
@charlie It's over 9000 !
I might be able to cure you from vampire, just need to apply some feng shui and astrology with a little bit of psychology and perhaps a pinch of cows' excrement...
@MattN. Do not forget the burning the incense sticks.
@JayeshBadwaik and your heart beats?
@JayeshBadwaik Ah true, thanks, I did indeed forget about the incense sticks.
Ok, thanks a lot! I'll see you all later!

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