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I need to stop being lazy and do my work!
someone is telling me to enumerate 1152921504606846976 cases
in a comment to one of my questions
youre right
@caveman whoa....
I'm kidding.
ive got about 2/3s of what I need to do understood, maybe I can finish the proof today
that can be my goal
It wouldn't really make a good answer - it is just an application of the definition. It is the most inefficient proof possible! — user1729 51 secs ago
it was a joke I didnt realize.. :D
could it be done though?
Alexander's proof is pretty neat.
I wanted elementary solution ... math.stackexchange.com/a/329441/58512
"one can show" twice..
I think an elementary solution is possible using techniques
@amWhy, how are you
@caveman Pretty good. How about you?
I am too damn lazy!
just getting started on my math and it's already 15:30
I'm trying to get an account on another forum and they have to hand review every application so I don't know when I can join :/
@caveman We all have days like that!! ;-)
yeah, thats' true
I tend to procrastinate, even when it's things I'd like to do!
anyone know how to animate power series in maple?
Hi, @Jayesh!
@caveman What? They need to review you for you to join? How strict!
@GustavoBandeira Nice picture.
@jasper I am still working on the font size. Please suggest a good one.
LOL, just kidding, wanted to bring you back here. :-P
@caveman What forum is that?
for rubiks cubes
@caveman What do they review? Do you have to submit anything? Like in your application?
I dont know if they willaccept me
its annoying waiting
@caveman Why wouldn't they? ;-) (Their loss if they don't!)
@amWhy Hi.
@JayeshBadwaik I like that you're "back" to Jayesh. Nice name!
@amWhy cool. :-)
I dont know what to do about this math.stackexchange.com/a/329493/58512
I feel bad for downvoting him but I cant retract it
oh wait I just noticed he downvoted my math.stackexchange.com/a/329439/58512
so I don't care anymore
ugh someone has upvoted him now
Can some one explain to me why $(1,2) + \langle (2,2) \rangle $ has order 4?
what does that even mean
Well $\langle (2,2) \rangle$ is a cyclic group
$(1,2) + \langle (2,2) \rangle$ is a coset
Do not worry, I have up-voted your answer as well!
@awllower, I made a post on meta about this: There is a problem that
1) Downvoting an answer without commenting is not very helpful
2) If you comment when you downvote you can get backfire
so I think Adi is doing somethig wrong but I didn't get through to him
I see the issue now.
@caveman You are very correct! But this happens a lot on this site.
sorry i forgot to mention $( Z_4 \oplus Z_{12} ) / \langle (2,2) \rangle$
what is that?
It would most probably be detected by the system.
@caveman are you talking to me
so $(1,2) + \langle (2,2) \rangle$ is an element of the group $( Z_4 \oplus Z_{12} ) / \langle (2,2) \rangle$
But when one backfires, one is making no point at all, and we shall still respect this decision, because that is not our business I guess.
@caveman yes, with order 4 apparently, but i dont see why
$2 \cdot \left[ (1,2) + \langle (2,2) \rangle \right ] = (2,4) + \langle (2,2) \rangle$
$3 \cdot \left[ (1,2) + \langle (2,2) \rangle \right ] = (3,6) + \langle (2,2) \rangle$
$4 \cdot \left[ (1,2) + \langle (2,2) \rangle \right ] = (4,8) + \langle (2,2) \rangle$
Yes, i know that
but how is $(4,8) \in \langle (2,2) \rangle$ ?
and $(2,4) \notin \langle (2,2) \rangle$
We downvote and subtract our reps, because we tried to let others notice that this answer might not be good enough. But, when one backfires, there is no point at all: the answer he downvotes might not be bad, and so I think that it is not a fair judgement. But, whatever, it is just how the community works: let users decide their own positions.
it's almost important that $(2,4) \not \in \langle (2,2)\rangle$ and $(3,6) \not \in \langle (2,2)\rangle$
@awllower, that is wise
That was how I dealt with that. :D
@caveman I though that $\langle (2,2) \rangle = \{(2,2), (4,4), (6,6), \ldots \}$
@Eric, me too
let'stake it further
$$\langle (2,2) \rangle = \{(2,2), (0,4), (2,6), (0,8), (2, 10), (0, 0) \}$$
So how is it possible that $(4,8)$ is in there?
because $(4,8) = (0,8)$
wait, so $\langle (2,2) \rangle$ is "from" $Z_4 \oplus Z_{12}$?
how am i supposed to know that?
@Eric, for $G/N$ to be well defined $N$ must be a (normal) subgroup of $G$.
in that case, certainly $(4,8) = (0,8) \in \langle (2,2) \rangle$
@caveman ahhhhhhhh yes
thats it then, My first definition of $\langle (2,2) \rangle$ is not normal, or even a subgroup
or wait is this rings?
I was thinking groups
no its groups
in the case of rings it would be an ideal, so you don't need to worry about normal
@JasperLoy Thanks. =)
@caveman Thank you so much man
but $\langle (2,2) \rangle$ is a subgroup - and $G$ is abelian so it is a normal subgroup
This guy is asking the same question twice.
I have already given him a perfectly good answer on the first one.
Anyway, I have voted to close as exact duplicate.
I thought it was another asker at first. This is rather shocking.
I am glad 5pm left, he is one of the people that closed my question on meta even though he isnt a moderator
I find it weird that robjohn is asking people "How do you get from the generating function to the closed form?"
what is the reason forasking that
how difficult is the definition of a lie group and its relationship to its' Lie Algebra ?
not difficult at all
it's just a group object in the category of differentiable maps
i shall construct the lie algebra as a functor of the lie group but I need to learn first what those things are :D
functor makes a lot of sense once you have category defined
you'll probably have seen lots of functors without knowing the name of them
i mean i don't know what a lie group is ^^
you should know some very basic group theory
i think google and some hours will do it fine
by the way what is $Z$ like in the first homology group of $S^1$ ?
its a bold Z if that helps
$H_1(S^1 ) =Z$
the integers
it just means you can go around a circle ..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ... times
ah ok thanks
the assistan of my theoretical physics prof is so freaking annoying
tell him physics is just a theory
the solutions for the exam we have written were so wrong
on a scale from 1 to 10 were 1 is some typos to 10 totally bullshit it was a 10
and he said those were TeX errors
that's really lame
give him TeX for dummies
for example there was a formula which correct form is $M^{-\frac{1}{2} } K M^{-\frac{1}{2}}$ he wrote $M^{-1} K$
and the matrices don't commute?
nope (in the standard exercises they do)
it was langrangian for a oszillator
and $M$ is a diagonal matrix in which the mass of the particles stand
"normally" all have the same weight, than it obviously commutes but in the exam there weren't
that just sounds like a slip up not too bad
and he wrote the entries of the matrix just like $M^{-1} K$, how stupid does he think i am to accept it is a TeX error ?
yeah that's weak
@caveman Have you read the paper?
not yet @GustavoBandeira,
I am going to this wekend
@caveman yay!
Happy half tau day in advance, hungry mathematicians!
Dude... I'm tired of this pop-up. =/
I always forget to turn the pop-up control again. =/
@caveman My grandpa lived in Anonymous Proxy. But he's long gone. =/
@caveman LOL
ah crap i answered a question and right before i could submit the question was deleted
@DominicMichaelis This is what you get for answering questions, Virginia.
no one in the physics room talks to me
@caveman Hows the weather in Anonymous Proxy?
It seems like the girls there are great
@GustavoBandeira last time i had a pop up problem, a meteor destroyed those f****** dinosaurs
@caveman but you get dizzy
i am tired of commenting "what have you tried" as i know if they had tried anything, they wouldn't ask that question
I have a proposal, template comments! Whenever a user clicks on add comment, there should be a list of most popular comments from which the user can choose one!
im so lost trying to understand this proof.. it'sright at the end it just concludes this formula with no justifiation and I don't see how
@caveman Oh come on, it is the norm to closevote questions here if you feel it should be closed. You don't have to dislike him just because of that.
I am currently on openSUSE 12.3 and will be switching to "green" square!
@DominicMichaelis it is sometimes possible they consider worthless what they have tried (though it's not worthless)
@caveman Hehe is that you in the picture?
hi @Theta30,
I got all the groups of order 8 but it's not very nice
In other news, I have 19k now, so 1k more to retirement, yay!
@caveman great
I don't see how to make it work for p^3 either
@JasperLoy Are you familiar with Mir Display Server?
@Theta30 Hey Bogdan!
Also is Jasper a common name?
@JayeshBadwaik Just read about it on distrowatch.com.
Why doesn't this command work in LaTeX ?
@JayeshBadwaik It is not too common.
For a given square matrix $A= (a_{ij})_{ij} \in \big{M}_{n} (K)$
@JasperLoy I was wondering if you are a floss developer in disguise. ;-)
Everyone, refresh to see my green!
@JayeshBadwaik There are some with that name I think.
Anyone ?
@JayeshBadwaik Also, nobody really knows who I am, hehe. I could even be anon.
$$A= (a_{ij})_{ij} \in \Huge{M}_{n} (K)$$
@cavemen You like wallpaper groups?
Thank you!
@JasperLoy Yeah, you could be Anon! :P I am pretty sure you aren't.
$$A= (a_{ij})_{ij} \in \Large{M}_{n} (K)$$
@JayeshBadwaik Note that anon is not the same as Anon.
@JasperLoy Right, so I am pretty sure you are not user 11763 on mse.
@JayeshBadwaik That is the great anon.
@anon That looks like a girl I lived with.
@anon Hahahaha.
@JasperLoy You lived with? and you say you never had a girlfriend.
@anon Wait, is that you?
@JayeshBadwaik We stayed in the same apartment. Doesn't mean we are together.
@JasperLoy Ahaa. I see. I am more accustomed to "was room mates with".
@JayeshBadwaik The things I say have no contradiction. You just don't see them now, you mere mortal.
How do you make a space between two lines in LaTeX
what do you mean
I want it to be

@caveman Are you pissed with me too for closing your question?
I don't know
@caveman Haha, I don't know means yes.
$$\begin{array}{c}dddddddd \\ \frac{}{} \\ \frac{}{} \\ \frac{}{} \\ ddddddd\end{array}$$
it can somehow tell if the thing is invisible.. then it doesn't make extra space
I totally just made a 60% or worse on a Differential Equations exam
@Gnintendo or worse?
depends how he grades it
actually, it could be better
I knew all the material, but I didn't have enough time to finish the exam :<
okay, I thought you got the score.
no, I just took it
I knew how to do all of the material, but he crammed an insane amount of stuff into the time we had
I have known a lot of such people in my time. :-)
k, doing some calculations
if I made a 50% on the test and failed it
and I made a 90% on the next test
Now I must remember that closing people's questions upsets them too, sigh...
then I need to make a...95.5 on the final to get an A
hmm, that's not bad.
@JasperLoy closing questions should upset people, but how they take out that upset is the point to note.
@Gnintendo considering you have made 60% on this test, you are confident you can make 90-95% percent on next?
@JayeshBadwaik GNOME 3.6 is really lovely.
I made a 100 on the first exam
@Gnintendo Good then!
@JasperLoy I see. screenshot?
this exam was styled the same, he just put 4 times as many questions no it, I can pay more attention to time and just work problems like mad
if I made a 50% on this test, I need to make a 94% average between the next exam and the final to keep an A in the class
It could be worse (especially since I don't know how he's going to grade this exam)
If he curves the exam then I'm golden, a good portion of the class didn't even know how to do the problems that we had time to do
not panicking [yet]
Can someone tell me why this is wrong ?
$\delta_{xy}= \begin{cases}
1 & \text{if } x = y \\
0 & \text{if } x \neq y
I get the following error
misplaced alignement tab &
it is rendered well!
Where is @Peter
They picked an Argentinian pope!
anyone ?
@Arkamis Who picked an Argentinian pope?
@caveman Do you you see anything wrong with the above code ?
The pope picking people.
no its fine
@Carpediem It is rendered well here, so I am not sure what can be wrong.
@Arkamis Oh you are talking about the Vatican thing. I see.
the soft big list question is closed again
and 3 votes more till it is reopened ...
@DominicMichaelis Good, I think, it is now 7 days? I guess 7 days are enough for the question.
that batman equation question has really a lot of views
@JayeshBadwaik that's smart since catholics bulk swifts to developing countries such as in latin america
@Theta30 Yeah, I thought so too. I guess even America has a lot of catholics.
@caveman This worked
im really damn boredwaiting for admins to approve my account
$\delta_{xy}= \begin{cases} 1 \mbox{if } x=y \\ 0 \mbox{if } x\neq y \end{cases}$
But the accolade is not surrounding the two lines
@caveman which site are you on for cubes?
none yet.. trying to get into one
@caveman can you tell why ?
It comes out like that
kronecker delta ?
I don't understand why it comes out like that
why it comes out ?
@DominicMichaelis ?
Can anyone see why it appears like that:
$\delta_{xy}= \begin{cases} 1 \mbox{if } x=y \\ 0 \mbox{if } x\neq y \end{cases}$
@Carpediem, I think the irst one was better
here you have no alignment tabs
@DominicMichaelis we are talking about tex rather than math.
I have
btw use a real math environmaent
I would like to add next to the deltas the conditions 1\leq k \leq n and 1 \leq l \leq p
one under the other
@Carpediem What dominic says is very correct. Use a real math env like align or equation
that is probably causing problems.
@JayeshBadwaik What does that mean ?
you use a inline math environment
that is a very bad style for a cases environment in general
$ $ is for inline and hence may cause display problems for multiline display style equations.
$$\int f(x) \, \mathrm{d} x$$
vs $\int f(x) \, \mathrm{d}x$
It tell me environment align undefined
use [ ]
a f********
instead of {}
nope i mean \[
or a double $
Oh! ok
but in a real document double $ is a tabu
so don't use it (it's just ok here in math jax)
@Carpediem align needs package amsmath
every document which is not a picture needs amsmath
and amstool should be in there too
it tells me can be used only in preambule
ah ok
I see
but for sure microtype thats one of the most important packages
I am currently in graphicx mode
the real numbers are a compact space (in the indiscrete topology)
This guy should sit down with a pencil and a piece of paper and try to understand the theorem and then the proof. But I'm so annoyed that he doesn't just do it that I can't bring myself to tell him.
@MattN. Everyone has his moments like that! He (teddy) probably just considered it in good spirit and took it well. (I know many of my teachers did.) :-)
@JayeshBadwaik Maybe. Or maybe he's more suitable for teaching (temperament-wise).
ok the joke with the indiscrete topology is an old one
Ah, now I feel better.
I really wanted to go on a rampage after reading those comments.
just do what prof does in those moments, concipate an exam :D
Thanks. Now I'm all cooled down.
This is the place to rampage...
@DominicMichaelis : D
concipate = invent exam questions, I assume?
@DominicMichaelis concipate? are you trying to say conceptualize?
i meant that
in german it is konzipieren
and you thought you can just change the k to c and z to c and you're golden heh? :P :P
@JayeshBadwaik It actually works most of the time : )
@MattN. Haha. :D :D
seems like there is no natural transformation for this one ^^
80 pages to yoneda
What's that? Something like Weibel?
oh only 34 pages :D
Poor guy. I will respond to all further comments and suppress any angry feelings.
as far as i know its something like god mode for mathematics
It's not as bad as when I ask questions on SE and get an answer that is some lengthy blah-blah, related to my question but not answering it and completely beside the point. That makes me suicidal.
I wrote now
$\delta_{xy}= \begin{array}{c} 1 \mbox{if } x=y \\ 0 \mbox{if } x\neq y \end{array}$
@DominicMichaelis I know it's not Atiyah-Macdonald since Yoneda lemma is not in there, iirc...
But the singleton is gone
@MattN., i had a similar thing
@caveman It sucks doesn't it. You can't downvote for the moral reason that the poster is supposedly trying to be helpful. But on closer inspection of the situation it seems to be that people only read the first line of your post and then start writing an answer because otherwise someone else might be quicker and after all what they want is reputation.
And if someone else posts the answer you want to post before you you can't really post it anymore.
Anyone know how to make the singleton appear ?
@Carpediem What do you mean?
@MattN. I want it to look like that
use \begin{cases} \end{cases}
Like the singleton around
Got to go. I'll see you all later!

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