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@Ethereal who said even about copy past, one just right clicks, left clicks, why even get near the keyboard?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Hello.
@JayeshBadwaik How are you?
@Ethereal Somewhat okay.
@Ethereal What's all this chatter about fvs banning students from OS?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Yeah, it's stupid.
@Ethereal Maybe it might happen here.
@κρανίοπεριπολία If anything starts here, it'd definitely get implemented. But on OS, they'd do nothing at all.
They need to tighten up the policies.
@κρανίοπεριπολία Even if they do, nothing will happen.
If they started sending in "spy-teachers" to catch students it could get ugly.
Tracking their IP
wtf? that's bad survelliance. Simply use Tor and anonymous names. (I am not encouraging cheating, but I am against intrusive methods.)
They could setup trap questions
Apparently, the school staff doesn't care.
The CA staff came and I don't see them online, ever.
@κρανίοπεριπολία Connections Academy.
Oh, them too?
I just thoought it was fvs
There are three schools we are having problems with: FLVS, CA and Connexus.
With "trap-questions" and "spy-teachers" it could be done.
Here too.
Trap Questions like? Those in the assignment?
Spy-teachers just give away the answer to say 5 trap-questions and when you give those answers they got you.
OS = operating system.
@κρανίοπεριπολία Shush.
Can't work today, didn't get enough sleep. Sucks.
@JayeshBadwaik Why only somewhat?
same reason as you, cannot get much work done. Reading away listlessly.
Basically not being able to write up the section form Measure Theory I have just completed yesterday.
@JayeshBadwaik Sucks.
"Write up" in your own words?
@κρανίοπεριπολία Yes.
So. Tired. Ugh.
@MattN. Can you sleep some more? :-)
@JayeshBadwaik I could but then I'd be even less likely to sleep tonight.
So I'll be sitting around doing nothing today.
Hoping to get sleep tonight.
It usually works. After a few days there will be a night of sleep. Or several, if lucky.
I suspect if you start sleeping during the day you'll screw over the sleep cycle completely.
Not that I know anything about sleep.
Yes. I know. I generally give it the full monty. I skip sleep for a day, and work out/ play something. It makes sure I sleep soon after dinner the next day.
@MattN.: hi, have you seen Michael today?
Michael Corleone?
Or Michael Hardy?
I should have said no immediately since I have not seen any Michaels today but I was too tired to notice.
@MattN. to notice what
@Ilya That I had not seen any Michaels today.
I'm so tired I feel like Michael Jackson.
Dead you mean?
I always wonder how this answer, being so long, was not edited anywhere after it was posted.
I just updated my bio.
hows it going @DominicMichaelis
hi @amWhy
@anon d you u play pokemon
How can I delete my account?
I filled in a form and nothing happened
I think it's my right "to be forgotten"
do I have to give a good reason?
I don't see your name on the page?
it was just a joke
it's simple, we delete the batman
@caveman Hello!! Just saw your message!
how are you
what the heck: "A set of dice is nontransitive if it contains three dice, A, B, and C, with the property that A rolls higher than B more than half the time, and B rolls higher than C more than half the time"
how is that possible possible
@caveman what's wrong with that?
take for example 3 1-sided dice such that the value of A is greater than the value of B which is greater than the value of C
@caveman Was that a post???
oh im sorry Ididnt paste the full sentence
...but it's not true that A rolls higher than C more than half the time
@TobiasKildetoft Man I just solved this problem in AG
@caveman ahh
@BenjaLim what problem?
showing two completions are not isomorphic
600 more points to 20k...
@TobiasKildetoft basically one completion was an integral domain the other was not
ahh, that certainly makes it easier to show they are not isomorphic
@JasperLoy I saw that! (Well, 12 hours ago I saw that you were getting close!)
@JasperLoy I feel I can almost trust you ;-)
@amWhy Yeah, after I reach 20k, I will decide what to do with my account...
@JasperLoy I keep thinking like that...but on I go. Just don't delete it. If you want to retire, maybe, post a message on your profile, that you're retired (until further notice)...
@amWhy Yeah, I probably won't delete it.
@TobiasKildetoft Yea I had to use the fact that power series ring was a UFD
@TobiasKildetoft Actually I have a quick question
Let $I$ be an ideal in $k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$
then we have $0 \to I \to k[x_1,\ldots,x_n] \to k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]/I \to 0$ and so $$0 \to \widehat{I} \to \widehat{k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]} \to \widehat{ k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]/I} \to 0$$ is exact
@TobiasKildetoft I am having trouble seeing the fact that $\hat{I}$ is isomorphic to the extension of $I$ in the completion of the polynomial ring.
Concretely let's take the $(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ - adic completion of $k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$ that is just $k[[x_1,\ldots,x_n]]$
@DominicMichaelis Huhu.
Then I should be able to see that $\widehat{I} \cong I \cdot k[[x_1,\ldots,x_ n]]$
@jasper huhu
when MO comes to SE will that mean we will get 100 reputation on MO =
@JasperLoy I'll have to email you you soon about my retired MD: seems it's due to a scandal of sorts! He's pleaded guilty to two felony charges, to avoid a dozen.
@DominicMichaelis Is that happening soon?
@BenjaLim I am not really very familiar with completions
@amWhy Oh, OK, it's up to you if you want to share with me.
@JasperLoy Of course !
@DominicMichaelis hmm, and as far as I have seen, that has so far not been an argument against the move on the MO meta
even though there have been many arguments against it
@amWhy Oh dear, I hope you are not affected. You can just forget about him then.
@JasperLoy You're virtually a trusted user!
@amWhy I am only a banana.
People trust bananas
@JasperLoy No, I'm not affected. Only that I've got to find a replacement Doc.
@amWhy 2 of my six best friends are medical doctors, and another two are PhD doctors.
@JasperLoy Then I'm probably a banana too.
@amWhy Maybe a papaya.
40 points to cap today
@JasperLoy 4 of 6 of my closest friends are PhD doctors too.
@DominicMichaelis make that 20 ;-)
20+20=40, QED.
thanks :)
@JasperLoy hehehe, great people think alike.
@amWhy Yes, that equation is clearly true.
@DominicMichaelis Wow, what a coincidence! ;-)
how many votes can i give to a single person without getting them removed ?
Not more than 5 a day. Also vote for other people on the same post.
good to know
The bound I gave is not sharp.
We better not discuss too much, otherwise people will link to us in chat again...
why should someone link to us ?
It happens...
They like to spy on what we are saying and then quote us.
i would be lucky if my biggest problem is what people say in other chats
Some people have nothing better to do with their time but to spy on others!
@amWhy What is special about 9 am?
hey @MattN.
@JasperLoy Oh, just that I've got most of my waking day ahead of me.
This guy DOES not KNOW how to use emphasis. Or iS iT jUst me?
@caveman Hello there.
I tried it yesterday but I'm not sure whether it worked or not.
@MattN. Well, I never ever use caps for emphasis. In fact, I never emphasise anything because every word is important.
I might use italics for a definition or a term I am defining though.
if i think a word is unimportant i would not use it
I think it is silly to highlight a math book.
> Originally a philosophy major
I had a lecturer who stopped people from highlighting their math texts.
i always find it so funny when my commiltones (?) color their scripts
he's been telling people to look out for his blog in a few of his comments
@caveman You're pretty knowledgeable for a caveman!
not very keen on the spam
I have not studied much philosophy, but so far I am only impressed with Socrates.
not me! that's copied out his profile
@caveman Just realised.
And of course the wisest man to me is Gautama Buddha.
@caveman I was a philosophy major, and a math major, and a ....
... copy-paster?
@JasperLoy Socrates was my "mentor", so to speak
@MattN. Let's not bring it up.
Why not?
@amWhy this had really made me lough
Ok, whatever.
@amWhy I see. I did take a philosophy class before.
@caveman After seeing all the caps I didn't bother to check the profile.
that's why I checked his profile :D
@amWhy Oh, I also took a psychology class before, not that I learned most stuff from it.
If he'd also make lots of typos I'd've been tempted to think he and mathemagician are the same person : D
But he seems to be capable of spelling.
How obvious is it, that I am not a native english speaker?
Isn't psychology the single most worthless degree to pursue? I can't think of anything more useless.
I see some users making very authoritative comments which are not quite accurate.
@MattN. One can become a psychotherapist after that.
@DominicMichaelis Not obvious at all. Also, some native speakers think that only their version is right and may not be aware of other equally right versions.
@DominicMichaelis It's funny that it occurred to me as an example, because most who know me know I'm one of the last people who would have that come to mind!
@JasperLoy Well yes. Or an astrologist.
@MattN. Well, astrology has nothing to do with psychology though...
@DominicMichaelis not at all
you did psychology!! can you read my mind??
@DominicMichaelis Well somewhat. See typo in your previous comment. But your English is just fine.
@caveman They can't read minds. Only non-humans can, like me, perhaps.
@DominicMichaelis for example, the only thing in that sentence that might have tipped me off was the comma, because it has been placed in a way that is not typical to english
@JasperLoy Yes, both is a complete waste of time and useless.
@MattN. Just like mathematics, lol.
@JasperLoy Nah, cause you can use maths to make atomic bombs for example.
Guys, if you want to make lots of money, be a lawyer, banker or accountant.
@MattN. Hi,
But I got to go : )
I'll see you all later! Hi and bye!
@BenjaLim Wait a minute, what time is it down under?
see you later
But some medical doctors make a lot too, like those in aesthetics. I have a friend earning 50k a month now.
Some astrologists also earn tons.
And bankers.
Also, another banker friend earning 20k a month.
Nice, I just realized that I can use some of the results I recently proved to improve an earlier result of mine in some special cases
I don't think skill-requirement for a job has anything to do with amount of salary. Very unfortunately.
@MattN. I thought you meant astronomer at first.
and get an easy proof of a special case of an already known result (though the already known result is quite a bit stronger)
@JasperLoy : D
@BenjaLim Right, it's only about 1 am. I thought it was 3 or 4 am.
that must feel great @TobiasKildetoft
Do you always stay up late?
@caveman yeah
Did any of you see Charlie?
Is she never gonna return to this chat?
@JasperLoy any reason she left?
@amWhy Well, maybe, but that is my secret!
do you know the elementary proof that the log of nearly every prime is irrational ?
@JasperLoy very well then... ;-)
Nope, my number theory is limited to gcd and lcm, lol.
@DominicMichaelis hmm, that they are irrational should be fairly easy to see
But as you all know, we now have a future Ramanujan in this chat...
that they are trancendental is probably harder though
I think Ethan will become a great number theorist.
@tobias with lindemann weierstraß it is still easy
@DominicMichaelis Boy I would love that. People at MO though might be taken aback by "illogical voting".
@DominicMichaelis not familiar with that
@tobias At first I thought you were the author of lshort, lol.
@JasperLoy what is that?
you take the set of all primes and prove they are linear independent in $\mathbb{Q}$
@TobiasKildetoft It's ths standard LaTeX guide translated into many languages.
it's enough to prove that they are independet over $\mathbb{Z}$
@JasperLoy ahh, yeah that is a different Tobias
so we have $\sum \lambda_i \log( p_i) = log( prod p_i^{\lambda_i}$
if this equals 0 we have $$\prod p_i^{\lambda_i}=1$$
@DominicMichaelis nearly?
@jayeshbadwaik one could be rational
Ahaa, yes.
if not all $\lambda_i$ are zero, the prime factorisation of a natural number is not unique, hence all $\lambda_i$ are zero, hence the log of primes are linear independet
what are you proving?
@caveman the log of nearly all primes is irrational
The great anon must be silently reading our conversation, emerging only to answer a difficult question.
log base e?
log base anything, it doesn't matter as long as it is well defined
The only log I take is log cake.
we only use $log( a \cdot b)=\log(a) + \log (b)$ and $\log(1)=0$ which is true for every base
How many of you here think that purple is ugly?
I really have no idea what you're proving
I prove that $\log(2)$, $\log(3)$, $\log(5)$, $\log(7)$ $\log(11) \dots$ are irrational with possible one exception
@jayesh I am now beginning to think that openSUSE is the worst among all the major distros, lol.
@JasperLoy Among mainstream, yes I will say so. But you must remember, the company behind SUSE was one of the major contributors to the Linux kernel.
And OpenSUSE was more a free version of their commercial supported offering.
@JayeshBadwaik With Ubuntu planning the Mir display server, I am giving it another shot.
for natual number n log_n(p) = a/b implies p^b = n^a which is impossible if n contains any prime other p
@JasperLoy What do you like about Mir that you do not like about Wayland? Also, according to experts, expect Mir to be suffer a similar fate as Unity.
@TobiasKildetoft hermite lindeman says that when $\alpha$ is algebraic and not 0 than $\exp(\alpha)$ is transcendent
@JayeshBadwaik Well, it's something new and innovative, so let's see how it performs...
@DominicMichaelis ahh
@JasperLoy I edited my question.
@JayeshBadwaik Well, we can't compare the two until both are there.
@JayeshBadwaik I am on Ubuntu LTS now with Unity, giving it another shot, lol.
@JayeshBadwaik what fate of Unity? Being hated by a lot of people?
@TobiasKildetoft Yes.
I switched to using cinnamon
@TobiasKildetoft But many hate GNOME shell as well.
Each time I see an integral without differential I think it's from the area of math that I didn't learn. However, sometimes it's just a post of an undergrad student studying calculus :)
@JasperLoy: Hi !
@TobiasKildetoft I hate cinnamon or mate.
@Karl'sstudents New pic I see.
@JasperLoy what do you hate about cinnamon?
@JasperLoy Yes. That was inspired by the TikZ manual.
you are garbage collector aren't you ?
@TobiasKildetoft Well, I think that Mint is starting to get very unstable. The user interface the last time I tried it had some display problems. Parts of the screen did not show up properly sometimes.
@TobiasKildetoft Naah, not actually that, more of a very rigid structure. Not much can be done with Unity now. It will become clumsy over time and probably slow. It is strange but my non-Linux friends love Unity/GNOME Shell better than all other desktops that I have shown them. Considering that Canonical wants to get it to the masses, I think they might be right.
@DominicMichaelis Yes.
@DominicMichaelis Yes.
@Karl'sstudents Yes, the manual is very good.
@JasperLoy Yes. Of course but a bit verbose!
@JasperLoy I don't use mint. Cinnamon also works with Ubuntu
@Karl'sstudents pstricks is definitely more powerful.
@JasperLoy: Verbosity not only in TikZ syntax but also in its manual.
@TobiasKildetoft I think the future of desktops is Windows 8 / GNOME shell / Unity shell, lol.
@caveman You borrowed it from my profile.
@JasperLoy possibly
as it stands, I could never use Unity as it simply doesn't allow me to organize things as I like them
@TobiasKildetoft I got used to it.
@JasperLoy for example, I have a bunch of menus where the entries are various papers, organized in various ways
@amwhy WHen are you gonna email me again?
and I could not find a way to get such menus in Unity
@TobiasKildetoft Yes. But the fact that it already does organization for people seems to be a plus point for many people. I am not sure why, but customizing a computer to your needs is something people see as a disadvantage rather than advantage. Most of the people are happier with a somewhat clumsy out of the box offering than optimizing workflow for their own benefit.
(or in the newer versions of gnome)
@TobiasKildetoft Ah, do you know about alacarte? Maybe that works.
@JasperLoy I saw something about that while searching. It did not offer anything like this as far as I could tell
alacarte is a program for editing menus in Unity or GNOME shell.
I use it to add programs to the menus, but I am not sure about files.
yeah, but it only allows you to edit to existing menus
not add new menus other places on the bar
Well, but the menu has many submenus, so add another submenu!
@JasperLoy I prefer getting by with fewer clicks
I prefer blackboards to whiteboards.
Unfortunately, many new institutions use whiteboards.
I prefer difficult texts without pictures.
Unfortunately, many universities use easy texts with many pictures.
The world is changing in ways that I consider are regressions, and not progress.
Whiteboards are better. No dust.
I am trying to do away with java. I think none of the sites I visit use it...
Hey @argon It's Friday!!!
@JasperLoy You should do away with JRE anyway. Java VM are being found to be extremely vulnerable to attacks.
@JasperLoy Yes it is!! :D
@JayeshBadwaik But flash is still needed for now.
I think many people are unhappy about the closing of some questions.
A couple of meta posts on that recently.
@JasperLoy Sadly yes. My about:plugins does not show adobe flash, so I am not sure I am using it.
I actually wanna see those closed.
They are really too broad questions with 1000000000 answers.
As such I don't think they are a good fit for the site.
System.out.println ("Oh noes!");
@Argon What is that?
@JayeshBadwaik Java!
@JayeshBadwaik If you use Chrome no need to install flash separately.
I have seen println only in Java I think.
@JasperLoy No, I use firefox.
@Argon Ahh, right.
I should make a method echo(String s){ System.out.println(s); }, because it is annoying to always write System.out.println for output :)
@Argon Ahh, ugly. :P In c++, I always use std::cout. I never shorten it to cout only.
@JayeshBadwaik I always shorten to cout, no point in referencing it always, I find
@Argon You have never used multiple streams I guess.
@JayeshBadwaik Nope, never
@Argon That explains it. :-)
Have you ever used Qt?
for GUI
@Argon Yes, once for a fun app I created.
@JayeshBadwaik Is it nice to use? I have Qt creator on my Linux machine over here, and I think I should try it out
My work has never been on apps, always been on computational algorithms, so the only UI I had to worry was around commandline that too like 0.1% of times.
@Argon Qt is probably the best toolkit around. QtCreator I am not sure of. It seems good. I did all my stuff directly in pyqt.
@JayeshBadwaik I have a friend who used Python Qt, and he really liked it
C++ pointers still intimidate me though. I can never get the hang of them
@Argon Yes, it is really cool.
@Argon Pointers are pointers. :-/ How can language affect them? Except for type restriction, but even C does type restriction so, it should not be a problem.
@JayeshBadwaik But arrays and stuff are pointers and all that is strange to me. You also can't return arrays (?) so you have to return the pointer.
@Argon Yes. That is there. In any case, arrays and pointers are very old school now, now we have objects everywhere. We have std::vectors, std::arrays and all the cool C++11 stuff where you do not have to worry about memory and naked pointers anymore. There are "safe" pointers which are awesome (but you do not have to use them too.)
@JayeshBadwaik Are arrays usually ditched completely? Also, are C++ objects returned like regular PDTs, or do you have to return some kind of pointer?
@Argon By PDT you mean pointer description table?
@JayeshBadwaik Primitive Data Types. I really should stop using so many acronyms. :p
Classical Arrays in C++ are there but you never need to use it. They are there only for people who "want" to use it. Since the philosophy of C++ is to never forcefully take away control from the user. You can give up the control voluntarily using std::array which is a primitive data type.
Yes, objects are returned as data types. Primitive is generally used only for very basic types line int, char etc.

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